One Day After Grandmother’s Funeral, Raymond Lam Went Clubbing and Hungrily Kissed Kibby Lau

Due to Raymond Lam’s (林峰) ex-girlfriend, Mavis Pan’s (潘霜霜) “revenge plan” in revealing their bed photos before the public, Raymond’s image was negatively impacted. Fortunately, this did not impact ticket sales in his July concert. To repay his fans’ support, Raymond tirelessly rehearsed for his concert, ultimately injuring his leg and gained sympathy points. Last Friday, on July 15th, Raymond appeared at his grandmother’s funeral in Hong Kong. The next evening, on Saturday, Raymond, his cousin, and friend went to a nightclub in Lan Kwan Fong to have fun.
At Volar nightclub, Raymond quickly claimed starlet, Kibby Lau (劉俐). After hugging her, Raymond kissed Kibby before leaving. When the pair left Volar, they utilized the front and back doors separately.
Raymond’s wish was to win TVB’s Best Actor Award, while becoming the second Andy Lau (劉德華). Unfortunately his popularity and box office drawing power did not match. Among the movies that Raymond was the first lead, the box office sales were mediocre. Fortunately, TVB executive, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), favored Raymond dearly. Ms. Lok successfully negotiated a $300,000 (Yuan) deal for Raymond Lam to film five movies with producer, Raymond Wong (黃百鳴), Raymond Lam’s distance from Andy Lau was one step closer.
However, Raymond’s penchant for fondling women, going to nightclubs, and lying have not changed. In the earlier scandal with Mavis Pan, Raymond repeatedly assumed the position as a victim and retrieved 0.01 points for his image. However, Prince Lam did not change his ways. Earlier in July, Raymond revealed that he will “shut himself from outside influences” and concentrate on preparing for his concert. It turned out that this was another lie!
Risking Leg Injury by Dancing Excitedly at Volar
One day after crying at his grandmother’s funeral, Raymond arrived in a seven-passenger car at Volar nightclub in Lan Kwan Fong on Saturday night, July 16th. Raymond wore a cap and black-rimmed glasses and appeared as if “he would die if exposed to light.”
After entering Volar, Raymond’s spirits lifted. Eight of his male and female friends were awaiting him inside the nightclub. Quickly, the group ordered champagne and started drinking rounds happily together. Within half an hour, Raymond acted as if he were possessed and danced uninhibitedly on the dance floor. With his difficult dance moves, Raymond did not pay attention to his former leg injury. At this time, many females approached Raymond, but he was not attracted by any of the women.
While Raymond was dancing, 22-year-old Kibby Lau–who made a guest appearance on the 2011 Mr. Hong Kong Contest and was known as “Blueberry” in Beautiful Cooking <美女廚房>—closed in on him. After their eyes met flirtatiously, their bodies made contact. At the same time, Kibby’s friend stepped forward to receive Raymond. Since a woman was willing to offer a “chest press,” of course Prince Lam did not say no!
When Kibby stepped away to answer a phone call, Raymond appeared disappointed. At 4 AM, Kibby returned and reuniting after a “long separation,” Raymond and Libby pressed their faces together similar to a couple in love. Holding their hands together, they chatted with their friends nearby. Finally, they kissed on the cheeks. Raymond brought Kibby to an area near the back exit and pointed left and right. Kibby nodded in understanding. The seven-passenger that dropped off Raymond at Volar was parked near the front entrance. Accompanied by a male friend, Kibby left from the front entrance.
After paying for the bill, Raymond and his male friend sneakily left Volar via the back exit. When the reporter asked Raymond why he left through the rear exit, he blushed and did not respond. Taking advantage of the dispute that arose between his friend and the reporter, Raymond quickly left.
Jayne: It’s difficult to say how well Raymond and Kibby know each other. Perhaps they are just nightclub friends and may be mutually attracted to each other. I think it’s too soon to say that they’re dating.
Raymond seems to prefer tall women with long, long legs. Maybe the bust can be average to very busty, as long as she has nice curvy shape.
Kibby possesses sexy eyes and reminds me a little of Mavis Pan, whose sexual energy was just over-the-top!
Notice the face, too, Jayne. He likes girls with small chin, kinda long face, big eyes, a bit plain but sweet. Dun forget white skin and long hair. Kinda consistent with what he said about his ideal gf.
Except the eyes, Kibby looks like Rain Li.
Hehe I still think that among Raymond’s past girlfriends, Rain Li was the most beautiful.
Mavis looks stunning in some angles, but sometimes unnatural due to the extent of her plastic surgery. Kibby is pretty, but still somewhat plainly sweet as you mentioned. I think Kibby’s greatest asset are her lovely legs.
I also think Rain Li is pretty.
BTW, among his old “gf” (not sure yet, in rumour), the most beautiful in my opinion is Michelle Yip.
Ah, talk about PSS, remind me of the new interview of her with Face, lol. She said she only used botox, do nothing with her 36D :P. Kinda brave for her to admit that she used botox.
BTW, with her age, why she needs botox? To have smaller chin? How do you guess?
Fox, you’re right. Kibby was always pretty, IMO, but there was something she lacked. And I think she is quite plain — the typical Asian look.
I have a feeling Kibby had plastic surgery on her chin. It looks way too sharp to be natural. In some photos, her chin even appeared creepy.
Botox? like Vivien Yeo.
I have a feeling Kibby did some work on her facial features too but her results look better than Mavis. Or maybe Mavis changed too much of her face.
I think Kibby may have had some things done to her face, but they weren’t as dramatic as Mavis. I personally think that Rain was more cute than pretty. She did have a sweet pair of eyes.
Michelle Yip and Ray would have made a great pair if they did date in real life. But onscreen does not always equate to real life romance.
Sadly what you want is not always what you will get. You can imagine and want this and that physically in a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife but then end up with the opposite of what you want…
@ Fox, I think Rain is prettier than Michelle. Especially after she lost her baby fat. Rain is stunning nowadays imo, too bad about her career because I really enjoyed her acting in Flaming Butterfly.
@HTS: Michelle said in her book tat 3/5 of her love rumours are true. First one is Benny. Second one is a director. Third one she dun tell name but describer as the one she loves the most, understand her the most and close to her. 3 guys in the guesses are Wallace Huo, LF and a guy I dun rmb. However she said (in interview, not in the book) that Wallace dun understand her a bit and the other guy is like his brother more. However due to some reasons, their relationship is more than friend but never get to lovers. There are some more signs but I dun rmb well. However, the description is kinda fit the relationship of RM, especially the understanding part. Before she left TVB, this guy told her: “We are still under the same sky” and she loves this quote a lot. Up to now, Michelle still puts the picture when LF piggy-back her in her bed room. So I assume that they really have relationship more than friends, but really not go to lovers.
@Advo: Rain now is prettier but before, Michelle looks sharper.
@ Fox
Michelle is so unlike Mavis and Kibby in terms of look, feel and type.
Ray’s taste seems to have changed through the years.
Also interesting if that nameless guy Michelle said is Raymond Lam. Raymond acted with Michelle and Rain ‘Lofty Water Verdant Bow’ and Raymond ended up dating Rain.
@Kidd: He is said to date Rain after Stolen love, not LWVB. I blv that they dated this time because the kiss in Stolen love is so passionate and lol, being honest with Rain’s acting, I doubt she can fake a passionate kiss like this if she has no feeling with him. Vice versa.
If you look at not Michelle now but herself in the past, she is kinda his type: long legs, long hair, white skin, big eyes, a bit plain but sweet and naive face with small chin. Her body is also kinda S shape.
I agree with Kidd and don’t think Michelle and Mavis/Kibby are alike in any way. Michelle is shorter than these two girls. Funny how Mavis appears quite tall in her pics, but according to a source, she’s only 5’6. I believe Kibby is at least 5’8.
Michelle has long hair, but not super long like Mavis and Kibby has it. Their hair length is down to their butt while Michelle’s only a little bit down her breast.
I don’t know if Michelle appears naive and sweet, but she’s always been the independent, strong, and ambitious type. Allegedly, she may have a sweet face, but she reminds me more of Charmaine and Fala than Mavis/Kibby.
@ Fox
The past Michelle is even less like Mavis and Kibby than the current Michelle.
Appearance wise, I think they have the resembles in facial structure for the white skin, long face, small chin, big eyes and innocent look.
As long as it’s enough to have a ponny tail, it’s attractive to him.
Fox and advo,
I agree with fox that among Raymond’s rumored gfs, Michelle is the most beautiful. Before or now, I think Michelle is prettier than Rain. I remember from LWVB, Rain’s face really annoyed me and didn’t think she was pretty. She’s better looking now. I don’t think Kibby resembles Rain at all.
Just kissed on cheek? Not lip to lip?
BTW, the reporters mistaken his brother to cousin. The guy in white Tee is his brother for sure.
This girl, Kibby looks a little bit of Mavis Pan but Kibby looks more natural and prettier.
I agree.
The title itself make me laugh…especially on the part “hungrily kissed KibbY” made LF looks like a sex maniac. So the article says “LF went party after 1 day of his grandma funeral”, I think LF should really take into consideration of his manner in the public. He’s an idol of tons of girls, mothers,grandmas, etc from all over the world yet he still acted foolishly partying the next day after his grandma funeral made him looks like he was just acting all sad at his grandma’s funeral.
LF is definitely a hypocrite..
Please, his family didn’t invited the reporters to the funeral. The reporters themselves went there and snapped pix from the outside without their permission. No reporter is allowed to go inside, so what make him intentionally act sad when there is no public eyes on him? When replying the reporters in the funeral, he didn’t say a word that he is very sad, he will end his life, etc.
When a relative pass away, the world dun end.
Plus, do you see that the whole crew of his album and concert are there? Tang Chi Wai, Ben Chang Tung Yan are there. They went there to celebrate the completion of the album (as Tang Chi Wai said that in his weibo before they went to the club – check his weibo’s timeline). His brother is also there.
His grandmother passed away nearly a month before he went to the club (she passed away on 22 June and it’s stated on a Xiamen paper). 16 July is the funeral in HK. Of course in the funeral, the mood will be down. But it’s nearly 1 month ago from the date.
Hypocrite, he is definitely one. Tell me, who isn’t. Lol. We all live with 2 faces in this social.
Moreover, his fans dun mind his manner, then why you have to mind for their behalf?
Lol, you are sure prince lam’s diehard fan
Diehard? Lol, if it would help me to be hard to die, then I admit :P. I love this life and dun want to die soon.
And who are you to speak on behalf of all his little fans?
@CK: I’m Fox, lol.
Ok then Miss Fox, why are you speaking on behalf of all LF’s fans?
Ms/r CK, why you are asking for why I’m speaking on behalf of all LF’s fans?
Forget Miss Fox. No use speaking to you. LF could kill his own grandma and there’d be good intentions behind it.
Like what you said here. I’m not a big fan or take Ray as my idol too, but I really like his acting and his singing.
@ CK: If he really did that, now he is in prison.
I might use the good intention to depend him if he hires me to be his lawyer, lol lol.
You are kinda funny. You are the one who start to speak to me and now act like I forced you to speak to me :P. Do you feel it’s ridiculous?
@YanYanKong: Yes most of his fans are like this. But some ppl who dun like him can’t understand this and keep talking about his fans like someone who take him as god. Maybe they treat their idols so then they think the whole world are doing the same to them.
@Fox, yes it is pretty ridiculous to correspond with to a die hard fan shue like you.
And the “hard to die, i love my life too much” response is really lame. Is that the best you can come up with?
Yawn, then why you start? It’s you who want to talk with me first :P.
If it’s boring you, then why are you responding? In fact you respond to EVERY single comment that remotely say anything negative about Yum Fung or anyone/anything linked to him. Most posts = winner of a so called debate you love engaging in? Hilarious!
@CK: I don’t know what do you want in here. However, I don’t really bother to know your intention. I reply to wat is my right and my solely decision. I protect Yum Fung or I protect anyone, my business. I don’t hire you to concern and look for my posts. If you don’t want, you always have the choice of not read. Don’t act like I’m forcing you to do such thing. It’s childish.
