Photo of Gillian Chung’s Hunky Korean Boyfriend Exposed

Ever since Gillian Chung (鍾欣桐) came clean about her Korean boyfriend, Kwon, the couple has not held back in displaying their affections publicly. Gillian flew to South Korea to attend the premiere of G.I. Joe 2: Retaliation to support her boyfriend, who is involved in the business production side of the film.
Dressed elegantly with her hair and makeup done, Gillian stood by the handsome Kwon to show her support. The couple did not shy away from the media and posed for photos. This was the first time that Kwon’s full-frontal face shot was clearly revealed. Many fans complimented that the pair made an extremely attractive couple.
Earlier reports indicated that Kwon will attend EEG Music’s Spring banquet with Gillian because he has business arrangements with the music production company. Gillian wanted their first public appearance as a couple to be in South Korea out of respect for Kwon, so she especially flew to South Korea to attend the premiere party.
Gillian has always preferred to keep her relationships under wraps, but she has been forthright in admitting dating Kwon, proving that she valued the 6-month relationship immensely. Despite the glare of the media spotlight, Gillian and Kwon can now openly enjoy a loving relationship.
Source: Ming Pao
This article is written by Natalie for
handsome? lol…
Lol, that’s what I was thinking too when I first saw the pictures. The news source that praises Gil’s BF as if he’s god is EEG’s newspaper. It is pretty obvious EEG is trying hard to paint a perfect man for Gil cause no one dares to date her after her photo-gate with Edison.
I know, It’s like they are trying really hard to build her innocent and sweet image these days. Let it go, she’s what heading to the big 3-0? haha please, how sweet can she be now. I think her biggest fall out was the way she lies w/her eyes wide open but then again alot of TVB HK celebs have so hahaha… they are all liars when need be so haha.
I know, OMG. He just looks like a typical korean, handsome he certainly is not. hahahah LOL….
Apparently, he’s a natural. At least he didn’t fix his face using the handy dandy knife!
As Crystal said, at least he looks decent without going under the knife…
chin kar lok looks better than this korean guy
Handsome in Korean standards without going under the knife or being a wealthy catch?
To normal Korean guys standard, he is quite handsome. Of course Im saying of non surgery guys who are stars. All the K guys I’ve met are much more flat looking than him.
Wow, look like ppl are concerning with Kwon’s look a lot. Why he needs to be super handsome or cares for Ah Gil’s past? Too judgemental?
Thats why the stars should lie and hide the relationship. It isnt a happy thing anyone but a relationship with tons of parent-in-laws.
more like average
below average.. he looks like incredible hulk but if he has a good heart and is a responsible guy (unlike edison) then i suppose its okay to be with him
How is he not handsome? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. HK people are relentlessly critical about and have ridiculously high standards when it comes to appearances. This dude may not be hunk-of-the-year, but he looks decent enough. And will people give a Gil a break already. So she’s not a virgin, so what? She’s an entertainer, and if she has to build a sweet and innocent image in order to have a successful career, then so be it. It is HK people’s believing in this sweet and innocent image that’s pathetic. Just be happy for her that she’s able to find a guy with a big enough heart to look beyond her past. Probably couldn’t find anyone like that in HK.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
that’s right but there are limit to that..
that fool is ugly but then again gil is damaged goods. makes sense.
True but she was the one who people can say have proof? Both from videos and photos? awwww….unfortunately haha
damaged goods?? That’s low.
Just because her sexual activities with her then boyfriend were exposed by some lowlife, she’s considered damaged goods? She is not a prostitute, so get off your high horse before you get some really bad karma in relationship going your way for casting stone.
Agree .. Damaged goods is a low comment.. He might not be handsome but they look cute together… Wish them the best
Calling damaged good is real harsh. One should look at themselves before trying to condemn others. Just make sure you don’t do anything wrong/unpleasant and let others call you harsh name behind your back.
