Raymond Lam Announces Leaving TVB

Raymond Lam (林峯) completed his management contract with TVB and has officially left the company. The 34-year-old actor confirmed the news at a mall function while promoting his mainland drama, The Virtuous Queen of Han <大漢賢后衛子夫>. Since he had a good working relationship with TVB for 16 years, Raymond said, “Thanks to TVB for giving me opportunities over the years. There would definitely be chances to collaborate again in the future.”
Raymond expressed, “It doesn’t really matter. I’m free now and it’s more relaxing at these promotional events. Everything feels refreshing, and I can accept media interviews that I otherwise wouldn’t have.” He emphasized that his decision to leave TVB has nothing to do with losing the TVB Best Actor award in past years. Raymond also denied having plans to start his own production company and stated he will continue his best as an actor.
When asked if his girlfriend, Karena Ng (吳千語), recruited him to join Raymond Wong Bak Ming’s (黄百鸣) company, Raymond expressed, “These are personal matters, and she wouldn’t pressure me. Also, we never discuss work matters. But I’ve had a great time working with Raymond Wong in the past.”
Focuses on Music Career
At the moment, Raymond hopes to further cement his music career and is currently in the middle of completing a concert tour. He wants to continue working with good friend and songwriter, Tang Chi Wai (鄧智偉). Since Raymond did not release any new singles in the past year, he hopes to release some Mandarin songs next year in order to broaden his opportunities.
Source: ihktv.com
This article is written by Shirley for JayneStars.com.
Sad sad tvb new blood isn’t that good and now LF leaving no no no
I thought Raymond would continue to film one TVB series per year. Perhaps his recent injuries and dating Karena Ng make him want to have more free personal time to rest and enjoy life.
One only can say that if they’re loaded and leading a care-free lifestyle.
Imagine a KLF who is depending on the monthly earning from TVB… can he say that?
Other than TV series (including TVB series), he has other jobs to do.
Well, his other jobs including feeding his girl and shopping. I see they’re news more than his working news lol.
In the last few years when he decided to focus on his music instead, he has been filming about only one series per year for TVB. Sadly, they turned out unmemorable and I felt that it almost took away his credibility as a good actor from his earlier works (before 2007). His presence in TVB dramas has been diluted in recent years and I prolly won’t miss him as much when he leaves now.
Good luck to his future career. He’s 35 now, so does he still have plans to go back to help his father’s business?
@Andrew: Do you think you have read all of his news? Because when I count the news I have read about him, the news about shopping/eating only takes 1/100 of total news about him after they dates. I dont refer to this site because people here seems like to translate news about their dates. Perhaps it is their hobbies :).
Really?? I do read his news on Weibo from time to time but 60-70% of his news is about shopping and about his “affection” towards Ng. 1/100 is 1% and you have to be joking me lol. Check the news articles here and on Weibo and you’ll be amazed lol. He only attended a handful of functions this year and some commercial concerts and events in China but quite frankly, the news doesn’t get published in Hong Kong newspapers. Most of the news written about him today is shopping or vacationing in HK or Japan, ask other readers here and see what they say.
Do you really think that you read more news of LF than me? And you think I dont have abilit to read anywhere out of this site? Well, iou underestimate Ada Choi, chinese fans and now me as well. I dont narrow my news on shopping and eating news like you so I read more , FYI :).
“Alluka is LF’s PR manager.”
Have been suspecting that for a while now. “Intentionally” inflate LF’s per episode fee “for a purpose”. “Intentionally” pull things out of thin air (ce daai paau/車大炮) without references “for a purpose”. “Intentionally” provoke readers to make more comments “for a purpose”.
I can find many rabid anti-fans here. Thank you for entertain me in a boring day :).
I think Im more of PR for Jaynestar because I keep her site with more comments. You guys are the same.
As for you MW, I think your ability of giving inflation with a purpose is way better than me. I still have to learn from you more.
Andrew, your middle name is LF, surname is hater
I think he should just focus on his singing as his acting isn’t good (not natural).
Happy sir is a memorable character
Happy sir is a memorable character. & Ron Ng is funny sir in black heart white soul, how funny is that
Andrew is LF hater & he is a loser. Andrew is a damn failure.he failed this life and his next life. Trust me he will.
You will first lol
if he eas leaving tvb to broaden his acting career, i understand that, but to focus on his singing? hmmm…not quite sure about that… i like his acting a whole lot more than his singing
I think his acting is better than his singing too. I love him singing TVB themesongs though. His own songs…not so much.
i like both
People come and go, it’s now time for him to venture into other opportunities. You can’t expect everybody’s like Lisa Wang or Lolan to be faithful until the day they retire, right? Wish him well in his new beginnings.
Agree. 魚不過塘不會肥! He will gain more experience by acting with different artistes and in different environments.
Especially when he aims the movie field.
No idea how he’ll aim for he movie field when he has no written contracts with any movie companies Lmao??? But he can always head to Wong B. Ming’s horse company LOL, he’ll sign him.
To film a movie, a star doesnt need to be that company’s management artist. Do you know that? For example, can you tell me which company is managing Louis Koo
Michael Angelo – GO GET A LIFE LMAO!
Alluka – hmm, yeah but it will be much more I inconvenient to negotiate contract terms. Didn’t he say he is not that type of person who can manage a management company? If yes, then how is he going to do all those stuff? And don’t throw out examples because you know it’s quite impossible for Louis Koo to do all the work by himself. He has his own manager and team working for him.
Good he should film 10 movies with pegasus
Lol, go and continue to support him, a fan’s blindness doesn’t stop amusing me lol. Hope you wake up someday.
Sad to hear this….i wonder who will be promoted as the next LF.
Still rooting for him to work with Michelle Yip
Probably Fred cheung
I ship Fred rather than LF…
you’re kidding right?
you’re kidding right?
i think louis cheung could have a chance to become the next lf too.
ron ng is going to get promoted and become tv king.
I’d totally like that.
Ron can’t act.
Kenneth and Bosco will get TV King before him. Ron is struggling to even shine in supporting roles.
I always have the doubt that TVB will ever give TV King award to Bosco. Bosco and LF are treated the same way in my opinion. I actually predict Bosco is the next to leave.
haha Ron Ng will be waiting very long time.
No way, LF is way more heavily promoted than Bosco!! If you think TVB treated LF poorly, stop and think about how they treated Bosco. LF received a number of major awards in JSG and the awards anniversary, but only Bosco received a silver for newcomer at JSG and improved actor in 2006(??).
Compared to LF, he is treated much better. No wonder people call him biological son. In all honesty, if LF continues acting for TVB, I’m sure he’ll receive the TV king award before Ruco gets his first or Wayne gets his fourth. Too bad he couldn’t wait and left this year…… Get it and then leave.
LF is a male-diva. Of course he will demand more than any other actor. But, can he deliver the goods (to make him worth it)? Nope!!!
“Get it and then leave”
Heck no, he may never win it. Then, he’ll be on my TV screen forever. Yikes!!! The sooner he leaves, the better. And, stay away.
Lol MW, you dislike LF a lot LOL.
But seriously, if he does stay a little longer, he will eventually win the award. Not much competition is the main reason. Leaving now is really a dumb decision he made.
If LF had the talent to backup his demands, I may feel different. Can’t stand those types who expect things to be handed to them simply because of their privileged background.
Only if Bosco can sing. His perfomance with Eason told us why he got Silver for promotion. His album sold mediocre as well. Bosco can act but cant sing, his singing is not appreciated by audiences, how can he win? You are too in denial.
I can tell you that LF wont get BA even if he stays until 40 or 45. It’s TVB of Sandy Yu now. Ruco? One day since Sandy Yu like him. Bosco? My prediction for next to leave, unless he jumps ship (though likely he wont).
Hopefully Ron does become the new tvb king and wtf are all these hating talking about Ron is good. And definitely outshine any other supporting cast when he plays supporting cast.
Alluka – you said they both had the same treatment. But if Ray is more talented (which I do think so), shouldn’t he be treated better? And yes he did – LOOK AT ALL THE AWARDS HE WON. Even if he didn’t receive the Tv king award, he still got a lot of awards. He holds the record for the most awards won by a artiste – numerous TVB anniversary awards and many at JSG.
If that’s the case, how is Bosco receiving the same treatment as him?? It’s so obvious that Ray is promoted more than him.
And let me add one more thing – Ray has more lead roles at TVB then Bosco. End of story.
Alluka – and please let me add, I’ve heard many fans say TVB has treated him poorly. Maybe they did treat him badly with the parodies they did on him for the comedic show (the 3 male guys).
Despite so, he has without a doubt received much more opportunities at TVB than any artiste. Much more. Please ask anybody here and they will said yes. Countless drama roles and JSG awards.