BTW, I can ensure you that it’s my last time reply to anything posted by the username CK. I find it’s nonsense to reply you.
Not saying i am one, but not everyone has two faces.
“No reporter is allowed to go inside, so what make him intentionally act sad when there is no public eyes on him?”
Remember close friends were invited to the funeral such as Twins, Joey, etc? he probably wanted to show his sad face to them so they will think he’s a filial grandson
“When replying the reporters in the funeral, he didn’t say a word that he is very sad, he will end his life, etc.”
Why do you think LF would say he’ll end his life when it was only his grandma who passed away? not like the world gonna ends without his grandma along..I doubt he’s that close to her even before her death.
“Plus, do you see that the whole crew of his album and concert are there? Tang Chi Wai, Ben Chang Tung Yan are there.”
What does that has to do with lying and being a hypocrite for falsifying his injuring and tell the world about it? Liar is liar, never change.
“Hypocrite, he is definitely one. Tell me, who isn’t. Lol. We all live with 2 faces in this social.”
So you admitted LF is a hypocrite. Good for you if you can accepted a hypocrite as your idol (although you claimed before that his is not your idol, yet you protected and argued with alot antiLF fans all this time). Once again, I think that’s reason why Linda and Charmaine choose to avoid “hypocrite LF” for good.
“Moreover, his fans dun mind his manner, then why you have to mind for their behalf?”
How can you tell if his fans doesn’t mind “now” after the reading news? I honestly don’t care how bad LF ruins his image, i just can’t stand his hypcritism only
“Remember close friends were invited to the funeral such as Twins, Joey, etc? ”
They sent flowers, they dun come. There is no entertainer inside the funeral, just the family. The only entertainers are him and his cousin. He has to show face to her for wat?
“Why do you think LF would say he’ll end his life when it was only his grandma who passed away? not like the world gonna ends without his grandma along..I doubt he’s that close to her even before her death.”
Then dun say like he said one,
“What does that has to do with lying and being a hypocrite for falsifying his injuring and tell the world about it? Liar is liar, never change.”
Falsifying injuring? He dun say that the injury affected him much, rmb that. He just said he has injury on legs and have to be more careful. Not like he can’t walk. He still be able do the dance rehearsal for the concert. And this lie, even have one, affect anyone? Like you have never ever lied.
“So you admitted LF is a hypocrite. Good for you if you can accepted a hypocrite as your idol (although you claimed before that his is not your idol, yet you protected and argued with alot antiLF fans all this time). Once again, I think that’s reason why Linda and Charmaine choose to avoid “hypocrite LF” for good.”
I LMAO at your last quote. Both of Linda and Charmaine said they are CLOSE to LF. Charmaine and LF are so close and they said of themselves like brothers. Linda said she wanted to work with him again, just recently. Avoid? Lol, are you dreaming? Nope, you will say that TVB force them to do this and that. LMAO~.
I said, I’m a fan but he isn’t my idol. Do you know what does it means? I accept him and being a fan because I like his talents and he treats me well whenever I met him. For his private life, sorry, what he does in his private life is his business. Why I need to care? I dun have any plan of becoming his friend, so I don’t need to care for his personality. As long as he treats me well whenever I see him and he has talents, I’m still a fan.
“How can you tell if his fans doesn’t mind “now” after the reading news? I honestly don’t care how bad LF ruins his image, i just can’t stand his hypcritism only :)”
You talk like your idol (I assume your idol is Linda since you said a lot of about how clean she is) is so clean and innocent, lol. Meh, just accept a fact that all of them are hypocrite. Why need to hate hypocrite since everyone are the same?
I’m a fan and I dun hire you to worry and mind for me :P.
I won’t protect him if your post isn’t too biased and like you are touched. You might not know but you really sounds like a woman who felt in love with him but being hurt because he has gf. You can argue back that you are not, but your post really gives me the impression.
@veejay: I know u don’t like LF but no need to attack his relationship w/ his dead grandma. Who doesn’t love their family and miss them terribly when they pass away?
I think ray did like linda before but she wasn’t interested so I can understand why she avoids him.
Charmaine, on the other hand, seems quite friendly with ray.
Good points! I like to hear different points of veiws!!
“So you are complaining of WHAT? It’s what everyone do, then he does it, what’s so wrong with him?”
He was caught red-handed flirting with Libby right after his grandma funeral not long ago. You called that is a correct way to mourn for his grandma’s death?
“You saw him yourself to know what the reporter said in the article is totally accurate? And even that, after being sad, can’t take back the mood? You want him to do what? Show sad puppy face all the time? Then you will what?”
And are you’re his stomach worm until you can talk on behalf? lol you’re just one of his tiny lil fan who fantasy of LF day and night.
“So now you are saying your Linda is a liar? Since she is also a liar and a hypocrite, you can idolize a liar and hypocrite, why can’t I?”
Did I ever say Linda is so purfffurt until she won’t lie about her personal life? Nope, I said as long as you’re not caught red handed with photos like LF, you’re ok and ppl will still like you for the image tvb projected you. As for LF, reporters found his action and statement contradicted with each other and only Fan like you will think that’s ok to lie as long as he treats u good LOL.. I wonder if you find out about your bf’s cheating behind your back one day, will you still forgive him and be with him because he treats u good?
“I told you, I’ll wait until the day Linda has any fault and how you react. I bet you will cry and say: “OMG, she isn’t as clean as I thought. I was cheated! I hate her now”.
I certainly won’t cry out loud like you did for LF. I m only here argueing with you just because I like seeing your reaction protecting LF in any angle. I just want to see how dellusional and protective LF’s fan can
“At least he has platinums sales and he can faked more ppl than Linda who only has gold sales and less fans”
It doesn’t matter to be whether Linda is a gold or silver holder, since I never or plan to buy any of her cd…I wonder if the status thing really matter to you? (when you said I was daydreaming thinking the idol will sleep, play etc with me…look who is talking now..who really bother about this status? Like you’ll enjoy half of LF’S profit earnings)
“Wake up? You need it more than me
. You seems still dreaming a lot about an artist that will share you everything from this post.”
Share? cut me the sentence where I said I want artis to share secret with me haha. It looks like you know everything of LF, from his funeral ceremony to meeting Libby.. look who’s trying to share secret with his/her idol now? me or you?
“P/S: Want me to send you the clip when Linda acted very close to him and looked at him with a lot of love ”
I see you got your fantasy from all LF’s mtv and videos… it must be a nice collection for you until you memorize which of his videos content Linda and other actresses.
First of all, wrong place.
“He was caught red-handed flirting with Libby right after his grandma funeral not long ago. You called that is a correct way to mourn for his grandma’s death?”
I told you, nearly 1 month ago.
“And are you’re his stomach worm until you can talk on behalf? lol you’re just one of his tiny lil fan who fantasy of LF day and night.”
Then why don’t give him a right to be doubted? LOL, you went to an extreme way and when I go to another extreme way, you jump out and say: HOW CAN?
“Did I ever say Linda is so purfffurt until she won’t lie about her personal life? Nope, I said as long as you’re not caught red handed with photos like LF, you’re ok and ppl will still like you for the image tvb projected you. As for LF, reporters found his action and statement contradicted with each other and only Fan like you will think that’s ok to lie as long as he treats u good LOL.. I wonder if you find out about your bf’s cheating behind your back one day, will you still forgive him and be with him because he treats u good?”
Too bad, he isn’t my bf. If he is my bf, different thing because I’m the one who is cheated. But no, he is just an artist and I’m a fan. Why I need to care that much for his private life.
That’s why I said that you sounds like a woman who is hurt by him because he has gf :P. You care for his real life, want to put eyes on his real life. You don’t see him as an artist but someone that you must know every single hair.
And these photos make him anything bad? He dun cheat anyone, he dun sleep with married woman, he dun rape anyone, he dun sleep with kids. He is a single, she is unmarried adult. They have sex and wat’s so wrong with you unless you expect him as a monk or a virgin.
“I certainly won’t cry out loud like you did for LF. I m only here argueing with you just because I like seeing your reaction protecting LF in any angle. I just want to see how dellusional and protective LF’s fan can”
Try to copy me? Be creative.
I have never shed a tear for him, lmao, then you want to see my tear? I bet I will see your first.
Lol, I want to protect every angle of him? Lol lol. Such a new thing I have never seen. BTW, can say that I see you criticize every small things of him while saying you dun criticize. It makes me feel funny.
“It doesn’t matter to be whether Linda is a gold or silver holder, since I never or plan to buy any of her cd…I wonder if the status thing really matter to you? (when you said I was daydreaming thinking the idol will sleep, play etc with me…look who is talking now..who really bother about this status? Like you’ll enjoy half of LF’S profit earnings)”
No I tell you that he can convince more ppl than Linda with his “lies”, lol. It’s a talent :P.
“Share? cut me the sentence where I said I want artis to share secret with me haha. It looks like you know everything of LF, from his funeral ceremony to meeting Libby.. look who’s trying to share secret with his/her idol now? me or you?”
=]] nice twist. Finally think you are so good in twisting. I dun want to put my noses on private life and care she/he is clean or not like you, then thanks. I like to entertain myself with gossips more and sing opposite tune.
“I see you got your fantasy from all LF’s mtv and videos… it must be a nice collection for you until you memorize which of his videos content Linda and other actresses.”
Yes my habit :P. I also have Linda’s MVs, want me to send you?
LOL, talk about his music, do you know that from long ago in 2007, his songs’ lyric are ’bout bad boy and meet girls in club? Lol, if I get my fantasy from the MVs, then I dun need to wake up after PSS incident as he is already a wolf in my mind :P.
However, still have to say thank you for helping me to gain posts in here and of course, improve my debate skill.
P/S for you: Linda is a liar, LF is a liar, they seem to be born to be each other, lol.
“Too bad, he isn’t my bf. If he is my bf, different thing because I’m the one who is cheated. But no, he is just an artist and I’m a fan. Why I need to care that much for his private life.”
Of course you care of his private life to death or else you wont protect LF when we criticizes him right? Hypocrite.
“That’s why I said that you sounds like a woman who is hurt by him because he has gf
. You care for his real life, want to put eyes on his real life. You don’t see him as an artist but someone that you must know every single hair.”
So are you saying Buti4 and Kidd are those women who got hurt by LF since we criticizes and question about his ethic? So whoever question and criticize LF is someone who is madly inloves and jealous of LF?? Lmfao. You’re being childish here by doing name calling now lol.
“And these photos make him anything bad? He dun cheat anyone, he dun sleep with married woman, he dun rape anyone, he dun sleep with kids. He is a single, she is unmarried adult. They have sex and wat’s so wrong with you unless you expect him as a monk or a virgin.”
I see you’ve no prob with his bad boy image but you can’t control others from giving their opinon on LF, LF doesn’t belongs to you alone. We’ve the right to criticize him whenever we want
“Try to copy me? Be creative.”
I don’t need to be like you to be creative, you’re way too far from being level as creative
“BTW, can say that I see you criticize every small things of him while saying you dun criticize.”
Look who’s being a hypocrite here, you replied to all those small things about LF when you said you dont’ care about his preference in woman (ref: Buti4’s response) and if you really dont care how ppl views LF as a bad boy, why bother replying? You’re petty yourself too so dont call others petty
“Of course you care of his private life to death or else you wont protect LF when we criticizes him right? Hypocrite.”
=)) =)) I do it for entertaining purposes =)).
“So are you saying Buti4 and Kidd are those women who got hurt by LF since we criticizes and question about his ethic? So whoever question and criticize LF is someone who is madly inloves and jealous of LF?? Lmfao. You’re being childish here by doing name calling now lol.”
No, only you sound so. Kidd and buti4 dun sound so. Dun mix yourself with others. Your posts are more hurtful than them.
“I see you’ve no prob with his bad boy image but you can’t control others from giving their opinon on LF, LF doesn’t belongs to you alone. We’ve the right to criticize him whenever we want :)”
Go ahead! Did I say that you or anyone should stop criticizing him? Do it whenever you want. Same to this, you can’t take out my right to depend him :P.
But I did say you should stop “criticize” then saying “I don’t criticize” or “I’m very fair”. It sounds kinda lame :P.
