Raymond Lam Heads to Beijing for Work

After the exposure of Raymond Lam Fung’s bed photos with ex-girlfriend, Mavis Pan Shuangshuang, Raymond appeared at the Hong Kong airport yesterday to fly to Beijing for work. Asked how he currently felt, Raymond said, “It’s about the same. I still have to work.”
Asked whether he had traveled to Bali with Mavis earlier in the year, Raymond frankly acknowledged that he did. As to whether there will be a collection of Bali photos of the former couple released online, Raymond said he was not worried. It was a matter between two people. Asked whether he will pursue legal action over the earlier bed photos, Raymond’s manager said his company will make the decision.
Source: Orientaldaily
Jayne: Leaving Hong Kong might help calm down the Hong Kong paparazzi over the bed photos incident.
“Asked whether he will pursue legal action over the earlier bed photos, Raymond’s manager said his company will make the decision.”
Now if he does I will lose respect for him since he repeatedly said he won’t pursue any action. And what action can he pursue? Against whom?
The magazine? Well they can reveal their sources and if it was Mavis herself, then there is consent
Mavis? For what? Defamation? Well it is the truth. They did have a love affair, he was that guy on the bed. Extortion? No money asked or exchanged, well not that we know of. Invasion of privacy? HK has no laws on invasion of privacy since if that is true there will be more lawsuits.
I can’t think if they take any action legally, what legal action and against who?
Ray, tell your management to shut up and let your PR do the work. If your PR sucks, time to change PR. I can be your PR and my advise is; shut up, move on like you’re doing now.
Well, he said that his company will make the decision,therefore, if they did take action, would it still be his fault???
Going to Beijing will help Raymond to escape for while and wait for the paparazzis to calm down.
At least he can get some peace there unlike in HK where paparazzis flock over him for some normal photos and having to deal with an attention seeking ex.
Is he going to film for “Back to the 3 Kingdoms”??? It is good for him to leave HK for now so that he can get break from everything…
He only went to Beijing 1 day and came back today. Tomorrow he’ll go to Santou then come back to HK. Actually he dun leave HK that long.
I hope he didn’t have a cry over this. He is 30 years old… shit happens. One day some one is with you, next day they’re dead. Yes shit does happen. Understand that, accept that, embrace that. Only then can you not let life’s challenges bog you down, only then can you soldier on looking towards the positive, and only then will you find your happiness.
Honestly, what’s the big deal? He’s a 30 year old man who was having a normal relationship. I think most of the shock comes from “who” he was dating. I myself am a little shocked that he’d date someone like Mavis. She’s just so cheap and skanky looking…..
I think so too about the chock on who’s he dating.
Today there’s a new article about Mavis about how she shows that she’s really been trying to get into HK entertainment circle by often responding to many HK male stars weibo. Among them Shawn, Bosco, Steven Ma, Deep Ng, Chapman To, Alex Fong, Ronald Cheng, but they don’t respond back to her.
She however has also communicated in weibo with Steven Cheung and Timmy Hung who respond back. Steven Cheung praised that she’s cute.
I don’t give two hoots about who he is dating. I only see the way he talks about how hurt he is in every interview and how OF COURSE he cried like a baby over her. And if he really wants to leave the happy memories as they are (whatever they are), then why give an extended interview with Mingpao Weekly on this and paint himself as the victim?
I haven’t changed my opinion on him because of who he is dating; love – or whatever is a substitute for it – is extremely personal. But I can’t have respect for him after all this continuous whining and whinging.
@abc – in his in depth interview with Mingpao he only emphasizes how nice and sweet she is and still defends her against the accusations from his friends and fans. Not once he said a hegative thing about her. In spite of what happens he still viewed her in a generous way.
I have to admit that I feel sweet reading on how he doesn’t scold her at all and still talk about her nice qualities. If I’m Mavis I will feel touched at how good he’s behaving even after having his image scarred, I think any girl will.
this is to salvage his image after probably realzing he was getting some blacklash for being selfish. his initial reaction is his true reaction, he said it repeatedly that he cannot accept what she did and shook his head at her behavior.
he also still refuse to talk to her, so to me, that is telling of what he really thinks. he says one thing but does another. he isn’t doing it because he cares about the other party, rather he cares about himself, still holding it against her for creating drama for him so he’s not speaking with her. i dont believe the sensitive hogwash he and his ppl want to feed us. grown men dont react like this so its definitely staged, someone give him an eyedropper, he’s going to run out. the guy just wants his previous image back so he will say and do anything to rebuild his “i’m Mr. Clean” persona. Raymond goes: no, im not a rich jerk or a player, okay *sniff* see? reports prove otherwise.
he was also rumored to have something with the girl that hanged herself some yrs back but he denied it. they met in a
nightclub, she said Raymond was her good “friend” but those around her said they were entangled intimately. even the girl’s bf at the time(hinting at an affair betw her and Raymond) confirmed this. after she was dead, he didn’t want anything to do with her and even denied knowing her.
ex-gf Rain Li also hinted Raymond was a player back then when her bestfriend Sharon Chan was rumored with him. Rain basically said Sharon told her she wasn’t dating him and that she rather have a long term relationship, not one of those you know what.
there was also rumors that he once tried to hit on Shirley Yeung on the set of Blade Heart but Shirley knew better of his reputation so went with Gregory. instead Raymond went for Yang Xue, the evil girl and got intimate with her instead. she happily told the press Raymond told her he and somebody(his ex) was old news already and that she got close to him onset.
these news can all be found because i have read them before. if you’re curious, you can look it up for yourself and it would eventually come up.
@lol: I don’t think you are reading between the lines enough. That said, if he really thought she was nice and sweet and gave him good memories, a real gentleman would shut up and graciously let go, rather than creating the image of being a gentleman by defending her and his devotion to her while “casually” mentioning that his friends and family objected to her.
Call me cynical, but look at how Moses didn’t cry out for sympathy earlier.
I’ve seen Ray interviews, everyday he’s been telling reporters that he’s has already responded earlier.
But with reporters & cameras hot on his heels, he has no choice but to comment.
Even though if many people think it’s not a big deal, a big bunch of people in HK are still interested in the news.
Whether he’s a gentleman or not, no one knows him personally.
Whatever happened I think this will fleet soon and Mavis will be forgotten
This incident fortunately don’t hurt Raymond’s image much. His mandarin album still able to sell Platinum in only one week.
well he made everybody feel sorry for him, so they want to support him even more. thats how it works.
It gets platinum before the pix are leaked.
even raymond said he can treat it as promotion for his album. it can only help, not hurt him.
i didn’t list the numbers, nothing to correct here. you can redirect to other person.
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