Kwon looks handsome or not, it is very subjective. I personally think that he looks decent. It makes a person look ugly when the person is not refine and trying hard to condemn others no matter how handsome or pretty a person is.
If a Gil is damaged goods, then you Ekinfan may well be a used-up old tire. There, insult for insult, low comment for low comment. Not my usual style, but you totally deserve it.
hahahaha. Yeah why shd she be a damaged good? What century are we living in now? Sex is common for both consenting adults.
Hunky Korean Boyfriend…really???? ewwww!!
Ha ha! This got to be the funniest article of the year! The guy looks like a… hmmm… I just cannot come up with a word…
Oh yeah… Moron… that’s the word I was looking for.
You guys are being too hard on him. He does not look THAT bad and plus, there is way more to a person than just looks.
thank you HTS.
People are so cruel, calling Gillian damaged goods, trying to play the innocent card … poor girl is just trying to move on with her life.
I honestly think she was deeply in love with edison and was pretty much willing to do anything for him.
Well Gil and her company did hyped up his appearance and status of how he is so tall, handsome, and is the most Eligible Bachelor in South Korea. Therefore it’s only natural for the public to expect him to at least live up to his descriptions. Their relationship had been for publicity for both of their careers in the beginning which goes against Gil’s words of a low profile relationship. Appearing arms to arms is surely very ‘low profile’.
First all, if you really follow her news then you would know that Gillian never bragged about how good looking he was. She only mention the things they would do together or gifts he would give her. Her company and other news sources hyped up his appearance and financial status. The only thing she revealed on his occupation is that he’s a businessman.
Also, choosing a man based on how he looks is how she ended up with Edison. Maybe she feels going by looks alone is not the best option for her. Besides, he is not that bad and as long he treats her well then good for them. And for those who feel this the best she can do since she is considered “damaged goods” then she doing fantastic since the man is rich with connections. Even some wannabe gold diggers don’t have it that good.
I also never noticed Gillian saying anything or bragging about his appearance at all… If they both are compatible, treat each other well, love each other,etc…then that is the most important thing. People were complaining about Stefanie Sun’s husband, but he seems like a great guy even if he is not the most handsome guy in the world. Once again, there is way more to a person than looks.
Exactly! He does not look bad. After all, a person is more than appearance.
Poor Gillian… Who has no history, right? Let the bygones be bygones. We should hope for the best for her after all the hardship.
All pretty and hot Koreans all had plastic surgery from top to bottom. I guess he is an exception. Lol
so true 100% natural
I think Gillian’s boyfriend looks fine, masculine but not necessarily handsome by classical measures. However, the Chinese media is calling him a handsome man.
Beauty is in the eye of beholder so many may not think he is handsome,but some may think he is…. Besides there is more to a person than their physical appearance.
Hat’s off to this couple especially Kwon who is being able to accept some who had her own past but to you guys; [except for Jayne]must be fun teasing and pricking someone’s dignity here. Wonder if it’s really necessary for you guys to spend your ‘quality’ time coming into this page just to take a look at her boyfriend and leave a laughable comment here.
as human being,they/we need to move on, make past life as good lesson & look forward to the future. How to judge people’s life if I am not sure that I’m perfect yet… Ok Gil&Kwon, get married, build a truly happy family.
Why is everyone hating on Gillian cause I doubt Charlene is not that innocent. Charlene is lucky that her sex videos were not leaked to the public.
EXACTLY. Charlene did not have anything leaked to the public. Gillian did and her post videos interviews did not help, in fact thanks to those interviews I see her as a hypocrite.
ya man charlene seems like a fking fake ass btch. hate the twins. no talent. only hot when they were younger and acted innocent.
Technically, majority of entertainers are not innocent but since none of them got their dirty laundry exposure like Gil then there is no evident/cause to hate them. Gil’s pure image is what back fired her ass when her photos were revealed. Although Twins were a group, Char was never protrayed as a virgin while Gil was.