“Look who’s being a hypocrite here, you replied to all those small things about LF when you said you dont’ care about his preference in woman (ref: Buti4′s response) and if you really dont care how ppl views LF as a bad boy, why bother replying? You’re petty yourself too so dont call others petty”
You had a typo :P. Letter “R” is left out. I’m pretty myself. Kidding.
I replying for the entertaining purposes, need me to repeat it again?
I call who “petty”? Curious, where I say that? Ah, small things = petty. Keke, why you don’t go to main points and quote some small things like this? So both of us are petty. Haizz, if you are a man, we can be match in heaven like liar Linda and LF :(.
Last but not least, dun forget to reply me again. We are not only entertaning ourselves but also others, like Lacey. Good thing to do.
“Why do you think LF would say he’ll end his life when it was only his grandma who passed away? not like the world gonna ends without his grandma along..I doubt he’s that close to her even before her death.”
fung said before he’s very close to his grandma, would visit her whenever he had vacay and during the interview outside the funeral house, he did mention his grandma coming to all his previous concerts.
so i think they r pretty close
so, you reply to each and every criticism on LF just for entertainment purpose? Really? I am having a good laugh now.
Yup, not only for LF but also for everyone else.
Wahh, so he in effect betrayed “tons of girls, mothers, and grandmas all over the world”?!!
I think he just wanted to go relax and since his brother is in town, take him out for some fun.
But when u see a tasty blueberry muffin in front of u, what man can resist?
Anyways, all he got was a little nibble b/c the reporters busted his naughty after plans.
Haha, I like this comment.
Like this comment too! Tasty blueberry muffin. LOLs Don’t really like this girl cause she’s similar to PSS. She pretty much relies on her body shape and looks for work and money.
“They sent flowers, they dun come. There is no entertainer inside the funeral, just the family. The only entertainers are him and his cousin. He has to show face to her for wat?”
Of course he needs to pretend to be sad or else how can he lie to his family and relatives? Somemore, he’s a celebrity and any action from him, people will notice it. You tell me, do you acted all happy on someone’s funeral even if you don’t feel a bit sad at all?
“Falsifying injuring? He dun say that the injury affected him much, rmb that. He just said he has injury on legs and have to be more careful. Not like he can’t walk. He still be able do the dance rehearsal for the concert. And this lie, even have one, affect anyone? Like you have never ever lied.”
yeah everyone lies but LF lied to his beloved fans and acted all pity during the PSS’s incident and look at him now? acting like a sex maniac hungrily kissing Libby? the article says LF looks depressed when Libby left him for a phone call which really made me “LOL”. And the worse, he doesn’t looks a bit sad at all partying with his bro n crew after attended his grandma’s funeral recently.
“Charmaine and LF are so close and they said of themselves like brothers. Linda said she wanted to work with him again, just recently.”
LOL, so you believe they are eager to work with LF again and not telling lies? It seems that you believe everyone will like LF and eager to work with him without any holding back. A normal person will say they’d love working with LF again to avoid having any dispute with Lf and his god mother (virginia lok).
“I accept him and being a fan because I like his talents and he treats me well whenever I met him”
Of course he has to treat you well, without people like you around, i bet his song sales will drop significantly. Only people like you can help him to boost and help him to achieve “diamond” title in sales. So you only judge someone by their covers and doesn’t mind even if he lied to your face.
“You talk like your idol (I assume your idol is Linda since you said a lot of about how clean she is) is so clean and innocent, lol. Meh, just accept a fact that all of them are hypocrite. Why need to hate hypocrite since everyone are the same?”
Linda isn’t my idol lol. She’s just one of the tvb artist that i follow her news. I also follow steven ma, kenneth, sonija, sharon, kelly chen, etc.. and Yes Linda might be a hypocrite but she is not up to that LF’s level where she doesn’t care how her fans and public will view if she flaunts her hypocritism to the world like LF. She cares of her image
“You might not know but you really sounds like a woman who felt in love with him but being hurt because he has gf. You can argue back that you are not, but your post really gives me the impression.”
And you sounded like Professor X from X-men who can read LF’s mind but too bad, this is all your fantasy on LF.. maybe he needs to curse infront of you then only you’ll wake up from fantasizing too much on LF.
“Of course he needs to pretend to be sad or else how can he lie to his family and relatives? Somemore, he’s a celebrity and any action from him, people will notice it. You tell me, do you acted all happy on someone’s funeral even if you don’t feel a bit sad at all?”
So you are complaining of WHAT? It’s what everyone do, then he does it, what’s so wrong with him?
From the PSS incident, you don’t know that he is the hot-blood type. I guess you opened eyes sooner than that, lol.
“yeah everyone lies but LF lied to his beloved fans and acted all pity during the PSS’s incident and look at him now? acting like a sex maniac hungrily kissing Libby? the article says LF looks depressed when Libby left him for a phone call which really made me “LOL”. And the worse, he doesn’t looks a bit sad at all partying with his bro n crew after attended his grandma’s funeral recently.”
LMAO~. You saw him yourself to know what the reporter said in the article is totally accurate? And even that, after being sad, can’t take back the mood? You want him to do what? Show sad puppy face all the time? Then you will what?
“LOL, so you believe they are eager to work with LF again and not telling lies? It seems that you believe everyone will like LF and eager to work with him without any holding back. A normal person will say they’d love working with LF again to avoid having any dispute with Lf and his god mother (virginia lok).”
So now you are saying your Linda is a liar? Since she is also a liar and a hypocrite, you can idolize a liar and hypocrite, why can’t I :P?
ANd his god mother isn’t 620. Higher. His god mother is a shareholder of TVB, lol.
“Of course he has to treat you well, without people like you around, i bet his song sales will drop significantly. Only people like you can help him to boost and help him to achieve “diamond” title in sales. So you only judge someone by their covers and doesn’t mind even if he lied to your face.”
Then you need what from an artist? Need them to be your friend, tell you your secret, eat with you, sleep with you? Don’t tell me you are still day-dreaming like this. They are artists, we are fans. We just need them to show good face to us. Other than that, their private life is their private life. They don’t put your noses on your private life, why you want to put your noses on their private life?
At least he has platinums sales and he can faked more ppl than Linda who only has gold sales and less fans. You have to question again that Linda should be faker to have more fans or not :P.
“Linda isn’t my idol lol. She’s just one of the tvb artist that i follow her news. I also follow steven ma, kenneth, sonija, sharon, kelly chen, etc.. and Yes Linda might be a hypocrite but she is not up to that LF’s level where she doesn’t care how her fans and public will view if she flaunts her hypocritism to the world like LF. She cares of her image :)”
How is her level up to now? She doesn’t care care how her fans and public will view if she flaunts her hypocritism to the world like LF? Are you serious? Lol, I told you, I’ll wait until the day Linda has any fault and how you react. I bet you will cry and say: “OMG, she isn’t as clean as I thought. I was cheated! I hate her now”.
Sorry, it’s ridiculous.
“And you sounded like Professor X from X-men who can read LF’s mind but too bad, this is all your fantasy on LF.. maybe he needs to curse infront of you then only you’ll wake up from fantasizing too much on LF.”
Haha, it’s kinda coincident that Prof. X is my fave in X-men First class.
Wake up? You need it more than me :P. You seems still dreaming a lot about an artist that will share you everything from this post.
I told you, in your view it’s bad then watever he does, you will consider as bad. But you don’t admit and keep saying you are fair, you are not biased. Why need?
And after all, what do you want from an artist? Being monk or virgin?
P/S: Want me to send you the clip when Linda acted very close to him and looked at him with a lot of love :P?
Lol, you will say she was forced to do so. Then again, you implied that Linda is a liar. Like you said: “Liar is liar”.
I was laughing all the way while replying posts with you Fox. I have enough fun today thanks for the time! LoL but i gotta admit that you give me an impression that you acted cool all the way from our debate but deep down you’re hurt because LF didn’t acted the way you wanted. A good role model.
=)) =)) Are you talking about yourself?
Well, I also want to thank you for an entertaining debate. I’m going to have a debate test so it’s good for me to have one in here. If I win the test, I’ll say thank to you.
BTW, I have to go out now so goodbye, ttyl.
Next week I’ll go to an island for 2 weeks then maybe we can chat more latter when I’m back. Hope this time will have some interesting news.
Alright, nite to you and wish you luck for in the debate test.
To be fair, I don’t think Fox was hurting inside or anything like that. She argued this way for whichever team she supports. That’s just her way. She enjoys arguing/debating and like what she said herself she ‘like to get ahead of others’. So, she can go on and on arguing with you. It’s not out of great love for Raymond. She just enjoy the argument.
Another thing. She likes going against the majority. She usually support those that everyone bashes like Joel Chan, Shirley, Cecilia, busty sexy girls.
So, I believe she’s a fan of Raymond, a big fan even since she knows quite a lot about Raymond. But, I don’t think she’s a crazy fan.
My boss changed the schedule and I dun have to go out anymore! Let’s continue :).
Haha Kidd, you read me like a book.
So far except Tavia, anyone who is bashed by the majority, I’ll protect. Moon power, action!~ I say except Tavia not only because I hate her but also I know her fans dun let she being bashed by anyone :P. Therefore she isn’t in my list of protection.
Since Fox started the debate first, i just join in the crowd since I also like to debate
last time i could debated for days in a mirc with friends. it was fun.
I thought you live in the states?
No I’m not. Not in US and dun plan to live there.
“She enjoys arguing/debating and like what she said herself she ‘like to get ahead of others’.”
Ooo… when did Fox say that? Interesting.
I’m beginning to like to read more and more of Fox’s comments even though I initially disagreed with his opinions on Joel. I did and I still do, but I have to admit that different opinions from people taking the opposite bandwagon allows the argument to have progression. If everyone agreed on the same things, it would be boring.
“She likes going against the majority. She usually support those that everyone bashes like Joel Chan, Shirley, Cecilia, busty sexy girls.”
Haha… I don’t care much about the others, but I still like Cecilia for some reason. I don’t know why.
@Fox, Why do you hate Tavia so much?
I dun rmb I said that, Chriselle. But it isn’t too wrong to me :P.
And I’m a Miss, Chriselle. Dun call me ‘his’
As for Tavia, it’s a long long long story with many reasons… Just know I hate her, that’s enough :P.
Oopies… haha, I know you’re a girl. The ‘his’ must have been a typo.
I thought that you lived in the US too… I thought I remembered you saying that you did. I guess I remembered wrong.
I have never said that I live in US, HTS :P. I’ll let my place as a secret for you guys to guess, haha.
@fox: like debating? are you prelaw or PS major? dont think phil or law cuz your argument’s full of fallacies.
“beauty is in the eye of the beholder”?
Why does everyone assume a lawyer loves debating? Why no one ever assume doctors love rushing to apply handiplast on injured friends or accountants carry calculators and ledgers everywhere?
I believe fox is from Vietnam. (if I didn’t remember wrongly). Correct me if I am wrong.
@ M or R: Lol, here is an entertainment forum, you want me to bring law to it =)). My ass on.
Fallacy? What is fallacy in Opinion?
I’m a lawyer with full certificates and license, no more pre, no more trainee and no more PS major. I passed all :P.
@ Fox: you mean sentiments?
I actually agree with you that it feels like he is a hypocrite. Or maybe he wasn’t that close to his grandma?? I have seen cases where people don’t really care that their grandparents passed away if they weren’t that close to them. It is more painful for their parents since it is the parents’ parents. In some cases the grandparents are closer to the grandkids if they were the ones that raised them. I am guessing that it may not be the case for Ray and his grandma.
I guess maybe Ray doesn’t really care what others think of him since even after the Mavis incident, many fans still treat him the same.Therefore, he doesn’t need to worry about how he acts and whether he lies or not.
Not sure if you are a fan of Ray or not, but it seems like you are. Therefore, of course your opinions just like anyone else’s will contain biasness so that is understandable….
I’m a fan but he isn’t my idol. I said it not 1 or 2 time. And I said that I’m biased, because I’m providing opinions, not info or fact.
@ Fox
What is your definition of ‘idol’?
