Raymond Lam and Carina Zhang Are Expecting a Baby

First comes love. Then comes marriage – or a baby.
For the past several years, many celebrity couples had shotgun weddings to avoid the embarrassment of unintended pregnancies. However, when Raymond Lam (林峯) (林峯) announced he tied the knot with Carina Zhang (張馨月) on the last day of 2019, people did not suspect a shotgun marriage due to the lack of tell-tale signs of pregnancy. On top of that, their marriage was a long time coming. However, based on recent reports claiming that Carina is one month pregnant, it is possible the couple had a shotgun marriage.
Recently, reporters made a trip to the gynecologist clinic that Carina allegedly visited to interview the model’s renown gynecologist. The gynecologist confirmed Carina visited her to seek medical advice, but she couldn’t reveal any further details about Carina’s condition, as it concerns personal privacy.
It is said that the newlyweds hurriedly got married because their families rushed them to have kids. Although Raymond reportedly wanted to delay his marriage, his mother believes he isn’t young anymore and feels it’s time to complete this important life event. Raymond’s mother also highly approves of Carina as her daughter-in-law, as reporters have earlier caught his mother smiling non-stop at Carina during her airport pick-up.
With hopes to appease her in-laws, Carina is aiming to have a baby in the Year of the Rat. Thus, she visited the famous gynecologist who helped many celebrities, such as Sandra Ng (吴君如) and Kelly Chen (陈慧琳), to get pregnant. Her leaked prescription also shows her determination to recondition her body and prepare for a baby with the help of Chinese medicine.
The couple has yet to respond to the allegations.
Source: NetEase
This article is written by Minna for JayneStars.com.
So unprofessional. Doctor should not even confirm that she visited the office.
Anyways, congrats to them if she is pregnant!
@potatochip could not care less about whether the marriage was shotgun or not, but yes, the doctor could have simply refused to comment.
@megamiaow Yes, I don’t care either. There is no perfect time to have a baby. Babies are just awesome.
If that was in North America, the fact that doctor even divulged to the reporters that Carina is a patient, that alone could get the doctor disciplined, or their licence suspended. Just when you think these slimeball reporters couldn’t sink any lower. To go to a doctor’s office and enquire about a patient is beyond sleazy and an invasion of someone’s privacy.The reporters in Hollywood or England don’t do that, and I consider them sharks. That says a lot about the Hong Kong reporters. I remember when Raymond was dating the other Karina, (Him and his Carinas Karinas), the reporters asked her if she is on the pill. That was a boundary that was not only crossed, but disrespectfully trampled. Something needs to be done about these hound dogs.
Knew it! Lol. Not a surprise these days if guys over 40 who never seem want to marry then get married so quickly out of the sudden to a new gf, it’s always because a baby is coming. These men sure made the women looks bad – I only marry you because you have a baby *facepalm. It makes you wonder if they dumped the long time ex because she couldn’t conceive >_>
@littlefish glad I ain’t the first one to say it this time. but nobody’s giving you crap about it.
*Edit: NVM you are getting crap for it
@coralie who’s giving me crap lol? You xD? (I don’t see anyone else sorry xD?)
@littlefish dating for nearly 2 years before a marriage nowaday can be considered as quickly? Wow.
@alluka 2yrs is the normal period for breaking up lol. You are practically still in the honeymoon phase at 2yrs
@alluka also context here, I said “Not a surprise these days if guys over 40 who never seem want to marry then get married so quickly out of the sudden to a new gf, it’s always because a baby is coming”. You have Aaron Kwok who date this Monika for like 2yrs the most? Same thing, bam married, bam babies! And Lai Ming, same thing! See if there was like a year gap between marriage and pregnancy, I wouldn’t say a thing but all these fast shots are a bit too fast to say it’s totally coincidental lol
Will not marry at all costs until last resort. Unless someone is pointing a gun to the head or unless a baby is on its way…
@jimmyszeto lol!
@alluka “ Trust me, many women don’t want to get married until they are pregnant“ – that’s the first for me lol. I never knew anyone who is like that, most people I know are either stay together for a while, then have kids, or break up without kids, or break up after kids. Pretty normal people lol. All the girls want to have it official first before the next step (before really trying), only me is not official on the paper but I’ve been with my partner for 10yrs+.
:0 Haha.Amazing! What am I reading today!
