Phoebe Sin Shares Postpartum Difficulties

Newlyweds Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Phoebe Sin (單文柔) announced the birth of their daughter, Quinta, on Easter Sunday. Accompanying their announcement were photos of the family of three, which showcased the beaming parents and Quinta, whom they affectionately nicknamed “Little Piggy”.
The photos, however, suggests that Quinta was born some days prior to the announcement. During an interview recently, Phoebe confirmed that Quinta was actually born in early April. However, in hopes of ensuring time for the new parents to adjust to their new family, they decided to hold off on announcing Quinta’s birth. Furthermore, Phoebe needed adequate time for rest and recovery, as she was diagnosed with mastitis, which is a painful infection of the breast tissue.
Phoebe, who has now recovered from the infection, shared, “I was very relaxed when I was pregnant. However, the postpartum confinement was completely different. I was very tired and weak. Initially, we wanted to announce Quinta’s birth earlier, but then I came down with a fever. Apparently, not every new mother is suited to breastfeed. I am actually a suitable candidate. I had a very nutritious diet while pregnant, so I had plenty of milk; an oversupply, actually. If not treated properly, it would easily cause infection and other health issues. That’s why I had mastitis.
“My postpartum confinement was very difficult, because uterine contractions are very uncomfortable. In addition, I had a wound from delivering Quinta via C-section. Breastfeeding was painful as well. I initially thought Quinta was biting while being breastfed. It was hurting really badly one day and I was running a fever, so I was admitted to the hospital. The doctor suggested I stay in the hospital for two days to get anti-inflammatory drugs through an IV. I insisted on going home though, because I really missed Quinta. Besides, I was already in the hospital for a period of time after giving birth, so I really didn’t want to stay anymore. In the end, the doctor prescribed me some medicine to take at home.”
Fortunately, the new mother has now recovered and has hired a lactation consultant to help. Phoebe expressed, “The most distressing thing is that Quinta has not had breast milk in several days. Initially, it was so painful that I gave up and switched to formula milk. However, Quinta did not adjust well. So later, we tried mixing breast milk and formula milk, which worked better. We hired a lactation consultant to help massage my breasts and help unclog my milk ducts. Hopefully I will be able to breastfeed again soon!”
As a first-time father, Ruco added, “Quinta’s health is okay. We have medical professionals to help if not. I am most worried about my wife. Her emotional state both before and after delivery must be handled well. Because of her mastitis, she has been suffering greatly. I need to arrange things and handle matters better.”
Source: Ming Pao Weekly
This article is written by Huynh for
Does she really repeatedly say her name in the interview??? So if Quinta is only a nickname (not on birth cert), then wtf would you have a second nickname as Little Piggy??? O.o
Honestly, they’re trying too hard to be in the limelight and “the it.” But they’re so… common like commoners, from looks to all these announcements to gossips. They have no oomph sort of speak. They’re like second fiddle. Then again, whatever it takes to make the milk money and promo. Sucks that they have to use a little newborn.
Glad mom and baby are healthy though. Yay. Gratz.
Btw, that’s a horrible pink bottle blowup. It looks like something else at quick glance lol.
@jjwong yeah whoever gave them that awful pink thingy lol
“Blah blah blah blah blah I’m the only woman who had a baby before and it’s so tough for me me me blah blah blah blah blah”
@babycakes the way these 2 go on and on about how difficult pregnancy has been really makes one think that they’re the only ones who go thru birthing pains. She’s lucky her hubby can afford to hire a lactation consultant (actually first time I hear of this term) to massage her breasts lol.