What term can you use to describe Raymond since you are his fan but he’s not your idol?
Well, idol (to me) must show me many things to make my life better and help me to gain better reputation in life, make me feel convince with actions and give me the feeling I should follow his/her step. In this description, LF is just an artist to me, he dun teach me anything in life as well as I watch him for entertainment purposes.
I’m his fan because I want to watch him for entertainment purposes, a little more than other artists. Being a fan to me means I read about him, watch him, etc. Just that.
@ Fox
Your definition of ‘idol’ is different from the one spoken by others and I think you know that as well.
Yup. Maybe it’s a part of my character: Like to go against the majority, keke.
RL’s new booty call is Libby?
Kibby, not Libby, lol.
More like Kirby (
I don’t think you need to date to sleep with one another. However I find this article rather offensive.
Guess that it’s from the female reporter who was argued with his friend? If that, the tone of voice is understandable.
True.. That I’d why there are one night stands, and I highly doubt Raymond don’t do it. He is so busy all the time and I think a man has it’s needs.
While reading the Chinese article, many of the sentences did come across as a personal attack against Raymond Lam. I think this is the writing style of, even more inflammatory than some HK magazines.
Oh so this one is from This site is known as biased to actors. Only to actors. I think they treats actresses truly better.
I’m referring to the series of news about Derek, Bobby and Ron in that I read long long ago. I still rmb that they named Bobby as one of the biggest free-loader and male gold-digger of HK.
@ Fox
Bobby a free-loader? Why? Because he married a rich wife?
Yes. They wrote of 5 biggest free-loaders in HK, in top is Bobby, second is Carlo Ng, third is Joel Chan, fourth is Deep Ng and last is Raymond Wong. Bobby got the harshest comment. They said his wife can’t have kid but he is still with her because he used too much money of her.
Man, that is pretty harsh. Bobby has been doing a lot of work in mainland so I think he’s making good money now.
Carlo ng may be right at #2.
Joel Chan definitely seems like he’s working on landing miss Ho.
I haven’t seen Deep do much lately and jacqueline’s new breasts have certainly brought her more jobs.
Is Raymond wong’s wife rich? Haven’t heard the back story yet. Unless he was added last minute b/c Gregory lee was recently bumped off the list.
@ Josie
Yes, Raymond Wong married a rich wife.
As for Joel. Even if he really dated and married Florinda, I still won’t think of him as free-loader and gold-digger. Although he’s not as filthy rich as the Ho’s family, he still comes from a well to do family and has his own business.
What did Carlo do? Why is he a freeloader/gold-digger?
I really don’t like how some people call a man ‘eat soft rice’ or ‘eat slipper rice’ (or the new term freeloader and male gold-digger) just because he made less than his woman. These men work, they have income. Why give them such labels? Even Kelly Chan’s husband is said to be depended on Kelly when he actually has a respectable career.
No one ever complains about more money, even if they’re rich. And some may look rich but isn’t, hence the necessity to marry rich. Like in The Fugitive, one scene went like this;
Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: Why did Richard Kimble kill his wife?
Detective Kelly: He did it for the money.
Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard: What do you mean, he did it for the money? He’s a doctor. He’s already rich.
Detective Kelly: But she was more rich.
And Bobby a free loader? He was TVB top actor and he is as famous now as he was before! He earns good money, although he is rarely in ads or such. Doesn’t mean he is a free loader. Maybe he can have more flexibility in choices but he himself is successful. Bobby always give me an impression he has an attitude, he is not easy to deal with, you can’t walk all over him. Maybe his wife likes his personality? And not every couple wants a child or divorces someone who can’t have a child. Look at Chow Yun Fatt.
Talk about Joel 3C, he is rich. Of course not as rich as Ho family (but dun forget Stanley Ho has 3 wives and 10 children), but his family is rich. He himself owns a gym in Macau (1000sq round one, consider as big) and his income comes from there more than his acting career. He can handle a wealthy life even without Florinda. But the reporters love to make him like a poor one who live on Florinda (if they are really lovers).
Raymond Wong’s wife is definitely rich and help his career a lot. If I rmb rite, she has link with the company Raymond Wong is artist. That’s why Raymond Wong didn’t sign contract with TVB.
Carlo Ng got married with a HK billionaire’s only daughter. He is now half retired, only do some stuffs like host and supporting roles and most of the income comes from his wife’s family.
Jacqueline is a model, at the same time she is daughter of a rich man. Deep is like Carlo.
Above are the info from the mag I read. I’m not sure if it’s really true. I think men also work and have money. So do the girl. But whenever they are poorer than their partners and the gap is clear, they’ll be called gold-digger.
@ Fox
Raymond Wong signed with China Star Entertainment Group. His boss is Charles Heung and Tiffany Chen (Charles’ wife). He has a good relationship with his boss. He mentioned that when he visit Macau, Charles and Tiffany will play host and take him around. When won the ‘Most Improved Male Artist’ Award, he thanked Mr. and Mrs. Heung.
I don’t think he will signed management with TVB. Maybe that’s why Ruco Chan become first lead and he’s only second lead in ‘The Other Truth’. Ruco has signed management and the chances of Raymond W signing management with TVB look slim.
I think TVB will still promote him, but as Ruco is a contractual actor, maybe Ruco will be promoted more.
Kidd, how do you think about Ruco?
@ Fox
“Kidd, how do you think about Ruco?”
I like Ruco Chan. I think he’s a fine actor and singer. So, I’m happy with his promotion.
Shameless me want to chip in
I think Ruco Chan is a fine actor too; personally I think he’s a better actor than Raymond Wong. Ruco has a pair of naturally expressive eyes.
Personally, Ruco’s looks and singing style is not my “cup of tea” – I feel that his singing resembles KC’s style, but objectively speaking his appearance is fine. He’s tall enough.
In my POV, Ruco has a chance for good development in TVB dramas. He has the appearance and life experience that will fit “mature-sophisticated” characters(so that TVB won’t have to ask for Alex Fong Chun Sung everytime they need someone to fill this “mature-sophisticated” characters ;))
@ Masaharu
“Personally, Ruco’s looks and singing style is not my “cup of tea” – I feel that his singing resembles KC’s style, but objectively speaking his appearance is fine. He’s tall enough.”
Ruco’s voice is more flexible than Kevin Cheng’s. Kevin has a soft voice. So, he can’t sing fast songs and powerful songs well. But, Ruco’s voice is stronger, so, he can sing all type, fast song, power song, love ballads.
He sang a lot of ATV themesongs in the past, even for series that he did not participate in. Another ATV singer who always sing for ATV series is Crystal Tin. It’s a waste that TVB didn’t ask her to sing themesongs. Crystal Tin has very beautiful voice.
Oh yeah talk about Ruco’s singing, his voice is so similar to KC’s.
The only thing in Ruco I kinda mind is his fierce look,
so I can’t buy him in goody-2-shoes roles. Feel it’s weird if he is someone who is lovesick or like that.
@ Kidd: Do you have any link to Crystal’s singing?
Crystal Tin is one actress I never liked, whether ATV or TVB time.
Ruco Chan is that guy with glasses? I saw a bit of that series and I just feel he looks more like the accountant crook than Kenneth was. And why is Kenneth in so many villanous roles these days?
Ok, I really don’t get why Masaharu and Fox think Ruco’s voice sounds like Kevin Cheng’s. They sound nothing alike. Kevin’s voice is soft, Ruco’s voice is strong.
I listened to Ruco’s singing 2 times on old ATV themesongs. His voice is similar to KC in both of the songs.
I dun think KC’s voice is weak but it’s too plain and boring. He has singing technique, but he dun have spices for his voice. That’s why ppl can get sleep with his songs very fast.
As for Ruco, I haven’t listened to any fast song of him to know he can sing this type of song or not. Can you give me a link?
If have any of his live singing, better. I know there are artists who can’t sing live even their voices on studio are good. Example must be Stephy Tang :P.
@ Funn: Shake hands. I also wonder why Kenneth do a lot of villainous roles now.
“I listened to Ruco’s singing 2 times on old ATV themesongs. His voice is similar to KC in both of the songs.
I dun think KC’s voice is weak but it’s too plain and boring. He has singing technique, but he dun have spices for his voice. That’s why ppl can get sleep with his songs very fast.”
I’m nodding in agreement
Stephy Tang ~ This might sound “crazy” but I’m personally quite fond of seeing her onscreen – although I admit that her acting isn’t that noteworthy and her singing is weak. Hahaha…
@ Masaharu @ Fox
I can’t search for videos for now. Will search later.
Another TVB actor I’m surprised at his singing is Joe Ma. I never expected his voice to sound like this when singing. Admittedly, his singing is not the best. Can see that the skill is lacking. But, I find his singing voice pleasant. He sang the themesongs of ‘Suspect in Love’ and ‘Relic’.
*shake hands*
Kidd, maybe what they mean is they’re both bad singers? I mean when can TVB just get out of karaoke singers and go to real singers?
@ Funn
“Kidd, maybe what they mean is they’re both bad singers? I mean when can TVB just get out of karaoke singers and go to real singers?”
I don’t find Kevin a bad singer. I like his rendition of the AFOS themesong.
I didn’t. It was a good song, but could have been better by a better singer. He sounded like half asleep. No energy, no force. A professional singer like Jacky or Eason or Hacken would have given the song more power, more melody, more tune.
The problem is Kevin and gang are decent karaoke singers, but not professional. When will that music royalty whatever dispute end? I am sick to death of hearing good songs butchered by karaoke singers.
BUT if you tell me to choose between Twins or Sammi Cheng and TVB actors, of course no fight.
@Funn: Do you consider professional singer is someone who use singing as a full time job? In this case, do you consider Andy Lau, Show Luo, Rainie Yang, etc. as professional singers?
KC learned music from small, he has basic music knowledge. Singing isn’t his full-time job but I think still can consider him as a singer with knowledge.
i wouldnt say she’s natural looking. her chin looks fake and the nose too.
i do think Raymond has similar taste in girls past and present, maybe he just likes the plastic look.
I personally don’t like his current tastes. Don’t like women who rely on their body figure and looks for work, money, and fame.(like purposely making themselves look sexy and all that. Not like most actors and singers)
he’s plastic himself. Plastic loves plastic is quite compatible LOL.
guess after scandal and scandal, he doesn’t really care about his image anymore, go all the wayy out, freedommm..
I agree with you ita! I think before the photo scandal, he may have cared about his image and all, but not anymore.. He can go full blast since I think he knows that we all know that he is not a “virgin” or an “innocent” guy and is just like any normal hot blooded guy.
Probably they are just friends with benefits
My thoughts exactly. Ray is probably too busy to date right now especially with his concert reh…. And honestly ray seems like a horny guy, so it’s not surprising if he has ” friends with benefit” and seems like it aint hard for him to find one
They’re both single so both are free to do what they want including friends for benefit.
he is prollly friends with benefits with Virginia Lok as well LOL
Gross! Since ray’s rich, I hope he was able to bribe her w/ expensive handbags instead.
It’s scary to imagine what the other poor guys like Bosco, Ron, or Kevin had to do to please miss lok.
This reporter has something against Raymond? Or the HK media in general has something against the Raymond?
If Fox say Ray’s grandma passed away one month ago, why did the report fabricate this very damning news on him?
Chinese society put a lot of value on filial piety.
Forget that this reporter had an argument with his friend?
BTW, I agree that HK media in general has something against him. Hardly see something good for him except from TVB weekly or Monday which is TVB’s and EEG’s.
As for your second question, look at the reaction of Veejay above and you will know that the reporter is successful.
“If Fox say Ray’s grandma passed away one month ago, why did the report fabricate this very damning news on him?”
I think the reporter did that because he hates RAy for not sharing his secret with him/her like Ray shares it with Fox, since Fox knows the head and tail of Ray’s whereabout, time and details so much. HAHA
No because SHE wants him to share the secret like Veejay. HAHA
Fox only read news of LF from TVB weekly or Monday. other news of LF is regarded as trashy and non-real of LF for Fox. You can see how resistant Fox is in accepting the actual reality.
=)) =)) Fox is reading this news, so this news is from TVB Weekly or Monday?
