Prioritizing Handsome Image, Raymond Lam Fails to Cooperate

After receiving the Jade Solid Golid “Golden Melody Gold Award” for his song, Chok, in early January, Raymond Lam (林峯) became the object of severe criticism. Despite this, Raymond remained the #1 Brother at TVB. In his new series, Fight Crime <雷霆掃毒>, Raymond will sport an unshaven appearance to fit his rough cop role.
Despite growing a beard for two weeks, Raymond only had a bit of facial hair growth above his upper lip. In addition, Raymond had to exercise at the gym daily to a achieve a better body for his role in Fight Crime. Last week, while filming in an outdoor scene, Fight Crime producer, Lam Chi Wah (林志華), who requested that more hair growth was necessitated. However, Raymond replied, “I’m afraid it would get dirty!” Producer Lam immediately let the issue go, “Then that’s okay!” Afterward, Raymond revealed, “The producer asked me to grow out my beard longer, but the facial hair on the sides of my jaw are not dense! I can’t help it!”
In Fight Crime, Michael Miu (苗僑偉) will portray the main villain. The female lead will be Elaine Ng (吳綺莉). Kate Tsui (徐子珊) and Ella Koon (官恩娜) will fight over Raymond’s love. The cast was appealing and the production may even turn out to be this year’s Anniversary series! Ella will portray Raymond Lam’s subordinate; the pair will be involved in a romantic arc. To fit her policewoman role, Ella wore neutral makeup, risking the possibility that she may appear tired in the HD footage.
Chok Idol Image Mesmerizes Millions
Since 32-year-old Raymond Lam entered the entertainment industry, he has always possessed a handsome, idol image in series such as Moonlight Resonance <溏心風暴之家好月圓> and Men With No Shadows <不速之約. In each drama, Raymond retained his handsome, well-kept image. It was not until Fight Crime in which Raymond was requested to grow a beard in order to fit his rough character. For Raymond, this may be considered a breakthrough.
Actors Prioritize Handsome Looks and Fail to Cooperate
Many actors were eager to look their best onscreem. When asked to risk their handsome images, many actors wavered. Aside from Raymond refusing to grow a full beard, the below actors put their looks first and did not comply with the directors’ requests:
Leon Lai
Director Wong Kar Wai (王家衞) requested Leon Lai (黎明) to wear sandals in Fallen Angels <墮落天使>. However, Leon refused to reveal his toes because he considered them to be unattractive.
Andy Lau
Famous for cooperating with any filming requirements, Andy Lau (劉德華) however refused to shave his head bald in 2006 film, The Warlords <投名狀>. Andy told Director Peter Chan (陳可辛) that given the context that the characters were tangled in war, there should be no time to shave their heads. Finally, Andy sported a skinhead look in his role.
Kevin Cheng
While filming A Fistful of Stances <鐵馬尋橋> in 2009, Producer Lee Tim Shing (李添勝) requested Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) to wear a fake mustache to appear more mature onscreen. Wishing to appear more handsome, Kevin finally did not wear a mustached onscreen.
Excerpt from Face Magazine #246
Jayne: Raymond looks very masculine with a bit of facial hair. The current length looks best, actually very stylish. If it were any longer, it would look unkept and unruly, which is why Raymond protested in growing it out further.
i agreed that he look manly with a lil of facial hair because since he started singing career he look pretty gay lol
Looks more than gay……….more like a faggot……
To become a great look in film, man should look a little bit old like Andy Lau, Tony Leung, …
I’m sorry but I find him tacky.
hah same! He’s everywhere and I think TVB overly promotes him.
Someone compared Raymond Lam’s current fame to Tony Leung’s TVB fame back in the late 80’s, and it’s kind of true. Tony was the only one of the five tigers to renew his contract and as a result, TVB completely overused him to the point that people got tired of seeing him. He got so sick and stressed that he pretty much rebelled and refused to cooperate with the station. I wonder if TVB will ever push Raymond to the breaking point like what they did to Tony?
being compared to Tony is a huge compliment and achievement
I agree that being compared to TOny is a very big compliment. I remember that TVB worked Tony so hard that he was so tired due to the lack of sleep so he was always late for filming…. But I am glad to see him in all of the TVB series because I don’t like any Chinese movies…THe series that Andy, Tony, Kent and Felix as well as Miu are all classic treasures..
I prefer to see clean cut men. Mustache, beard and hairy are dirty, and disgusting; they also make them look old.
I like clean cut men as well but don’t mind a little bit of a mustache since it makes some men look really manly…
I prefer clean cut men too, but I would like to see men in beards if it really matches with their role and makes it more realistic. I think Raymond looks fine just like this with a bit of facial hair, but not too much. Keep it like this, he doesn’t need more and I don’t think Kate wants to kiss another person with big beard or mustache anymore after her experience with Bosco. LOLS
Kate is professional. She still kissed Bosco wholeheartedly and passionately many times haha..Raymond don’t need to worry
Who doesn’t want to kiss Bosco? hehe
More like, who doesn’t want to kiss Raymond?