A nutritious diet while pregnant doesn’t make you have a good supply of milk. Supply of milk is basically boil down to your genes and your hormones, that statement is kinda arrogant in a sense, I eat more healthy than you therefore I have better milk supply -.-? Now that’s a slap to mother who is doing their best yet couldn’t even get the milk going because their body just couldn’t >_<
I guess hiring a lactation consultant is very different from a free one, here they show you how to massage your breast to unclog the milk ducts, whereas she just have someone do it for her lol! :”D uhm “hope I’ll be able to breastfeeding again soon”? I know it’s very painful, and I do not wish anyone have it, because hearing from a friend who has mastitis, the best way to treat it is to continue breastfeeding even though it hurts like hell, because the baby sucking is the best way to get rid of the blockages, along with the massaging at the clogged area while breastfeeding
@littlefish This is true. I have mastitis too and the best remedy is your baby. Mine comes, go, and returned throughout the first few months. I was never advised to go the hospital, can’t imagine the need to stay for 2 days. Imagine the medical expenses for commoner! The doctor prescribed me antibiotic and told me massage to unclog. It was a nightmare. Breast feeding is definitely the hardest part for me. The struggle was real.
@littlefish I agree that breastfeeding is multifactorial. Genetics and hormones play a part, but having adequate fluid intake is also a big factor. There are many foods that are galactologues that help increase milk supply. Many of these are passed down by generational knowledge. I wouldn’t be surprised if their elders encouraged these foods in anticipation of the precious first born baby. I think this is why Phoebe mentions a nutritious diet.
I don’t think she is bragging about her supply. Actually, the opposite. Society has become so judgemental, that people shame moms for not breastfeeding. She probably feels insecure and pressured to explain why it didn’t work out for her. This is first time mom guilt talking.
@potatochip Uhm, she doesn’t need to mention the healthy nutritious diet in her explanation really. And the way she said it, was a cause and effect, so the connotation is quite bad and felt like a slap to the face. This is from a person who has a friend who also very proud of her milk supply that she also has mastitis. She said: “I was of those fortunate enough to have an oversupply. But because of that, I have mastitis”. Still a brag but it’s ok and normal, whereas with Phoebe, mentioned of the nutritious diet not only highlights her privilege of being rich, well off, has help, but that her “self aware” that one must be healthy (diet wise) in order to have a good supply for your child. To mother who struggles with milk supply, if that’s not a slap in the face, I’m not sure what else is lol.
Also no one shaming her for not breastfeeding? (I have a Friend who married a Beijing, and that whole family forced formula on that child, and he – being an Australian, was not able to have much say on how to raise his daughter!, so it’s really depending on the culture about shaming/not shaming breastfeeding). And she has a legitimate reason which is mastitis? And you can say you have mastitis without mention your nutritious diet (also the word nutritious possibly mean all those expensive food and chinese herbal medicine lol). In the same sentiment as c-section, she can just say she can’t breastfeeding due to medical reason, instead of saying anything private. So for the first time mom guilt talking, there is better way of saying all these, and she would clear it up with everyone? Also I’m not saying she’s bragging about her supply, more that the reason why her supply is high.
@littlefish I find her statements very harmless and actually quite mundane, like something any new mother would say. Nothing strikes me as particularly offensive, so I am not sure why they annoy you so much.
A nutritious diet doesn’t have to be expensive. My mom had me eat pigs feet, chives, taro, and some vegetables to increase breast milk (I don’t know if they are scientifically proven, but it is our family tradition). The most “pricey” thing she made for me is black chicken and herbs. If a mother who couldn’t breastfeed were to see what Phoebe said, I would think she would find a ally. Phoebe basically confirmed that even if you do everything “right” or as instructed, you can still have breastfeeding challenges and that it is alright to not breastfeed. She also said she needed help and that is reassuring to other mothers to not feel bad about needing help.
As for no one shaming her, maybe not directly to her face. But society shame women for everything. Mothers are shamed for not breastfeeding, for not giving formula, for having skinny babies, for having fat babies, for breastfeeding in public, for breastfeeding too short, for breastfeeding too long, for going back to work too soon, for staying home too long, for letting babies cry in public, for yelling at babies so they don’t cry in public, for paying too much attention to their children, for not paying enough attention to their children… On and on… Unless Phoebe is a recluse, she must be aware of the unrealistic and conflicting expectations people have about mothers. If she gushed about her baby, people will say she is bragging. If she complains, people say she is self-centered. If doesn’t breastfeed, people will say she is lazy.