Fox thinks LF like busty and hot-blood, so it isn’t real LF?
The grandma died a month ago so the mourning period should be over. I don’t understand what’s so wrong about going to nightclubs and single man and single woman dancing and kissing.
@Veejay and Fox: I have to confess that I really enjoy reading your different viewpoints, your comments keep me entertain. It’s like watching a good tennis match where no one has missed the ball yet. Keep up the good work.
Thank you. It’s also entertaining to me.
Thank you for your support Lacey. I’ll keep up with the good work
It just appears to me that Raymond’s whole image is totally different to what he is in real life. Yeh of course not expecting him to be a virgin with his celebrity status, wealth and looks but I wouldn’t expect him to go clubbing and hook up with randoms.
I wouldn’t say they’re dating but they both happened to be at the same time at the same place. He drank a bit so you know things happen. But that being so, it has surprised me that he is so OPEN, open enough to kiss and hold hands and be so intimate with a girl that he isn’t close with. They look like acquaintances to me.
Everything he says is contradictory. Thought he is very serious in his relationships, and that he will focus his time on rehearsing concert and that he is too busy to have a gf. After the Mavis scandal, he played the victim card to get sympathy and people were saying he fell in love with a big-breasted girl that’s not his fault but he really wanted to work out with her. And now he turns around going clubbing with randoms. Guess these pictures proved wrong.
I’m not saying he can’t do this, afterall, everyone’s entitled to their private life and I don’t care what he does coz he is not my BF but I’m just not impressed with the whole image he’s giving out – he seems so 2-faced! and esp after his grandma’s funeral recently and injured leg (doesn’t look good on him in terms of being filial and so hurt that his fans are sympathising with him “are you ok… awww take care fung”), he is just another rich boy using his looks, wealth and celebrity status to get girls. He doesn’t seem to be a ‘nice’ guy anymore.
His taste in girls. Ok got it. He only goes for girls who are HOT. Nothing wrong with that. Doesn’t matter if they got a good personality or smart but if they are not HOT, they are off his list. His taste in girls just shows he is no different from other guys. They don’t mind brainless big boob chics.
Kibby is just a casual one-night stand chic. Who knows how many he has under his belt? Raymond Lam is a player so if you want to be his gf, think carefully, its hard to keep someone like him. Now to think about it, the thing about Mavis saying Raymond cheated on her with 3-4 other chics start to sound a bit more believable now.
Your useful advise only works on those non Ray’s fans and those who joins the club recently. Your advise definitely won’t work on someone here who fantasy of sharing secrets with LF and think she’s know everything about him like his wife lol.
Laugh with my ass on. After failing in the debate with me, look at who is trying to talk about me anywhere to anyone :P.
BTW, you expect what? Want me to cry out laugh and say: “Veejay you are so right, LF is a player” as I always think from the first day I like him until now?
Need me to tell you one more time? I think he is a player from the first day I like him.
However, it’s his private life and as long as he isn’t my bf or relative, I don’t care.
Now you seem to have a love to hate relationship with him more and more :P. At the same time, you seem to support me to be his wife. No thanks, I don’t want. He isn’t my type.
“At the same time, you seem to support me to be his wife. No thanks, I don’t want. He isn’t my type.”
Lol, Fox, curious, who is your type?
1. Not celebrities
2. Not too tall, 1m70-175 is ok
3. Simple background family
4. Beautiful eyes
5. Have a good job with suitable earning
6. Have sense of humour
7. Like to laugh and talk
8. Born in 1978, 1981 or 1983
(I blv in Fengshui, haha)
9. A lawyer is welcomed
10. Love me
I understand the others, but why not celebrities?
So even if a celebrity meets all those requirements, it’s still a no?
LOL, two lwayers in a relationshipp may be too much debate time.
@ FOX.
Chinese saying:- one mountain cannot have two tigers. LOL…..
I love ur today debate. I find it interesting and amusing.
Too bad a guy met all the above requirments apoeared. My current bf.
I din like to date celebs.
@ Jayne: I’m more of a solicitor :P. He is more of advocate, so actually kinda hard to debate as our jobs are kinda different.
Not necessarily debate on work matters, but both your training and background will probably promote tendencies to continue a debate topic or issue for a long time, until many points are covered? Hehe this can be a good thing as you can use team effort to solve difficult problems together.
We are not in the same field nor company. I’m working in investment and enterprise field. He is in penal.
@ Fox
“We are not in the same field nor company. I’m working in investment and enterprise field. He is in penal.”
What Jayne means is, because you two are lawyers, you might have a tendency to debate things outside of work for a long time too.
@ Fox
“I’m more of a solicitor . He is more of advocate, so actually kinda hard to debate as our jobs are kinda different.”
What does advocate and solicitor do? I always thought there’s only 2 kind of lawyer. Those arguing in court for big cases are barristers, others are all solicitors.
“What does advocate and solicitor do? I always thought there’s only 2 kind of lawyer. Those arguing in court for big cases are barristers, others are all solicitors.”
Only in England there is a difference between the two. In England barristers have no contact with the clients. Solicitors do, they bring in clients, interview, do paper work and then passes to barristers to do court work as in like you said, argue in court.
I believe HK, Singapore, Msia all the same. There is no difference. However those who do conveyancing work or similar does not go to court, hence you can say solicitor. Those who does trial work, you can say advocate but again no distinction is made since some do both fields and more.
And why everyone assumes lawyers love to debate? Outside of office hours lawyers are docile. Like doctors. Do they run around doing CPR on everyone outside of work? Or firemen rush into burning building when off work??
In every system of law (there are 3 main system of law in the world: Continental law, Us-UK law, Muslim law), solicitors and advocate have some difference. Solicitors are the lawyers who give consultants to clients on several matter, but mostly in civil. They dun go to court frequently. They work with the goverment system more than the court system. On the other hand, advocate works with court more. They are in penal more than civil (because actually in civil case, ppl sometimes dun need lawyers). The solicitors are also can be in-house lawyer, corporation lawyer, etc. Not tat advocate works for big cases, solicitors for small cases. If count big/small by money, solicitors even can earn more than advocate (because a contract’s value can reach to few million dollars or more, so the fee for lawyer won’t be little. But in a penal case, the fee might be little or even free if the client is poor :P). Some ppl love to work in court, some love to do stuffs like do advice, make paper, contracts, etc. Depends on their desire on work for them to be a solicitor or advocate.
“His taste in girls just shows he is no different from other guys.”
So you expected that he is different?
“They don’t mind brainless big boob chics.”
Who say big boobs can’t be smart? You are talking like only small boobs can be smart.
“Kibby is just a casual one-night stand chic.”
Meh, the conclusion comes from where? Kibby can’t be a nice girl just because she has hot body?
Seriously, ppl judge the big boobs girls so harsh. Beautiful, it must be their advantage, but now become their crime. How can?
Buti4 was just giving her point of view on LF’s preference on woman yet you argue with her on all thsoe petty matters. Let’s talk about how LF tell lies to his beloved fans when he played a victim in PSS’ incident and how hard he tried to gain sympathy from o to 0.01%. And lets talk about the LF’s ethics as a person shall we?
I dun want to talk about LF, I want to talk about the view on hot sexy woman more with her, any problem? Why I can’t protect Kibby and the busty girls?
You are funny. When I talk about LF you say I protect LF in every angle. When I don’t talk about him you say I’m arguing on those petty matters. You really reminds me of the lyric of Chok song.
His ethics as a person, other than being a two-faces when lying about his relationship like all other artists, have any else problem? Do you mean he sleep with busty single adult = crime and he is forced to be a virgin or a monk in the whole artist life to fulfill your requirement? Ridiculous. Moreover, I talked enough with you on this above. Now I like to protect busty girls more.
I guess whoever is link to LF you’ll protect isn’t that too much for being merely a normal fan to LF? Your action resembles those crazy fan who will die for their idol and take the blame for their wrongdoings…if Lf was with PSS, you’ll definitely protect Pss and twist your story from cursing Pss to protect her
You must miss my posts =)). I said good PSS after the incident =)). Ask Kidd, she saw I protected PSS. I don’t agree with PSS when she sells her lovestory for fame, but I don’t curse PSS for selling her body. It’s her job and I dun find she is cheap because of that :P.
I won’t protect Tavia and will criticize her even if she is with LF. I hate her and for watever reason, I won’t protect her. So your theory is wrong :(.
Will die for him? Are you crazy?
Typo: I said good for PSS.
Never thought highly of Mavis or Kibby either. So what’s the problem with us criticizing those girls? I think its perfectly normal that people will comment esp with his taste in girls. That’s their image so expect ppl to say stuff.
If they were smart and had brains, they wouldn’t have to depend on their sexuality for a living.
You are wrong. Because they are smart, they know their busty are advantages for them to be famous faster so they take it.
You criticize them, I protect them :P. That’s why I replied you.
Big boobs still can be nice. If you criticize them to be sexy, then should tell all the actresses not to wear tight clothes or Deep V or short skirt because they are also trying to sell their look. I saw some actresses that named good girl in the industry who even showed bra or underwear few times. She criticized other actresses to “accidenly” show bra for a picture, but she also do the same. She is an example to see that the actresses, whatever they say, always want to get famous faster.
Dont you find Fox’s response contradicted with what she said everytimes? She claimed she’s not petty yet she argues with you or whoever criticise Mr. Lam’s women and his ethic’s and actually deep down she cares of how others view LF as if like LF is really her bf lol. But is ok since she can pretend LF is her cyber bf since it wont do any harm to us.
Veejay, you should read the above comment of Kidd. She understands me really better than you. Lol.
I don’t claim that I’m not petty. I said that you had a typo and forget letter “r”. I understand you want to say I’m pretty.
Cyber bf? Why I need one when I’m having a real bf who is going to get married with me? Lol.
Since you dun understand anything about me, you shouldn’t tell ppl I’m this and that because I’m not this.
Sorry VeeJays but as a comments readers for a long time now, I see that the one who cares about “Mr. Lam’s women and his ethic’s” and actually “deep down cares of how others view LF” seems to be you, not Fox. She’s just the type who loves debating and you are the one who mind and think too much. You seems more like a crazy fans to LF than Fox since you care more about “how he should be a good man” than her. LOL
And what give you the right to call me as a woman who got hurt by LF just because he already has a gf? lol..when you hardly know me in real. just curious with your disliking Tavia, what is it that you dont like about her?
I don’t know you and you dont know me, you got every right to criticise me and it’s up to me whether I will take it lightly or not but thanks for highlighting it out loud so that I know the number of LF’s fans out there are really huge…
@Veejay: I said you sound like one. You say I’m one. Do you see the difference? You sound like one to me and you say to other ppl that I’m this.
Do you see, I’m not the only one who think so. Ppl can see that I’m the one who love to debate, keke.
As for Tavia, no I don’t dislike her. I hate her. Reasons are many then I don’t know what is the main reason. But dun like you, I admit that since I hate her, I view her in biased way and my view on her might be right, might be wrong.
lol you both are going hard.
Well then I guess it must be ok for a female celebrity to go nightclubs kissing and sleeping with different guys each night? E.g. Selena Li ….. You will praise her for the diff guys she chooses each night. You will not call her names, you will not say she is open, you will not say she cheapens her image….. right? Because she is in the same boat as Raymond. Just having a bit of fun. If its ok for Raymond, then it must be ok for girls like Selena.
and don’t tell me you can maintain such a neutral mindset when the person in question is NOT your idol.
There’s no such thing as a fair judgement. We all judge. And from what I see, Raymond should have been better then to engage himself in something so negatively perceived. Disappointing.
You can biased because you hate a person but you also can be biased if you like a person.
“Ppl can see that I’m the one who love to debate”
Sure thing, some ppl here also view you differently just like how I view you =).
I’ve just replied you on other forums.
I’m perfectly ok with Selena’s habit. What she does in her private time, her business. Going clubs and have one-nite love isn’t anything wrong for me. I dun find she is anything cheap. In fact, I like her after that. However, I don’t praise her because why praise? She dun do anything herotic or good job. She is in the private time on a private life. Just that.
