Raymond Lam and Karena Ng Moving To A New Home?

It has already been three years since Raymond Lam (林峯) and Karena Ng (吳千語) confirmed their relationship, and the long years are only bringing them closer. It has been reported that the 35-year-old Raymond purchased a 2,549 sq. ft. apartment a few months ago for about $62 million HKD, and plans to live in with Karena. These rumors came forth when the couple were spotted shopping for kitchen appliances together weeks ago.
The latest gossip reports are claiming that Raymond and Karena are very close to tying the knot, having that Raymond’s recent estate purchase is a home that he will be sharing with Karena. Allegedly, renovation of their new home is already complete, and the couple are officially living in together.
According to these rumors, Raymond originally wanted Karena to move into his apartment in Dynasty Court, Mid-Level, where he had been living in the past few years, but Karena didn’t want to move in because Raymond’s former girlfriend, Mavis Pan (潘霜霜), used to live there. To tell Karena that he has moved on from the past, he decided to start over again with a new home.
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
@addy, did you do a little research before you wrote this article? Everyone knows they have been living together for years. Your articles are not interesting nor news worthy. Jaystars deserves better reporters.
these 2 have been living together for ages. nothing new.
I get the feeling that if Raymond marries this young but very clever woman, he will regret it, sooner than later. He has been messed up by this one. Maybe someone needs to break the spell this one put on him. Any Hatians out there?. Do your witchcraft, hehe.
@abc123a How did he mess up with Karena? His career is still good, he is still rich and out of all, no more love scandals.
@alluka where did I mention that Raymond’s career suffered or he is still not rich because of his relationship with Karena. I did not. He is head over heels in love with a woman who has an agenda and she has him possy whipped. It is like e gave him the water she washed her parts with to drink. He is under some spell by this woman and he is a mere shadow of himself. That is what I meant when I said he is messed up by this woman
@abc123a If his career and life are not messed up after dating Karena, what else can be messed up? I dont think he becomes any weaker after dating. Maybe he is no more linked with the TVB noises so you have the feeling that he disappeared :P.
@alluka why are you lumping TVB into the discussion. Are you for real.. Where did I mention anything about TVB, his career. Please, unless you are God or myself, do not you dare to tell me what I feel. I do not give a flying fudge about TVB. I am talking about Raymond as a person, personally. Quit while you are ahead, or get on board and make sensible replies, cause your replies to me are not relevant I enjoyed dealing with Kidd. Kidd’s comments I have always found very respectful and constructive, whether I agreed with the comments or not.Commen ts with common sense and on the ball.
Alluka you have a huge problem. Anyone who dares to say anything about this couple or one of them, you go for their jugular like a lioness. You attack and attack and don’t give up. You lose all reasoning, so your words don’t make sense. A lot of us here are well aware of that. Just reading your comments can clarify that.
@abc123a Lolz, @kidd is no kidding to say you are defensive much. You descibes me exactly how you show yourself in it. Am I reasonable? My words tell all, dont need you to explain. You would feel sad if nobody join you, so as a good person, I come to help. Anyway, you also make me laugh.
I have the feeling you are my old “frienemy”, someone who is butthurt due to the fact I dont like your idol. Come to say Im God cause many people praise me to look like a Goddess Venus, Lolz. Just kidding, if you try to misunderstand.
@alluka, you know nothing bout me. I do not have idols. I do not even like the word. There are entertainers I like more than others, and do not care who likes them. I certainly will not criticize or attack anyone who say anything negative about any celebs I may like. You were expected back. Your comment above makes no sense to no one but you. My idol is God, and I can’t remember us discussing him. I would be happy if you idolize him cause you sure do need him.
Now you are getting antsy and writing your excrete because I hit a nerve. Home run for me. I expect you back with more dog doo, lol. You are my muse for the time being.
@abc123a The last part of your essay is merely harsh, full of personal attack and nonsense. So I think you should hold your horse back before people think bad about you. It is never a saint to call someone dog when they do nothing to you, kiddo.