@Andrew: You are such a stubborn girl (or boy? But it would be a surprise to me if you are a boy). Bosco doesnt have promotions in music which is similar to Ron’s case, due to the fact they cant sing and their albums sold not good. KC had an award with JSG although his album sale was terrible. Hence with the good sale of albums, awards to LF is nothing special. Linda gets a lot of awards due to the same reason.
For opportunities, I dont argue with you anymore because I said many times and it would be boring to repeat all the times. I only say this: It was mutual business: TVB gives him short term opportunities, he brings money back to them.
As for Bosco, he was treated poorly in the same way with LF: Being giving opportunities but only for short term. However, Bosco sometimes has one-man lead (such as in Witness Insecurity) in recent time but LF has never since 2005 to now (best is co-lead).
Overall, I predict the 620 team will leave TVB one day as they are out of TVB’s eyes. Now TVB is the world of Sandy Yu and anyone who deny to switch board will venture out. Luckily, all of them have the ability to get out, including Ron and Bosco.
Fox, I mean Alluka, your new name is hard to pronounce; ur quite stubborn also.
I disagree with you about the short term opportunities. Tvb is giving him long term opportunities by trying to recreate a new image for him. They started by doing so in 2007 – making him a singer and then in 2010 – giving him first lead movie roles. These are all opportunities for his career long term – become a well-rounded artiste. It wasn’t like tvb stopped promoting him, it’s just that he chose one series per year and PROBABLY chose his scripts too and so he had to lead with other male stars.
His opportunities were also given FAIRLY EARLY, with his breakthrough role in A Step to the Past and GUESS WHAT – FIRST LEAD IN 2002. When did Bosco get his first lead? Hmmm…… 2005??? That’s 3 years later. And FYI – Bosco has also co-lead in many of his dramas too, very few artistes have lead solo for most of their works.
“Awards nothing special to LF”
Really? If so, why is he still receiving them? Why does he not act like Leo Ku and refuse to get the award? If it means nothing to him or “not special,” or pork chop award in your eyes, why get it? Because hmm.. HE WANTS IT? If he really doesn’t care about awards as he speaks, he wouldn’t get it. You’re in denial if you really believe he doesn’t want awards when he even puts them on a draw for his friends and Mavis Poon to look at. He SEES THE IMPORTANCE AND RECOGNITION IN THESE AWARDS.
It’s quite absurd for you to say Bosco got treated the same way as him because he clearly received lesser recognition and long term opportunities (which matters much more than short term opportunities).
It’s quite subjective for you to rationalize and deny all the opportunities LF received just because “he has talent” or Bosco has “no talent.” That’s a subjective statement. At the end of the day, resources used on him were not used elsewhere or out on other actors/actresses and they had no opportunities.
Firstly, please refer me to Alluka because I told that I changed for my reason, it means I dont want to use the old username. Although Im still myself but please respect my decision. Thank you.
Secondly, please do not cut my sentence in the middle. I said clearly that if Bosco can sell albums well and his singing performance with Eason wasnt be publicly criticized (two conditions), he will be promoted. I took Linda as example for your understanding.
Thirdly, Bosco is treated similar to LF is my point, you do not have to repeat it. Bosco isnt treated well.
Fourly, I can name 2 series Bosco is one man lead, Ma Ming with two, and would you mind list me one feature LF as one man lead since 2005? The time is a condition. The short term promotion applied after they got recognition. Long term promotion, I refer to big series, anniversary series and promotions. And the name of Moses pop up.
Fifthly, you mentioned of Alfred Hui which is a very good example. Well, it’s a new kind of long term promotion under Sandy Yu’s empire.
Didn’t LF lead in the Sister Fa drama?? Gosh, you forgot alluka??
As for Bosco isn’t treated well, I do think he has received considerable amount of promotion but LF has received more opportunities. Saying that Bosco received same treatment like LF is quite unfair.
Btw – it’s not like TVB abandoned and stop giving them male leads at all. They’ll still receiving short term promotions. Whether they are co-leading or not, their opportunities haven’t stopped. Ron on the other hand is definitely being less promoted.
As for the Alfred context, I like how you drew that statement from another post I made LOL. You just thee it in here lol.
Oops, admit that I really forgot that role. In fact I always forgot that series. Alright, one One-man lead :). Just one.
For Bosco, I said of the similarities and my prediction of Bosco to leave next. Together with Ron, they are the guys who are given short term promotion and soon, will be reduced under Sandy Yu empire. Bosco isnt given themesongs now.
Michelle went out of TVB for years, so the logic is that he will work with her without the involvement of TVB (like their latest series which was filmed 2 years ago)
I think they’re really working hard to promote Ruco. Or who knows, maybe someone will pop up from Sunday扮嘢王.
I think TVB will promote Ruco and Kenneth Ma, and Ron depending on whether Vinegar Lady success or not since he’s not shining in BHWS which surprisingly shines Kristal, Leanne, Louis and the unknown pitiful Sap zai.
yes, sap zai is really good in that drama!
Sap zai is a great actor
sorry, who is sap zai?
Sap zai/十仔 is the flawed cop character in Black Heart White Soul/忠奸人 played by David Do/杜大偉, I think.
support LF whereever he goes!!!!
Oh no!!! Was hoping to see more movies of him!
Finally makes the right decision to GTFO of 620 palace. Now if he is smart enough to abandoned the witch of his life, Karena. He will get his freedom.
Lol, I know right? Ever since he dated that witch, he has gone worse and worse and worse. Terrible change in his career. But, the damage has already been done and I don’t think he’ll ever rise back to his popularity in 2008-2010. Ever since he made stupid decisions like “choking” and dating Poon SS and Karena Ng, his popularity has declined.
Seems like his popularity has reached a climax and it’s falling. But then again, it’s not like is has been that high since 2010 (?)
The scandal in fact make his popularity into pinnacle heights.
Looooo – you really need to wake up, the blind support you’re giving him is only going to hurt him. There’s a chinese saying – “good words hurt the ears.” You should learn to hear constructive criticism.
Andrew, who pay u to become shooter? Swear to god.if not u go to hell
possibly following Lam Ka Tung’s footsteps… preferring acting in movies rather than tv serials
Congrat. TVB … No more LF…. Yeah
Congrats LF, no more tvb …….yahoooooo
I think it’s a little sad, he made some great series like eternal happiness, la femme desperado, twins of brothers, the last breakthrough, moonlight resonance etc
I think Raymond Lam acted better in older drama series before he was cast for his handsome and “chok” look.
Totally agree. You don’t know how many times I’ve re-watched Lethal Weapons of Love and Passion, Face To Fate, Le Femme Desperado, Drive of Life. I think Heart of Greed/ The Four, was the last drama he ever acted well in.
agree, he was in many good series until recent ones…. T___T
Yan: hahahaha i also love him in lethal weapons!!! i also watched it soo many times for him LOL he was good in it!!
He act really well as happy sir, a breakthrough character for him as a bad temper, loose cannon cop
I rem the twins of brothers. He has very good chemistry with that mainland chinese actress who acted as his gf.
I thought Twins of Brothers was boring imo. I watched the drama from start to finish only because I thought he looked hot in ancient outfit. I liked him in Eternal Happiness (awesome opening and ending song) and The Last Breakthrough. But yeah, Raymond is a good actor, I’ll miss him….
OMG best news ever!!! Who wants to go celebrate??
Count me in.
Nothing big given that he only occasionally films for TVB these days. I’d rather he venture out in other places, improve his acting skills and then maybe come back to TVB. Who knows he might still have a chance for Best Actor in the future?
This is so sudden
I was basically thinking he’ll take over his family business
This means no Best Actor Award for him this year either, not matter how well he does in Line Walker. No Wonder Line Walker isn’t an Anniversary series as anticipated. It’s good he’s focusing on singing now that he is free from TVB. I have high hopes for his new songs cause I know he can sing, just he gets to sing crappy songs in the past years (other than his drama themes) and does not have the time and energy to practice his live performances.
Is he still with EEG? He should be doing 1 concert a year than, other than 1 drama a year.
No, he decided not to sign singing contract with EEG since mid 2013. Now he only has concert contract with them to do the concert tour.
Eeg treat him like dirt.ditch eeg,join universal
??? Are you freakin kidding me LMAO? He held concerts in HK Col. for FOUR TIMES – 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2013; and countless overseas tours. This was all courtesy of EEG. He wouldn’t have done it without their help. And you’re saying they treating him like dirt!? You are indeed very “flip bone.”