Other ppl, well, consider that ppl view virginity harsher on girls than guys (so unfair!). Like Gordon in MOL, nobody hate him for being player and he still can be good man. Then some ppl like you might look down on Selena because of her habit and her seek for a relationship.
However, I also tell you that I don’t blv any adult in entertainment industry (dun talk of the officers or the ppl who are working in backstage) can keep virginity to the age 25.
I agree with Fox that just because girls have big boobs doesn’t mean they’re not smart. There are many forms of smartness. Book smart, street smart, etc. In Mavis and Kibby’s case, they know how to utilize their most attractive asset (boobs and long legs) to make the most money.
Some may criticize them for their lack of morals, for having no talent, and having to rely on their bodies to make money, but that’s reality. We can like it or we cannot, it won’t change the way things actually are.
@buti4, I don’t think Fox is judging. She doesn’t seem to be all crazy about LF. I see that there is some reason to his opinions, however, I can’t quite catch what Veejay is trying to say.
buti4: LMAO~, I always say that I’m biased. In hate or in love are the same. First, opinion itself is biased because it comes from the view of one person. Second, my view is my view, I can convince ppl or not, it depends on how good in debate I’m.
However, your comments or anyone’s, are biased, too.
Even if LF isn’t my idol (and actually he isn’t), I still protect him like this. You can see, I’m not a fan of Cecilia, Shirley, Joel, Derek, Mavis PSS, Kibby, etc. but I still defense them if I think some comments are too harsh to them. I give all of them a right to be doubted.
Disappointing that his hide skill isn’t high? So you want him to be faker :P? Lol.
I know you are a Tavia fan, then may I ask if Tavia’s name is replaced Selena in such news, how you will say? It’s just for fun, dun take serious. If you are afraid that I hate Tavia, then you can replace Tavia’s name by anyone you like in Selena situation and tell me how you will feel.
Like what I already mentioned earlier, Fox can acted all cool fighting for LF but deep down she’s dissappointed because Lf didnt turn out to be what she wanted a “role model”.
What Fox want in LF “a role of model”. Fox is curious to know.
Ah! Fox understand! Fox is disappointing because he and she only kissed on cheek, not lip to lip. Oh yeah!
Just kidding, dun take it serious, lol.
BTW, Veejay, why now you sound like you want to love Fox and understand Fox so well like this?
Fox has bf :(.
BTW, this exact same thing happened to Selena Li a few weeks ago. Why is it ok for a guy like Raymond Lam to do this yet when a girl like Selena did it, people were saying she’s a s*** and that she shouldn’t do this, ruins her image, shouldn’t be with diff men each week, cheapens her image etc”….. Double Standards.
Libby is not really a random girl. She can be said to be his colleague. They have worked together in Sister Fah before. Have also done promotion together for MOL. Just found this out when googling Libby Lau.
In the new Back to 3Krap, too :P.
Why does everyone keep calling her Libby. I always thought it was Kibby. Am I missing something here?
Fan site:
Artist blog:
Her name is Kibby. You can google 劉俐 and she is Kibby.
That’s exactly what I thought too. In the past, I’ve searched her TVB blog before and I’ve always known her as Kibby and people referred to her as Kibby.
It’s up to him to date anyone he like as long as both side is single because it is his own life,we as a fans can’t control his life.By the way I really like his acting and voice,not so into his dancing and rap tough.
I like him as Dr. Kent,Wah Chun Pong,Alfred,Oscar,easy to say most of them(his characters).
I listen to his songs before sleep everyday on my mp3.
Forever support Lam Fung.FUNGFOREVER!!!!
I think that this news can be good for him through. Nobody now can call him “virgin” anymore so he might have villain, pervert, bad guy roles in the future as he dun have to keep the virgin image.
If ray takes the pervert villain roles too, what’s left for Kenneth ma?
Goody roles.
It’s so funny when everytime ppl see a hot body girl, they’ll say: This girl is brainless.
Honesty, busty girl still can be smarter than small boobs.
Like when ppl see Blonds, will say: Stupid.
Legally Blond, haha.
Yeah agree. You actually have to talk to the girl to see if she is totally braindead or not.
LOL, i think when men see a beautiful girl with boobs they are not thinking straight anymore. And others girls have them for having boobs
Just curious, shouldn’t he still be in mourning? From what I gather, his grandmother passed away not more than a month ago, so why is he off clubbing so quickly? Btw, she from his dad’s side or mum’s?
How long should one keep mourning for a dead relative? 3 years?
Life still have to go on.
according to Buddhist religion, 7 weeks. You can’t celebrate birthdays (including other people’s bdays), avoid drinking alcohol, and no wearing bright colors.
Normally, after 3 days the kids will have a meeting and invite some other ppl like relatives or neighbors. They say 3 days = the time for the spirit to come back. Then 77=49 days will have second meeting. After that, 100 days will have the third meeting. Then the first year. From that, each year.
The children of this person will have to mourn for 49 days and wear a black thing on arm in 1 year. In the first year, the children shouldn’t go to anyone’s house or family party because it will bring the bad luck to the person they visit.
The grandchildren are not force to do such thing because they are not that blood-close to the person who passed away so they don’t bring bad luck to the person they visit. They also dun need to wear the black thingy on clothes.
The in-law children will have to wear black thing on chest for 100 days.
@ Fox,
when i watch HK drama, usually they says that it’s not 3 days but 7 days = the spirit will come back.
now modern liao, don’t have to wear the arm badge any more. after the mourning ceremony over the master will help them to do the ritual cleansing ceremony then they can wear any colour clothing.
I had a typo. 7 days, not 3 days.
Forget to tks you for the correction.
I think it’s good for the spirit if the relatives dun miss her/him too much and call her/him back frequently. Rest in peace isn’t something just talk to talk.
I know a person who is working in spirit subject. She told me that shouldn’t call the spirit back too many times because the spirit can’t rest in peace. As the spirit will also have to train to get better life in the next life so if they come back too frenquently, their training will be delayed.
Moreover, if the relatives miss the spirit too much, the spirit will be sad and stay in the human’s world. if they stay there too long, they won’t be able to come back to spirit world and (1) die forever and unable to have afterlife or (2) become evil spirit.
maybe he isn’t really that close to his gm and is just pretending to be in sorrow.
and the stuff about tvb making him the next andy lau, common give me a break LF doesn’t have the acting skills to do so.
Why can’t LF be the next Andy Lau?
Although some people don’t seem to like his private life and his taste for big-boobs girls, we can’t deny that he is hardworking, diligent, and quite talented (despite his lack of interesting roles in TVB dramas in the recent years).
Even though I agree that his success is partially due to the honing of his ‘Prince Charming’ image, he’s still more hardworking and ambitious compared to the average HK actors.
On a side note, I like Andy’s singing, but his acting never grew on me. On the other hand, I had a good impression of LF’s acting after in Face to Fate.
because althought his acting is not that bad it not great either. The fact is that without his background he wouldn’t have been where his is today.
Don’t know the HK people they seems to care about real talent these days all they care about is their idols.
however many girls got their prince charming image of LF shattered and might leave him for someone younger better looking.
Andy Lau is also isn’t that great at acting. Acting is Tony Leung. Jacky Cheung and Simon Yam also good. Andy Lau is more an idol who won by popularity and number of fans.
LOL…it’s only his background that gives him his popularity. Find a guy who is rich but cannot sing and act to become as popular as him for me. You cannot deny and minimize his diligence and talents.
Too many baised comments here. Obviously, speaking from a hater’s point-of-view.
@ exoidus: I dunno if you will blv or not, but in fact he gained a huge number of fans due to PSS incident. Some started to notice him and watch his stuffs, then become fans. There was a topic in his baidu bar where new fans gained after the PSS incident gathered and shared their opinions and reasons. Some even said that they think he has good taste on woman and start to like him.
He lost fans, of course. But at the same time, he gained fans. Ironic that.
And after PSS incident, his album sold more and faster than before. His function has more ppl to come.
So maybe his new real player image will make him become more famous. Who know.
Why you can sure that without his background, he can’t be him today? Any example to see that his background help him to have advantages compared to others? He still had to take acting class, do cameos. I saw a lot of ppl highly value the acting class and the ones who had cameos before having leading roles, why not him?
Actually, I think his rich background gives him more disadvantages than advantages.
His grandma already dead for almost a month. He has a life too and must keep on living. What’s wrong with that?
@Kidd and Vivien
I know that life goes on and a dead relative doesn’t mean that the person can’t be happy anymore, but it’s just that isn’t less than a month too soon to be out clubbing? He can be happy but shouldn’t he show a little restraint, at least for the first 100 days, like in Chinese custom. I mean if any of your close relatives passed away (to me, grandmother is close), touch wood, would you be out partying the night away and kissing up a storm (as this article suggests) less than a month after it happened? There is a time and place for everything. Afterall, he did just attend her funeral the day before regardless of when she died.
anyway good job ray, i am proud of you, you are really gentleman, truely man.
lol I really enjoyed reading all the post coming from FOX,VEEJAY & BUTI4!Just out of curiosity are you guys from the debate team? XD
Anyway,back to LF!Ever since the PSS news broke out I knew he wasn’t the real “prince charming” TVB groomed him to be!Everyone has their own dirty little secrets and unfortunately his secret got exposed by the media so that’s just too bad.I’m actually expecting more of this kind of news about him courting girls at night clubs in the near future.Don’t worry ppl you guys will definitely get use to him being a player/hypocrite in the long run
It makes total sense that he’s the typical playboy because with his current fame and status plus wealthy family background it’s hard to keep your option limited right?lol If he continues to make headlines I will not be surprise that TVB would grabbed on the opportunity and film a series about him
It will definitely be interesting! Cheers to LF!haha
I agree with you macD. I must admit though that I used to be a fan – NOT exactly a “die hard one but a fan nevertheless”. Now all I seem to read about is him partying with a different girl, nude pictures etc…. He is certainly not endearing himself to the public. If I had a daughter I would certainly not want her to be with someone like him even though he has lots of money and comes from a wealthy background. He just doesn’t seem very stable and trustworthy. But there again, how many males in the entertainment world are???
I like this type of Lam Fung. So sick and tired of his good image one that he used to have.
Like, who cares since everyone is fake in the E-centre in order to survive there.
I like this comment, too. I also like the new image of him – hot-blooded and player.
I don’t think this news will affect anything since Mavis scandal is even bigger. So this is nothing and will just like a little fly to Raymond.
He might even grow some new admirer because he managed to get the pretty Kibby Lau fell for him
I re-read the article and I was guilty of calling Kibby Libby since Libby is the more common name. Will fix asap.
Recently, I have been calling my co-worker, Rob, as Ron a lot. I think I need to sleepp more.
Veejay is indeed Ray hater, wonder wat LF done to u in past.
What’s wrong wth LF going clubbing? Prob he has been too stress wth works & CW invited him to relax while celebrate their completion of his album?
Probably he had too much too drink and flirted wth long legged Kibby. Every man won’t resist “blueberry muffin” If LF resisted Kibby, the news will be LF turning to Gay after PSS incident. LoL
Give him a break… And hope this news will break his clean & good image. And also non LF fans will stop relating him as a “virgin” and accept him as any normal guy & prefer HoT babe
Agree and this might not be a totally bad thing too. Now that his prince charming image has broken TVB can always cast him as a playboy because there’s no need to keep the prince charming anymore.
30s is too old to be clubbing. I guess Ray is trying to live the youth he never had time for, now with his success and fame.
Who says clubbing is for young ones? Come on! Any age can also go clubbing. It is basically a place to get drunk, flirt, chat with friends and find someone to sleep with
LF realized that his image of price charming is shattered. So he decided to use his fame to get laid LOL
It’s really fun to read you all comments. Honestly, I still think Fox is Lam’s diehard fan, even though some say she’s just like to debates, she seems know him from head to toe…hehehe…
Honestly, I have bad impression of Lam. Firstly, I know he got plastic surgery, He used to look like Wong Cho lam so no no I can’t enjoy his performance anymore when he act as price charming..haha
Secondly, I hate what TVB create his imagine as “price charming” Why have to be “price charming” when you’re a player in real life. You all can say all entertainers are liars or they have to be like that, like this….. whatever he got caught and that’s liar. I don’t know why still there are many naive girls admire him who not deserve to be an idol.
