Raymond Lam’s Ex-Girlfriend Reveals Bed Photos!

In the latest issue of Next Magazine, bed photos of Raymond Lam Fung and ex-girlfriend, Mavis Pan Shuangshuang, were exposed. From the camera angle, it appears that Mavis took the photos while Raymond was sleeping. The bed photos created a stir in Hong Kong and hurt Raymond’s feelings deeply. When reporters confronted Raymond about the photos, he admitted that he was previously engaged in a serious relationship with Mavis.
At the Return to the Three Kingdoms <回到三國>costume fitting yesterday, Raymond admitted that he and Mavis had dated for several months. They met on the film set of The Jade and the Pearl <翡翠明珠> last year. At the time, Raymond was quite serious about the relationship; the pair even met each other’s parents. Due to differences in their personalities and Raymond’s hectic schedule, resulting in little time spent together, the pair agreed to separate amicably. Since their break-up, they have not maintained contact.
Reflecting on his past relationship with Mavis, Raymond’s eyes brimmed with tears. He indicated that the bed photos scandal hurt him the most since entering the entertainment industry. Raymond stated that he was unaware that photographs were taken while he slept. In regards to future relationships, Raymond will let fate determine its course and will not purposely avoid them.
Since Raymond and Mavis were very discrete in handling their romance, Raymond’s former co-stars, Charlene Choi and Miriam Yeung Chin Wah, were unaware of his past relationship. On the set of The Jade and the Pearl, Raymond and Mavis maintained their distance. Regarding the surfacing of Raymond’s bed photos, Charlene felt that Raymond had trusted the wrong person, alluding that Mavis may have revealed the photos for publicity reasons.
Mavis Pan is a 24 year-old Taiwanese model and actress. Her voluptuous figure has earned her the nickname of “Little Shu Qi” in Taiwan. Mavis appeared in films, The Jade and the Pearl <翡翠明珠> and What Women Want <我知女人心>. She has appeared in numerous commercials as well.
Compiled from Tom.com and the Sun
Jayne: I believe Raymond and Mavis’ bed photos first circulated on line. Netizens speculated that Raymond Lam was the man in the photo due to the striking resemblance. Next Magazine then published the photos.
Who you trust can come back to haunt you, especially if you are a big star like Raymond Lam, where association of any sort will mean instant fame. Raymond sounded very hurt because he had trusted Mavis. He said he never knew that photos were taken while he slept. The intention of Mavis leaking the photos was only to achieve fame. It’s an exploitation of her past relationship with Raymond. I think Charlene Choi was correct in her blunt statement that he had trusted the wrong person.
Hardly a scandal. He was on bed, sleeping, in clothing. He wasn’t naked, she wasn’t naked. Can’t expect Raymond to be without women. I must add his taste in women is very “voluptous” type
Anyway I was more shocked with how gaunt he looked as he slept. Someone feed him!!
Since Mavis obviously took the photos and leaked them herself for publicity, there’s no need to release any nude photos. Who’s to say there were no photos of a nude Raymond Lam, while he was still sleeping? It was quite “smart” of her to release those photos of them in bed together, rather than a simple photo of them linking arms. No possible denying on Raymond’s part that they were not a couple.
I am not shocked by the fact that Raymond did date last year, when he repeatedly said many times that he had not dated in a very, very long time. Such statements are made to protect his popularity and avoid possible backlash from fans who can not accept his dating or may dislike his girlfriend etc.
I am quite upset by the fact that someone Raymond had loved and trusted had betrayed and exploited him for personal gain.
I’m upset too for Raymond. Being betrayed by someone he loved must hurt him so much that he brimmed with tears when being asked. Poor guy.
This Mavis is a despicable attention seeker and bring bad name to other women for using a man’s love to propel herself.
He sounds so sad and look sad in the picture.
Raymond has trusted and loved a wrong person who might just want to exploit him. It’s obvious that he was asleep when this woman took his picture secretly.
Charlene was right that this woman might just want to use him for promotional purpose and might be luring him with her voluptous breasts. They look fake. Maybe she purposely keep a secret picture in case their relationship didn’t work.
“They look fake”
Raymond didn’t mind.
Vivien & Kidd, it seems that Raymond and Ron both prefer voluptous women. Best friends must think alike and have similar preferences.
I can only say– “What a bad taste in women”. Ugh.
We don’t know how he fell in love with her. Maybe she pretends to love him and act all sweet and loving in front of him. He’s a big shot with his wealthy family and popular status. It sounds that he was serious about her when they already meet the parents.
Even if you get a lady who has a reputation of modelling pictures with her big boobs going sweet and loving for you, you shouldn’t fall for her.
It’s like if Chrissie Chau goes after me, I will run far far away..
The girl’s family is also of some wealth.
@Danielle- As women, it’s easy for us to say that a man should not be attracted by a woman’s breast size alone. As women, we don’t want to be objectified and prefer to be appreciated for who we are inside.
Men are usually attracted physically to a woman first, whether he is a “leg man,” “breast man” or “face man.” Many women, especially in their youth, are likewise physically attracted first and other things, such as intelligence, security, etc. may be a secondary attraction, although they may become more important priorities later on in the relationship.
“Even if you get a lady who has a reputation of modelling pictures with her big boobs going sweet and loving for you, you shouldn’t fall for her.”
Love is blind. A pretty, voluptuous, sweet girl will melt guys easily.
Let’s just say imagine being betrayed, used and humiliated by your ex. That’s gotta hurt. It’s a lesson for Raymond to pick his lover carefully next time.
I don’t think he fell in love. Because he did talk about his before at some EEG thing, he said there was someone, but it never actully became a relationship. Maybe she was pissed at that, and posted these pictures on the internet to gain revange and fame. Also he is “chun poon” cause not only is he famous but he is also very rich…
But in reality he does like to get teary eyed a lot..in public if you think of it, maybe he just wants some “tong ching fun” to help keep his image… But i doubt this relationship was anything serious…
Apparently, a lot of guys are suckers for pretty, voluptuous (though their boobs are fake) sweet girls with high pitched bird voices who put their womanly wiles on them. Men are weak that way. They think with their organ below when in lust/love, not with their brains and don’t figure that the girl is using them for fame until these photos show up or the girl gives some other kind of evidence (voice-mail/text messages) to the news media to prove their relationship. Just like Tiger Woods and his harem of women or Jesse James and his mistresses. Those two were horn dogs who had multiple sex partners. At least, I can believe that Lam Fung really did fall for this Mavis woman and he had a serious relationship with her, but she betrayed his trust.
HOW SAD!!!! Sometimes the person that you trusted the most, is usually the person that will hurt you the most. She looks cute,but what a pity of a shameless person who is hunger for fame. This is not a good way to gain attention. Raymond’s fans will def feel strongly about this.
Her plan to gain attention actually backfires on her now. It makes her low and cheap.
Her beauty is only in the OUTSIDE.