Why does Kate get all the fun?
Maybe ella will get an eye candy scene of ray half dressed or something.
i hope he seduces her .. lol but doubt it since he doesnt like her, apparently
They both smoke or smoked in the past so I don’t know if everyone wants to kiss someone with bad breath from smoking…
At least have Myolie want to kiss Bosco and Chrissie Chau likes to kiss LF :P.
In addition, Raymond had to exercise at the gym daily to a achieve a better body for his role in Fight Crime
I’m more interested to this
Fox, are you around? Any leaked “body muscles/abs” photos? haha
I’m only interested in this to see how well the working out goes, not because I wanna see him naked. Cause he said himself that he eats a lot and I think he’s kinda a lazy person, so dunno if the working out or exercising will go so well. Don’t see any good progress so far, he still looks kinda fat.
Wouldn’t he be busy recording songs? How does he have the time to work out? But LF, please show us some muscles.
During his time to prepare the concert, he’s super busy too. He no need to sleep LOL
Please. I don’t want him to look haggard again like the previous years. I want a fresh LF this year, even if it means less work produced.
Looks like he’s sleeping in the small pic. At least he doesn’t have his mouth open like in the infamous PSS pic.
my friend once told me that someone who’s sleeping with their mouth open are usually those who’re too exhausted.. I guess LF’s mouth were open that time due ‘execessive exercise” since PSS was there that nite?
Veejay, I think you’re right!
I just feel bad for ray waking up w/ dry mouth.
maybe he woke up with a wet mouth instead (if you’re talking about the one with pss).
@Josie: look carefully, his mouth isnt close ^^
Haizz if have one with half nude I geep good. Only have one but from Growing through life filming with full clothes. Do you want?
anything will do
Ok wait a moment
Haha..give it to subtleness, I think I saw that one to me when you get a good glimpse of the biceps and abs..hehe
If he is THAT busy, I wonder where he finds the time to go the gym everyday to exercise??
prolly just some easy exercise to burn off some fat of his onepack.
Gym is a part of filming set? Have some special training for the actors?
Raymond lam looks good with the beard, love it, i still always support.
His new look is good!!!
Maybe I’m the only one who feels throwing up for watching too much of LF’s ‘CHOooookkk” looks.
Actually he has always look like that.
Everything just takes on a negative spin when people started labeling it as his “chok” look
Me too and I get sooo sick of hearing about his “chok” looks…. What is the big deal about it???
Blame tvb for constantly promoting LF until he gets HUGE fans and fans are making a big deal about him lol. Honestly speaking, he’s just “ok” looking not even half handsome as compare with Wu chun imo lol.
I think EEG deserves a lot of credit in promoting Raymond to the masses as well. EEG is a huge marketing machine, very successful in promoting their stars such as Twins, Nicholas Tse, and Joey Yung into mega stars. EEG stars juggle successful careers between film and music, which fit Raymond’s career aspirations very well.
EEG is indeed a profit seeking company that simply promote their artist w/o considering their talent limit. Thus making Twins so popular without any reason.. I can accept Joey and Nic Tse being famous because Joey’s singing is good and Nic is just popular whether singing or movies.. aS for LF, he can sing but plz drop the “chok” image/looks there once in a while cuz it really make non-fans nausea.
Yeah, I never considered LF as good looking (even after he changed his nose – when I first saw his new nose I actually thought he looked even uglier LOL), but LF has a great voice so I hope he keeps singing in the future. He’s not a bad actor either, and he has proved that in the past before he’s achieved idol status. I wonder what LF feels about all of this? lol
Fans do not really make a big deal about him. They tease him a lot. Only Non fans make big deal about him.
And beauty in the eyes of the beholders. To many, Wu Chun just looks like a doll with no emotion.
I do agree that Wuchun cannot act or sing good but he’s just stunning as in looks. But do you see Wuchun often showing of his “chok” looks or claim to be chok? Anyway, Lf is good if he just stay singing and stay low.
I don’t get why so many people say Raymond Lam is Chok. Did he deliberately act cool? I don’t find it so.
Instead of blaming Raymond being too chok, I think it’s other people who make it a big deal. The lyrics of Chok perfectly describe Raymond’s predicament. No matter what he does, people will say he’s chok.
Yesterday, I watch a clip where the 3 Gods were making fun of Raymond Lam and Raymond just being a good spot and laugh. Like this also the clip maker said he’s chok.
The 3 gods are so damn annoying when mocking Raymond’s Chok MV during their concert.
One thing good about LF though is I seldom see him getting mad despite Being made fun by the 3 gods and sometimes Medias and non-fans.