I don’t have any problem with “bad guys” or clubbing, so don’t try to attack me on this. I love bad boys.
Also, I hate to hear others say ” you say this because you jealous” or “you secretly admire him”…bla..bla… No no no please
+ 1
You don’t need to say that. I always said I’m a fan :P. Diehard, I told you, if it’s make me hard to die, then I’m one. I love my life so much. Since I’m a fan, I know about him a lot is an obvious thing. I also met him several time, in close distance so I judge him in the way he treated me. That’s enough for me. His real private life, not my business since he isn’t my bf or relatives.
And I love to debate, it’s an open secret, keke. If the name in here isn’t LF but whoever I know and track, I’ll protect just like this. Can track my posts for Shirley :P.
The rest of your post is your opinion, then nobody will attack you. If you want, I’ll have a debate with you.
Sook many comments!!! Why is that every article on Ray has sook many comments. I haven’t visited this site in a while, and still same people, same views…but I just gottaa say this post had hand the best debate eva…lol. I don’t think it really matters who the he’ll he’s trying to wheel, as long as his concert is good. That’s probably what most of his fans think anyway.
Because he is so famous and everybody love to talk about him
It just put me off completely. The way he behaves and wanting to become the next ‘Andy Lau’. Oh, come off it lol. He should know that Andy Lau works really hard to get to where he is today. He still does. LF appears to take it for granted because someone is there to invest and support him. The good guy image he projects does not tally with his behaviours. Regardless what one might say, a celebrity still has a degree of social responsibility (no matter how small). His hypocrisy does not sit well with me. What are his values in life anyway? Fame, money and women from the look of it.
I also find it strange how they always compare LF to Andy. I think they are from 2 different backgrounds. First of all, Ray came from a really rich family while Andy came from a very poor family. It is true that Andy works hard and still does. Ray does as well but it seems like he takes some things for granted while ANdy doesn’t. I remember once reading about how Andy had to fight over just a pillow with his older sister when he was young. Therefore, maybe due to Andy’s difficult childhood that he knows how to value things more and not take things for granted.
Well says HTS
Andy Lau is my favourite, I love watching his movies and singing even thou a lot of peoples criticize on him. He’s still my favourite. He is the best person in HK
i personally think raymond is overrated
He has never said that he wannabe second Andy Lau. Only reporters said so only. He only said he admires Andy to have a wife like Carol who support him fully.
To hate him is something very ok but why need to deny all of his effort in years? He isn’t in this industry for 1 or 2 days, or even years. He is there for 12 years. In this 12 years, if he has nothing than a background, why he still can stay and have fans? Should give him a little credit. You might say that his father is rich, can buy fans for him. Alright, as a fan, I wonder why I dun being paid a penny :(? And I blv if he only don’t have any responsibilites with his current work, he went home to become a rich businessman already. His life will be more private and less injury, of course more time and more chance to find girls without the curious eyes from reporters.
Lol, I highly value a rich guy who is hardworking. He is already rich, but still work. Maybe that’s why he is richer and richer. Better than the poor one but only say “oh I’m poor, why I’m poor” but dun work.
“He only said he admires Andy to have a wife like Carol who support him fully.”
LF really said that? Not to be stereotypical, but I can’t see Mavis or Kibby in that light. Maybe they’re too young to settle down too and are fighting for fame and money. But it requires a woman with a certain level of understanding and maturity to actually love and support the man fully. Like Jayne said before, clubs are not really a good place to find a long-term partner. But it seems like he was only looking for a one night stand anyway.
With his rising career right now, I’m pretty sure he hasn’t thought about marriage yet. Maybe in his late 30’s he will settle down. Ultimately, LF may be searching for someone who can support him fully, but even if he found that someone, he won’t be able to dedicate his time to her now and would rather just fool around for now.
Anyway, I doubt there would be anything serious going on between LF and Kibby. Kibby seems too young and immature.
Yes, he said so when he was dating Mavis. I somehow blv he really thinks so. He had a date this time, with a person in entertainment industry like Andy. From both sides’ words, they were serious with the relationship (went to visit each other’s family). So he might want Mavis to turn to Carol but I doubt she will as she is kinda ambitious. According to both of them, this request might be a reason for them to argue.
As for Kibby, I also dun think the relationship went to the serious part like he was with Mavis because see in the article, they just dance and she kissed on his cheek. Nothing much. If lip-to-lip then can have something confirmed, just cheek kiss, haiz, not sure yet.
Plus, they might know each other before this club days. You also can read in the article, he dun have any action when some girls went to him. Only when Kibby came, he danced with her. So can have a chance that they made a date there. She isn’t a random girl he met there.
As for the marriage, in his age the parents will push. He is also the biggest son. Have a son is like a part of his responsibility to the family. He loves kids (I doubt he can fake this because he really knows how to carry a kid and take care for him), maybe he is hurry up to have one. I hope so :P.
Kibby is 23 now? Hmm, to a girl in the industry, her age isn’t immature anymore.
“clubs are not really a good place to find a long-term partner”
I dont think so, if the girl/guy found his/her right partner at the nightclub, he/she might change and alter their living behaviour just to suit the other half if both are ready to settle down. But chances of finding a decent partner at nightclubs are normally less than 30%… I often go clubbing too but I dont do one night stand or kissing/hugging around with ppl so not all ppl goes clubbing are indecent.
“Kibby is 23 now? Hmm, to a girl in the industry, her age isn’t immature anymore.”
Maturity is based on one’s mentality, not age.
I don’t think going clubbing means one is indecent. Generally, what I’m seeing is that people go clubbing because they want to have a night of fun with their friends or maybe find a one-night stand partner. I see it as simply another social thing in today’s world, but how often do we hear that we go clubbing with the intention to find a potential partner?
I’m not saying it’s impossible to meet our other half at a bar or club, because it’s possible to be attracted to the other person, exchange numbers, and maybe call the other person up for coffee later on. However, in LF’s case, I don’t see him settling down any time soon, thus I can only see him having one night stands.
Like you say, the chances are low, so it really ISN’T such a good place to go looking for someone you want to be serious about. First impressions means quite a lot to me.
We mourn the deaths of our loved ones in different manner. Considering Raymond’s grandmother lived to a ripe old age and died peacefully in his sleep, perhaps Raymond did not feel outright misery. She did leave behind a family who loved her and will keep her spirit alive in their thoughts.
Traditional Buddhist mourning rites and length of mourning may be observed more rigoriously among older generation and Grandma Lam’s immediate children rather than grandchildren.
I think mourning practices should not be used to judge how filial Raymond was towards his grandma (as this article implied) after her death, but rather how much effort he put in while she was alive.
One of my friends mother and sister died one month prior to his wedding. His fiance wanted to proceed with the wedding since all the plans were in place. Was he unfilial because he proceeded with wedding so quickly after recent deaths in family? None of his friends criticized him and I don’t know how the rest of the family felt. However, on the wedding day, his emotions were bittersweet. What should have been one of the happiest days in his life was overshadowed by the absence of two of his family members.
According to the chinese custom, the couple have to married within the year if not they have to wait for 3 yrs, so your friend’s fiancé still consider filial.
Yes I agree that mourning is different from everyone.. I do think that clubbing is a bit inappropriate. A wedding is a celebration of embracing a partner for life, family, love, continuance of life… Clubbing is… clubbing. Out of respect for my family, I would refrain from doing those kinds of activities for a while and spend time w/ my family members.
With that said, perhaps Raymond wasn’t that close to his grandmother so he does not feel the sadness that accompanies the lost of a loved one? Who knows.
“I think mourning practices should not be used to judge how filial Raymond was towards his grandma (as this article implied) after her death, but rather how much effort he put in while she was alive.”
I like this way of thinking much more.
Agree with Jayne completely.
Effort he put in while she’s alive is more important. Plus, people mourn in different manner.
@ Judy
” I would refrain from doing those kinds of activities for a while and spend time w/ my family members.”
He spent time with his brother in the club.
This is why I love to read your comment, Jayne. Dun go to the extreme and look for things from both sides.
@Fox @HeTieShou @Judy @Chriselle
I have lived long enough to experience the deaths of numerous family members: grandparents, aunts, co-workers’ family, family pets, and even several high school friends my age have died, some through accidents, illness, and even suicide.
Each death occurred under different circumstances and depending on my relationship with the person, there was a very different reaction.
When I was younger, I did not mourn death in the same manner as I do now. I was unable to cry at funerals. Perhaps it was youth and the inability to think beyond myself or understand the deeper loss.
Death results in a permanent loss in a part of yourself because you will not be able to talk or see the person again. Our memories get clouded and many people are fearful in letting time make us forget, afraid of losing those memories of our loved ones. Perhaps a little part of you died also, that relationship and bond that you shared with the deceased and may be unable to find again with another human being.
When a parent dies, it is as if a part of our childhood is gone. When a cherished family pet who has been with us for years died, a part of our youth died as well. When a friend our age dies, through choice or natural occurrences, we immediately think back to the time we were young and innocent.
Each subsequent death takes away our innocence and makes us reflect on our relationship with the deceased. We learn to cope with our grief and loss and those are lessons that we must learn to continue living. Our relationships with people around us come and go and it is those experiences that enrich our lives. Our time with each other is limited.
People can feel very intensely about how the mourning of death is observed. At family funerals, if you crack a joke or smile, some people may be very upset. If you wear the inappropriate clothes or colors, how you comb your hair, each word you say to the deceased family can be judged. Your relationship to the deceased and how you behave at the funeral will be watched carefully.
Your relationship to the deceased is as personal as your own mourning. Some people like to talk about the death of a loved one. Some do not. Some people want sympathy and wish to cry out their sorrow. Some people don’t feel the loss until years later, when they realize a part of themselves will be forever loss due to memories becoming fainter. Some people don’t feel a severe loss and are more resilient, picking up on their regular routine quickly.
How long will this relationship last?
Less than 6 months?
BTW, Mavis Pan interview with Face magazine…(
More damage control on Raymond Lam?
I read it, the content is just the same to wat she said in the past, no new info except she admits that she uses botox but dun do anything to her boobs.
Raymond Lam , a player
Yes he is.
I think this mavis pan girl is still harping for popularity thru LF… people already starting to forget about her relationship with LF and she’s still into it.. kinda boring with her already.
WOW! So many new comments since I read this article yesterday! Love the fight or debate that’s goin on. LOLs.
I don’t want to be supporting Ray or anything but I wanna say that:
Most guys in this world is bad boy, palyer, etc. You’ll never be able to find a perfect man. But Ray’s case seems so serious because he’s a celebrity, famous, and is many people’s idols. So people like reporters dig deep to find as much info about him as possible(target him). Other male actors or singers are prob like Ray too, but they are not as famous, so no point in going after them. Nonceleb males will also be like Ray. Also, don’t accept everything the news says, cause they’re always biased. The person who wrote this news article is prob someone who hates Ray.
Everything he does, goes to the press and gets exaggerated/fabricated. To me, news are for entertainment purposes as they are never close to being 100% true.
Whether he is a playboy, doesn’t matter to me. Clubbing does not make you bad. You’ll never be able to find a perfect woman either cos everyone has flaws.
Yup. Everyone has flaws but you just can’t always tell if you don’t know them personally.
Also, I think TVB is a little responsible for his bad news now cause it was TVB who gave him all these handsome prince characters to act. Makin him have a good boy image, so when somethin a little bad comes out about him, he is very affected.
One thing I often wonder. The public hold celebs to a higher standard because they are idolised by many, thus they can influence the mind of youngsters. The older public are worried that the ‘bad’ behavior of the celeb affect their children. But, what about the media who go all out to dig up dirt of the celebs? Don’t they have the responsibility too? Lets say Ray has a very good clean image. He hide his other not so favorable side well. So, his fans think he’s really good and follow his the example set by his clean image. IF the reporters let it be, everything will be good and well. Ray continue earning his money and fame and fans continue to be on good behavior.