Therefore, in order to relieve these pressures, she feels forced to explain her circumstances. And so she confides she had a C-section and mastitis. They aren’t foul terms, so I don’t see why she can’t say she had a C-section. No need to hide any of this. And she never implied other mothers are failing if they don’t do what she did. Quite the contrary.
@potatochip like I said the way she said was a cause and effect thing, when scientifically they are not really that. Nutritious diet or not doesn’t really affect your supply. It’s increasing your supply a bit, but would not make one go from zero to having an oversupply. The statement might not intended to be arrogant sounding, but it does.
I didnt say c-section or mastitis is a foul term, you said she doesn’t need to explain why she has c-section, and I said she can still say I have c-section because of the doctor’s advice, it is still protect her privacy, while making sure the readers know c-section isn’t a first choice (while she did not have any need to explain herself, she’s a public figure, just like how JW doesn’t need to apologise to anyone, but she must). Same with her mastitis, she can just say I have an oversupply, and therefore have mastitis (which is a very true statement). Whereas how she said isn’t 100% true. Anyway, you take her side, I frown on the statement as I think she might be a bit clueless arrogant.
I had a lot of blockages when I was expressing milk. before I went to a lactation specialist, I had fever. the lactation specialist taught me to massage and use the thumb to unclog the ducts.
after learning this, I managed to express the milk correctly and also cleared the milk ducts especially near the armpits.
pregnancy is great…but postpartum the first 3 months is the toughest.
I hated my postpartum confinement. It was worse for me than giving birth. I felt like it hindered my recovery process, so I was much more relaxed with it for the other babies.
I don’t think she is saying that she is suffering more than other moms or better than other moms. The reporters ask her questions about the delivery, and instead of pretending everything was roses, she just related what happened. Being upfront and realistic about having a baby helps people who have never had babies or those who had a different experience see another perspective.
In the States, one can see a lactation consultant like how one goes to a doctor’s appointment. Is it that way in HK too? So the “hired” is actually “pay the appt fee”?
BTW, clogged breast ducts can be very frustrating to unclog. It’s not so much a soothing massage, but a “squeeze the life out of you at crazy angles” feeling.
@potatochip ok, can you please explain confinement lol? Do you guys literally not go out for 3 months? Period? Because that’s like house arrest, and it’s totally dumb lol. No need to be pregnant or just give birth, anyone that is house arrest for 3 month would find it tough!
@littlefish Each family probably does things differently, but for my first one, my mother made me stay home for 2 months. She wouldn’t even let me leave the bedroom. She wanted me to just lay there and rest. And roll a hot glass bottle of water on my abdomen to shrink my tummy. And no shower. The list of foods I couldn’t eat after giving birth was longer than when I was pregnant.
It was torture. I am very science based, and all this stuff was tradition and seemed like voodoo. But my mother is amazing. She cooked and helped me take care of the baby. She would lovingly stare at her first grandchild and I loved every moment of it. So I obeyed her as much as I could stand it. (I definitely showered, no way was I listening to that. Lol.)
For my other kids, I was more rebellious. And it felt so much better.
You honestly should be grateful to have your mother still around and able to help you. Many do not have that anymore.
@potatochip I see, yes, when there is a loving mother involved, it’s hard to do against her will. But yikes! 2 months of not leaving the house, I would go insane, child or not lol. I can’t say much about Vietnam, which is where I’m from, because many has to work, and go to the market to get food and prepare meals, and the traditional line of thinking is the wife do all the chores for the family (again, second hand knowledge as I don’t marry into one as my Aunty suggested I should never lol), I don’t think there is much confinement? Maybe for the first few weeks? The child will definitely be confined, but not the mother.