I agree with ur 1st sentence. To me, ur 2nd sentence wud be “her beauty does not even exist!” >”<
True beauty is skin deep, I guess she doesn’t have any at all.
Maybe it’s a bad breakup and the girl is taking some revenge.
Just giving another option to the story.
The content in the next magazine is a bit different from Raymond’s version. The magazine said Raymond met Mavis before ‘Jade & Pearl’ and they were already dating when they filmed J&P. It was through Raymond’s recommendation that Mavis got a part in J&P.
The magazine also said that Raymond openly stated that he wanted to woo Linda Chung when they filmed HOG in 2006, but, Linda fell for a guy call Ng Wan Lung instead. But, Raymond still did not give up until 2009 when he suddenly drew a clear line with Linda. That was the time he met and started dating Mavis and he openly drew the line to show to Mavis his seriousness in the relationship. During their dating time, Mavis constantly flew to HK and stayed in Raymond’s house. When there’s any free time, Raymond will spend time with her.
But, because if the need to protect his image, Raymond never went outside with her, but, he paid all her shopping bills.
The article also said Raymond has brought Mavis to meet his family.
@Kidd- Thanks for the additional info from the magazine itself. The alternate version that Raymond and Mavis were involved before The Jade and the Pearl is very possible, as Charlene Choi and even the Director of the film did not detect that the pair were dating. Perhaps they were already romantically involved and purposely kept their distance.
The theory about Raymond interested in Linda Chung may be true as well. I do remember after Heart of Greed, initially Raymond’s responses about dating Linda were more open-ended, careful not to draw the line too clearly that he was not interested. If you feel good about a co-star and like him/her enough, it’s the norm to never say never and leave room for further development.
Is Ng Wan Lung a dance instructor? I read from an older tabloid that claimed Linda had a 2 year underground relationship with a dance instructor and that’s why she drew clear boundary with Raymond.
The article said he’s a martial artist.
Here’s some info on him
I just can’t imagine Raymond’s taste for women went from someone like Linda to someone like Mavis. But, it’s obvious he likes girls more than 5 years younger than him, tall and slender.
I think Ng Wan Lung is a kung fu enthusiast.
There were also many interviews that Linda drew the line clear with Ng Wan Lung. So I believe that they never dated.
I agree with Olivia… from someone like linda to mavis……….. such bad taste!! Possibly true that linda did reject raymond. Not because she was with that Ng Wan Lung, but because Linda said she prefers guys that have good english since she was a from a western country.
I also believe that Raymond pursued Linda but she rejected him. Linda is a good, innocent girl and she probably wants to date a decent and stable guy outside the entertainment industry who will be faithful to her. There’s too much temptations in the biz and Raymond Lam may not be able to resist all the beautiful, voluptuous women throwing themselves at him.
I agree with Alicia, although Raymond might be a nice guy and all… but with all that showbiz business going on, if I were linda I would reject him too.
Not a fan of him but I do feel bad. Why do these guys like to go for these type of girls? Look at the one with Ron. Wasn’t much of a scandal but she still caused quite a stir. These girls aren’t even all that. Quite fake to be exact whether it be their body and personality. I pity whoever gets caught in these kind of womens net. But yet again it’s quite obvious what will happen so I don’t think I should even pity them.
He’s soooooo cute but has bad taste… He shouldn’t feel hurt cause he can do soooooo much better!!!! This scandal shouldn’t hurt him cause he didn’t do anything wrong!!!!
wow poor ray, and wwoow shocking that he did have time to date
Along with eating, sleeping, sex is one of a human being’s basic needs. So even though Raymond is a busy man, he WILL find the time to date a girl to fulfill that need.
lol.. I was reading some of the comments on another site bout this news, and some ppl were like so raymond isn’t a virgin? I find that a little naive, i personally think he wasn’t BEFORE he even dated this girl.
I am also shocked that some thought that Raymond was a virgin before this incident… Maybe some of the posters here are younger than we originally thought???
Have to say Raymond has good tastes in women with big breasts and look like a slut. Why do celebrities lie about whom they are dating and when asked about it, they deny all the way until there are exposures of pictures, then they start crying and saying about being betrayed? At least a lot of people feel sorry for him instead of outrage.
Usually the women with big breasts and look like a slut in this industry only wants more popularity and will relationship < fame.
Totally agree that they should always be honest and only lie if necessary. Raymond is lucky to be able to get a lot of sympathy instead of a lot of bad critique like others would. I guess he does because it isn’t his fault that pictures of him are being circulated.
Yeah his choice of type is his thing.. everyone is different, no matter if the girl is ugly, fake or whatever.. and it really isn’t his fault that this leaked.
It’s not his fault that he slept with the girl. Stay strong lam fung, don’t cry because your image is destroyed. We still believe in your pure innocent good image.
hahah, good one! pure innocent good image, who “sleeps” with his clothes on with girls. i guess in a way it’s good to lie to the young fan girls, but for those who have reached 18+ already, i think it’s OK to expose this kinda news..
@hello; yeah…. and BESIDES raymond is like 31 already. it was his girlfriend too… I don’t see what’s wrong with that.
Is that sarcasm I detect there?
The point is, his popularity has always been partly because of this prince charming image; all his fans – especially those from the Mainland – think he is a saintly, celibate gentleman who is cultured and intelligent. I don’t think there is anything wrong with sleeping with a girl, certainly not when he is past thirty. But the very fact that he dated her simply shows that he is like any other guy – who thinks more with his lower body.
Just think of what people say about other celebrities – even with completely baseless accusations and without them being caught in the act – and most have already been very charitable to him.
Sorry but most if not all celebs are not pure and innocent. We should not expect them to be that way because they are not dieties or gods, they are humans!! They try to portray that image in front of us, but we all do not know what happens behind the scenes.
Why do the most popular guys always date girls that want fame? Don’t they know they date them to get more famous? Seriously, I thought Raymond Lam wanted to date someone else, that is outside the industry. It’s kinda sad that he was looking for love and ended being betrayed. This is like something out of a drama he would film.
In the past, didn’t he said that there was a love interest, but it develop to anything, so maybe the whole meeting the parents thing was a lie. Maybe they just started and nothing happened. I mean, maybe because of his schedule the only time they spent together, he ended up falling asleep, and she took these pictures…
It’s not like this isn’t normal since he is grown adult and in his thrities, and should be married within the next ten years. This is like normal and not really a scandal since he’s not nude or anything, just here sleeping, nothing big about it.
They don’t really have “husband and wife” pictures, so maybe it wasn’t meant to be. He and Linda looked better together, eventhough I know it’s kinda impossible…
In the picture with the costume fitting of Return to Three Kingdoms he looks kinda like a “sik maw” with the mustache and all.
I don’t live in Hong Kong so I’m not totally aware of how the fans are there, but is this a big deal more because of WHO Raymond was dating rather than if he was dating? It seems like if he it came out that he was dating Linda or even Tavia, there’d be a lot of fans happy for them rather than this model who’s more viewed as a “slut” because of her pictures (and the fact that it was probably her that leaked the pictures).