Not accurate. If Raymond is good, he will still get the BA even without a contract. You think Dayo has a contract? Line Walker has a high ratings time slot, during the summer school holidays same as TITS2 last year and in HK right now TVB already start early promotion of LW as leader of the Amazing Summer programme pack.
do you really believe that tvb awards depends on who has the best acting ability? to me tvb awards is just a game of tvb managers and nothing more than that. if it is acting then i think francis ng is the one who deserve the most the award that year and not dayo.
The award was given to Dayo as a reward for the hard work he did in Bounty Lady to help boost TVB ratings.
Francis was so robbed of the title!!! Days is good but his acting is not as good as Francis. His role was funny but isn’t all his other roles funny?? What’s the difference lol? And btw, the drama didn’t generate that “high” of ratings.
@Andrew: No, Dayo does have roles which are serious, villain and else. Until now you guys are still unsatisfied with Dayo? Honestly, either Francis or Dayo can win because they are veterans. High rating means nothing because there were winners with flopped series.
No need to argue on this point LOL. Everybody knows Dayo is a comedian and his speciality is stand-up comedy. Out of the 6 dramas he filmed for TVB, FOUR ROLES are comedic. Even the role where he was Evil Kin was ironically not that “evil.” I remember the drama portrayed him to be a little pitiful in the end and he ended up being with Cecilia Yip. And yes, he was “evil” in the sense that he’s funny and playful, bullying others in an attempt for happiness. Can’t comment on his first drama because I didn’t see it.
All in all though, 4 out of his 6 roles in TVB are clear-cut comedic and Evil Kin ended up being funny and likable.
My point is Franic should’ve won, he has MUCH more acting experience, filmed more dramas for TVB, and ATTENDED THE DAMN AWARD CEREMONY. Dayo did not attend at all LMAO. What a sign of disrespect to TVB and he still ended up winning!?!? Really!? I’m okay for him winning Most Likable Male Character but not Best Actor. I would mention though TVB did one right thing – include Ruco in the top 5 over the overrated Moses and Wayne because their roles last year were bad.
Francis Ng was “robbed”. Can’t believe Dayo Wong won the BA award for a role where he had a black mop covering his wrinkly face. Thus, no facial expressions were even needed from him. Those BA awards are meaningless.
Francis was robbed big time. Chilam not winning didn’t surprise me a lot but Francis was left empty-handed that night. Despite so, he had grace and has the IT factor.
As for Dayo.. What a big joke.
Pointless. Francis is just as good as Dayo. If I say Ruco over Wayne is disgraceful, would you jump up and bash me? Meh~.
Moreover, Francis doesnt film one series per year for TVB at least. Ungraceful, har?
It is very bias of you.
alluka: “Francis is just as good as Dayo”
true, but not that year. if you ask me who deserve the most that year to be crowned as tv king then the answer is clear,that can only be francis because his performance in tits 2 was briliant and dayo was only good.the scene with myolie when he cried,the emotions with his face,is still in my head.
BW said “Those BA awards are meaningless.”
I totally agree, so it doesn’t matter when Raymond leaves. Whether Before or After winning BA it won’t mean anything. And if he wins BA after 4 or 5 years it will be worse than meaningless.
@kolo: In my view, last year their acting are in same standard. Either win, I feel ok. Whatever since the TVB awards are not really for the best. There are underserving winners with flopped series which acting was terrible as well.
Alluka – hmm, no because Ruco is a better actor than Wayne. Wayne is VERY boring.
In 2008 and 2009, he was lucky to receive good roles that suit his loud, dramatic acting skills and of course a good script. After 2010, I started to get bored with his acting. Terrible actually because like Dayo, he specializes in specific characters/personalities only.
As for the one drama per year issue, Dayo is not coming back for like 2-3 years?? Francis was better last year. What a bummer.
I don’t think it’s meaningless. Even with one win, he’ll be in the record books for being TV king. He doesn’t have to live with that regret forever – “actor with the most nominations but zero wins.”
@Andrew: your statement: “no because Ruco is a better actor than Wayne. Wayne is VERY boring.”
is disrespectful to Wayne.
Although I think Wayne is only good for certain type of roles, he acts better than Ruco.
As for the TV King award, I agree with yanyankong that it is meaningless because the TVB awards lost its credible for a while. It was more of the award of executive’s favourite more than award of talents. Only last year it was ok-ish in few recent years. For LF, I dont think he thinks much because he knows he wont never have it if he still stays.
“disrespectful to Wayne.”
Not disrespectful. Just an opinion, which I disagree but nothing disrespectful in that.
Absolutely right Funn. It’s merely my opinion. It’s subjective but how is it disrespectful LMAO?
You need to go to Weibo or tvb forum and read their comments there. That’s considered disrespectful. Yes, there are comments directed to LF and Wayne and you’ll find out MANY people have their opinions about them and not all people admire LF and Wayne like you lol.
As for not getting the award, since he left now, we’re never know but let me share with you a comment I read on Weibo. One person said LF never had a role that stood out or commented mass attention and recognition that TV kings had.
Alt. I do admit not all tv kings won fair and square OR had that role that REALLY STOOD OUT (say 2006 or 2012), most winners did. Unfortunately, LF DIDN’T. If he stayed in TVB, I’m sure he’ll received the right script and right role to win the award. That’s how Wayne did it in 2009 and 2010.
And FYI – many people praise Ruco on Weibo and say he’s TV king material. Old Wayne on the other hand…… The most overrated tv king.
Well, it was a sarcasm which I forgot to add the sarcasm label in. Disrespectful by the mean of comparing Ruco to a 3 time TV King, lolz.
For the praises of acting, honestly I even saw the praises that Priscilla Wong has TV queen material, so I dont take account for such.
As for the TV award, sorry I have seen worse cases than KC in 2006 so it doesnt seem to be serious to choose a TV King/Queen recently. Other than 2013 and Sheren in RB, I dont find the winners of the other years much deserving, in term of roles or acting since 2005.
Which role of Ruco Chan is standing out? ROE? Is it?
Again your comments are subjective. To be fair though, my comments are also subjective.
But if you ask users here about LF’S representative role.. I don’t think they can answer one. He was good in his roles and did act nicely before he constantly put on the Chok look (intentionally or unintentionally). But he lacks that spark. Yes, that spark which the audience will be guled to the screen and say “wa” for his acting.
Ruco did very good in his recent works. His eyes are expressive and he’s very natural. If you didn’t watch his recent works – ROE or BK, you should.
Let me end by saying I find it funny that you said it’s disrespectful to compare Ruco to Wayne. Didn’t you say the tv awards don’t mean anything now lol? If so, does it mean a lot for you if he has 3 titles under his belt?
LOL, as an audience member, if we don’t compare actors, how can we rank them in terms of acting. How can we find that benchmark or example to judge them? You may need to reconsider the disrespectful comment lol.
Andrew, I am not on Alluka’s side, since she is well known LF huge fan and is 100% adamant of his total and absolute fantastic amazing awesome god like perfection. He can do no wrong in her eyes.
That being said, I would like to add to this debate of frankly I am not sure about what anymore.
1. “But if you ask users here about LF’S representative role.. I don’t think they can answer one”
I can. Some may say his first (maybe not first but one of his earliest)A Step Into The Past. I will disagree though he caught my attention. It was to me Survivor’s Law and then solidified by Golden Faith which showed his potential and capabilities until he went into singing and nose job and Karena and all went kaput. He stopped improving years ago so if anyone likes what they see now, that is a leftover of how good he was when he started. I no longer see his passion in acting, like how it is for Myolie.
2. Ruco is great talent but his breakout was The Other Truth where he was raw and whilst I will say he was amazing in ROE, and I feel he was the reason why Three Kingdoms RPG sucked less, I will say he has yet to have that representative role. Not yet.
3. Let’s face it; Raymond is a huge star, bigger than Ruco or anyone else for that matter. He has a huge dedicated fanbase, and those who hates his private life will probably admit he can act when he turns up during filming.
4. Personality wise, I find Raymond and Ruco friendly but Raymond is a pretentious sort of way. It is not a criticism; it is just saying what you’re seeing may not be the true person. He is Bobby Au Yeung, smiles a lot but always behind a mask. Ruco is also that way. I do not believe that any actor is so real, so true, etc etc because if they’re real, true, etc, they can retire. Actors must retain a veil of mysteriousness. Both had their fair share in hiding relationships or personal lives. After all these are personal but Raymond was caught lying which didn’t bode well with the public and Ruco for me lied as well when he said he was forthcoming with his relationships, he always announces and never hides. I think that is a fallacy. But between the 2, I will approach both for autographs and will probably feel much respect for both in how they deal with their fans, much like Andy Lau although we all know anyone who can be so adept with fans and remain private is probably a control freak.
The debate rages on but these are my 2 cents worth.