You are incredible! I have not seen anyone on this forum pluck up theories from thin air as much as you. You somehow managed to decipher a hidden message in Raymond’s earlier Weibo post 2019 ‘my Carina 2019’ as a official announcement of marriage. No one else broke that code including all fans and news media. You must be some kind of genius because you are the only one was able to do this. So now it’s not new years eve raymond announced he was married? He announced it much earlier.
Wow!. This is amazing theory too from you “ Trust me, many women don’t want to get married until they are pregnant“ . No chance maybe women might want to feel the security of a genuine proposal of marriage as a sign of devotion and love before having a baby then? They would rather prefer to wait for the kids to spring out so they can get the adrenaline rush of quick wedding I guess since you asked us to trust you then we should just go ahead an trust you because you are a genius where no proof is needed. Trusting you is enough….
This ‘Andy kept quiet about his marriage for years and years is all because of Carol’ is also a good one. It’s all Carol’s fault then right?. Not a chance it might be Andy who has an image to protect so he has lies to keep fans from turning on him? But I guess we have to trust you with this one too…..
@littlefish I think differently. At their 40s, men have the tendency to have kids when dating so basically, they agree with their partners to use no pregnant preventing method.If their partners agree, it is their choice to have babies with the men, too. So can’t say that it is an insult to the women when it is also their wish.
Of course, a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world so when they become parents, they will engage to ensure the baby has a beloved family.
You won’t never know that the decision of no marriage coming from the woman or the man. Trust me, many women don’t want to get married until they are pregnant.
It wouldn’t be a surprised if she is pregnant. The baby she’s holding it looks adorable it looks like Carina too. What surprised me is I don’t remember they mentioned about Raymond mother usually only about the father I wonder if that’s Raymond mother the one they covered up her face? If they became a parents then congratulations to them.
@cutie777 the one who face is covered seems to be the gynecologist
@alluka Lol. Thanks for pointing it out I just realized it that too when I relook it again maybe I scrolled it down too fast when I was reading this article.
I don’t really get the big deal about shotgun weddings. So whatif it was? It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Asian conservative culture is so old thinking and outdated sometimes.
@theyenman if it ain’t someting to be ashamed of, then why the heck they even NEED a shotgun wedding? Just do away with shotgun and plan properly
It’s easy for some people to say ‘it’s ain’t anything to be ashamed of’ but from the all the celebrities who won’t marry until it is the last resort then it explains way. The last resort is when the woman becomes pregnant. For celebrities they only care about their image and value. Imagine if an actor gets the girl pregnant and chooses not to marry yet. He will likely get criticised by the traditional community for being for not being a responsible man so his stock will plummet. Even if he maintains image, gossip can generate and family members won’t be pleased. I don’t like the idea of shotgun marriages but if these couples weren’t celebrities then there will definitely a lot more of them having the child first and plan wedding later if at all….
@jimmyszeto Right?! I completely agree. Somehow people don’t grasp that logic. If people are getting married due to a baby, it is for face and reputation, point blank. I don’t know why that’s considered conservative thinking when in reality, it is BECAUSE of actions like shotgun weddings that actually emphasizes how much they care about old instituted traditions
@coralie and you know, maybe for the baby too,thst could be a valid reason. Even if not, who cares what reason they have to get married? I feel like people love to stare down their noses on others to make themselves feel better. I guess I’m not that cynical as some of you guys. Could be that they planned on eventually getting married, but an unplanned pregnancy fast tracked it.
@theyenman well, let’s put it this way. If someone was blatantly getting married for money, would you show derision? If someone was getting married for fame or other unsavory reasons, would you be so supportive?
A baby is not a reason to get married. Marriage is marriage. A baby should not be the excuse to get married for the sake of reputation.
I would actually respect them way more if they decided to have a baby and then get married or get married first and then have a baby. Not get pregnant and then rush a wedding. That is offensive.
@coralie @theyenman
Although it is not the respected for getting married, these celebrities will do whatever they can to protect their image and earning potential. Whatever people say, marrying because of a baby coming up is ‘not’ a path to genuine marriage. Anything that is affected by something external from anything other than ‘love’ towards the partner is not a natural marriage. Doesn’t matter if they were likely to marry anyway. There are no if and buts. You could also say there could have been a change of heart and they wouldn’t have married…
@coralie Historically and traditionally, the purpose of marriage is alliance between families. It was never created for the sole purpose of “love” which is why I dont understand why you think this is “offensive” or disrespectful to the foundation of marriage
We also have to consider culture. It’s more acceptable in western societies for celebrities to be pregnant before marriage. So, if it werent for cultural norms, then they probably would marry after giving birth.