I believe he is Chok, but not in a negative way. Of course dissenters meant it in a negative way. I don’t. Every artist is pretentious. Let them be pretentious all they want.
And only famous ones get mocked and parodied. He should be honoured and the 3 gods are always on point in parodies.
@veejay: a reason why fans admire him
it’s not the chok look anymore. It’s called “Man Chok” lols.
@Kidd: Some ppl dont even know what Chok means itself, they just know LF = Chok. I think the word had been overused and misused. Like Chok Chok Chok, everywhere is Chok. Just like if you don’t say Chok, you dont know Cantonese. Even LF himself doesnt know why ppl address him as Chok Wang. It’s become a stereotype. Ppl just saying it for the purpose of saying it.
I admire LF’s father, he has a lot of good quotes. I like his story about the village kids and the ripen Kaki tree. The story goes like this: There was this poet, he came to a village and saw the village kids throw stones at a Kaki tree. He came nearer to see and relised that the Kaki tree had a lot of ripen Kaki which look great and sweet. Mr. Lam said sweet fruits attract the stones, when ppl attacking you, it means you’re about to ripen, success is near.
LF’s father is a wise man.I think is a very good motivation speech to his beloved son. I heard his dad is a very successful property developer in china. Wise man with wise quote.
@Veejay Wu Zun is a pretty boy. Some like that, but did you see the comparisons of Linda and Wu Zun?
Either Linda looks too manly, or Wu Zun looks too girly, or both of them do either way.
I agree Raymond is not the best looking guy out there, but he looks more manly than most popular korean/taiwan/china stars. All those Lee Joon Kis, Wallace Huos, Sammul Chans, Wu Zuns, Zhang Ruis with their smooth lily-white complexions and cherry lips.
If you like that sort of thing.
I’ve seen that comparison (linda and wuchun) before, thanks. I find it hilarious cuz they do resembles each other in some angle.
I only find Wu Chun pretty looking but doesn’t have that manly looks. As for LF, I sometimes see him handsome and sometimes no…but one thing that keep bug me is the overused of “chok” in LF until I can’t stomach it anymore lol.
I don’t think Wu Zun is that girly. He is a lot more manly than a lot of the Korean actors and a number of other Taiwanese actors.
It also more than just looks if you want to be successful in the circle…
I think Wu Zun and Raymond are in different situations. Raymond is managed by both the TV station monopolizing HK market and EEG, and Wu Zun by some talent management I don’t know. Even if Wu Zun has a word like “Chok”, TV station won’t use the song all the time, using as variety show theme song, perform everywhere, because he doesn’t have the backing Raymond has. I find “Chok” pretty lame, but it’s mainly Tvb who is pushing “Chok” on Raymond.
@ Veejay
” As for LF, I sometimes see him handsome and sometimes no…but one thing that keep bug me is the overused of “chok” in LF until I can’t stomach it anymore lol.”
But, this is not LF’s fault. It’s other people who keep pushing the words on him.
I know its tvb and medias or his music production company that keep pushing the chok to LF and I doubt he isn’t enjoying it at all. every artist has their right to decline of something they feel “not right” but lf seems to be enjoying ppl calling him chok and sometimes I think he really think he’s really dat charming..
Then you may also get mad when seeing the word chok to go with Michael Tse too. If they dun feel happy with this word, can they say “shit I hate it” without being called arrogant? So best way is accepting and adapting. Time will fly and one day ppl will get over with it. Txb loves the word chok but not everything chok relsted to LF. For example he dun join the Chok game (wat a pity) and chok series (of Ruco). The chok song is mentioned but I dunnoe you read it lyric or not. It is perfectly good to put in here as a reply. Chill out. You think it is bad it can’t become good.
@Jayne: I have a post need to approve above
Maybe at first it’s funny, but being claimed as chok and having it consistently mentioned in almost every interview you go to can be pretty annoying, and LF has made it quite clear (although in an indirect way) that he doesn’t like the term. Just because he’s not stopping the media from labeling him as chok does not mean he enjoys it.
@Veejay: He did decline it, he kept saying there are a lot of ppl that is more Chok than him, why ppl had to call him Chok Wang, he not consider himself as handsome, blah blah blah, but well, no one listens. While no one listens, he has the only way is that to play with it, keep refusing or make black face will only make other offensive. Rather than that, take it in a positive way. This is a wise choice of him. And btw, being positive is being confidence. If artists think that they look ugly, they would not have the confidence to show what they have. Showbiz is not the place for ppl to look down on themselves and kept being shy.
NX said it well. That’s exactly what I think LF chok situation is as well. It’s case of ‘if you can’t fight them, join them’. People will keep calling him chok no matter what he says. So, instead of showing a black face and keep denying and denying, why not play along with it? Even the song Chok is talking about this situation.