All artistes wear masks but sometimes beneath that mask, you can see their real personality emerge. I’ve observed Ruco for a long time now and seen most of his interview clips and those which show him interacting with fans. I have to say that out of so many artistes, he’s the one who gives me a most genuine feel. He may not be totally forthcoming about his private life but then, why is he obliged to do that? All of us, artistes included, have a right to keep certain things private. As long as he’s not caught flat out lying, unlike some other artistes, I’m fine with that.
Hey Funn, thank you for your detailed response. I read your comments a lot and great to receive your response.
I want to say is:
Yes, I do think Alluka sees LF like a god. Even though he openly lied in public and may not be as perfect as he is, she will support him.
It’s hard to deal with her comments sometimes. The 800 fans comment was so bull. I guess this is the result of adamant love towards idol.
Let me add I like your comment about his rep. work being his early works. His acting was natural but yet strong. But, I still can’t pick his rep. work though. Even you mentioned 2 characters and they’re during his early acting career.
But I agree that his acting went downhill and further down after the Mavis crisis and on-going Karena crisis.
I definitely don’t plan to compare Ruco with LF because they’re both very different. Actually I find it weird that you’re bring both of them up at the same time and comparing them.
Admittedly LF is still more popular than Ruco and has a more successful career. Whether this will change, the future will tell. But for now, I enjoy Ruco’s acting more. As for singing, both are good.
And yes Ruco doesn’t have any breakout roles yet. You are entitled to your opinion about The Other Truth and like LF, he doesn’t have that role which makes me say “wa.” But, I have confidence he’ll get there in a matter of years.
As for the personality part, yes, both have probably made lies. That is no surprise. Unfortunately though LF has made more, from the “I’ll stay in TVB as long as Ms. lok does” to the “I’m not dating Karena Ng” statement, his comments have evidently even proven lies.
As for Ruco, I can’t think of any comments he made which have been proven to be lies. Was he even asked by reporters if he dated that Miss Asia in 2008 lol? Not sure if he ever denied dating her or if he was asked back then. He admitted he dated her in 2012 though (??). But, like I said before, maybe he told lies to the press but have yet to be proven.
Yes, let me add that LF has made other lies.
Other lies he made:
Reporters asked him in 2010 if he wants to date someone and he said “I don’t have time to date. No target as of now.”
Another lie he said was also about Karena Ng.
Remember when the press asked him who is BB?
He said “BB refers to my nephews.”
What a hypocrite and liar….. I hope his fans realize this and start to reconsider whether he is as truthful and honest as his appearance may seem. His words suggest otherwise.
@Funn Lim: I believe the way I view LF is nothing different to how you view your idols. I will say he is super wrong if he continues to stay in TVB, lolz. But he leaves which made me feel pleasure, so of course I support. I support him with Karena from the beginning until now and it hasnt been changed.
All of us wear a mask to social. Right here, we hide under an username to debate, but not all of us dare to admit that you like to chit chat about idols to bosses. And lies are happened to us times in life. It is somehow we protect our true self, the weak and timid self.
So take out private life, talking about acting of those guys. It’s definitely subjective. I told in other topic, Ruco left the deepest impression in me for a TVB role in Po Chung Ling. The rest, including ROE and BK, I feel he lacks something. Perhaps he has too fierce look hence I can only buy him as a villain. I dont feel he is good whenever he acts goodie. It was how I always view Gallen Lo who is super good as villain or witty roles but unconvincing as goodie. Ruco, I cant feel any emotions in his eyes. He deliveres the lines well but his eyes dont talk. So he is so-so in my opinion.
LF, admit that his recent roles in TVB are failed to get my attention (only the role in Growing through life is different) but I still like how his eyes talk. His best role to me is surprisingly like Funn Lim, A step into the past. I think his recent roles limited his acting, for example in HAL which started strongly but ended up disappointed. I feel he is more relax now out of TVB, for example I do admire his performance in Yang movie through the movie was bad made. He uses eyes more and the director invest his eyes acting. One more reason I support him to venture out.
For the sarcasm of disrespectful, well, again, I would like to echo that it was a sarcasm.
In the past few days i read a lot of BS about LF in one lifetime but this one about his eyes talking must surely take the cake! I think some delusional people really believe that his eyes can talk. Perhaps they’re hallucinating cos this is the first time I’ve heard his eyes described as such lol!!!!!
I thought Raymond Lam acted well in ‘The Four’ and ‘My Sister of Eternal Flower’.
@ lol: I’m as shocked as you to hear LF has “talking eyes.”
Thanks for the laugh. Great way to start the week.
i agree that raymond eyes can talk otherwise he would not have the largest fanbase of all current tvb actors. but acting is other story,acting is more than have talking eyes,i think he still can improve if he have the right role.
No loss in terms of acting talent. I tried watching his TV series but each one gives me the impression that he sleepwalks through his roles. Series I watched in its entirety are Three Kingdoms RPG and Men with No shadows, was he acting or sleepwalking in them? Expressionless, uninterested type of acting to say the least. Tried watching that drama with Charmaine acting as the IQ challenged girl, the Purple Hairpin, the Moonlight (whatever-it’s called) and i only find myself getting irritated by him. Yeah, so I’m glad, no more RL dramas!
his older series when he first started getting lead roles were pretty good….but in the past 5 ish years it started to decline…no idea why, i enjoy watching him a lot in La Femme Desperado, Last Breakthrough, Heart of Greed, etc.
u should try watching his old series, not those recent crap LOL
Thx but no thx. RL is not my cup of tea. I don’t find him the least bit attractive and i’m already put off by his atrocious acting for good . Not worth my time to try to redeem him.
Lol @ lol’s comment
I thought he is leaving so that he can go home and run the business. Nothing so amazing about this news since he has been increasingly missing from TVB nowadays. And many artistes left and never filmed for TVB and then return after a few years. I believe the same will be for Raymond.
Somehow I’m not sad at all. He don’t even look handsome anymore. He looks tired all the time in photos. These 2 pic of him are horrible.
he’s getting old and manhandle by his girlfriend.
Come on , it is just a dating game
Agree with Larry… He likes old now.
I apparently feel good because now he can focus on singing and movie field and have a larger sky. Being a TVB actor is not bad, but just it. Moreover TVB series are terrible in recent years, acting in those series cant bring him to anywhere.
I agree- once you becomea fadan or siu sung in tvb, you’re pretty much at the peak and wont get any higher unless you venture out. Tvb does provide the promotion and noise for artists to get their name out there (only if you’rea favourite that is lol) but if they’re just stuck with filming opposite to a circle of actors who’ve they’ve known for years and years and filmed numerous dramas with, there would be not much of an improvement and motivation or excitement as a actor staying in a familar environment all the time.
what a selfish comment,without tvb he has not come this far.to be honest his acting and singing are just mediocore,its tvb that have created an idol out of him and gave him an abundance of opportunities.and now tvb is no need anymore just because he want to spread his wings? at least make one drama a year i think its not too much of a favour.
Wow, such a big deal. Why dont you say it to artists who left TVB (many, I just cant list out) to sign management contract with TVB again? Or tell them to make one drama a year to pay for the favour.
I like his acting OUT of TVB and what is so wrong with that? Merely my opinion. He still said that if TVB offers him good script, he will come back. His opinion and decision.
And hereby is my opinion:
Honestly, I think in his 15 years with TVB, he was not treated as good as other biological son. Right, he was promoted heavily but only in short term. TVB has never had long term development to him. For example: Can you list the last time he has been first and only lead? Lolz, must be 2005 which is nearly 10 years ago. And he has never had an anniversary series for all he acted for TVB. Although his singing was praised for long while, do you remember when his debut album was released? If Ron and KC did not fail with their debut, I kinda doubt he would have a chance.
Since he was under the side of Tommy Leung from the beginning, it is clear that he didnt received much promotions since Tommy lost his power in TVB (starting from 2008). Some producers of TVB such as Lau Ka Hou, Johnathan Chik and Tsui Yu-On said/hinted that they did offer him roles in their series but Catherine Tsang denied or rotated his role.
Well, of course cant leave out 620. 620 keeps him stay for few years. However, with the decline of 620 and leave of Tommy Leung, plus his buddy Chi Wai also be kicked out, it is time for him to go. 15 years in TVB, in fact I think TVB is tieing some obstacles to him.
Without TVB he has not come this far, lol, Im not sure about that. He has never been with other companies to compare. Who know if he signed with EEG from the beginning, now he would have been treated like Joey Yung or Nic Tse? But it is true that TVB is his first company and people get to know him from TVB, so seeing him without TVB label is quite weird at first.
However, knowing him and seeing his working attitude for years, I believe he will still act for TVB in the future whenever he is offered. But he has a chance to venture out, why others can but he cant?