My HK friend in Australia was adamant to not bring her bub outside the house until the first immunisation, but for second one, she sticks to parks, and steer clear from heavy crowded place until first immunisation. Me? I just take my little one out, but I don’t let strangers come close or touch him, lol. Until his first immunisation
@littlefish This is what they call “sit month” in chinese? Very outdated practice, Im surprised so many young ones of this generations still doing it.
Granted, you are definitely weaker after giving birth for the first week or so but there is no need to be cooped up inside a house for few months. Moving about and breathing in fresh air will make the body recover faster.
@megamiaow well, I think all these stories about how babies die from being kissed by a stranger does freak people out. It’s one of those better be safe than sorry. Also with a good number of crazed crazes out there who refuse to vaccinate, it’s increasingly bad for new born. Sooo I think best to strike for the middle, still go out and what’s not, just don’t go crazy and pick a nice good spot to go out to like a park and stuffs. Though in Asia is a lot harder :/
I find it funny that people get so offended and critical when celebrities talk about their pregnancy, birthing process and baby duties, etc. Like when Kevin and Grace gave birth, people criticized them for talking about how difficult it is for them and now people are doing the same for Ruco and Phoebe. That’s what most new mothers do, celebrities or not. They will talk about their experience especially as a new parent. After I gave birth, my friends, family and co-workers will ask me about them even if I don’t talk about it and once you start, you just end up talking about everything. For me, I don’t find any problem with these new celebrity parents talking about their experiences. If you find that offensive, then you are the one with the problem, not them.
I’m not criticising them for explaining how hard the pregnancy and birth process is because I admire any woman who has gone through the process. Giving a child a stupid name or forcing it to walk, I will express my opinions though…
@jimmyszeto I am more referring to those particular ones (don’t want to specifically point them out here) on here who mock them for speaking about the difficulties of taking care of a baby, etc. Celebrities are humans too and they go through the same thing so why put them down for something that normal parents do? And also, if they can afford a lactation specialist to help with breastfeeding, then more power to them. At the end, it benefits the baby.
As for the name, people in Asia have a tendency to give their kids funny names. Even some of the artists themselves have abnormal or made-up names. For example, Ruco is not a real name. But American celebrities do the same thing. Even normal people try to make their kids’ name unique by purposely changing the spelling of a name.
Like I’ve said before, not every kid can be unique or the best. Why do some people think that their child has come out of the womb for 2 weeks and already believe that their kid is the best at everything. Why don’t they just let them develop naturally? Look at Sunny Chan. You can still be proud of the child if he shows improvement.
@jimmyszeto – Yes, not every kid can be the best but then again what is considered the best? Who determines what the best should be? And in my opinion, every kid is unique in their own way because they do develop differently, have different personalities and interest, and come from different backgrounds. It’s good that you brought up Sunny Chan because like Sunny, I’m also raising a child with autism. Not only that, but I work with individuals with special needs in my job, so I do believe in each child’s individual development and allow them to explore their own talents and interest. At the same time, I don’t want to criticize other parents’ parenting and definitely not mock them for it because being a parent is hard enough as it is. I think most parents love their kids and are doing what is best for them. Outsiders can provide advice and feedback to help the parents if they want, but save the negative and unnecessary criticism. That’s all I’m saying.
Maybe people are tired of hearing them whine because they are not the only parents in the world, have money to hire help and other resources that the average person does not have. But yet they are still complaining.. What about the very poor and low income people who truly go through difficulties in raising a family and caring for kids? I think celebrities are too pampered to truly know what the real difficulties in caring for kids and raising a family are. I remember my late mom sharing so many stories about what she went through to raise us and she did not whine like them in spite of going through so much more. They are pampered but are still whining. You know the saying, a rich person can get a small cut and it is the biggest deal while a poor person can have their organs falling out and no one gives a care.