Wu Zhun is in fact a very macho and body muscle fanatic. He had full length of tatoos on his right arm
Nope you’re not!! I can’t even look at his face (in pics or whatever) anymore. Same goes for Ron, I can’t stand his smiles. I dunno how Kate could stand them during FH.
Anything with him now the reporters will put the word chok in. So wat do you expect?
LF looks good and manly now. Agreed with him current look is enough! I can’t for his tough body out of the gym sessions everyday too!
I do think that Raymond is overexposed as well. LOL, Face wrote an entire article on his new beard (which I am as guilty in relaying the news as well).
Raymond grows a bit of facial hair and the fans are excited. He does have a powerful effect on fan reactions….
Everything comes with Face is negative and mocking.
Most of the “top posts in 30 days” news (from your side bar) are Raymond related, lol.
He must have a lot of fans that go on this site then. But it’s the titles of the articles mainly that attract people. The titles are always so interesting, but as you read the article, it’s either something different than what the title says or it’s not as interesting.
He’s just news worthy, just all.
That’s all. Sorry for the mistake.
The title may attract but it doesn’t mean people have to comment, lol.
But yeah, he’s newsworthy. No wonder all these news reporters love to crap about him even if it’s for the littlest thing.
This is why the entertainment industry is called Showbiz. They are showing. Who can show more and accepted, this person wins. Lady Gaga has talents but if she goes by normal way, she will have to go longer way to get to today fame.
But none more worse than fans reaction with regards to their idol as in Korean idols’ fans who can be such rainbow sunshine poodle and apple pies all rolled into one. Idol stumbled and fell and picked himself up also can have hundreds of comments about how BRAVE he was, how GIVING he was, how WONDERFUL he was and I was like he just fell and picked himself up and not like run into a moving train to rescue a kid or something!
Anything is news. He is famous, so anything is news worthy. If the news never report, it means he is not news worthy anymore and that to any star is bad bad bad news.
To keep oneself looks good is a way to respect the viewes.
Well… no comment really except I heard Chok and I feel… you know…terrible song.
CHok must have made deep impression on you. The song do famous
Famous but still terrible.
Elaine will also be involved with Raymond in love?? Whaaaaaa? Isn’t she like… Old enough to be his mum or something?? I thought it is just Ella Raymond and Kate …
Looking forward to seeing Raymond as a rough cop!
Elaine and Michael Miu play a divorced couple.
Raymond will be kept busy between Kate and Ella.
Oh my bad, i didn’t see the full stop after Elaine’s name. Phewww.
It’s not a prob with me if Elaine in the ride. I used to like him with Sheren more than Melissa in LFD.
I think i had enough of him pairing up with women looking older than him.
Maybe Elaine will really involve to make a link between 3 gor and LF. I like so.
LF gets all 3 ladies?
The article say so but I won’t feel any surprised if it isn’t.
Read the article carefully. There’s a full stop after the name Elaine. I was confused as well but after i re-read it a couple of times, it only says LF has love lines with Ella and Kate only.
I saw an award show where he sang Chok and first thing he showed me was wiggling his skirted bum in front of the camera, several times. He tried to dance, body popping and all but seriously all he did was just what I cal aerobics. But at least his song was fast after endless melodrama songs that crawls rather than sprint. Eason didn’t look too pleased.
What show is this? The RTHK award show?
I think so yeah!
All i remember is how horrible his outfit was.
Yeah, if he did not wear anything under the skirt, it would be much better.
that outfit would have look better with neck scalf and good performance. well done LF
He looks good with a little facial hair.
I bet 620’s going to make LF TV king this year regardless of his performance whatsoever.
I don’t think TVB cares how others view them..just look at the recent Music award that was given to LF… even William So sangs better than LF than his song “chok”
I know I don’t care either just wanted to point out that I know who the winners going to be.
William So’s song is very good actually I like it alot.
Let William So sing it first then compare. This Chok song won several awards with radios out of txb. However chok song is truly famous. Everyone keep talking about it. In some aspects it is deserved the award for being tat famous
Chok is famous bc such a song was able to win so many awards. I have to applaud TVB and EGG for having such a marvelous network!
William So:
if you check out the likes and compared to the DISLIKES from chok mv then you will get an pretty good idea, LOL
I said let william sing Chok.
The question on famous and award is like eeg has first or chicken has first
P/s: I am a fan of William
William is smart enough to avoid singing a song such as “chok” it would probably bored him to death repeating the same word so many times in a song. He would probably not consider it a song at all, LOL
Can’t compare things like that. I could say that Chris Lai in LF shoes…
Lol you talk like ppl can predict and the predictionis always true. Naive. And the reapting words? Hmm let me give you something later lol.
If the song is not famous then how can it win? And after winning it wipl get more famous. Like eeg and chicken. Saying like you all famous song are the sole work of the companies.