@alluka Get thee behind me, you spawn of satan. Everyone knows you go after everyone with vengeance and hatred who do not bow down and worship your idols, you idolater. You are a loser who lives to make others lives miserable who do not follow your karena Raymond bandwagon. You have been rebuked by others many times in the past. You are not liked around here. You lost this argument and you still will not shut up or lie down???.
Glutton for punishment much?. You are sick Go play with your barbies, and learn to read up on the monthly news which you can expect to perfect in about ten years or so. I’ll stick a pacifier in your mouth, heheha. Kidd also like karena and Raymond but he or she handled others comment like a decent abut. Can’t say the same about you. What can I expect from a lost child. Seek and find God, he is your only saving grace.
@alluka You are an idolater. You are not the only person who likes the couple, but you are the only miserable loser who will attack with a vengeance those who do not bow down and worship your gods. You need to seek the real God, cause your sorry backside needs him. You could learn a lot from Kidd, but then again, kidd is an adult, you are a snivelly toddler. Go watch barney the dinosaur. Go play with your blankie, you really are my muse. Please keep replying, or I should lose my source of entertainment,heheha. Keep them coming. I look forward to your next reply kidlet, cause you will. I love life when entertainment is free.
I have to agree with @alluka. I don’t see how Raymond has been messed up by Karena. His career is doing well and he has no negative news that reporters can get their hands despite following him all the time (I don’t consider him dating Karena, buying her gift and going on holiday with her as negative news). His image has been healthy all the while he was dating Karena.
I don’t get the hate on this couple. They didn’t do anything while and crazy. They just do things that normal dating couple did.
If it’s the age difference, Kevin and Grace has an even larger age gap, but, I see a lot of support and ‘give them space’ comment for this couple.
Someone argued that it’s not just age gap, but, different page in life. Then, Kevin/Grace also has this different page thing (someone at her mid 20s and someone at mid 40s definitely are in different page in life), but no one mention it.
Double standard?
@kidd Partly because Grace has TVB on her back with full support :). The media therefore write well about her.
@Kidd, You do have the right to agree with whom ever you choose to agree with. It is surprising that every time someone gives their honest opinion about a person or couple, they hate the couple or person. An honest opinion, or what fans consider a negative comment does not equate to hatred. Hate is a very strong. What does Kevin and Grace, or age gap have to do with me or my comment here, nothing. So I guess every time an honest or negative comment is made, it is made out of hating on people. I learn something every day.
@abc123a Woohoo, defensive much?
The first paragraph is specified reply for you, but, the 2nd and 3rd paragraph is for the sentiments I observe whenever this the news of this couple came up, and the difference I notice with the general support the K/C gets.
Yeah, my mistake for lumping all these comments together and hurting your feelings. Continue giving your honest opinion. I’ll take note of your name and be careful when I replied next time.
Kidd, you clearly do not know what you are talking about. I am not being defensive or being hurt. You on the other hand seem to be. It is just that I was stressing how the word hate is over used and used out of context on social media. Please take your unwarranted facetiousness elsewhere cause it does not apply here. I must remember to not give my opinions in reply to your unnecessary rants, least I hurt YOUR feelings. Your outbursts are really incredulous and irrelevant. I am disappointed in you as I did not expect this from you.
Maybe I did use a strong word and I’m sorry for being sarcastic to you. Dislike or disapprove would be more appropriate for your particular post. But, I stand by my the word hate for the general sentiments for this much maligned couple.
P.S. Your previous post did sound defensive. Definitely some anger there.
Like I said I am not defensive. Just amazed how the word hate is abused on social media. I am sorry if I offend you. I don’t care about looks and age in a relationship. I am not a Barbie and Ken fake fantasizer.
@abc123a Truce.
I don’t care about looks or age in a relationship either as long as the couple is mentally compatible. There is a greater risk in age disparity in a couple compared to look disparity though. If one half is too old, the other will risk being a widower/widower in a young age.
As for Karena, I don’t think she’s that bad. She sounds sensible and mature from the way she answered reporters’ questions. The holidaying and gifts, it could be Raymond’s own idea. When a man failed in one relationship, he might try a different approach in handling relationships. So, maybe after the failure with Mavis Pan, Raymond is trying a different approach now.