Is there any negative reaction to Bosco Wong to being taken since it’s most likely that he’s dating Myolie? Or is this just widely accepted and also that Bosco is not as big as Raymond?
I agree that if it was revealed he dated another more widely “accepted” celebrity, it won’t damage his image as much. Because Mavis’ image is more slanted towards slutty/provocative, it puts Raymond more in a negative light, in that, he prefers this type of woman.
Of course, at his age and fame, he can date whoever and it is his personal business, but since he’s been lying and denying about dating anyone for a very long time to the press, these will really hurt his image.
But in time, people will forget it and he will still be immensely popular, just like Andy Lau.
Is there any negative reaction to Bosco Wong to being taken since it’s most likely that he’s dating Myolie? Or is this just widely accepted and also that Bosco is not as big as Raymond?
Maybe you can say that he’s not as big as Raymond, but Bosco and Myolie rumors and “close friend” statements have been going on for almost 6 years so that’s a different scenario.
AC, based on the majority of responses to this news item at JayneStars, I think people (mostly female respondents here) are not surpised that he had a girlfriend, although he denied this many times publicly. Everyone seems more shocked by the type of girlfriend he had, voluptous Mavis Pan who likes to take provocative photos of herself. The above thumbnail photo of her in the bra seems to be a self taken photo. In some aspects, Raymond’s almost perfect image may have been affected by his dating choice. The people we date tend to reflect the values we have.
Women in general don’t particularly view women who flaunt their cleavage in such provatice way that positively. A little cleavage is tasteful, but the above photo almost has a porn effect. And so we form judgement… Tavia and Linda are actresses that are well known for their hard working ethics and clean image, who didn’t particulary use their bodies to achieve fame.
In Bosco’s case, most fans seem very supportive of his relationship with Myolie. Some think he can find someone better, but overall fan reaction seems good. I think it has to do with Bosco’s attitude; he never fully hide it. He enjoys talking about Myolie in interviews and he slips a little info at a time, so nobody is shocked anymore upon finding out they are dating. He never vehemently protested that they are only colleagues. His happiness is obvious and he doesn’t seem stressed in talking about Myolie, so people tend to react in a non-anxious and calm manner as well.
As fans, I think this is all we want. We just want a little honesty. We care about our favorite artists and if they are dating, we are happy for them. If they are hurting, we feel for them. I understand their need for privacy and the tabloids can be downright intrusive, but if more people were like Bosco, telling a little is enough. We just need to know things are ok.
Bosco can do so much better than Myolie Wu. She is just ugly. Kate, Fala and Tavia are ten times better than her. I know a lot of Bosco fans who are against this pairing. I still can’t accept the fact that they are dating.
@splash. i dnt think u should base a relationship around physical appearance–”
and u shouldnt compare one actress to another as their are beautiful in their own way. u should stop being so shallow ><
Totally agree with you Jayne and I always tell fans that it is not that we need to know everything about their dating life, but just some honesty is all we want. But sadly, all they do is lie through their teeth constantly. THen we the truth comes out, their positive image is affected in a very negative way. I think it hurts more to lie and then have the truth come out and haunt you rather than to just tell the truth…I hope that celebs all learn that honesty is the way to go…
Splash: There are indeed many Bosco fans who don’t like this pairing, but majority are keeping the thoughts to themselves and being calm and accept it because it’s his life, my dear
@Splash; you shouldn’t base in on looks… the physical appearance between bosco and myolie, yes some will say they don’t really match and bosco can do alot better. BUT look at their personality.. they really do match. Myolie and Bosco both have fun and charimatic personalities.
I think it is fair to say most guys would go for her. No denying that she is pretty with a killer figure, irrespective whether the breasts are real or not, definitely physically the sort men goes for. And Raymond is a man. Better this than a picture of him in bed with a man. That would disappoint more fans. If you expect Raymond to be seen with ordinary girls like you and I who looks ordinary, we can all dream on. That being said, is Linda single now? Because if she is, there’s a chance…
@Masaharu: Yes, we try to keep calm about it, but it hurts to see him together with someone who can’t act, sing or dance and have absolutely no looks whatsoever. And after reading that he will stay with TVB because of Myolie Wu? She is just going to drag him down when he can do so much better without TBB. If Bosco was to go into movies, he can reach new heights. I just don’t think Miss Wu can match up to Bosco.
@ Funn Lim I totally agree with you, this is much better than seeing him with a man…WAY BETTER, escially since asians are little more sensitive to these things than those americaized fans…He should be with linda
Splash: Please don’t be offended but please don’t use a WE for your personal hurlings, but I’m not sure where you are coming from. I frequented most of Bosco’s related site and mostly everyone has accepted this fact calmly even with their personal opinion towards her. Give and take some girls in Sina who may express their dissatisfactions in a stronger way.
By the way, Bosco’s fan sites and Sina has circulated the clip of his interview since yesterday and most of his fans have watched the clip and got a real account of what he actually said ;). Some of what you said in your post was just made up by reporters. Please watch the clip but I won’t feed the url
I’m surprised by all these anti-Myolie comments from Bosco’s fans.
Myolie’s acting might have gone downhill and not as good as before, but, she’s still one of the promoted actresses in TVB and her status is not inferior to Bosco. She also hardly has any negative news in terms of her personal conduct. Her image is good. She appear to be a really nice girl.
As for singing. Is Bosco any better or anymore successful in this area?
Really surprised with the ‘He can do better’ comments when, to me, they are equal.
Kidd: Please don’t generalize that Bosco’s fans are bad just because of one hurling post who uses a ‘WE’ or some vocal poster in discussion forums. Indeed there are some fans of Bosco who don’t like Myolie because of some reasons and it’s their opinion but majority of them are calm about it and will not crazily go around and posting hurling insults like this. What they do in their personal weibo or blogs is their business and opinion.
@Funn Lim; I think Linda is single, there is no sign at all that she is dating anyone. I think Raymond already tried pursuing Linda but she rehjected him? But I personally think that Linda won’t go for a guy like raymond who is so popular and stuff…
@Masaharu: When I said we, I mean for the keep calm about it part, not for my personal opinion. My comment does not represent all Bosco fans. I’m just expressing my opinion.
@Splash:It appears to me that you’re at no difference from the other shallow Bosco’s fan who can’t accept the FACT that your idol is dating someone within the industry.Seriously ever heard of KARMA? Have you ever thought that whenever you critique someone’s idol there would also be other ppl doing the same thing back to your idol??You maybe saying Bosco deserved someone better because Myolie is ugly,can’t sing/act etc but do you know that there’s also ppl saying Myolie deserved someone better and of higher rank in TVB than Bosco??Bosco is also not that good looking either and many other first line actors in TVB are even better looking than him.Besides,he has been playing second-lead in most of his recent series and his acting has never been recognize either.Singing wise,do you seriously think that Bosco is a good singer??If,yes then you’re in a state of DENIAL!Remember the Eason-Bosco duet at JSG award?!It was seriously a JOKE!Everyone have their flaws and that goes the same to Bosco and Myolie!It’s a pity to know that Bosco has such a fan like you who doesn’t support his own idol decision and only knows how to go around the internet whining and stating your so called “dissatisfaction”!IS HIS PERSONAL LIFE FOR GOD SAKE!!!