Wait till the next TVB award show then I will tell you “I told you so”.
Marketing is a big part of the game and winning the golden award made this song so famous that even Dayo & Stephen knows it now!
Well there are many celebs that know this now such as the 4 heavenly kings etc etc, LOL
Even before JSG, this song won 5-6 awards with radios :P.
people said he was made to win best actor last year but look what happened.. he didnt, so we’ll never know. tvb usually gives it to the actor with the high rated series.
Even LF’s aeries got highest rating he still dun have the award. Referring to 2005, 2007, 2008. And he has never ever had an anni series. Oh well.
Well, honestly, if LF won TV king in any of those years mentioned, he would get as much negative press as KC when he won TV king in 2006. LF’s simply not ready for the award yet.
Lol for wat year dun have negative press? He was born in showbiz wit negative news. Wat is the big deal? KC now is accepted then why can’t LF? I think if he won in 2007 it was quite well. Never like the role duk duk dei.
LF was not born to negative news (if that’s why you’re implying). And the big deal is that LF never had a breakthrough role. KC is accepted now because his role in GJ was different from his past roles, and he performed well (also with the help of high ratings, of course). And I’ve never seen HOG or MR (and never will) so I will not comment if LF performed well in them. All I know is that his character was not the talk of the town. LF could probably get a “Best Couple” award with Linda, but TVB doesn’t have that anymore.
Talk of the town was about Alfred and SJS relationship in 2007. When he was first started he already gets negative news on his background. In 2005 Siu Chai is a breakthrough to him as his image changed from tat.
@Fox: A lot of ppl think the TV King is for the Role, not the acting.
LF is not born to negative news? No offence but laugh die me!
LF will win TV King if this police character is popular
I guess I must have missed a part of my life because I have no idea who Siu Chai is.
Then you dun noe why his role can win in 2005 and 2007. Siu Chai is his role in 2005 for La femme desperando which competed for the award this year. His role made a big jump in his career and gave him new image.
U didn’t miss a part of your life but u did miss all 3 series that u said LF was not ready to win an award for.
But if u ever have a chance, maybe watch LFD. Sheren and Michael tse were very good in it too.
Yeah LFD is a good series to watch. I still like it until now.
You talk like Face and Next, lol.
How much you want to bet?
All in, LOL
How big is your fortune
Well how much can you cover or more importantly much much can you afford to lose? Im a nice guy and don’t really want to see you go bust
I’ll be the judge. If exoidus lose let’s hope he won’t cry a river :P.
I won’t lose
It wouldn’t be so many gamblers if people expected to lose, hehe
If I do lose I will accept it as a man as I made a wrong choice and not cry you a river like your beloved…
Well in case I do cry you should at least lend me your shoulder, LOL
Hey, my expectation is mathematically proven.
1/Increased number of biological evergreen Siu Sangs in TVB (Wayne, Ruco, Ray Wong, etc.) x 1/Improved acting in his peers (RON!!?!, Bosco!!, Kenneth!!) x LF’s lackluster acting in the past year x Ray’s Contractual number of series per year (1)/total number of series aired in a year (20-25?) = almost absolutely zilch chance of winning.
I have to say that I do like your reasoning logic :), however you forgot one important factor that is TVB and 620’s crazy love for LF!
If we were talking about an organisation totally free of favorism and they pick the award winners based on acting skills alone ofcourse I wouldn’t be foolish enough to make such a unfavorable bet!
Still not sure if it will be anniversary series or not, but again him winning JSG has proven that my point.
You can still back out
620’s first love is always KEVIN CHENG!!!
LF only have “siu sam” life like linda
Besides, you forget to account for climate changes in television industry next year. Random viewer watching TVB Anniversary Awards next year -” LF won for his effing performance in ***?!?! Over ***??!? Blasphemous!” -switch channel to CTI-
Also, LF has 0% flight risk. I quote verbatim, “As long as Virginia Lok (樂易玲) remains at TVB, I will stay as well!”
Be prepared to be whipped.
I’ll put my money behind Wayne and Kevin. Kenneth as dark horse. 620’s first love is Kevin!!!+burgeoning popularity+high flight risk to china!! Wayne’s acting is a constant high.
PS: Before Fox kill me, I still love LF, but his performance recently is so not worthy of my love.
Btw forgot to mention that your “calculation” is only valid in the case of independent events something im not sure of. Doesn’t matter anyway TVB is not about logic anyway…
“siu sam”?
Next year? he is winning it this year and by the time next year the audience have forgotten the incident already due to a really short term memory, hehe.
Wayne won twice already so probably not going to happen unless his create something outstanding.
Think Kevin already renewed his contract with the devil, so no immediate flight risk. Beside his is already popular why give him another one and increase his market value even more hence the risk of him leaving the ship?
