Patrick Tse Curses and Slaps Kenneth Tsang During Press Conference

The TVB travelogue program Four Amigos Bon Voyage <4個小生去旅行>, which stars Patrick Tse (謝賢), Kenneth Tsang (曾江), Bowie Wu (胡楓), and Joe Junior, held a press conference to promote the upcoming show earlier this week. As the press conference also coincided with Patrick’s 79th birthday, the organizers planned a birthday segment for the veteran actor.
His three other veteran costars—Kenneth, Bowie, and Joe—happily prepared a birthday song for him. However, the happy press conference quickly turned awry when Patrick suddenly stood up angrily from his chair and slapped Kenneth, shouting expletives at the 80-year-old actor. Bowie, who was sitting in between them, tried to defuse the situation. Joe, who was sitting beside Patrick, was left in a state of shock.
The clip showing the fight quickly became a hot topic online, and the topic trended for days. Hong Kong netizens were amused with the situation and wondered if Patrick’s angry burst at Kenneth was sincere.
At the press conference, Patrick looked visibly upset and voiced out his suspicions at Kenneth for faking his illness while filming the show. Kenneth, who claims he had difficulty walking, was wheelchair-bound for several days during shooting.
Patrick reportedly got angry at Kenneth for “faking his injury” and cursed at him. He went for a slap, but accidentally slapped Bowie instead, who was trying to calm Patrick down. The 83-year-old’s glasses were knocked down.
Some Hong Kong netizens remarked that Patrick and Kenneth’s brief fight was nothing more than a promotional gimmick. On TVB’s Amazing Summer Facebook page, TVB uploaded a fake WhatsApp group chat between the four costars; the content was of Bowie complaining to Patrick for breaking his promise of not slapping his face. The post led to netizens to believe that the fight was just for promotion.
However, Patrick and Kenneth gave very ambiguous responses to the press, leading to suspicion that the fight was not just a simple gimmick to promote the show. In a brief phone interview, Patrick said hastily, “It’s in the past already. Let’s end the call now!” Did Kenneth call him? “Why? It’s over already. I don’t remember!”
While out to attend a dinner with some friends, Kenneth was asked if his face still hurt from Patrick’s slap. “No, but my leg hurts. I took medication already.” Asked if Patrick had called him in the last few days, he said, “No. I’ll rather see him in person now! Hopefully I’ll bump into him. Let’s shake hands and call it a day!” Did Patrick really slap him? “No, but he did hit Bowie Wu. He only grazed me a little.”
Kenneth said in a later, more detailed interview that he was shocked that Patrick reacted in the way he did. “We’ll always be friends though,” he added. Asked if Patrick’s surprise outburst was a tactic to promote the show, Kenneth laughed and said, “I hope it was! Haha!”
Kenneth then admitted that Patrick did not invite him to a dinner gathering to celebrate the show’s premiere on August 17. Asked if Bowie, the middle man, was hurt in their fight, Kenneth said, “I asked him, and he said he was fine. [Patrick’s] slap was not that strong.”
Joe Junior said he was in complete shock at Patrick’s outburst. “We are all good friends. Harmony is a virtue. When we were in the recording studios that day, we all got along well and chatted happily. At first, I thought [the fight] was fake.”
Asked the producer if TVB will clarify Patrick and Kenneth’s relationship to the public, producer So Man Yee (蘇敏儀) said, “No. This is a travel program. The show will go on air as originally scheduled and planned.”
This article is written by Addy for
this is indeed very entertaining to read. i wonder what really happened between them.
Hitting people or intent to cause hurt indeed very unprofessional, even it was fake.
Publicity stunt. I am more shocked to find out Wu Fung is called Bowie.
@funnlim I thought they were referring to Bowie Lam, then I wondered by he wasn’t the pic! Lol