Oh btw if you think Myolie would oni drag Bosco down if he continues with TVB then I guess that would had happen 6 years ago don’t you think?He would probably not win the Most Improve Actor award for WOIL and continue being supporting am I right?Just make some SENSE before stating your “precious” opinion next time!
TO SpLash – You are so shallow and so deserved being bashed by the Myolie fan down there. That’s a BAD OPINION You have there.
By the way do you know Splash that one Myolie fan just told me that most of Myolie fans in CHina think Bosco is too ugly for their idol too. Myolie can do so much better.
What Myolie China fan tell me:
-Bosco not handsome and less handsome than WIlliam Feng who has a short relationship with Myolie in China but when Myolie come back to HK she back to Bosco
-Bosco is poor. Raymond Lam, William Feng have more money and assets than him. Everyone marvel why Myolie pick him?
-Myolie is the FIRST FEMALE LEAD IN ALL HER SERIES except DOL, Bosco is 2ND or supporting in most of his series
-Myolie’s singing is awesome and is highly praised everywhere, BOSCO’s singing with Eason in highly criticized and now where’s his singing?? After the 2nd album why no more album come out??
-In TVB anniversary Myolie stand more to the centre, Bosco is near to the side. How shame it is to be lower ranked than your girlfriend. A man should be higher and can protect his woman.
-Myolie has MANY BREAKTHROUGH roles such as WOIL, WOIL2, TGWL, ACOTOB and The Rippling Blossom. Bosco has NO BREAKTHROUGH role. What a failure for him to be compared to Myolie’s achievement.
Splash Bosco must be ashamed to have as a SHALLOW fan of him. Shame.
TO MacD:
Ia. Anyone who paid to go to Bosco’s concert that he did in those cheap US hotels must be crazy and out of their mind.
You should not just base everything on physical appearance. There is much more to a person than their physical looks.If relationships were only based on outer appearance, then many people would not be with who they currently are with. Also, celebs can be with who they want to be with. It is not our choice as the audience/fans to be match makers for them. What right do we have? Honestly, these days even their parents can’t pick for them so we have no authority or right to. We are not “yue lao” or his assistant, therefore, we have no right to do so…
@Splash: Oh btw if PHYSICAL APPEARANCE matter so much to you please feel free to take this Raymond incident as an example of how hot/beautiful a girl can be and at the end of the day what’s on the inside that matter the most!Bosco can just go out with any hot models or the actress you have stated above but can you GUARANTEE that he will be happy with them and they’re equally pretty inside out?I’m not saying that all pretty girls are bad but going for looks in a relationship is just to shallow.What matter most is that the feeling is there and both their personality match and can get along with!I bet if Bosco would have to please every one of his fan then he wouldn’t have kept his relationship with Myolie hidden for 6 long years!Please be more understandable of your idol’s current situation and be more lenient towards others.
@Splash:All they need is the support and a lil respect from fans!Is that really too much to ask for?
@splash – Splash, you’re totally wrong.
Myo can do so much better than Bosco. Myo is ugly? Are you serious? She won’t placed the second runner up for Miss HK 1999 if she’s ugly. You should check your eyes.
On the other hand Bosco is the one who’s ugly for Myo. Did you read the tabloid article of them caught shopping at Causeway? His dressing is like a homeless person and he also kept a moustache gross.
Kate is better? She’s well known for her vulgar mouth and appearance.
Splash, next time think first before you say anything.
Talk about being caught red-handed (with a girl). I don’t know why celebrities have to lie through their teeth about not dating for a long time. Many eligible youngish male idols in their late 20s to 30s claim that, including some very popular Taiwanese idols. Anyway, back to Raymond Lam. Who in their right mind would believe that a healthy, virile, 31 year old man like Lam Fung is celibate, and has been for years?
I agree with Charlene Choi. This girl is definitely out to make a name for herself by releasing these bedroom photos of her and Lam Fung. This really reminds me of another model who used her relationship with anoter famous male actor to boost her fame – I’m talking about Lin Chiling and Jerry Yan and their infamous “bathrobe photos” taken in a hotel room back around 2002-5 and exposed when Lin Chiling sent her phone for repair. Evidently, when you have such intimate photos with another famous star in your phone, you’re either stupid/careless or deliberately want to had your photos leaked out by giving it to a stranger to repair it. Duh. Lin is not a dummy but a cunning woman, and after that “bathrobe” incident, all the Taiwanese media eagerly linked her to Jerry Yan as his underground girlfriend, and she got so much attention for it. Even their poses are somewhat similar with these photos of Lam Fung and this Mavis girl, with the girl’s outstretched arm enthusiastically holding out the camera-phone while snuggling up close with the guy. Bah, famous men who don’t want to have their relationships exposed should date equally famous women, not wannabe models/actresses who are out to make a name for themselves.
Totally, why don’t celebrites just date celebrities it makes it easier on themselves and their other half. If they date someone outside it will affect them to. If they date wannabe models, they get labled as like “players” and they just make the models famous for absolutely no reason…
I don’t think so. I mean they should feel free to date who they want to date whether it be a person from the circle or not. I think that a lot of times it is easier to date someone from outside the circle rather than from the circle. THe main thing is to be honest and only lie if necessary… Sooner or later the truth will come out and I feel that that will hurt their image even more.
Totally agree with you Alicia! I wonder why people have to lie to through teeth like that?? It is worse when you are caught red handed and still lie? Sorry but I think we are all too innocent if we think that a healthy guy in their 30s does not date and does not sleep with girls?? There must be something wrong with them if that were the case..
For my own personal reasons, I am glad these pictures came out. Now I know Raymond Lam is not gay! I am relieved. Poor Raymond though, having to have his reputation hurt. :/
Lolsss…Yea he does kinda seem gay sometimes..with like his girly movements…
Well he can still be bisexual so you never know… Also, just because he dated girls doesn’t mean that he is not gay. Many people are married and have kids for many years before finally coming out of the closet.
okay fine. at least i am temporarily fooled into thinking he is straight or at least bi haha
are her boobs even real?
I don’t think Raymond minds if it’s fake as long as it’s huge.
I’m sure he doesn’t mind either. You have to remember that he went under the knife to look good, so he is a shallow guy himself. Yeah they do look either fake or being squashed and pushed all the way up.
I will not view Raymond the same way anymore. He has always look mature, smart, handsome, clean image now is all ruin just like Guillian Chung I will not view her the same.