Assuming LF has zero flight risk then why not increase his MV so the company can milk him off. 620 is LF biggest fan,
So what’s the “prize”?
Considering I didn’t opt to be an actuarial, that’s the extent of my mathematical brainpower outside of work. I’ll just fall back to the old “if all other factors were held constant”.
Wayne’s sacrifice in “The Big Eunuch” (a contradiction!), his constant acting, partnered with Michelle Yim, should more than likely “create something outstanding”. All that talk about how Ron’s like Gallen? Wayne IS Gallen! Gallen won TV King 3 times.
With Kevin, 620 doesn’t use logic. I don’t know why you keep calling 620 as LF’s biggest fan, as her love for KC over LF is evident. Even though La Femme was the highest rated drama that here and LF did a commendable job as the immature Siu Chai, 620 ditched Raymond and KC won! – which is why he is still branded as the TV King who left us all head-scratching and gaped-mouth.
Raymond’s MV is already very high. Which is why I mentioned Kenneth as dark horse. Compared to the other siu sangs, Kenneth is less ambitious, which reduces his flight risk, has low market value compared to LF, KC, Moses, and relatively high intrinsic value. Investment in Kenneth will create exponentially higher profits compared to diminutive returns in LF. Kenneth is the one to invest in! Trust me. I don’t give out stock tips for free.
Since we don’t want Jayne stars to be pulled down for running illegal betting rings, if you lose, you write a gushing, turgid 600-word essay on “Why I love Raymond Lam”, which should be posted on this site
@ Nicole
You theory of Kevin being 620’s first love is just based on the award decision back then?
Well for your information I do think your reasoning is pretty sound excluding all the external interferences which is unpredictable.
Wayne is Wayne and Gallen is Gallen. You can’t really predict the future by looking at the history even for the same person, company etc.
Don’t know what KC did back then, but have you seen how 620 looks at LF, LOL. No doubt in my mind that she is crazy in love with LF.
From the invesmtment perspective I do agree that Kenneth is indeed a good bet. Problem he lacks charisma and that might limit his potential MV and he is not a 620 favorite. LF will not accept KM be crowned TV king before him!
I don’t bet on stock tips I bet on sure things
And if you lose you write an equally long enthusiastic essay with the title “Why I HATE Raymond Lam” haha…
Perhaps I should enter a swap agreement with Fox sure she don’t mind writing an love LF essay,
Who demoted WH in BF3 to second lead? 620?
I don’t mind Kenneth win. He got a few lead positions this year too meaning his chance is high!
“620′s first love is always KEVIN CHENG!!!”
I agree! I AGREE!!!
Wait! LF winning for… what? I am lost at the math calculation thing. All I know is all the math in the world, it must also include the unpredictability factor plus like factor divided by shoe shining factor times by guardian angel/backer factor minus scandals factor and all divided by big boss like or not factor.
@Nicole: Who say I’ll kill you :P? Exoidus?
I’m not going to gamble because:
(1) Nothing ensure that this year he will have this series to be aired. Now he only has the 3 Kingdoms which I always refer to 3Krap on hand to be aired for sure at half. This one? Maybe next year, next next year or forever, who noe? Look at Master of Taichi which took 3 years from the filming time to airing time :P. And if based on 3Krap, I have no idea because I have no hope on this series.
(2) TVB Best actor is a bait forever to LF, I assume so. 2005, 2007 seem to be his best bet as in both years, his chacs are the talk of the town. But end up with nothing. Every year, like you said, LF vs *** and *** win. I’ve mentioned that none of LF’s series be anni series. Never ever in his life. So he has no hope. Other than that, he is also the only siu sang that have a year with no series be aired up to now. Then, my conclusion is similar to you: He isn’t the love. He is more of an golden egg.
Maybe one day, when he is getting to an age that too lazy to leave TVB, he’ll have this employment prize. Congrats!
And maybe I want him to be similar to Nick Cheung, won HKFA and not TVB.
@ Exoidus: LOL, if the JSG award dun give to him, then to Leo. But to inform you that this year Leo’s album sold less than LF. If count the album sale, then LF is totally deserved his award for popularity. But I know you never can recognize this.
@Kidd There are many more instances of how KC is 620’s first love, one posted by vivien above.
It’s a “Sure thing” you will lose.
Since it is much easier for me to write an essay on why I hate Raymond Lam, you are getting the short end of the stick.
You can only enter a swap agreement if you offer something of equitable value to Fox. Somehow I think she prefers to watch you suffer through those lines.
@Vivien Yes 620! And stop yoyo-ing. Support Kenneth !!!
“I bet 620′s going to make LF TV king this year regardless of his performance whatsoever.”
I hope so ^^
Me with u lol
I don’t mind LF win too. He’s rumoured to win every year but no win LOL. Now it’s time for real award! This series might be it!
