On his day off yesterday, Pierre Ngo (敖嘉年)injured his hand while assembling a cabinet. Immediately, the fourth finger on his right hand started bleeding profusely. Accompanied by his family, Pierre went to the hospital. In a telephone interview, Pierre revealed that he stayed at the hospital overnight and received several stitches. He has returned home and will follow-up on his hand injury later.
Pierre said, “This year, I have been frequenting the hospital. When I filmed Flying Tigers <飛虎> earlier, I had a knee injury. I have to pray to the gods more!” (Was the wound deep?) “The wound was quite deep, thus I was afraid to neglect the injury and went to the hospital immediately.”
Asked whether the injury would affect his work, Pierre said, “My work will not be particularly affected. I am currently on vacation and will not film a series until August. Fortunately, I am ambidextrous and can use both my left and right hands! I use my right hand for writing and holding chopsticks. When I play ball, I use my left hand, so the impact of the injury was not too bad.”
Source: Orientaldaily.on.cc
Jayne: Why is a good actor such as Pierre left with a long break between filming series?
Poor Pierre!! I hope his hand will heal soon. Hopefully he won’t have a lot of injuries when he starts filming in August.
so pittifuly pierre, hope recovered soon.
Eat some food!! Your body need sustenance to heal. Look like a P.O.W!!
Actually he looks thin but when he was in KL as the judge, he looks rather good. Again it is the camera exposure
He look old and haggard! He should take good care of himself. August is only a few days more