Right! This has ruined his image and he is not as innocent and “clean” as he wants fans to think he is. But he will still be popular because of the huge fan base he has. Just like Gillian Chung, she made a comeback and is pretty well accepted, even though it’s not the same as the height of her fame.
Gillian’s case scenario is different as is at a more lethal level. Not only Gillian was promoting herself as the pure naive virgin girl but she posed for the camera in Japanese AV standard revealingness.
Raymond however was sleeping and is wearing clothes.
May I ask, sarcasm or real feelings?
I’m assuming you’re really young? You must be pretty naive to think that Raymond is a 31 year old virgin that has had girlfriends in the past. I don’t know why you see “sex” as a sin…….. it’s not. It’s a really normal thing. I can almost guarantee that 90% of the celebrities you look up to are not virgins.
Also, about Gillian.. did she change? Not really only stronger, after that incident she is still that same old gillian.
Gillian’s career went down the drain. She is shipped to film extremely LOW budget Mainland dramas becuz no director want to cast her in Hong Kong. Director Jeff admits that he had to begged his director friends to cast Gillian, but at the end she gets only minor role. Gillian’s comeback is nowhere no successful. EEG is trying very hard to paint a picture that Gillian’s comeback was successful but once a person looks at her current “projects”, it was all funded by her company. Her music failed and her song did not chart, even William Chan’s music charted better than hers. Raymond will be more lucky than Gillian becuz his image was nowhere as fake as Gillian’s. Raymond shouldn’t worried too much becuz majority of the audience are siding with him, and not Mavis.
To star,
sex IS not a sin. I agree with you but some people have more traditional standards. They will not sleep with anyone casually and openly. It’s just my comment please don’t hate on me. I’m just stating that sex is not a sin and more. Peace!!!
:O I must say, Raymond is the last guy I would ever expect something like this to happen to. Aw, poor fellow looks like he’s in deep slumber in the pics that she took of him. I feel so sad for him because I understand the feeling of being betrayed by someone that you trust…
Well, if the Twins girls could move on with their struggles, then I’m sure Raymond can also do likewise. Even though his image is clean cut but I’m sure the double standard of genders still exist. He is a man and men are never as “innocent” as say, pre-scandal Gillian. Besides, Raymond’s photos are not racy at all and it’s clear that he’s a “victim” of sorts.
Mavis Pan looks like the type that most men would be attracted to. lol I hope she will learn her lesson in this too. How can she think that the media and fans will not persecute her in some way?
I feel bad for Raymond and can’t believe that his ex would do this to him… She seems like she is just using him to get attention. I can’t believe that they were only dating for a couple of months and already slept in the same bed?? I hope that Raymond is more careful from now on and will be honest if he is dating anyone because sooner or later, the truth will come out(like in this case) and it will hurt his image dearly…
I’m not surprised at all that he has slept with a woman and there’s nothing wrong about it. Come on, the guy is in his 30’s and surely he needs some “entertainment” for himself. I also get why he has to hide this relationship; the same as what Andy Lau was doing.
I don’t think this will give him a negative impact because in this scenario, he has become the victim. We can see from this site alone that most are supporting and feeling sorry for him. The one who is negatively implicated is Mavis Pan who is the culprit.
I agree. It would be a problem if he didn’t needed “entertainment.” This is the reason that Raymond hided it too, look at all the comments here
Just want to add that I don’t think Mavis Pan is that great… She just looks like the typical actress/model, nothing special at all. If she has make up she looks better but just like any girl when she was in bed. Plus, with this bad thing she is doing, I question how good her personality is???
Look at her body. It is not just the face, the body is a huge factor and admit it, she has a killer body but really not very smart.
I did and her body is typical to me… But that is just what I think though.
Not a HUGE story! Just a pix of him sleeping.
It’s not a big deal for a man like Raymond to have sex with a hot girl like her. Why do fans refuse to believe they have sex even though he sleeps with her? I was a fan, not anymore. What irks me is his dramatic response to the scandal. Crying? Faking about feeling betrayed and hurt? Face it like man. I don’t feel sorry for him.
how will you feel if ur bf/gf secretly took pics of u while u sleep/shower/changing clothes and post it on facebook for everyone to see??
Being betrayed by someone once so close to him that he trusted so much. Uhm yeah, anyone would be hurt.
He never said or cried about being betrayed. He did face it like a man and admit to dating the girl. He also never said anything bad about the girl, did you even watch his interview. He never said sorry or want people to sympathize him. This is not even a scandal. A picture of a guy sleeping with his ex, and Hong Kong people call it a scandal? Wow, interesting. I guess when you are a hong kong celeb you can’t have a normal life, dating or sleeping with your girl friend. His preference of girl is really non of our business. No matter how bad the girl is, that’s his choice, not outside people.
He did cry??? I don’t blame him because his pictures were taken without his consent and then exposed to the public. Who wouldn’t be hurt??? The average citizen would be but someone famous like him?? It would hurt twice as much since he is a public figure…
So agree with you!
i agree with you there, why are fans so reluctant to believe that he had sex, why do they insist that he had his cloths on and is only sleeping? To have sex after courting for just a few months says it all. He’s just like any men around! I’ve lost my respect for him not because he dated or had sex, rather for lying to the fans who loved and trusted him. Fans should be angry that he has betrayed them just like mavis has betrayed him.
I agree too. As a fan of his, I’m not shocked that he dated nor had sex or slept with this girl. He is after all a normal human being.
But my interest in him has definitely reduced quite a bit though I still consider myself a fan.
To blatantly lie that he has been dry for the past 10 years makes me wonder how much truth is there in what he says all the while.
And even as a fan, I do not find him pitiful in this whole scandal.
I totally agree with you and always believe that celebs should be honest with their fans or else they will regret it later(unless they had some really good reasons to lie and hopefully will explain it later). It will not only hurt them and their image, but their fans as well. I have seen this a lot and hope that other celebs will learn from it. Maybe it is karma since Ray betrayed his fans by lying and now Mavis betrays him?? If he had told the truth from the beginning then this would not be a big deal..
Gosh,I can’t believe Raymond’s taste in woman is this bad!That Mavis girl got “I’m a cheap slut” written all over her face.I thought Raymond was that kind of guy who’s more interested in woman with a strong personality type…I really pity him!But look on the bright side…after this incident Raymond’s popularity will rose to another level as netizen will definitely labeled him as the victim in this whole incident and support him while that Mavis girl is going to be known for an attention seeking b*tch
Umm…if she’s a slut than Ray is a male slut. I’m sure he has a judge of character. How much of Ray do the audience actually know!?? It’s only the idol side of Ray. My Uncle is familiar with Ray’s maid…and she says that Raymond pretty much takes a different girl home every weekend. Guys are Guys… I’m sure it’s mutual…why is she labeled a SLUT? just because you don’t have her body…and you know you’ll NEVER be able to sleep/date with Ray. He’s probably pretending to be sad and teary eyed for the fan’s to support him. But really….I’m glad this happened so that he doesn’t have to keep his IDOL image to please EVERYONE…especially the teeny bopper fans…
Glad to know he has a healthy appetite despite his schedule. Probably he needs a girl to hug when sleeping or maybe that’s why he is always looking so exhausted.