I don’t think it’s us that think it’s offensive. It’s the couples themselves who feel it is offensive which is why they rush into a marriage when a baby comes along….
@jimmyszeto i was responding to @coralie because she previously said that shotgun marriages are offensive & disrespectful to the foundation of marriage
@luye historically marriage was a transactional alliance. times have changed now and it’s no longer a matter of financial gains that people marry (or at least, no longer a requirement.) people move on to higher tier of needs when their basic necessities are met and in our generation, if you marry for money, or any other reason other than love, you are insulting what marriage now stands for.
I don’t know how it’s a shotgun marriage. They just got married a month ago. And the media already know she’s a month pregnant. If that’s the case, they find out right away the next day that they had intercourse then get married right away. Nonsense. You won’t be able to find out whether or not you’re pregnant at least 7-10 after you miss your period. If you say she’s 2-3 months pregnant then yes, you can call them shotgun marriage. It probably just coincidence. But now no one even sure that she’s pregnant.
I think Raymond and Carina registered their marriage in Hong Kong in June or July 2019. I thought after registration, they were officially married. Holding a ceremony or not, it is only the couple’s personal choice. It is not a must. Raymond planned of holding a big reception, but later changed his mind possibly due to Hong Kong’s turmoil. Raymond just chose to announce that he’s married on Dec. 31, 2019. If they were married in July 2019 and Carina is pregnant now, there is nothing wrong with it.
@orchid123 yea, exactly. Why ppl care about celebrities having shotgun marriage anyway. Even if they got married in Dec how would they know they’re expecting a child & call it a shotgun marriage.
The fact that Raymond registered his wedding since summer2019 should tell anyone this is not a shotgun wedding. If Carina is merely weeks pregnant, then last summer is a long time from a month of pregnancy. Some celebs just don’t like a big fanfare wedding. Yes , men are looked upon badly in super conservative Asia for marrying a woman only because she became pregnant. If that nan is a celeb, his image can take a negative hit if baby come before marriage, or if marriage does materialize at all. Now tell me something. What is the deal if that man is worshipped and idolized and he only married the poor hanging on woman because he wanted to have children? One such larger than life celeb said those words. Funny thing is, that to me is an insult to women, and to his woman, and he got away with it. No questions asked, nada. The standard should be the same for one and all.
@renren if they married a while back, and kept it a secret is that because so he doesn’t lose the fans? Then only release the news because they know she’s pregnant! (That’s also highlight how choosing new year eve as the announcement date even more pretentious lol). We Again, I don’t have much problem with shotgun wedding, I think it give women a bad name as if we are second to men, and they need to marry us to salvage our image >_> and leave the baby out of it, because to the baby, as long as the parents be there and loving him/her, that’s all he/her would care. In this days and ages, only super old traditional thinking people would drag that out and shame them for their parents aren’t married, and by the time the kids are old enough to get those sort of shamed/blames at, those ppl already passed away lol.
Anyway, I say shame the men for doing it, shame the celebrities for doing it because they know marriage put a dint onto their fame. They are the one that give the official reunion (making it official to the public disregard for when they actually sign the paper) a bad reputation.
@littlefish has it occurred to you that Raymond and his wife wanted to spend a few months of his life as a married couple in peace. For the love of wisdom, do you see how ruthless and nasty those paps are, how they will even invade a doctor’s office to ask questions that are of a personal nature and is off limits untill the couple make an announcement. Did it occur to you that they wanted to finally let the world know about their union and ring in the new year by sharing the news. I see nothing wrong with that. That does not put Raymond in the “I only married you because you are pregnant” category. We don’t know for a fact if Cariba is pregnant. If she is, it is a new pregnancy and obviously not a shotgun wedding. Fans need to realize that these men and women are entitled to a private life of Some sort. The thing about Raymond is this, he was not denying a marriage or he was not admitting to one. That is how a celeb should keep his life private. He is entitled to keep his marriage to himself for a while as long as he is not lying through his teeth about it. Look what the vultures and the public is doing to Meghan and Harry. Good for Raymond for holding on to a few months of quiet wedded bliss before letting it be known. As you can see, he announced his marriage and the wolfpaps are on his tail spying, pouncing like dogs trying to get the one bone left. He did nothing wrong
However, I see the general point you are trying to make about the men in General, and I agree with you. It makes the women look like they are not good enough to marry, until they become preggers, prompting shotgun weddings. That to me is insulting and sexist.