For your information, william did produce
a marvelous hit song’ na sui’ , but his latest LP album is a flop and sold badly in hk and macau region.On the other hand, LF’s latest album did tremendously well in sales and will be acknowledged as platinum in IFPI award ceremony in April. His album LF also did really well in other part of Asian regions.To win a JSG award usually based on album sales and not a one hit wonder.I do believe if it wasn’t chok that win gold song ,the other song ‘broken’ will also win it on that night.
Didnt LF (album name) got 5 platinum for itself already? LF + LUML concert dvd sold 10 platinums.
“For your information, william did produce
a marvelous hit song’ na sui’ , but his latest LP album is a flop and sold badly in hk and macau region.”
Where it came from.I haven’t see it anywhere
I actually find that sort of sad if he only gets it due to favortism and connections…
why LF looks so different compared to his sister?
Coz he looks like his brother. Or should say his brother is a copy version of him.
Well siblings don’t always look alike since some may look more like mom and some look more like dad. I heard that his sister’s son(his nephew) looks like him as a baby as he mentioned…
They look alike except he changed his face so he now looks different. If he had his original nose, chin, whatever, they do look alike.
Maybe you want to see his brother who look like a copy of him to judge:
BTw, I think that Lam Family nose looks horrible on girls. Lin Xia Wei looks like a pug.
Is that his cousin in the photo with his brother?? His sister looked different…
SImple, because his sister hasn’t go thru the surgical part..that’s y.
Oh so without all of the surgery, then do you think Raymond will look like a guy version of his sister??
Yeah, his cousin is not that pretty to me. I’m surprised ms. Lok didn’t ask her to get a nose job first.
Raymond’s cousin looks fine in ‘Til Love Do Us Lie’. No need to fix anything.
I also think Xia Wei looks very fine now. The more I look at her, the more I think she looks unique. Not the same beautiful type.
Xia Wei reminds me very much of Esther Kwan. Very much. Every time I see her in TLDUL, I thought of Esther.
Esther is so feminine looking. Xia Wei looks like a female Raymond Lam.
I think Xia Wei looks prettier than Esther :P.
That’s because you think Raymond is beautiful.
I think Esther is prettier than Xia Wei.
I will say that I think Ron is more handsome than LF :).
@Kidd: I always fail to feel Esther’s prettiness. She looks quite elegant but I don’t think the word pretty fit her.
It’s the case of beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. We have different opinion of beauty.
Are u drunk on V-day? Ron more handsome than ray?! I feel faint when u say that. Ron always looks like a dumb jock to me and has the charisma of a block of wood. If he tried to play professor king, I would die of laughter.
I think esther was quite pretty when she was young. Her long nose made her look unique. Lam Xie Wai just has a big honking nose. I guess u can classify her as pretty-ugly. Sometimes look good, sometimes not. Example is Sarah Jessica parker.
@josie: haha i did the flying larern with my frds on V- day and drank but still ok tokeep my thinking tat based on look Ron looks handsome :p. Maybe not now when he gained too much weight. I admit he has dead fish eyes and the result he looks wooden but his outside look is good. LF has a beautiful pair of eyes, a fact cant dey but I think he dun look handsome :P. Maybe somtimes but Ron looked handsome more frequently. You know, I dun like LF by his look.
For Xia Wei and Esther, I see Esther the first time when she is alreafy 29-35 I guess (in the princess something series with Bobby) and it comed to my mind she looks uhmm too matured. This feeling hooked on me so I have no feel to her prettiness. Xia Wei, except her nose which I agree tat look terrible on her but dun mean she need to change it (b/c it might look more terrible like the famous distracting nose of TY), she looks more unique than Esther and somehiw younger.
@ Josie @Fox Yeah yeah, this I have to agree with Fox and LF himself, LF only look handsome sometimes, but not most of the time ^^, if dont say rarely. So I often use the word charming to address him. Ron is actually more handsome but because of his eyes, although their shapes are beautiful with nice thick lashes, dont spark (or frankly, dull!) LF possesses a bright pair of eyes that can talk, and that’s create attractiveness to his face. Say, LF’s face looks good boy and rich.
I still think ray’s sister and Wong cho lam were separated at birth. Maybe the hospital had a mix-up.
Fox, Josie,
I find Raymond Lam to be more handsome than Ron, particular due to Raymond’s livelier eyes which is capable of delivering greater emotion on screen. Ron’s eyes are a bit wooden, to the point where his eyes have an opaque glaze, although he’s good looking.
I agree on the eyes, but I’m commenting on the look, means the whole face and body, not the eyes only. However, have to say that Ron after gaining weight, looks worse than before. Pity.
Yeah, as I have said, the “outside” shape of Ron’s eyes is better but they don’t have any spirit. LF’s eyes are brighter (the inside), more emotional and sometimes pure like kids ^^. I like his watery eyes.