In my opinion, the best thing of his leave is now he is no more attached with the TV King competition. In 15 years, with 6 times ate bitter fruits and many times used to promote for such competition, he now can take a deep breath. He is out of that routine.
To conclude, perhaps you will still see him in TVB series, but with a different status. Who know that cutting all the chains can bring his wings to the sky and make his acting/singing to a new level. Till the end, his leave is harmless to everyone.
Yup, without TVB he’s nothing and he is still nothing. Having a rich family background helps and when he falls it won’t be as hard.
“Having a rich family background helps”
So true!!!
That’s the “only” reason LF got so many opportunities. And, he was at TVB for clients for his family business. Now, his cousin can do that.
Re MW:
Lol, do you think Lin Xia Wei will be that good enough to continue getting roles? She’s not bad and since TVB is lacking fadans (can’t spell that word), she will get roles but now that her big mountain is leaving, she’ll feel the effects soon.
Don’t be surprised if Lin Xia Wei starts to get minor roles. Without his cousin, the big golden egg, Xia Wei will be left on the dust.
Although alluka put up a good argument and brought up many good points, I still can’t disagree with kolo’s comment.
It’s not like he would’ve been so popular (even though his popularity is slipping and will slip even more in HK now that he’s gone), if he didn’t enter TVB. No point in bring up whether he’ll be famous if he chose a different road – like EEG because there’s no time machine – we’re NEVER know. If that’s the case, I can argue another point – HE WOULDN’T be famous at all because without TVB, he would just be his papa’s assistant and work for his company. He wouldn’t have been known at all and we wouldn’t even be discussing about him right now right here right?
Like Kolo said, acting one drama per year isn’t that much. It sounds like a case of soup grapes and probably revenge for him leaving. Or maybe I’m thinking too much – he wants more time to eat, play, cook, and the fun SHOPPING with BB.
Allies….I agree with you
I heard that due to his family background being rich, he has a bad attitude and is arrogant behind the scene to the extent that even the high level management people don’t even like him. And that’s why TVB doesn’t seem so eager to promote him that much and in a long term. Plus, he looks like he will eventually go and help his rich daddy’s business, so maybe TVB doesn’t want to waste time.
But I have to disagree with your opinion, Alluka. He WAS treated as good as–even better than–other biological sons. It was his numerous scandals that made TVB stopped promoting him. To me, he is boring and can’t act. Totally overrated.
Raymond Lam seems to be a hard working artiste, but his acting has not improved much in the last few years. His image and acting were somehow restricted by TVB producers.
Personally I think 15 years being a management-contract artiste in TVB is long enough for Raymond Lam. It is time for him to move out to try new things. Some loyal artistes, such as Liza Wang, stayed in TVB most of her life because TVB was a monopoly TV station in Hong Kong, and Mainland Chinese TV was not even existing when she was young. When she got older, it was a lot harder to enter Mainland Chinese market. Raymond Lam is still young and has a name in the Mainland Chinese market, I personally think he should leave TVB to pursue his future career. 15 years are long enough for any artiste. Luckily he joined TVB when he was only 20 years old.
@ Andrew:
Like Kolo said, acting one drama per year isn’t that much. It sounds like a case of soup grapes and probably revenge for him leaving
Yes, and he filmed Line Walker for them. Perhaps he has a revenge, I dont discuss on that because we wont never know until he films something else for TVB. I want to talk about the leave of a batch of actor in 2000s. So do you think Louis Koo, Nick Cheung, Bobby Au Yeung, Micheal Tao, Gallen Lo, etc. all leave for the purpose of revenge? Or sour grapes?
I lurked your posts and I can see that you like to talk about his popularity. Well, I wont comment on your comments because it is your opinion to say he is unfamous or slipped back in HK after leaving TVB and because reality is still reality for whatever you say. I dont think the Chinese media companies are that crazy to pay him 500.000 RMB per eps for no reason. I just want to say that whoever like him as he himself will continue to like him regardingless he is with or without TVB. Hence it is pointless to worry for his future if you dont like him that much.
heard that due to his family background being rich, he has a bad attitude and is arrogant behind the scene to the extent that even the high level management people don’t even like him.
In fact I often see the praises from the crew working with him. For example, Michelle Yip and her crew, Wong Pak Ming and his crew, Chui Po Chiu and her crew and most of producers in TVB praised his working attitude. You can check the compliments of Poon Ka Tak, Lau Ka Hou, Mai Siu Ching, Lam Ka Wah, etc. Someone who has never worked with him also praised him such as Johnathan Chik and Tsui Yu On. Note that Johnathan Chik praised him after leaving TVB, which means he didnt have to do it for any sake. Of course, he isnt a saint but people enjoy working with him. Well, Id like to mention of a comment of Ah Sa which she said that she thought he is uneasy to get due to the negative articles, but after working with him they have became buddies and he is totally different to what the negative articles portraited him.
Catherine Tsang doesnt like him mostly because he was always under Tommy Leung and 620 side and never switched side. You will see similar treatment toward Bosco and also Ron. In my opinion, those 3 are always have promotions but not in long term, especially Ron who has been demoted in recent time.
Overall, he left. I agree with sandcherry that 15 years are long enough. Perhaps he will come back one day, perhaps not. I just feel fine to see him out of TV King routine for the good sake.
And I still think that although he isnt the best actor I have ever seen, his acting is solid to a TVB actor. His eyes can talk and he can act by eyes. You dont have to argue with me on that, I can ensure that when talking about your idols, I may share different opinions with you.
???? When did I saw he was not popular? I did say his popularity was slipping but did I mention I meant mainly in HK? Seems like his popularity in China isn’t slipping down that much but to relate his popularity in with 500000 he MAY earn per episode is a little mismatching.
First, we don’t know if he earns 500000. And even if he does, it doesn’t mean he is popular. Rain Li is reported to earn quite some amount of money and Michelle Ye is also some movie company owner (?) but after leaving HK and focusing in China, their popularity is pretty much dead in HK. Less exposure in HK translates to less popularity in HK. Another example is Hawick Lau, yes he is famous in China now and earns much more money but his popularity in HK is quite low.
Other examples in Bowie Lam and Bernice Liu. Especially Bernice. She left TVB in hopes of making bigger bucks and I honestly don’t know if she is still in HK now LMAO. She has very little news and exposure so I don’t know if she left for China. Or is she staying with HKTV? Another example of how popularity slips after leaving TVB.
As for your question of whether all those actors and actresses left because they received no award, of course not because some of the names you mentioned did receive TV king.
My overall point is receiving 500k per episode doesn’t necessarily mean his popularity is at it’s max or he will continue to do well in China. Kevin Cheng is a famous example. And the ironic part is I think you mentioned to not believe 100% in what the HK media say but you believe that he really receives 500k per episode when in reality it’s a business secret and only he knows. You must have confirmation bias.
@Andrew: to a person who only focus on TVB artists’ shopping and eating news like you, of course those names disappeared. However they are totally fine FYI. I doubt any of the names you listed want to be TVB management artist anymore. Like Hawick, TVB is now begging him to film for them (happened in the series Fung Yun something).
But since you know very little about Chinese showbiz while narrow yourself in shopp news, I dont think you can get my argument properly. I dont discuss of you about the number of next HK magazines in the future feature LF (i dont say of current situation because it is like a storm in HK magazines now, everyday there are articles on HK magazines about LF’s leave, ask everyone about his leave, predict the future of TVB after his leave, who will be next, etc.). It is pointless to say of his HK futurw because he said himself that he aims China market. It means HK exposure is out of his target. If you cant get that fact, you should take a deep breath and read my posts again.
In the end, he is still has offers from China with high payment. Max or min, time will tell. You dont need to worry too much.
Nice day.
Alluka –
Let’s just say if he focuses in the China market, his exposure in HK will be much much less. Pretty sure that is an agreeable point. Less functions and no TVB dramas translates into less exposure in HK newspapers/magazines.
And FYI – I read he said he is an HK actor and would like to act in HK. If that’s the case, good luck to him and you because if he has no contract to film dramas in HK, he won’t be receiving headlines in HK FOR HIS WORKS.
Seems like HK exposure is his target right?
Wish you a good day too.
Less HK tabloids about shopping is a bless to me. I dont like the shopping and eating news because they are slow news.
I dont have a habit to care for who goes dinner with who so I care less for him to go out for dinner. Those news are slow news without information. Always blurry pictures as well. Your habit doesnt work on me.