So your logic is Raymond married his wife and wanted a few months of his life married in peace, then announced his marriage right before ‘New Years Day’? So he got bored of the peace then and went all out grabbing all the focus and limelight, again? You are finding an explanation or excuses for every step of his timeline which makes it suspicious that you may be a biased fan….
@jimmyszeto he announced their relationship on November and on 30 Dec, he did again in a message about 2019 and 2020.
On the same day, there are another marriages in Cbiz. In the morning, one and at 12:00 PM, Fred Cheng announced his marriage, too. So only if LF is stupid, he would choose that day, in the afternoon, to steal the limelight. You are making yourself look like a biased antifan.
Let’s just get the facts out and no excuses!. 1.There was no official announcement of marriage prior to December 31st. 2. He did not marry on December 31st. 3. He announced he was married on December 31st
Let’s make it clear!. Posting a msg like that on social media may seem low key to you but he knows it will grab the Asian headlines. He even added a msg to announce his commitments to his wife which is something you generally go on your wedding day. It’s not a coincidence. Nobody chooses to specific festive date to make an announce unless they want ‘impact’……
1. Check his weibo on 29 November 2019. He even tagged her, ok? He said that in 2019 he has Carina Zhang.
2. Then? Read his message.
3. His message on 31 Dec was: “In 2019, I have stepped into a new stage of my life. From now on, I will have you to be with me, my wife Carina Zhang.
Thanks all for the blesses. Thank you to support me in my path. See you in 2020”
Its content is fit the date: last day of 2019 to 2020. He announced a fact that he got married in 2019 and heading to 2020.
Still, is he stupid to announce on a day that having a wedding in the morning and some new year shows. Do you really think that people care for his wedding info, having no pictures other than a picture of them holding hands together, more than the new years events? And that was Hangeng’s wedding day in the same day. And why he did that in the afternoon but not at 12:00 PM. On the next day, there is no wedding and it is a holiday in the whole world, announcing on 1st Jan can grab more attention. If he wanted that much limelight, he can open a press conference or posting wedding pictures or even hold a wedding party on that day. Not just a simple message mentioning “see you on 2020”.
Actually his message is very normal for a weibo post. A weibo is like a private blog and normal people posting message to welcome a new year with a summarize of big event in old year is nothing special.
So please tell me, what is your comments about Hangeng and Fred Cheng?
People choose special festival for wedding in real life frequently.
Are you deluded? ‘Arranging to have a marriage on a festive day’ is not the same as ‘announcing that you are already married on a festive day’. Arranging your marriage day is not limelight stealing because the limelight is on the wedding couple anyway whatever day they choose to marry. Likely they choose a festive day is because they want the celebrate even more and make it an more special occasion. However, announcing a marriage that has already happened to the public on a festive day.
‘In 2019, I have stepped into a new stage of my life. From now on, I will have you to be with me, my wife Carina Zhang.’
Let’s analyse this statement! He has stepped into a new stage of life in 2019 and has a wife. That’s a fair statement but he announced it for the first time on the 31st December. Understand? It’s only a basic statement if he had announced it prior on an earlier date too which he hadn’t. Also what is this ‘From now on, I will have you to be with me, my wife Carina Zhang.’? It’s not from now on is it? It’s from the day they committed wedding vows or from the first day they were boyfriend girlfriend. Certainly not ‘from now on’ which is December 31st 2019….
Why are you forcing me to look at Fred Cheng? We are analyzing Raymond here. What others do and how many do it are irrelevant….
@jimmyszeto If someone decide not to share the marriage to public and just announcing, the date they announce is nothing different to the date they get married.
Can you please just read? He didn’t make it the first time on 31 Dec but 29 Nov. In 29 Nov, his message on weibo was “2019 with Carina Zhang.”
Certainly, you won’t never know that when they got married. In the summer time, it was just a paper stating the intention to get married and according to Hongkong’s laws, they have up to 6 months to get married after that paper. So they can get married on 31 Dec, who know?
I stating Fred Cheng because you don’t seem to have a problem with Fred’s announcement at the New Year Eve, 12:00. But you have a problem with an announcement in the afternoon of 31 Dec and call it fame seeker. If it was for the purpose of getting as much fame as possible, he should do it at the Eve or on the first day, when there is no wedding (notice to you that the wedding was just informed to public 1 day before 31 Dec and happened in 31 Dec) and another marriage announcement. Or better, to hold a banquet, inviting press and also, posting wedding pictures. However it was not. It was just a simple message on his private weibo, putting a picture and having a message summarizing his big event in 2019.
