Priscilla Wong’s Ex Charged With Sexual Assault of Minors

Priscilla Wong‘s (黃翠如) former boyfriend, 40-year-old Hong Kong theater director and actor Wong Ka Wai (黃嘉威) was charged with 18 counts of sexual offenses and sentenced to seven and a half years’ in prison.
Preyed on Young Girls
Between 2014 and 2018, Wong met four underage girls through social media and coerced them to his studio to take nude photos, molested, and got them to perform oral sex on him. He had earlier admitted to charges of unlawful sexual intercourse with and acts of gross indecency toward minors under 16.
Despite handing over 109 appeals letters to ask for a lighter sentence, Wong was given a seven and a half-year prison sentence for the malicious nature of his crimes. High Court judge Joseph Yau (邱智立) said that he had threatened the victim in order to satisfy his own sexual urgings and caused her much trauma.
Wong was also found in possession of child pornography. The police discovered close to over 3,500 nude child photos, 40 sex videos, including content of a sadomasochistic nature, on Wong’s laptop.
Actively Pursued Priscilla Wong in High School
A graduate of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Wong majored in performance and had nurtured an interest in drama since his secondary school days. According to sources, he had joined the drama society in school so he could get to know Priscilla, who was in the same year but from a different class.
As Priscilla and Wong shared the same interests in drama, and the entire group of students often rehearsed and worked on set design and costumes together, they started dating. Even the drama society teacher knew that they were a pair.
However, their relationship ended when the students had to prepare for their examinations later on. Priscilla had initiated a breakup so she could focus fully on her studies.
Source: East Week
This article is written by JoyceK for
How did he get 100 appeal letters??
A child predator should get more jail time than 7~ years.
Usually get years in jail just for an attempt nevermind 18 counts including the damage he has caused. In the west, this type of offender will get smashed to bits in jail by other inmates . I wonder what it will be like for him in a HK jail. Enjoy!
@bubbles23 Yellow ribbon will help one of their own no matter what the crime is. It’s really sad for a society going this direction.
@jetmasters what do predatory crimes against children have to do with political preferences?? Geez
@bubbles23 Because that’s how they act. Thus he received over 100 appeal letters. I mean when they set a man on fire, people actually cheered.
Lucky she is not involved with him anymore!
@applelim Pris clarified that they were never an item…
What the hell, 7 years isn’t enough. Give him more, bloody pedo.
Talk about dodging a bullet. It’s no surprise that she’s denying they were ever an item.