Ron’s most handsome period should be 2004-2005. LF’s is from the end of 2006-2007, but still, he’s more of charming to me. And in loads of time, he gives me the impression of pretty boy. Ron cannot be called pretty in anytime.
Moreover, LF can be princey while Ron cannot.
So you’re saying LF has bedroom eyes but Ron has bedroom body?
I always think of Ron as the same guy from “the Academy”. He looks not very bright and if he was a girl, I’d imagine him being a lengmo.
Not sure why u don’t think ray is handsome, which part of him is not good-looking? Anyway, I agree w/ NX that he is one of the few that can pull off prince charming role.
LOOOL, I haven’t checked all of his parts to know where is not good looking :P. Ok, kidding.
I just feel tat Ron’s body WAS better than LF, also the facial features but LF’s face and especially his eyes, is comfortable to my eyes more than Ron. The princey feel, I totally agree wit you guys because he has the rich smell stick with him without having to show. He can act princey roles better than all TVB actors at this moment, it’s my opinion.
I am in the minority but my favorite role for LF was 2004 Twin of Brothers.
He was charming and playful (especially when juxtaposed next to wooden Ron Ng) and excellent as the character slowly moving to the dark side. That was his one and only role that I felt channeled Gallen Lo /Louis Koo.
I thought the darkness/seduction could be recaptured in Men with No Shadows but that ended up being a bust. Hoped he would have makings of criminal mastermind but Bosco overtook him with BiCo.
Why minority? TOB is actually a series tat helped him to gain a lot of fans.
smurf120, now you must be realizing that an actor’s rise or fall are a combination of many factors; “Character” being one of the most important.
Reading Bosco’s many interviews about Baico, most of the time he contributed the err..success(if you can call it..) to the producer and screenwriter..
However I was only partially satisfied about Baico. Satisfied because he did manage to grasp the overall dark feel of the character and step into the role; but dissatisfied because there are much more can be done with the character-in term of screenwriting. If it was me, I would write more parts for Laughing and Baico to develop a real brotherly bond, so that the ending can be more powerfully felt.
I didn’t watch MWNS, but from what I observed, it’s hardly his fault. Raymond’s “devil” character was “marketed” too much by the media outlets and perhaps the producer, but hard to blame them either; sometimes things that look good on script may lost the spark after TXB’s choppy editing and incoherent storyline…..LOO was popular, but personally I dislike how the drama was written and how the plot moves along…
note: his = Raymond Lam
“I didn’t watch MWNS, but from what I observed, it’s hardly his fault.
Perhaps I should elaborate more. When a character is “marketed” too much, viewers expectation will rise up, and when the final product does not meet the expectation..BAM! There you go down….
Ghetto Justice was rarely mentioned in news before its premiere, but the drama turned out to be decent and “higher” than expected..and the character-oriented theme gave the actors a lot of room for “acting”, and I should mention too that neither Kevin and Myolie were being put on high expectation at first things turn to be a “pleasant surprise” because there were no expectation to be met at the first place..;)
The Failure of MWNS is not any of the actors fault.
Even how wonderful an actor is, you are doomed if you have a lousy script & poor directorship! That’s what happened in MWNS. Felt sorry for LF , Bobby & Tavia to have to be in this series.
The Blame Game?
They are stupid to accept a lousy script. Nothing to feel sorry for them.
I dont know about Bobby or Tavia but Raymond couldn’t choose what drama to film, not until this year.
I remember once a upon a time, LF was actually able to act. A Step into the Past, Golden Faith, Survivor’s Law, Twin of Brothers, Heart of Greed, etc. etc. Ever since he has become this singing idol sensation for TVB, it seems his passion for acting is not there anymore. His portrayal of characters no longer excite me, they just make me want to switch the channel.
Maybe he has made so much money that is he getting tired of acting???
If that, he didn’t do from the beginning because the money now he has by his own is quite nothing compared to his family’s business and how much the business can give him each year. Let’s see, each year he can earn 10-20 million HKD (now, not in the beginning of career), and his family owns 2 billion HKD. Divide the assets to 2 for each sons, then 1 billion each. Just put it in lands and to let these lands, he can earn more than 10-20 millions for sure.
So I don’t blv money is a factor from the beginning to the end. BTW, I want him to not film Txb series anymore :P.
To be honest, he look really tired , skinny and pale in the series MWNS and Flower sisters.He should get essential rest. LF will only reach his pinnacles when he had enough rest.He look really good in BOT and professor king. He should concentrate on movie and singing.
I blame TVB and EEG for milking him too much in a short period. How is he supposed to concentrate and do one section of it at his best? I still think he did a good job even though he was used up max during the previous years..
LF seem to get enough rest and gym time for this new drug series so he might look good
Agreed. TVB and EEG milking the poor LF too much until he got tired.
I would rather LF become movie king than tv king