I have no interest in viewing Raymond’s history of messages of on Weibo. We all know when he announced his marriage and it certainly wasn’t 29th of November like you say….
@jimmyszeto you are simply biased, done.
Biased based on what?i have nothing for or against Raymond but you are certainly a fangirl. Someone obsessed with trying to decipher hidden meanings from every Weibo message from a celebrity has to be classed as a obsessed fan. I’m just forming my opinions from facts and the fact is reported in every article the date he announced the marriage. It was on a day where the limelight should be on the families of the likes of me and you as we prepare to celebrate with them which is what New Year’s Eve is meant for. Obviously you don’t care about that as long as Raymond hits the headlines…
@jimmyszeto @littlefish To be fair, families celebrated New Years Eve regardless of the marriage announcement. I dont think it’s possible for Raymond to steal the limelight of a holiday, unless he really does have that much of an impact on families.
@littlefish Do you think any fan ever care for a 40-year-old guy to get married? Honestly, no fan could be lost due to that when he is already in his 40.
And he made it in the afternoon of 30th Dec in a message mentioning about the change from 2019 to 2020. It is a kinda normal message for his fans on his weibo, not that he called a press conference to announce. A small notice that he actually announced his relationship and hinted about the wedding on November.
Marriage or not is now not a big issue at all. As long as they are happy with each other, who care about the marriage? Some in normal life even don’t get married with children forever but it is their life, their choice. Women now also don’t care for marriage that much.
Well, when he announces his relationship publicly, people say he is too noisy for his relationship. When he keeps secret about his relationship, people say he keeps it for his fame. You dislike him, noted, but don’t try to think of everything negatively. Carina doesn’t care when he announces their relationship, nobody else should care.
If you dislike him, try another reason to bash.
@alluka I actually don’t dislike him lol. I just dislike celebrities pick the important date to announce their personal stuffs lol. You and i seems pretty reasonable people to not care about his status, however, the bulk of his fans might not be? Or at least his manager or himself think they are not lol. Look at Andy Lau, who hide his marriage status for years! What’s the rational behind it?
And if they take a year or so after marriage then have children, then I would definitely not care, but the timing of the pregnancy and the announcement of his marriage is iffy, and I’ve seen other celebrities have done that, so that’s why I’m skeptical.
And see the whole invasion to her privacy thing, it’s unfortunately and no one should be subjected to that, but if he has announce his marriage a month or so after the marriage date, and now they are pregnant, the paps possibly not be as invading. But because of the timing of his announcement, the paps wanted to prove she’s pregnant.
I always say long road prove the horse’s worth. If he just be straight and honest, overtime, it’ll be the norm. Instead of sometimes be out there at announcing stuffs and sometimes hidden thing away (not regarding the pregnancy, also he should go please give us space). What he’s doing now feel very much like FSF and ZLY.
An example is look at rain and Kim tae hee. They were basically tight lip the whole way through, from when they date to when they engage, to basically when they pregnant and give birth. But they kept it consistent, and their relationship is that of a normal couple, they date for more than 2 years (idk the actual years), they married for a couple of years, then they got pregnant and now have 2 kids. The whole time they didn’t lie, they didn’t make a big deal of their relationship. I’m sorry if I call a spade a spade offend you. Honestly though didn’t dislike him, I watch his stuff as long as the girl pair with him is my favourite actress lol. Actress has more stickiness on me than actor
@littlefish did I miss something , no. So the time and date that Raymond chose to announce his marriage is iffy because it fell on the last day of the outgoing year……. okay. It would not have mattered when he announced it. So Carina and her husband were seen visiting a gynecologist office so that means she is pregnant. …..okay. He did it for attention…..FYI, Raymond Lam does not need the attention. If certain so called top notch celebs announce certain things on certain days, it will not be shredded like this because it would not be looked at as “IFFY, because these men do not need the attention. It would be viewed as this…. “They just happened to pick that date to make their announcement.” Raymond can announce his marriage any day he chooses, and it should not bother anyone. That is so boorish and disgusting that his announcement date is causing such negative feedback and consternation. This is beyond unreal. We don’t even know if Carina is pregnant and if she is, it is the parents’ business. We do not live in a perfect world, and Chinese celebs are having intercourse outside of marriage, although a lot of fans do not believe that. What is my problem is when they preach the virginal gospel, and then have a shotgun marriage because there is a bun in the oven. That is the kind of announcement that I find so hypocritical. We have had our fair share of those in recent years, lol. I get the impression that netizens want to tell Raymond exactly when he can announce any news about his life.