It was how you see your god, not me. I often ignore the shopping and eating news of everyone.
to Qwerty: I agree TVB did treat him very good at the beginning…but no in the near years…TVB not even get him the TV King award! How good is it? I think they are just business relationship…
Lin xia Wei will be the she-lamfung. She sings pretty well too
Lol, I only liked the music, her dining is quite mediocre. Acting is… So-so. Without his cousin now, I don’t think she’ll be heavily promoted now.
And hard to burst your bubble but Lin Xia Wei is nowhere near his cousin.
This is odd of me to admit, but, I think my favorite role of Raymond’s to date is his first big supporting role in A Step into the Past with Louis Koo.
Man he was so evil, but he wasn’t intentionally evil. He had a lot of character development and I grew to love his role in the drama. I’ve been a fan of his ever since, albeit his roles have been getting worse and worse from that point. Sometimes I do think he’s practically sleep-walking through his dramas, like others have stated, but I don’t think it’s his fault at all. TVB promoted him but also buried his potential by overloading his workload and typecasting him into “chok” roles. I appreciated his clumsy, silly, colorful roles a lot more back then.
I’m glad he’s getting rid of TVB. His career has been stalled there long enough. Others can thrive and survive, but he’s meant for more.
Thanks for mentioning A Step into the Past. I’m surprised no one mentioned it earlier. That drama is by far the best TVB drama for me (hands down). Journey to the West comes close 2nd.
a step into the past is still my favorite of all time too! lol
@Vel –
Haha! Probably because no one’s as old as us to remember that drama. I feel it’s still one of TVB’s newest “classics.” I also loved him in Eternal Happiness. I rewatch both of these all the time.
Kind of sad that he is leaving because I will miss seeing him in dramas. He is talented, and I believe that he will achieve greater success outside of TVB.
TVB to lose viewers? Good.
Phew! Finally he’s leaving! Should have gone long time ago!
Kind of knew it was coming sooner or later. He hasnt been pretty active with filming for tvb for the past recent years…well! It doesnt mean he’d stop filming series forever, though it’s quite saddening to hear that another familiar face left the company…sooner or later we’d only have one or two current fadans left to lead :/
He’ll come back lol, once he realizes he is not that famous in Mainland and his popularity will drop even more, he’ll return. RMB is not that easy to earn! Charmaine, Steven, Tavia, and Kevin realized this LMAO!
RMB is not easy to earn, it is very true but he is having some deals on hand with about 500.000 RMB per eps, hence I dont think he has to worry much for hard RMB. You simply cannot compare 40.000 RMB per eps to 500.000 RMB per eps because it has 10++ times difference.
Is somebody pulling things out of thin air (ce daai paau/車大炮) again? Where’s the source link?
If a Chinese tabloid is not enough for you, you can try Mingpao, Oriental, Apple Daily, HK Headlines, etc.. The number is somewhere 300.000 RMB per eps, somewhere is 500.000 RMB per eps but lowest is 300.000 RMB per eps. However Michelle Yip once said that 300.000 RMB is lower than his actual price, hence we can assume 500.000 RMB is more correct.
Even with 300.000 RMB per eps, it is already one of highest amongst TVB artists.
Are there other artists getting that amount or more. If so, can you list some please?
There was an article listing artists and the amount/episode before. Where is that article?
You can track for some prices in some articles translated in this site. Ron Ng received 150.000 RMB per eps for his latest Chinese series with Janelle Sing. Bosco now gets 250.000 RMB per eps which stated to be the same as KC. Kenneth Ma was offered 40.000 RMB per eps.
For female, one article stated that Charmaine got 200.000 RMB per eps which is highest. Myolie got 80.000 RMB but it was few years ago. TY got 40.000 RMB for her series. Bernice got 80.000 RMB. Sonija got around 80.000 RMB.
I found one for you, the rest you can find yourself.
Thanks, here’s what I found …
And? If you can read Chinese then the link I provided said that he has 500.000 RMB per eps. Apparently since his first Chinese series he always receives high price and together with KC, they make two highest paid TVB artists in China market for series.
I cannot find the article again for you but there was one Chinese article to say that the next deal for his next year Chinese series is 600.000 RMB per eps.
Sure, an artist’s “asking” price can be 300,000/500,000/600,000/”the sky” RMB per episode but what he actually gets are two different things. Sustainability is also a “big” question mark.
Sure, and the first link I gave you said that he is PAID 500.000 RMB per eps, not how much he ask for. Which part can you read?
The article chose 300,000 RMB as the main/primary figure (with a side mention of 500,000 RMB), which means 300,000 RMB is the more reasonable figure.
Well said MW. Regardless of whether he receives 300 or 500k, at the end of the day, going north in search of gold will have a opportunity cost attached to it. And that will be less exposure in HK. I won’t be surprised if he will appear less and less in HK magazines and newspapers because he’ll be in China filming for his 300-500k Mainland roles. The news we’re see in HK newspapers is him walking around Central or Citysuper with his BB LMAO.
@MW: I actually replied you before you cited out. Hence you can refer above unless you intetionally ignore for a purpose.
Regardless 300 or 500, it is a simple fact that he is tied with KC to be paid the highest. Cant ignore it. And LF is still the only TVB artist in Forbes list last year with 4 years in the list. It tells that he is paid well/better than others. End of convo.
@Andrew: Do you find it is ridiculous of your comments? He aims China market, of course he doesnt care of HK exposure. Do you think Hawick mind his popularity in HK when he has a bigger market with big bucks there.
Not being exposure in HK is more than fine to me. You think too much and worry too much for him. He will be fine without HK reporters.
We all know he is very popular in china,south east Asia & austrasia .
I did not intentionally ignore anything. My citation was in response to your question … “Which part can you read?”
You, however, “intentionally” inflate LF’s per episode fee “for a purpose”.
@MW: Well, and I predicted your question so I replied you before you asked. Inflate? Oh the line itself has the answer.
He is crazy rich so he wouldn’t care about RMB. Plus he does have a lot of FEMALE fans around the world who’d follow him where ever he goes so not to worry.
Alluka –
Man you are talking while covering your conscious heart.
Even he said he cares about HK. HE LIVED IN HONG KONG FOR ALMOST ALL HIS LIFE. Do you think he doesn’t care about HK exposure? LMAO!!
And FYI, his fans should care about his exposure in HK because most of his news nowadays comes from the HK reporters. When he went shopping, ate dinner, filmed any dramas (if he has any in HK), record any songs, ETC. COME FROM THE HK MEDIA.
If he has no exposure in HK, he’s pretty much vanished then LMAO. The China press don’t report as much news as the HK reporters do and you won’t have the privilege to know what he’s doing all-the-time.
And, you won’t find his news as easily as you can right now because HK has more freedom of speech/ online publications, etc.
Looo – use spell check, it’s AUSTRALIA. That’s the place his BB lied about studying abroad.
Yanyankong- I’m not worried, if anybody is to be worried, it should be him. His recent gathering gathered only 250 fans, a 44.44% decline from his 2011 gathering of 450 fans. A fan of his told me this information.
@Andrew: FYI, the 2012 gathering was held in a camp place (a garden) and 2014 was held in The Mira – a hotel. Of course the 2014 one has to limit the attendants.
And I helped my friend to register so I know that there are more than 800 registrations sent to the fanclub. Due to the place, they shorten the list to 250 at max and they stated that publicly. However, in fact the gathering has more than 400 attendants including the organisers (fanclub helpers and heads). 250 is only the number of fans allowed to attend.
You should check for the fact first.
As for HK exposure, haha, you can see a storm since 6 Aug. As for Chinese reporters, you are quite of underestimate them like usual. Alright, I dont argue with you about that because you know very little, most only about the shopping and eating. Too bad, maybe you will have less since now.
Do you REALLY think they wouldn’t try their best to accommodate the fans? Switching a venue is quite easy in HK. They planned this event for a long time and if there were as “many fans”, 800 as you say (I’m still laughing btw LMAO), they could’ve switched to a bigger venue.
And the hotel book room can only accommodate a certain number of people is bull! HK is a densely populated area. You know how great they’re at creating space!? Sitting a large amount of people within a ballroom is a piece of cake for them lol. You know Chinese weddings sit 50-60 tables right? 10 people per table x 50-60 = 500-600 people. If that’s the case, why couldn’t they accept more fans to the gathering!? Hahaha.
(I need to apologize to Jayne and the other readers for posting such a long message and breaking them up so the comments get through). It’s too hard to see Alluka bs and I had to say something.
Yawn , I find your stubbornness is based on a big love turned jealousy. It explained a lot. Whatever because I did the registration as well as my friends attended there to count.
The announcement is still at the weibo, go to see yourself.
Since Im busy today, I can only summarize my answers to all of your comments to: Let’s wait. Decline or development, time will tell. Be optimic too soon for nothing is pointless. Maybe your wishes will come true, maybe your bubble will be burst, it’s all up to future.