Well, Charlene did marry to another hunk: Ronald Cheng.
Hunky? Handsome? So low standard?
Omg he looks like the guy my mom tried to make me marry. But this guy looks better. Still I don’t find them attractive
haha funny good you did not pick him
haha, this cracks me up. with such a hunky headline how can anyone not judge? lol…he does look very typically korean; ok looking and nowhere near hunky or handsome….they don’t look that comfortable in that pic. haha
When I saw the word handsome, I had to scroll back to the picture to see if I missed out something. That being said, perhaps it’s just a bad photo of him?
But Gillian looks like a classic beauty Korean besuty up there.
haha, I did the same thing as you did, Karen. I paused after I saw the word “HANDSOME” next to his name, and went back to look at that pic of him.
He doesn’t have to be handsome, as long as he treats her good then is fine, handsome is a plus, LOL!
There are good looking Korean people, like So Ji-sub , LOL, he is smoking hot!
My sister lovesssssssssssssss that guy too hahaa. LOL
But, I think there are alot more handsome korean guys. Namely that dude that plays East of Eden, OMG ahhaah..HOTTER than hot.
What’s his name, he also became famous after that series Endless Love? You know the series that started it all of the Korean wave? Now, that is another hot one hahah…
he looks like…
an asian EINSTEIN
The pic of has back was sexy!
Handsome? A pain in the **s
HUNKY..? Did the author make a mistake in the headlines? If not, the definition of ‘hunky’ seems to have evolved quite dramatically.
If the members here think we are being too harsh, try reading the comments on the Weibo! The public is definitely having a field day with what the media dubbed as “an attractive couple” and “handsome” man.
why always has that kind of person that don’t like others person taste. If Gillian like him is not about just if he is handsome or not, is about the personality of the man, who I think is taking care of Gillian when its come.
So give Gillian space and time be happy at her way.
I honestly don’t think they look good together seems like a very odd couple, that dude looks weird to me.
Good looking Koreans are all plastic.
You should all be glad Ah Gil found someone who’s all natural and won’t hang her out to dry instead of making fun of her new boyfriend.
How sure are you guys that Gil’s BF is all natural? Just because he isn’t good looking does not make him ‘natural’! South Korea is a country where 14 years old gets plastic surgery as birthday gift from their parents. Not all Koreans who got plastic surgery looks good, for many of them it just barely improve their look by alittle. Looking at the other pictures from the event I’m starting to think Kwon may have got his nose done.
true :0) i said he was natural but maybe he is not
good eyes Lol~ agree with you !!!!!!!!!!!
If he had PS done then he would’ve fixed the Mongolian fold on his eyes as well.
I’m just saying man.
I thought the author was being sarcastic…..then I read on and she continues to write about how handsome he is. Are you for real lol??
wow he’s ugly for a korean lol
First glance, he’s not handsome. But 2nd look, not too bad, might be average looking, but the way he’s hunch over her seem like he loves/care for her a great deal. I do think they make a good couples, odd couples are cute xD
Well, please keep looking then.
I think that’s what did it for Gillian.
Good Luck to them both, but how do they communicate?!?!?!? Broken english, sign language, or maybe ESP. If they have a kid, I guess they are going to be taught by the nanny’s language.
Can’t stand with all the harsh comments.
Wats the matter with this guy look. He looks ok to me. If gill look for handsome guy, sure there will be comment “nah she just choose handsome men just like Edison” if choose normal looking ppl keep bashing her. Its her own choice and pls don’t every time link her with last time incident.
Omg guys. Have a little respect for someone’s facial features.
I hope he marries her since they are in the press and not subjecting the public to YEARS of reports of loving holidays and cohabitation – even when it ends in marriage, it is exhausting that these nonmarried couples overshare. Either you’re married or you have no comment especially in Gil’s case when people must be shaking their heads at how ineligible her voluntary photo shoot has made her. It will be very cruel if this male is casual in his regard. Gil can’t handle more casualness.