@renren FSF and ZLY are very famous and don’t need to announce their important news on big date to get more famous, but they did, because it’s a thing and because it’s a special date. Idk, but they do it even if it makes no sense. Like I said before, it makes no sense to worry about what your fans think of you once you pass certain age, but many actors and actresses still do it.
I don’t dislike RL, I’m just pointing out my POV, which only partly about RL. More it’s a vicious circle that RL contributes to by doing this: not announce his marriage until his partner is pregnant for sure. I have passed the traditional view point, and I’m now on the: I felt we women are being wrong by this stupid action! And the men surely are not helping by continuing doing this!
@littlefish If Raymond waited until Carina was pregnant to marry her, she would be five to six months pregnant now., not four weeks pregnant, as the wolfpaps and their employers would have the networks believing. And you prove my my point when I said if it was certain celebs, the announcement will not be a problem. I really don’t care for the opinion of many here an. I am not a Raymond fan, that is why I can see things from a mutual point. I have noticed from reading the comments that when members don’t like someone, it is open season on that celeb. I don’t fan out or crush on anyone of these celebs and if I have something to say I will say it about them, whether it is glowing or negative. I am here to offer constructive comments , at least in my opinion
Agree with that! Just discussing relative to other shotgun weddings. Raymond marriage is likely natural and progressive especially if he had married a while ago. Some celebrities to to extremes to lie though suggesting they signed marriage papers a long time ago etr…
@renren i agree with you – it doesnt matter when Raymond announced it. I dont understand the negative backlash for a happy event!
@luye exactly!! Such a happy occasion and all I hear is this incredulous, negative backlash . NOT once has anyone vented about the despicable behaviour of those miserable excuses of paparazzi. I still can’t believe they will stoop so low for a story. This behaviour needs to be addressed by law authorities in Hong Kong.
It isn’t ethical and is wrong but that is the job of the paparazzi. There has been much worse cases we can vent our anger on than this. For example Lydia Sum when someone burst into her hospital room to take pics or Diana when the paparazzi’s chased her. This couple having a baby is happy occasion, i agree but you are exaggerating the distress the paparazzi have caused….
@jimmyszeto Yes, it’s the job of the paparazzi; however, celebrities are humans too. Under the law, we all have privacy rights. Idk about HK, but in the US, doctors cannot release health info, which includes disclosing whether or not the patient was treated in the facility.
Your example of Lydia Sum shows how outrageous the paparazzi’s actions are. Seriously shows a lack of respect & violation of privacy. Celebrities are humans too…
I agree but we also have a choice whether to feel passionate enough to vent anger. Unlike many other incidences, in this case no one was hurt so I don’t feel enough emotion to vent anger I’m afraid….
@jimmyszeto I dont think people are angry about this incident, but it raises the question of where the line should be drawn in terms of the privacy of public figures
@luye I agree. That doctor breached the doctor patient confidentiality cause by even admitting that Carina was a patient and had a medical visit. Those paparazzi would never come to the states and try such disgraceful behaviour. One doesn’t barge into a doctor’s office and asks questions about a patient unless that patient is a minor and under the legal care of that person. If anyone does not see anything wrong with what the papas did, then that individual lacks common decency. As for Carol not wanting to be known in public, that is a myth. Have you seen how happy she is to share Andy’s life so publicly? . I have never seen that woman smile so widely from ear to ear than in the past four years. She even gets Hanna out more often. Carol was only doing what Andy wanted by going underground. She would do anything for him. Another Priscilla Presley. Trained by young by the men they adore.
@littlefish I do believe that Andy Lau hides his wife and daughters for years under Carol’s wish. She doesn’t want to be on news.
For the case of LF, do you see any fan having a surprise when he gets married? If you check on his weibo, it seems no. Well, actually a lot of his fans got married before him and his fans seem old enough to have any negative feeling for his wedding. In the end, he is 40 already. That is why his fans don’t care if he gets married. It is about time.
Perhaps I’m old and married with kid, so I view the marriage including shotgun marriage as something normal. To me, even no marriage with kid is also normal. As long as the kid is loved by his parents, the marriage certificate is just a paper. Sometimes, not having it is not that bad. At least when the parents can’t get long together, they do not need to divorce or having dispute regarding common asset.
The comments are more interesting and thought provoking than the article itself