All up to you, I have no guts to repeat myself again and again. Alright, he declined, lost fans and else, happy? It’s an endless convo because both of us cant prove anything. You inflate the decline, I inflate the increase, the fact is it stays remain, done.
Yep, the debate never ends. Time will tell what will happen in the end.
But one thing’s for sure, if he doesn’t continue to produce works (movie, music, and television), his popularity will only decline. I heard from my friends that he made blank lies over the past 2 years lol, from “putting more time on music” (when he didn’t even produce a big album) to “spending more time with family” (when he’s spotted with Ng in Japan or in HK; choosing to be with her than his family), this artiste’s credibility has problems.
May his fans recognize this ASAP. This is my words to you.
I think everyone saw this coming when he didnt win best actor award. So funny that he has to emphasise that its unrelated to the award
I know right lol? I remember he made a famous statement saying he’ll stay in TVB as long as Ms. lok is there. Well, I can tell his fans now – “HE HAS SLAPPED HIS OWN LIPS.” Their relationship has certainly broken apart and I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t attend any drama promotion functions. EXPECT his scenes to be cut significantly.
She moved to TVBC :P, and he moved to China.
Really?? Citations and sources please.
Check the news on weibo as you said you did. Look like you only care for shoppi and eating news so you have no idea about other news. 620 is pushed to TVBC is a news known by most TVB fans.
do raymond sign a contract with tvbc then? isnt tvbc owned by tvb?
@kolo: TVBC is an alliance between TVB and SMG.
Alluka – you’re sorta insisting that I only care about his shopping news. If you read his previous articles here, many users also expressed their displeasure about his shopping news.
And, I still don’t think she relocated to TVBC and since you have no citations or article supporting your statements, I can only disbelieve them for now.
Meh~, Andrew, google doesnt charge you to search. Go to search rather than reading the boring shopping news.
I can give you the name of the weiboer: HKchannel or KuangaiTVB.
Hahaha, you’re so funny Fox!!! Suits your name btw – sneaky!
I won’t be so dumb to search for a piece of news that DOESN’T EXIST LMAO!! Hahaha. You just love to make up stuff LMAO! So happy to burst your bubble!
Are you that lazy to have personal attack than going to search? Well I gave you the site, the time (one year ago) and you only need to search, but you are still lazy. Burst my bubble of what? Lolz, 620 to TVBC? You are in dream? Sorry to burst your bubble that you can burst someone’s bubbles.
Let me say this Alluka..
Regardless of whether she moved to TVBC or not, who’s her employer? Who is she working for? TVB!
How about LF? He left. 620 is still here but he chose to leave.
If so, DID HE EAT HIS OWN WORDS BEFORE? Did he make a lie? Did he said he’ll stay with Miss Lok as long as she’s in TVB? The answer is YES, YES, YES.
Yes, he ate his words. But 620 is moved to TVBC. Done.
You have just ate your words as well :P.
Why I have to cry? Haha, I support them to get married ASAP from day 1 when they dated.
You ate your words, you promised to buy me an alarm and I see it nowhere.
So you admit that you ate your words. Done.
For the assets, now you even worry for the divorce? Wow, such a mama. Ok, kidding. But you care for too many things. Who know what can happen tomorrow?
You can slap lol if you want, my little girl.
Sometimes the media reports is true about rumours on artist is leaving. Now the news just got it right.
don’t really care about him anyways….now he is not popular and getting less people supporting him!!!!!! but it was quite sad that he didn’t win the best TV actor in 2012!!!!!!~~
I know right lol??
I wish him well in all his future endeavours, he should join is rich Dad in business. Showbiz is enough for him, settle down with his gal n raise a happy family
who care!
You’re reading it so u care!
Throwing shade at TVB, nice way to not get hired again when his film and singing career go down the drain post TVB
I’m pretty sure LF doesnt regret leaving TVB less stress and he’s popular wherever he goes in so it dont really matter to him GOOD LUCK LF!!!
Lol, I laughed at your statement. His popularity has certainly declined tremendously. I don’t think you can compare him for being “very popular” when you see hundreds of fans screaming for him in China.
Why? Because Mainland fans are crazy. Whenever they see a celebrity arrive, they’re act wildly. I’ve seen fans scream towards laughing gor, Ada choi, Jason Chan, etc. and they’re not that popular.
You’re wrong ada choi is pretty popular in mainland china she filmed a lot of dramas so a lot of people know her
No, not hundreds. You are wrong. His functions gathered approximately 8.000-10.000 people each times, so it must be thousands.
Few times there are more than 20.000 people.
On the other than, Ada Choi is indeed famous in China, especially after Empresses In The Palace. You underestimated her.
Ok, maybe I’m not sure about Ada but there are many HK artistes who relocated to HK after struggling in China.
As for the number of fans screaming, I guess it’s because China has a population of 1.3 billion people?? It’s not that hard to gather thousands of fans in a mall. And we all know how crazy The Chinese can be in China…….. Try bringing some 2 or 3rd lead artiste in TVB and bring them to some public event in China and he/she will feel the love. May not be thousands of fans but there will be a considerable amount of people gathering. In that case, his/her popularity is misleading because of the amount of people gathering at that large mall or open stadium, whatever venue it is because there is a large gathering at that place on a weekend.
“Try bringing some 2nd or 3rd lead artiste in TVB and bring them to some public event in China and he/she will feel the love.”
Good one!!! Such a thinker. Like!!!
Even Coffee Lam can draw crowds. haha
Thank you for your compliment. Yes, I believe Coffee Lam will draw a crowd of people in China. She’s not even a leading actress in any drama but yet she attracts reporters following her now. She’s not popular among the HK public lol.
Bring Coffee Lam there and she wont have an attraction. China has a bunch of Gan Lu Lu, Kok Mimi, etc. to care for Coffee Lam. You underestimated the Chinese quite a lot. There are differences between how the fans react to star and star-wannabe.
If it wasnt that hard, can you tell me why few top TVB artists like Tavia Yeung only can get 1000 people to a big mall in Guangzhou while LF can get 10000++ people in the same place a month after? Lol, FYI, it was in end of 2012.
errrr, maybe his super-wealthy billionaire daddy paid these people to be there?? Or maybe those that worship him aren’t particularly discerning in their taste??
@lol: I guess you are paid a lot by your idol(s) to worship. But your idol(s) did that doesnt mean every artist do the same and as far as I know, nobody have been paid to attend any function of LF.
Like you have bad taste but there are people with better taste :D.
@Alluka, hmmm, i wonder who’s the one with bad taste and getting all defensive? Chill dude, since you say that you’re not his PR manager and are not being paid by LF. Spend more time outside of Jaynestars, get some fresh air, do some exercises. That way, your life will be more meaningful i guarantee you. LF will not know that you’re spending so much time defending him here. Ok ok, i know your next response. You’re doing this out of LOVE right? Carry on loving him. LOVE makes the world go round. Hv fun!
@lol: Keep those words for yourself when anyone dare to say anything about your Ruco.
Oops someone is getting mighty annoyed! Btw another reason these mainland people turn up in droves cld be due to patriotism since LF is from China, no? So yeah money can’t trump patriotism. Have a good day Alluka,Fox, whatever.
@lol: You are such a troll.
@Alluka, looks like you can’t accept the fact that not everyone holds LF in such high regard as you.
No, lol, you are the one who cant accept the fact that not everyone react like a troll like you.
@Alluka yeah go ahead and brand non- worshippers trolls. Not gonna hurt me.
Keep your word and take a life, lol. Or you can take your time to worship your Ruco.
@Alluka i think you better consider applying to LF to be his PR manager. Since you’re spending so much time on him, might as well make it lucrative.
But it’s only at his functions where the scene got too crazy, they had to cancel the function on the spot. At least I never saw reports of that happening to other artists.
Seriously people, TVB is going downhill!
And Raymond leaving is actually a good thing for them, money saved in the pocket for TVB.
You guys all make TVB sound so resourceful and powerful, He is maturing at this age, it’s good he think outside the box and mainland is the only way to go!
Hope TVB can see this as a good thing as the money involved in his contract can probably shoot a good drama and TVB dramas has been going downhill , I even revert back to channel 8 shows.
Ditch Karena not TVB if you want success again Mr. Lam!
Agree, ever since he’s dating her, his career has slipped tremendously. He doesn’t act in dramas at all, very few functions, and now – no contract renewals.
IT’S LIKE HE IS RETIRING RIGHT NOW LMAO! He’s 34 only lol and he is not working anymore lol. He just wants to go shopping I guess lol, certainly, if he doesn’t have the passion and ambition to be a successful artiste anymore, he can just LEAVE.