Wow you are right then he is so manly :P.
yea I pity Raymond too. I thought he will like an intelligent, strong and educated personality. This Mavis is a just low class cheap woman. Raymond can do a lot better than her. Thankfully they’re not together anymore but what a cheap woman she is for circulating the pictures.
Why do people always think that they are gay????And its always the cute and fine ones!!!
O by the way she’s not all that pretty except for big boobs! !!!”
Yea, I think she’s trying to be the next Chrissie Chau…
Raymond said more here.
Raymond, stop talking! The more you say the worse it is. Just stop at “we dated, we are over”. The only crime with the bed picture is that he was not wearing make up. He looked very very gaunt and haggard.
amen! i totally agreed with you on this one.
That’s what couples are about. No matter how pretty/handsome someone is they still need to do the 3S every morning/day (figure out what they are yourself) and when you love someone you take it all in. Ha! Ha! Prove that he really did not know his pictures were taken:-)
Well who really looks their best when they are sleeping?? Especially celebs since they depend heavily on make up and stuff to look good/better than the average citizen. I agree that he should just say it straight and simple so that people will not bother him about it anymore.
I do feel bad for him that he got betrayed by someone he once loved and trusted. But, I don’t consider this as any kind of scandal that will ruin his reputation and image. Sure, fans might be disappointed that he lied that he was single all this time and would see him as being a shallow person by probably falling for a girl that has a good physical appearance and body that probably just wants to use him to gain popularity. The biggest problem is of him being a celebrity. What he’s doing is so normal-dating a girl and having sex at his age. The pics are not even x-rated. He’s sleeping, he’s clothed, not butt naked and making out with her in the pic. If anything, publishing the photos ruined Mavis’ reputation instead because everyone will just despise her for betraying him to try to gain popularity and also see her as a slut.
Ia. Mavis herself is stupid for posting the pictures because it damage her instead of Raymond now. WHO will give a slut like THIS jobs now???
If she think she can get FAMOUS easier by doing then she’s so WRONG. She get back what she deserves now which is being bashed by millions of people for her cruel doings.
I was always curious as to Raymond’s type and now we know. Good thing he is wearing his shirt so it looks less sexual but we all still know what he was doing before he fell asleep. This just makes Mavis look bad because trying to show off that she was able to date Raymond.
Yeah… I think she was just trying to showoff that she was able to date Raymond Lam, or else why would she take those photos.
lol seriously, do we really want him to be a 30 year old virgin? lol. i’m glad he’s not, shows he’s a normal dude. People, stop doggin’ the girl, she’s not that bad. i’d love to have that body lol. besides, no one knows for sure about what went on with them. think about it, he was attracted to her knowing that she likes flaunting her body, what does that say about him? that’s what he likes. get over it, raymond lam is no angel, none of them are. it’s none of our business anyway!
btw, is it just me or does she kinda have that angelbaby factor? or do they just have the same surgeon? lol
Maybe when they started out she was nice and innocent but along the way being Raymond Lam’s girlfriend she got a bit ambitious and decided to take the road of fame through exposing her body. She is EX and he did say this was part of the reason they broke up. If he even brought her to meet his parents there must have been something in her in the beginning.
I’m glad he started and tried some relationships. It’s quite normal. You can’t imagine someone to be a good wife and propose and marry. There is a process and time to try each other. In this case he found out she is not her type in the end. Fair enough. If I was him, I would not reveal and admit. I won’t say lying but not necessary to tell the truth. It will be more harm than good. It’s like pregnancy, when things are not stable why announce, if anything goes wrong you will need to face the issues all over again. He dated, did not work, broke off. Why stir the dust. He did no wrong.
Good to know he is straight and not a virgin at his age and a normal human being. It is an experience and just another stage of life. Whatever it is it’s his life, none of our business really and does not affect my image of him.
And better exposed now than being blackmailed when he finds his true love.
As celeb, the more you hide the more people eager to find the “skeletons” out from the closet. Fung have been very strict in saying he’s not been dating for many years, and such photos would have hurt fans a bit too. Whether the girl has full figure or if them both truly love each other, does not make any importance now.
Fung should take up the responsibilities and responses towards this affair made secret. Shuang should re-monitor her own dignity & personality for revealing these personal photos.
I don’t think Ray owes his fans any explanation. The girl was single when he met her, he was single when she met him, they were I hope exclusive to one another during that brief romance, they met each other’s parents, he was the one photographed as he was sleeping (and probably snoring). He did hide that, but he didn’t outright lie about it. If Andy Lau can survive that, what more Ray and this very very small problem. I would be more worried what else she got in that handphone of hers.
Yea, that is true… Also, I don’t think Ray ever made any empty promises in advance to his fans as well… In Andy’s case, he did apologize and explain everything afterwards so the fans forgave him and he got through. But I bet if Raymond did what Andy did, then he had better explain to the fans or else he would lose a lot of them..
You guys are so funny and I enjoyed reading all of your comments.
First of all, Raymond is not saint nor virgin, come-on, all male only think with one head and that is not the one hanging on top of their neck. With that said, I think Jayne made a really good point that who you date shows what your values are. I am not surprise that he has a gf nor would I be surprise that he brings girls home, but I was hoping that he would have a better head and taste in woman. If she did not leak their pictures, perhaps, I would still have some respect for her, but by doing this way, it just shows her true character. Hopefully he will take this as a lesson learned and not lie to the public about his relationship and hopefully, he will have better judgement next time. Seeing this picture, I am almost wishing that his rumors with Linda was true, at least I know that Linda is not vindictive and is sincere.
I don’t think this will hurt his fame at all as it is not a big deal. Even if naked pics of him were to leak out from Mavis, it will not impact him. It might embarrased him and his family, but he will remain famous. I think Raymond once said that he envy Andy and his wife’s relationship. Now, he needs to find that kind of woman. Someone who does not seek fame and love him unconditionally despite the fact that he would not have time for her and could not be in public with her. These kinds of women are almost extinct and it seems like only Andy and Alan Tam found one. It will take a mature and smart men to be able to see pass the women’s outer appearance and see her beautiful core.
Lastly, glad to know that he is not gay, for awhile I was doubting his sexuality since most of his latest pics are so gayish looking. And the pic of him sleeping with his mouth open, priceless LOL.
Lol, I totally agree with you. I never though of Ray as a right saint or virgin(that’s really jokes), I mean like he said he is normal guys and they have their needs to. Even a giant fan, this will affect his image a bit. If it’s for the good or bad, we’ll just have to wait and see. Yea, for a second iI really did think he was gay, like a his concert. Eventually he’ll find his match and that could be in a couple years, since most people in the entertainment industry get married kinda late…
I am a Malaysian, I know a lot of Andy Lau’s wife background she is not what you think that good, she has snatched Andy Lau from his ex-taiwanese girlfriend and woo Andy Lau from Malaysia to Hong Kong at the age of 19 as his fan and Andy Lau thinks she is a rich girl in Malaysia but she is just an average not a billionaire’s daughter. Both were equally canning.
