Raymond Lam and Wayne Lai Film Sales Presentation Trailers

Raymond Lam (林峯) and Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) were in the studio on October 8 to film preview trailers for TVB’s 2014 Sales Presentation <無綫節目巡禮2014>.
Recently crowned TV King at the 2013 Huading Awards <華鼎獎>, Raymond was in a great mood though remained humble when asked to comment about his win. Despite his popularity and his newly-earned title, Raymond stated he has not considered raising his asking price. When asked if he would further his career elsewhere, Raymond replied, “Actually all of my outside projects were negotiated by TVB.” Asked if he is disappointed that he has yet to win TV King at his home station, Raymond emphasized, “No. Winning awards is just a bonus. What’s most important is to have a role that would attract viewers’ attention.”
Although excited about his award, Raymond did not forget his professional duties and returned immediately to Hong Kong overnight so he could film for TVB’s annual Sales Presentation. Despite having only a few hours of sleep, Raymond was alert and agile as he navigated through various explosive action sequences for upcoming series Apostle Walker <使徒行者>. A modern action drama, Raymond will play a policeman who will infiltrate the triads. Michael Miu (苗僑偉), Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼), and Elena Kong (江美儀) are also scheduled to star.
Not new to big action scenes, Raymond always maintains his cool while shooting dangerous stunts. However, an earlier on-set injury caused Raymond to become more cautious at work. While filming the upcoming horror movie Baby Blues 3D <詭嬰3D>, Raymond was given a motorcycle helmet in the wrong size which aggravated an old neck injury. He suffered from a fear of bike helmets ever since. “I’m not afraid of fighting or jumping down buildings, but I am a bit concerned about wearing helmets. Luckily the crew gave me a retro helmet this time around. It is lighter and easier to remove.”
Wayne Lai was also seen filming for the Sales Presentation today. Although he lost the TV King title at the Huading Awards, Wayne feels that Raymond deserves the honor. “[Raymond and Fala (陳法拉)] are very influential in mainland nowadays. I did not put in as much time, so I am not as [popular].”
Wayne is scheduled to film comedy Water Hair and Rouge <水髮胭脂> with Joyce Koi (蓋鳴暉) and Katy Kung (龔嘉欣). Joyce plays a Cantonese opera actress who specializes in male roles. Off the stage, Joyce is a shy woman who does not know how to love and is afraid of being around men. She later becomes romantically involved with Wayne, though not before overcoming many psychological obstacles.
When asked if he is ready to tackle a comedy series, Wayne said, “Of course! I have imitated Roman Tam (羅文), and have played Zhu Bajie [in Journey to the West 西遊記]. Although when I was younger it was okay to act in an exaggerated way. Now that I am older, I must use a different style to express my character.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for JayneStars.com.
chok!!chok!!! chok!!!
LOL when i first saw the picture of raymond, i totally thought it was an old photo from Highs and Lows….i love police dramas and all, so hopefully this one will be exciting, but not repetitive and boring
I dunno, this seems to be a repetitive drama and role of raymond being a cop again. It’s going to be another Highs and Lows.
LF – nice sexy pose. Careful of the Sniper guy behind the overturned vehicle.
YES! finally a TVB drama with Raymond, Michael and Charmaine.. well hopefully
I missed seeing their collobration dramas xD
Fresh combination with Raymond, Wayne, Michael and Charmaine. But not sure that I want to watch Michael again in a police drama, he seems to in police drama all the time. As for Raymond, I’m sensing that TVB is milking the good reception from his previous role as a police. Wonder if this is another run of a mill TVB attempt that lacks flair and creativity.
there’s no Wayne in Raymond’s drama. It’s a separate tv drama
TVB needs to come something else other than another police dramas!
TVB is running out of ideas, no creativity anymore
I dont mean to offend any HK males on this site but why is this kind of hair so popular in HK? Like the little flap… to the side or the top….
It is not only HK males but male in UK & US
are you coming from mars? this is a very common hairstyle everywhere in the world of the last decade.
It is? I can’t remember seeing it on the street in S.Ontario… I used to see far too many Beiber cuts, but even that is starting to taper off now.
No I am not coming from Mars. But youre def from Jupiter cause I dont see that in the U.S. unless the person is from HK. Ya know them ABCs likes their hair spiked, like duh.
Bleugh, another police drama. BORING!
I actually love TVB’s police dramas, especially High and Lows, The Academy!
Charray PLEASE!
So I hope this tv show will be very good and get me to watch it all of the time!!!!!!!!!!!
I love police tv shows of tvb because I like how they do in their acting and how they shot the gum
Sorry not gum
Finally!!!!!! Tvb show drama of Raymond,charmaine,and who is michael??????
Btw, wrong spelling for Charmaine’s tag in this article.
Love Raymond, Charmaine, and Michael. I can see all three in one drama. support LF
Maybe its really Happy Sir prequel, about young Happy sir :p. In the pic he looks a lot younger.
Happy sir prequel would be interesting
Anticipation….. Looking forward to another new series!! LF Love FUNG!
I’m intrigued. Since his character will go undercover that hopefully means they will rough up his look. Even better if he can return to his early works and portray a rash, volatile type of character. Still don’t understand how they can just erase Tony’s character like that but we’ll see I guess.
But drama like this will not get TV King or TV Queen…usually the big budget drama that air in October or November will get TV King or Queen…so which mean Raymond can’t get TV King again in 2014???
he looks like hawick lau from that angle
In the above pic, he looks like Tintin
I was hoping for another Ray Linda drama after so many years. These 2 have great chemistry.
He looks like a he is modelling more the an acting.
I prefer Kevin Cheng to be in this tvb drama than raymond lam because charmaine sheh and kevin cheng look better together than raymond lam and charamine sheh. Or raymond lam and kevin cheng in this drama with Charmaine sheh….just raymond lam and charmaine sheh aren’t good because raymond lam doesn’t match with charmaine sheh. I’m not saying this just because I like kevin cheng better than raymond lam.
Dear KTVB,
Will kevin cheng be in this series too?