Disagree.he can try his luck in Hollywood, brush up his english
Lol, I haven’t heard of him getting cast for any Hollywood movies, let alone moving to Hollywood and starting a career there.
His target is Mainland now lol, not USA.
He looks like he aged a bit, his hair line is a lot higher than before
Like many users pointed out here, I use to like his older roles but since he started to go the handsome and idol road, his acting just went downhill.
Leaving is a stupid decision for him to make. His movies don’t hit big in the box office and if he does decide to concentrate on movies, he certainly won’t get anywhere. I’m surprised he doesn’t recognize this.
As for singing, he has no EEG contract so I have no idea how he will be able to release an album. He can always self-fund a album since he’s so rich but again it’s stupid to do so.
No contracts = no work, and as box office failure, I don’t know how he will be able to fly greater and become more famous. Seems like his career is coming to a decline (well it did ever since he started publicly flirting with BB).
Ever since the Mavis Pan incident… he lost a lot of fans.
Because LF thinks women/fans are fools.
Actually, LF thinks “people” are fools. He’s only around for women and wealthy clients for his family business.
I agree with you Larry. I would’ve say his popularity was at it’s peak in 2008-2010. He attended so much functions, movie events, and there were many movie and music releases.
Ever since that incident, his popularity started declining. He is still famous and well known but certainly not at it’s peak. He famous some truly terrible decisions which can explain why he hasn’t been as famous as Louis Koo or Andy Lau.
1. Going into singing and acting. He should’ve focused on one first.
2. Going the sexy and Chok route.
3. DEADLY BLOW – Handling of relationships. This has to be his biggest flaw. The Mavis incident turned quite ugly and the current relationship is extremely annoying. Pampering a gold digger and declaring love for 7 times is the most ignorant thing he could’ve done.
What u mean by decline when LFstarred in six movies, 4 high budget dramas, 6 property ambassadors in china & south east asia, unccountable endorsement deals .during 2010- 2014?please recorrect your statement before you scrutinized your incorrect facts
Decline as in having less fans. He used to have a lot of fans in HK functions – hundreds. He only has like 30-40 now. His gathering featured 250 fans only while his previous gathering had 450 fans.
Yes he has endorsements but… Didn’t he lose some of them? Nugeno? Alicafe? That HK drink endorsement?? I’m surprised the HK media is not mentioning this.
And let me refresh your mind – HE HAS NOT PUBLISHED A MUSIC RECORD SINCE January 2013. And that cd had only THREE new songs? And his last movie was umm, one year ago??
Isn’t this a steady decline in his career? And FYI, there still hasn’t been any announcements about his future movie works or music records so there’s really nothing for now lol.
@Andrew: LMAO~, are you saying of the latest gathering? More than 800 registrations sent but the fanclub only can accept 250 due to the matter of the place (in a hotel ballroom).
30-40 attends his functions in HK? You must be kidding. Check the APM last week first.
For the album, A time 4 you is a collection album, not an album, so only 6 new songs were added in. If you dont have an idea which is a collection album and what in it, you can check for other HK singers to see. 2 years without album is nothing special in HK for HK singers. To say about the declining, you have to check how the sale went down but it was certainly not the case we are talking about since IFPI 2013 got him with 4 records.
As for now, 2 of his series are coming up and it was what he worked during 2013-2014. 2014 is the period of planning, be patient and you will see something soon.
Sometimes you are too much of a mama who care for him. Well, maybe you can take a deep breath and be more patient.
What if it’s a “collection” album? It’s a fact he hasn’t released any new songs and has not plugged any in radio stations since “nice”? Lol??
FYI – Alfred Hui is publishing his 5th album. How he received Best Singer last year was a giveaway to him lol. But then again there weren’t a lot of competition.
All in all it’s a fact he hasn’t published a album since 2013. And FYI – the album had 3 new songs not 6. Stop bs and inflating stuff. You did this for his salary and now for his songs too. This will mislead readers.
As for your last comment, haha, the only thing I care is to see his decline. I’ll be patient in waiting for that haha.
6 songs are: Waiting for you back, Same Forest, Nice, Once again, BB and End of being naive
Included in an album with old songs that if you need, I will list for you later.
The latest plugged one is There is no moon nor rain. Behind glory and Guardianship is going to be plugged but not in HK.
Ok, I understand why you see it that way…..
But let me say 3 of those songs were released way before the album was released. They were sorta like fill-ins to make the album seem more worthy for purchase…….
As for the other songs you’re mentioning, they won’t even be plugged on JSG or other HK stations. Another words, except for online listening, these songs will not allow him to win any awards within the year end music award ceremonies.
Seems like he won’t be nominated for any music awards this year…….. Isn’t that weird? If only he tried harder in recording new songs rather than shopping and dining with Ng and her friends LOL
You really have no idea how things work in music industry? No doubt.
However, look like On my way will be plugged.
Yawn, you are really worrying for him more than his mama.
Time is the answer. When Michelle Yip first left TVB, people said the same. When Nick Cheung left TVB, people also said the same. Even when Louis Koo left TVB, people also think he wouldnt become anything. So only time has the best answer. Perhaps he will get something, perhaps not, just let it happen.
You dont need to worry for him that much and make yourself sound like a sour fan. You once said that you rarely commented, but today you are being too high :D. Chill out and relax, dude.
Lol, I do comment in other articles from time to time lol.
It doesnt make you less of a sour fan, being honest.
Totally agree with Andrew
missing him, worrying about him…but yet support him and love him!
LF….you run your own life…if this is the decision will make you happy…I am with you! Enjoy your life…you don’t have to work like hell…you can enjoy life!
You really need to stop worship your idol.
Good one Larry
Saddest News Ever!!! Raymond no longer take part in any TVB drama
I’m going to miss him 
That’s not saddest news unless Raymond Lam cries during a press conference which it never happens! lol.
I used to pity him for the Mavis Poon affair but ever since he started to go out with his gold digger and publicly flirt like it’s the end of the world, I’m disgruntled. He lost his saving grace.
The only time I enjoyed watching Raymond Lam was in the Moonlight Resonance series….he’s quite stiff and his reactions are quite expected and thus, contrite. He used to be ok looking until the surgeries…
So, not going to miss him…
Raymond had not been doing much for TVB for a while now. I guess the only difference is that he is no longer bound by a tvb contract and have the freedom to choose his jobs now. Guess he will never take over his father’s business. Continue pimping!
Only 2 reasons why any artiste leaves TVB;
1. lack of opportunities, aka Shirley
2. famous enough to go solo, aka Raymond.
It is a good thing for Raymond. May be less exposure but it shows like Dic-ky Cheung, leave at your top to find greater opportunities.
always support LF, whatever….
I think Raymond knows pretty darn well his career is going no where if he stays with TVB. Why limit yourself when there are opportunities outside?
Raymond recently announced he was leaving the radio, big top last night that about King Wu Yu, wireless high # # Lok Yi Ling Shek Tong Tsui, 20 people to a hot pot. 8:00 later, Wu rain arrives, the presence of Raymond morning waiting 15 minutes after coming Lok Yi Ling, flying over the court during Raymond, with the presence of those who have to speak have to laugh. Pour enough people over two hours, 10:00 Dole Yi Ling first to leave, 11:00 Wu Yu helped out by his friends, soon after Raymond left.
He should move on with it when his contract is expired for TVB. He could pursue acting in Mainland China or film. And he could also focus his music career.
LF can join huayi brothers for 5 movie film deal. Huayi film s production got hollywood standard
Am sure he survives anywhere, at least if anything fails, he still has his father to support him but I’m sure it wont happen. Let’s wait for his plans, maybe he will take a hiatus to have more time with his girlfriend and concentrate on his music career?
He seems to be in retirement mode right now. All he cares about is his gold digger. Can’t wait to see their ending lol.
Man you are sick….. We indeed have sick people in this world.
You sicko, when I see you , I gonna smack your face till you need 8 hours of nose job operation
BTW, it’s vice versa.
Just sad
Support you wherever you go
311 comments just proves how this sudden news is!
Will always Love your facial expressions in dramas <3
Oh god. First we have this so-called doctor who has two identities and one of them miraculously disappears after being called out. Now we have this so-called lawyer who can’t even put together a simple sentence in the UK that’s obsessed with Raymond lam. What is our world coming to?
Lol but true. Not forgetting delusional as well for believing LF’s eyes can talk to her.
“Now we have this so-called lawyer who can’t even put together a simple sentence in the UK that’s obsessed with Raymond Lam. What is our world coming to?”
The more s/he posts, the more s/he is embarassing himself/herself. Little to no credibility left now.
Agree with MW
Law degree from which degree mill i wonder?
Non of your bz
Gaypo as in taiwanese