Sorry but I don’t think you need to be Malaysian to know about the situation between Andy, Carol and Yu Ke Xin(notice that you even forgot her name). All of Andy’s fans know about that. Also, we don’t know the whole story about it so you cannot just say that Carol snatched Andy from Yu Ke Xin. When it is 2 girls liking a guy, it is up to the guy to pick who he likes more. IF Andy was not willing to be with Carol, what can she do? So what if she was rich?? I think it was Andy’s choice to be with her…
Also, I am shocked that you are saying that said that Carol is only from an average family. From what I heard, her family is one of the richest families in Malaysia. I don’t think you need to be from Malaysia to know that. I heard that Carol was just a fan and she got lucky. It is extremely rare for a fan to actually get to marry their idol. It is up to fate…
Mavis said the picture might have been leaked out when she misplaced her phone while she’s in a saloon.
she said its 6months ago. n the pictures are leaked NOW. suspicious lol
VERY SUSPICIOUS. It sounds like a cover up after she got panicked form being bashed by fans. She deserves so.
A Men looking to types of women:
1) a women will be the mother of his childeren.
2) a women will not be the mother of his childeren.
Mavin is type 2. That’s why the most people hate her, and said someting as “slut and Raymond has a bad tast”.
Why? It’s his choice to date with her. Because he do not think with his brains, he think with his “down under”. Is ok, right? Is his choice, so why we blamed Mavin.
If the girl is not Mavin, if the girl is Linda Chung (type 1). Will you guys blemed her too? I don’t think so.
Is human that Raymond like type 2. But if he make a choice, he may not regret. And have to take al the responsibility of it.
So he have to accept that some fans will hate her, some fans will disappointed in him, his image will damaged.
I don’t believe the who tears thing. He is an actor. An actor can cry or holding his tears anytime.
How can you sure that Linda Chung is better than Mavis Pan? Because her image is good girl and Mavis Pan is hot girl?
I don’t say Linda is bad but since you don’t know them personally you can’t give out conclusion. You forgot that Linda is also an actress. She can act naive, sweet while she is smart and strong, etc.
He saw what in Mavis, only him can answer this question. He said she is very nice, to her family and friends. So do you believe him and think she is a good girl?
Actually his eyes are all red because he is sick. Look at the JSG and his eyes are red, too. But his mood is down, can see that.
Uhm Fox.. i have to really disagree with you. Many of her co-stars always have positive things to say about her, and yeah she is an actress but she can fake this stuff. But listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VePbo9stSoI
She is a good girl.
ok why is this a big deal again…pix of you and ur ex…and y is she a slut cuz she dated ray and posted the pix…come on just cuz u’re ray’s fan you cant characterize someone as a slut…oh please…and he is so innocent in all of this…i see the other pix of him posing with her…whats the big deal…cuz ray commented on it too much and made it a big deal so they can have sympathy for him and turn on her…good versus evil thing huh celebrities are too fake they have this persona that they have to put up so y is everyone gaining up on her…
Lam Fung looks good in that costume, and I think the character suit him well for Three Kingdom
Yeah, he looks good in here. Zhuge Liang is one of my favorite ancient figure in chinese history. I enjoy reading his strategies. In real life he had 2 sons. Wonder if Raymond as Zhuge Liang will have the sons in this drama. Really looking forward. He has that look for it.
I just hope that don’t mess up the story line like they did with Adam Cheng’s version many years ago. Gosh was that terrible… THey made ZhuGe Liang like Xiao Jiao!! That really made everyone sick and mad!!!
The story will be messed up because it’s a time travel story, not a retelling of history or an adaptation of the novel.
Thanks for the info! Is this a series or movie?? Ok, then I don’t think that I want to watch it with my mom or else she will blast the series. She read the novel and always comments and compares to series that she watches. Although time traveling does sound interesting…
Been the rounds of news today and after what I’ve seen happening in the world today like Japan, this piece of news about Raymond seem so so small.
I think I read in a few messages above something about men think with the lower half of body or not the brain but the “down under” etc. I think it is very crude to generalise that for a small event in somebody’s private life. I bet the 50 MEN who know they will die and are doing all they can to prevent further nuclear destruction to their country won’t be thinking with their brains right now cause apart from the brains, there is also the heart. If they think with their brains now, they won’t do this.
As for where his image is and how he justify himself (Raymond I mean), I once read about Buddha’s saying – If you are given a gift and choose not to receive it who does the gift belong to? He never asked you to think of him in a certain way and certainly can’t force it on anyone. He does what he does and the people are the ones who form their own ideas or image of him. If he got a lot of support and fans it’s their choice. He is free to choose his own lifestyle. Nothing to do with anyone else.
He doesn’t look sad to me, he looks completely freaked out – not knowing how to handle that Mavis Pan. What if she has more photos? What if the published ones were just a preview? Notice he didn’t say anything negative about the girl?
OBVIOUSLY he doesn’t want to show his weak side to the public. Raymond is a nice guy, he’s not that type that would take revenge.. so I don’t see why it is necessary to say anything negative to the girl.
Ray, you dumbass. Anyway my mom will be horrified when I tell her this today. But as everyone here has already said – the photos just show he had a relationship and his taste in women. Big deal. He was dumb for lying about not having been in a relationship for years, but if Andy Lau can survive his big white lie, then Ray will survive. I hope he learns from this and chooses carefully in the future. I certainly hope for his sake that ‘additional’ photos don’t crop up.
Seriously, though, people – have they learned nothing from Sexy Photos Gate?
On Rayda, I’ve always thought Ray had a major soft spot for Linda and probably pursued her. I get the feeling that even if Linda returned those feelings though, she wouldn’t date Ray. She’s too down-to-earth in personality (at least at this point in her career) to date someone as high-profile as him. Never say never, though.
But today Linda indirectly admit that she has feeling with him 6 years ago.
She did? When?? Maybe she might have… but as for dating I really believe she would prefer not too.
Are u sure it was six years ago I don’t think they met I mean she JUST entered the industry like six years ago that’s 2005…but won’t be surprised if sue had like a little school girl crush on him. But they filmed HOG in 2006…so maybe it was 5 years ago. But they are a very good match they have “spouse” picture and match and they have chemistry. And they don’t treat each other like “brothers”.
Fox might have referred to the article posted in asianfanatics.
Linda is quoted as saying
Linda Chung said: “We were only rumored due to filming, we all know it’s fake. (Liked him before?) It’s been 6 years, already pulled out of it! (Artists dating need to be extra careful?) If really do date, I will get really into the relationship, it is very normal!”
From the chinese version of the report, I get this.