So, whose responsibility is it when the youngsters learn their bad behavior? Only the celebs themselves have the responsibility? The media who dig this up just for the magazine sales, should they carry part of the responsibility too? Especially those who twist facts and make the celebs look worse the they actually are?
This thing I blv Korean media did the best in Asia. They make their artists like angels and rarely talk bad about them nor dig whenever they are wrong. I think it’s also help the K artists to be more famous and have larger fanbase. And they often bash the rival companies than the artists of the rival companies.
On the other hand, I feel that HK media is like to lower HK artists and keep putting them down for the sale. Some even made up story to have bigger sale (ie. the case of Ray Lui recently). Some of them said that they want to open eyes to the youngsters, to let them know that the industry is dark and dirty. But do it is any good to the youngsters? If they all dun want to join industry, then how the E-world will run and who for them to sell? A second chance can happen: the youngster dun mind of the bad reputation anymore and this time, the sale will decrease because they dun want to buy gossips anymore.
I also wonder why in TVB series, most of artists are bad. You can see that, they even dun praise the artists themselves. The artists in TVB series, greedy, fake, fight while still smile, sleep with rich men to climb higher, etc.
So it’s a habit of HK media to bring down the artists?
I think parents need to take greater responsibility rather than play the “blaming game.” Even if awkward situations appear in a TVB series over dinner, why can’t the parents calmly discuss the issue together with the children?
Also, the parents should empower their children with the ability to think on their own in certain tough situations, such as peer pressure to drink or do drugs when they don’t want to. When an idol such as Jill Vidal does drugs, does that make drugs appear more alluring? Parents need to guide their children in a manner where they can grow up to be able to differentiate between right and wrong and it does not matter who is doing it around you. Make the kids truly aware of the consequences of their actions.
From a business standpoint, the media exists to meet people’s demand for information, no matter how ugly the news is. Does the media have a social responsibility because the information they release will have a direct impact on people’s thinking and behavior? We also have a choice in reading different media outlets and hopefully closing the bias gap.
Parents should watch the evening news with children, entertainment, political, business news etc. No need to protect children in a greenhouse while growing up. They should be aware that there are child molesters, rapists, drugs out there. And take away that idol pedestal…why idolize someone you don’t really know? Why not look up to a family member, such as elder sibling instead?
For the parents who are complaining about bad role models in society, they should spend more time with their kids to impart a valuable lesson. For example, the Edison/ Cecilia nude photo scandal was a perfect scenario. Famous celebrities taking sex photos together, would that influence more young teenage couples to do the same? Or would it teach a lesson to never take such photos with current bf, who may become ex-bf in the future? You don’t want a nude photo trail. The media did their job of reporting the news, but parents should not shove it under the table. They should take real news events and turn it into a moral and logical discussion, playing out the scenarios.
Each generation is surrounded with negative influences while growing up. However, some parents tend to do less and like to blame everyone else (including celebrities) how their kids turn out rather than spending more time with their own kids and teach valuable lessons in life. At the end of the day, no one is more responsible for how your kid turns out than the parents.
In my POV the public shouldn’t have put too much emphasize on “performing artistes'” personality or personal lives.
Sometimes the media(especially Hong Kong’s) get too notorius and stepped over the line just to sell whatever juicy “news” that they get and of course never failed to add their own exaggerated flavors – and many citizens go ahead and buy their tabloid news.
Ugh….and to “some parents”, if you don’t throw the magazines or “bad” news of stars onto your children’s faces the infamously said bad influence will be less. Children education shouldn’t be passed thoroughly to the media and school alone. Heard of Parenting Control or Parenting Skill?
@ Jayne: Your post reminds me of GTO.
Onizuka pointed an ugly truth: the parents always blame the social, the school, the media and the children but never blame themselves. They are the biggest role model for the children to follow, not any celebs.
That’s because no one wants to admit that they are a failure, such as parents who have failed to parent their children. So they blame everyone else outside of themselves.
Parenting is a very difficult responsibility and you need to first know yourself well, know your stance and keep it firm or flexible depending on situation, child’s personality, age, etc. to adapt. Takes a lot of time and patience. And which issues to make a priority and which to let go, similar in most relationships we have with other people.
“So it’s a habit of HK media to bring down the artists”
Hehe I don’t HK media has personal evil intentions. They might accept bribes to feature a certain artist more. Sensational news will sell and whether it’s fact or fiction doesn’t matter anymore, as long as it is entertaining. I take everything with a grain of salt and analyze what I read…
Celebrity and entertainment gossip offers us an escape from reality. Hhehe think about those 5 minute breaks logging in from work or on the train. Everyone is fascinated by a good gossip story; it’s the next closest thing to meeting them in real life and finding out more about the beautiful people we love watching.
It has nothing to do with morality, but selling magazines. And yes, celebrities should not be the paragon of virtues for fans, but some celebrities should then stop saying “I am doing this for my fans”, “I have to be moral for my fans”, “I like to be a role model for my fans”, which is what Miley Cyrus said, in context. HK celebrities never said that but they also deny frequently of being in relationships, etc. I feel being in the social public eye, you have a responsibility; either you admit you’re rotten and do whatever you like, like rock stars or be good and genuine about being good. Don’t go smiling benignly and then do something else, very hypocritical.
And moreover, parents are wrong to blame everyone else, and children are wrong to blame everyone else also. However it is a fact that celebrity has more persuasive powers than parents these days.
“This thing I blv Korean media did the best in Asia. They make their artists like angels and rarely talk bad about them nor dig whenever they are wrong. I think it’s also help the K artists to be more famous and have larger fanbase. And they often bash the rival companies than the artists of the rival companies.”
Not quite true. It is just marketing and I will be more severely disappointed to know that the positive stuff said are no more truth than the ugly things said. K artistes are no angels. We read about suicides, etc. Those are like sweeping problems under the carpets.
“So, whose responsibility is it when the youngsters learn their bad behavior? Only the celebs themselves have the responsibility? The media who dig this up just for the magazine sales, should they carry part of the responsibility too? Especially those who twist facts and make the celebs look worse the they actually are?”
That is like saying any bad reports don’t report, so fans can continue to follow good example? That is lying isn’t it? Or PR work or marketing. Media needs to earn money, and scandals sells. Yes they do make some things looking worse than they originally were, like Ray going clubbing and hitting on some girls, normal behaviour for men. But for Ray, they call it a scandal. And it is in a way, since he has a good clean image and being a lothario does not fit into that clean prince like image. It is like as if the media expects him to fall for some dowdy looking ordinary girl when we all know his taste in women. Nothing wrong with that but you live what you preach. So I feel Ray should just come clean on his actual image and he can go clubbing or whatever. Or more accurately, TVB should let Ray6 live the life he wants to live and fans will learn to accept.
@ Funn
You have a point.
I wonder what will happen if Raymond comes clean, or TVB/EEG let him comes clean.
Learn a new word from Funn
lothario – A man who seduces women
Does casanova and don juan mean the same thing?
lothario – A man who seduces women
And rather negative implication. Like playboy but worse.
“Does casanova and don juan mean the same thing?”
Basically same, like calling someone valentino but not as negative as lotharios who seduces and leaves. Casanova basically I believe means an amarous lover, someone who seduces and loves. Don Juan as well, but I believe less negative than lothario.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Probably he’s a playboy begin with, and have to play kuai kuai cai for his idol image , since now his image is semi ruined, so there is no need for him to hide his true self. Go for it, be free and be yourself….
The image is only semi ruined to those who actually think any one artist is saint.
i am believe 100% to all what @fox say.
As a recent reader, some of you are very critical of Raymond in all aspects. Not here to defend but just give my 2cents.
Uou’d make a very good HK reporter…all those disrespectful comments/speculations about him and anything related to him.
Should admire an artist for their acting/singing, etc, but don’t let their private life affect you.
So niave for ppl to think he is a “virgin”. It is naive to think any artist is a “virgin”.
Wow, clubbing means getting laid. I don’t think so. Plus some speculations are very harsh.
I find some of the comments very disrespectful…those in fact also reflect on you. I personally would not post some of those comments even if I dislike the artist.
I have a question: Is clubbing really that bad in HK?
Why in TVB series, I saw the clubbing is like a part of life of anyone: police, lawyer, doctors, artists, gangsters, etc. They went to Lan Kai Fong after work. I went to Lan Kai Fong as well and I dun see any illegal thing there as well as anyone view different when someone go to Lan Kai Fong.
Some comments in here make me curious of the view on clubbing. ‘Cause I think the reporters are make it like a very big deal for artists who clubbing, but on the other hand, I dun see much complaints or harsh views on this piece of news on some HK forum I track.
And here in an Eng forum, how do you view clubbing?
It’s really dependent on what you do while clubbing. Some people go with friends and stay with them. Some go alone to pick up one-night stands. Some people do drugs there. When you go to a typical club, there will be a mix of people going there for different intentions.
Some clubs have more wild reputation than others. I also don’t believe that women should get blindly drunk at a public place, even if you have a friend ” watching out for you.” Otherwise, you never know who you will end up sleeping with that night.
I like clubs for their lively atmosphere and upbeat music. Not there for the drugs or drinks. Not there to pick up guys. Hehe I’ll rather go to the bookstore for that.
I thinking clubbing is fun…..certainly, not like the horrible things others had posted.
It is a place to enjoy with friends. No big deal. If clubbing is all that bad, then HK series are portraying HK ppl as bad??? (no offense).
I have always known Raymond as a Player. I heard about it ages ago dont know from where. How come it seems to be such a big issue now?
of course @fox will be the winner debate, she is the best, congrat @fox and bravo.
no matter how many girlfriend he has i dont care, i just want focus on his career just dont disappoint, i dont care about artis personal life because that artis are human too.
Jayne should do I Why I Dislike Raymond Lam. essay contest…
@ Kidd & Masarahu: Since the above topic about Ruco is too long to load, I open a new one because it’ll be easier to load in my turtle computer ( I think I have a virus).
Kidd, when you find the links, give me.
As for Joe, I’m admit that I’m being affected by his funny singing in V something Force (I dun rmb the name). It’s cute :P. When I listened to Relic’s theme, I’m surprised at Joe’s singing.
Ruco Chan:
Crystal Tin:
For those interest to seee how Raymond Wong’s singing sound.
Raymond Wong:
Thank Kidd. I’ll watch it later.
Found a live singing clip of Ruco.
Well, maybe it’s my ears only but I think he sang so offkey.
The first song I heard Crystal sing and I believe this is also Kwong Wa’s best singing so far.
It will sure bring back good memories to Funn.
Is this that series about qing emperor?? What series if not? Is that Crystal? Are we talking about the same crystal?
Frankly I never thought Kong Wa was a professional sounding singer anyway.
@ Funn
Yes, ‘Secret Battle Of The Majesty’ where Kong Wa played Emperor Yong Zheng.
Crystal Tin only sang the themesong. She didn’t act in the series.
People who believe celebrities to be these “perfect beings” are just plain naive. Every celebrity is manufactured and adopts the personality that helps them sell and appeal to the public. Just like people who go to see magicians; they’re asking to be deceived.
i think kibby is pretty.
please media stop picking on ray, but i know its his personal life so i shouldnt judge him on it.
Raymond shld hv attended Starhub TVB Award on that day. He has disappointed his Singapore fans. =(
anyway all his fans really understanding him, all its already forgiven him.
i personally never had a good feeling of kibby since she in tvb, and the media are crossing the boarders too much, please give ray space, stop stalking him.
These days almost all the girls had plastic surgeries so I won’t say they are pretty you get me?
If you’re born without any modification then I would say you’re pretty. Mavis’ definitely has plastic surgery or at least enhance her breasts, but to me it looks very unnatural.
I personally believe that all of us are different. Some people prefer to keep to themselves to mourn the death of their loved ones. Some people will do the opposite to have parties. Honestly, who are we to guess or judge how close Raymond was to his grandma? Even if he choose to party the next day after his grandma’s death, it was his choice anyway and especially when his grandma was considered passed away at an old age. Some people grief inside and not show it out. Anyway, only Raymond himself would truly know how much his grandma meant to him when she was alive and after her passings.