From my understanding of the chinese version, I think what she meant to say is, she used to have feelings for Raymond when acting as couple with him in series. But, now that she has been acting for 6 years, she’s able to pull out of her character now.
Never say never hehehe Justin Biever movie…lol
I’m not so shocked about the pictures being exposed….. I’m more shocked that he dated this girl. She’s cheap and just plain tacky… I thought Raymond would have better taste.
I agree with you! After the whole edison/gillian/cecilia scandal, the pictures exposed by Mavis is no shock but I thought Raymond was more into the ‘girl next door’ type…makes me think twice about him now
Well, none of us know Raymond personally so who really knows what kind of girl he would like?? Trust me, even people that you know and are close to you can shock you… Therefore, we all should not be too shocked at all.
At this point, Linda will probably want nothing to do with Raymond.. I think if she ends up dating Raymond, a lot of people won’t be happy…
I think the public, media, reporters made them not possible anymore. linda is literally SICK of the rayda news when ppl ask her about her relationship with Raymond. She will always say… “that is old news! it’s already pulled out”
It’s sad that the companies package these stars so they can make the most money from the fans that are delusional onto thinking these idols are single and that the fans can have a chance dating them. I will still buy their DVDs, CDs, concerts, movies even if they are dating or married just as long I think they are talented. We all wish our idols will have a happy family maybe with cute kids and a great career like Nick cheung, Tony leung, Julian cheung, Andy etc.
i know what you mean but really y do people actually believe that you can get with them just cuz they are said to be single…goodness sake fans needs to get a reality check…u attending their concerts buy musics dvds whatever it is all you are doing is allowing them to collect money from you and thats it thats where the line is drawn…you will never have a chance with them…sad that people dont see that and give themselves some hope that one day they will be with their idols…and then turned on their significant others and put them down just becuz it aint you…sorry but thats just pathetic…
Totally agree and I think if you are still young and are going through a stage, that is understandable. However, you have to grow out of that stage or else it can be dangerous. We all remember the Andy Lau fan incident right?? It is good to have someone to look up to and admire, but we need to be mature about it. Many young fans(or fans that just don’t have a boyfriend yet)still dream of marrying their idol or being with them one day. However, one day if they finally mature they will get over it…Which is why many fans of today go crazy if one bad thing is being said or done to their “idol”. I find that sad… But hopefully it is a stage that they will get through.
In hong kong, having boobs means you have a killer body….
But most of these women look out of proportion
Actually she kinda looks ugly…Like her face kinda looks unproportional…
Her face looks like she had alot of botox or something.
Actually she has very nice skin, considering she didn’t wear make up, I assume. She is young; youth is on her side.
I think she is wearing some kind of make up, but maybe not as much as she usually does….
Oh oops, I commented on the wrong article… Ok, she was sleeping so I guess she should have no make up on… She looks ok without it but once again, looking at her pix with and without make up, just like the typical artist…She actually looks pretty bad without make up..
I think she looks quite ok, not drop dead gorgeous but she does have that innocent acting sweet look which many guys adore.
However, she looks 101% different from here and while she was filming The Jade and The Pearl.
Shes not pretty at all with or without!!
She looks better than Fala chen without make up!!
I think she looks quite decent. She has nice features
I know this is kinda stupid question, but what’s a Netizen? Like a citizen on the net? I’m sorry but I’m kinda stupid.
Netizen is a citizen of an on-line community, or citizen who uses internet to participate in a political society…Pretty much what you said.
If it makes fans feel better, here’s what Raymond says when Cha Siu Yan asked him what he likes about Mavis. He said she’s very nice and treats everyone around her very well.
I’m also amused at people saying Mavis is ugly. I know beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but, there’s still got to be some limit. Mavis ugly?
I dunno if she’s exactly ugly but she’s not that pretty I mean I dunno if its just me or does she look different in a lot of pictures. Like the ones with ray and her she kinda looks like Christine Kuo, in others like the picture at the jade and the pearl she kinda looks disproportional and weird…and in the pictures where ray in asleeep she looks distorted(but I think that’s the angle of the camera) anyway beauty is in the Eyes of the beholder
Beauty is the eye of the beholder is true but only to some extent…
“He said she’s very nice and treats everyone around her very well.”
A contradictions since it should be she WAS because now if we were to believe she leaked these photos, she isn’t very nice is she?
Raymond, just go all out and hate. Don’t say disappointed. Tell your true feelings.
Oh okay thanks now I kinda feel stupid that I didn’t use my common sense…thanks anyway
Uh… Mavis is not ugly just average. She does look very pretty with makeup on. I hope girls look in the mirror today for a few minutes and really do appreciate what you look like. Everyone has one thing or the other that’s beautiful.
Well at least this confirms that he is not gay with those tacky concert costumes. He is my all time favorite idol but did thought he would have better choice. Not a shock at all that he would date a model or some sort. There’s a few interviews on YouTube that Raymond says he like tall, pretty girls with one dimple. Also girls that wears a ponytail. He s a young bachelor so he would have plenty of girls around him 24/7. But listening to a comment above hurts a bit about that he brings different types of girls home every weekend. That’s just male whore right there. However can’t make any assumptions because I don’t know him personally. All I have to say is better luck next time Raymond. They should learn from edison’s scandal. His father even went bankrupt after he exposed all the girls out. I do hope that he will find a good loving wife which he kept saying In interviews that he wants to have a happy family, happy wife and kids.
He better be wiser now in choosing girlfriends. My cousin is from a wealthy background as well and he married a eeww wife. He was already in the united states and got his wife pregos then he have to marry her and bring her to the US. BUT, she is so mean to him, saying he’s stupid, yelling at him and even looking down on her own husband. I’m sure she got herself pregnant and her son was her free ticket to the united states. That’s just sad because he was my close guy cousin. He was even complaining about how his wife is not good looking at all and he didn’t care fir his son.
So think about it this way if this young girl that’s striving for fame at the early 20s and having the chance to sleep with a very famous, handsome and rich man! She got pregnant and it was rays baby, she be an instant shot to fame and fortune. But this of raymand sleeping next to her is just a very low move. Isn’t she a model? Why does she need to go the the salon to Get her hair done? Raymond needs to use his brain while that girl needs to achieve on her own.
Guess he really needed some that bad. A few months and already sleeping with each other. All I got to say is I’m glad that my boyfriend looks a lot better than Raymond Lam. Sorry Ray but you’re still my fave male idol.
Oh yeah as to some of you that were discussing about bosco and myolie. I think they’re a very cute couple. They’re both very fun to be with and great personality. They seem to be happy all the time which shows a healthy couple. As for Linda chung she did say that she wants a guy that can speak more English and want a guy with more meat. She said before she started the industry she really like Steven Ma and ekin. I think there was someone else. Not sure if she is all that innocent. Hope she is cuz seems like such a sweet girl.
Sorry pp I said too much.
she liked steven and ekin then because she havent yet learnt to “come out of her character” as she’s paired with them.