Raymond Lam in High Demand Outside TVB

It came as a surprise for many when Raymond Lam (林峯) lost the TV King title at the 2012 TVB Anniversary Awards, since his large fan base made him one of last year’s greatest contenders. Losing the title to Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), it seemed like Raymond lost to an “outsider”, considering he is known as TVB’s biological son. Tabloids claimed that Raymond was upset to have lost this important award year after year, when he has already been in the industry for more than a decade. Although the TV King title is lost, many other opportunities are open and awaiting Raymond.

Mainland companies such as Huayi Brothers and Sun Entertainment Culture Ltd. are interested in having Raymond collaborate with them, now that it is clear he only has a one-year contract left with TVB. Sun Entertainment Culture’s Paco Wong (黄柏高) expressed, “I do have intentions [of working with Raymond], but we haven’t been in contact yet. There are not many people left in the Hong Kong entertainment industry who can sing, dance, and act nowadays.”

Emperor Entertainment Group’s Mani Fok (霍汶希) also remarked, “Our company is interested in all artists with potential.”

Knowing that he is currently in high demand outside TVB, Raymond was reportedly in a pleasant mood. Last Sunday, he was spotted shopping by himself for daily necessities in a supermarket in Central. Food including curry, pasta sauce, and instant noodles filled two large baskets. Raymond chatted with a friend over the phone lightheartedly while picking out his goods. Along the way, he smiled and spoke with reporters, showing no signs of avoidance.

“It’s a day off for me today, so I’m stocking up on some items,” Raymond told reporters. With so much food, was he planning to cook with his girlfriend? “Haha, you’re kidding me. I don’t have a girlfriend.” Regarding rumors about work, Raymond further expressed that his upcoming January concert is the most important, and that he will not accept any new jobs at the moment.

Source: ihktv.com

This article is written by Shirley for JayneStars.com.

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  1. RL, please don’t go, not many chinese drama that i could enjoyed from. (just my opinio)

    Another side (it is fined if you go to open a door to a new experience. You will find success like Sammul Chan)

    1. There are many Chinese series that are really good so you should give them a try instead of sticking to HK series or TVB only…

    2. i hope raymond bosco and ron go and open a new door and find greater sucess

  2. Huayi Brothers is probably the most powerful entertainment agency in China. He would be incredibly lucky if he got a contract with them because they could make him a bona fide movie star – he’s already got the talent, he just needs opportunities and exposure. I understand that RL fans want to see him in TVB dramas (while simultaneously complaining that TVB has gone to the dogs) but, in my opinion, he needs to move on to greener pastures before it’s too late.

    1. huayi brothers or media asia seems a good choice. emperor film also not bad

    2. haha couldn’t agree more with you. ” I understand that RL fans want to see him in TVB dramas (while simultaneously complaining that TVB has gone to the dogs) ”

      RL doesn’t seem like he’s getting anywhere in TVB to be honest. He’s constantly being overshadowed and or robbed. I believe he will find more success elsewhere. I predict within a 3 year time frame, that if he doesn’t get the King, then he will just give up and move on.

    3. I won’t miss Ray in TVB because TVB gives him crappy series except HAL which he has power to choose. I’m happy he choose to leave to better ground. What Ray need now is opportunity to be a bigger star and excel in movies but TVB can only gives Ray crap shows. Why stay when there are 5-6 biggest HK and China movie companies fighting to get him?

      1. Fox:

        Not me. I want him to keep 1 series per yr contract so I can still hear him in Cantonese. Sorry, I’m selfish. 🙂

      2. Leave Txb still can film per contract. I mean of the management contract with Txb.

      3. Yes, I agree that he should leave TVB to pursue better opportunities since he’s not getting anywhere with them.

      4. I agree with Josie. I still want to see him acting in cantonese drama please.

  3. Raymond Lam is a very lucky guy who got fame, fortune, power (to choose) and good-look…If he really focus in Mainland, his popularity will be even higher and He will be future “King” overtaken andy lau status too

    1. A lot of industry insiders are already branding Ray as the next Andy Lau and Raymond Wong said he will make Ray as successful as Louis Koo. Ray might not get any award from TVB, but he can achieve much more than recent winners of the award.

    2. Frankly I think he’s luckier than Andy Lau in certain ways. For one, during Andy lau’s time, there’s 4 heavenly kings, so fan base are all diluted. LF I think is pretty unique, he’s really top of the game now, not much competition.
      However during Andy’s time, people are more creative. There are truely wonderful songs being written, so the “4 kings” have the chance to sing many of those classics!Now not so many good songs.

      1. Back in the 90s the competition is much more restricted within Hk because people didn’t have the Internet. So even if there were four kings, its still Only four major players. Now in 2013 the entertainers have to compete against a much larger competition. But Raymond has a slight advantage since he is fluent in mandarin so he can very easily shift to china’s market.

  4. I’m a fan and I can’t wait for him to get his @ss out of TVB. TVB is holding him back and make him tired. All these news shows that Ray will leave TVB very soon maybe this year and I can’t be more happier. TVB is a dying TV station which only awarded and promoted old people and I can’t wait for CTI to give TVB a run for money with their new blood dramas.

    Get out faster Ray! The companies out there are fighting to have you as the next superstar! This shows to antis that Ray is more on demand and popular than the recent TV Kings although he didn’t get it from TVB.

    1. AGREED AGREED AGREED. Love your insight. Wayne Lai is a great actor, but he’s only good in TVB. Not to be a nuisance since I can’t be any better, but if Wayne Lai were to step out of TVB and do other things, he wouldn’t stand a chance. RL ‘s luck in TVB faded long after Moonlight Resonance. TVB is holding him back, whether for good or bad, it’s discouraging. TVB is DYING. Recycling stuff and making sequels. I hope CTI will give them a run for the money, and possibly take over one day, giving chances to people that TVB didn’t give chances to.

      1. The crappy shows & scripts they gave LF lately makes me want to cry!!!! Only the “high & low” has got some standard.

      2. Exactly Mark Lim. Wayne Lai or Kenneth might be doing good in TVB but can they be on demand like this from 5-6 big companies outside TVB and excelling in TV, Movie and Music at once? I don’t think so. That’s why it’s farfetched for TVB to say Ray has not enough fans and Wayne and Kenneth get more votes. Ok fine I know the antis will not agree with this but fine, Ray is still the most successful star to ever come out of TVB after Andy Lau and Louis Koo. He doesn’t need an award from the dying TVB to prove this and he’s smart to leave TVB before it dies.

      3. Not to mention, Wayne Lai is OVERRATED. lol, just wanted to put that out there.

  5. That’s because Ray chose HAL by himself! All the other crappy series before HAL are given by TVB orders.


  7. LF should start his own production company, pick and choose his jobs and stay out of anyone else’s claws! These companies are all vultures, users who wants to squeeze out every last drop of his blood! 
    LF has proven his talents, loyalty, and willingness to work at TVB. Yet year after year they toy with him with nominations but no awards. He is supposed to be the favorite and the “biological” son, yet there is only hype and no results! The press and fans of other artists are so jealous of LF’s popularity that they oversee his true talents and continuously mock him.
    Be your own man and work for yourself, LF! You have Honeys who appreciate all you do and will be always there to support you! See you at the concerts in January. Let’s party! LF Love FUNG!

    1. Yeah, but running your own company will drain alot of your time as well. And it is stressful cause you have to organise stuff. You are basically the a manager, CEO and that is not what Raymond wants to do (since he will have to do a lot of that stuff when he goes back to work for his dad). He wants to be in the limelight (front people) as much as possible so his fan can see him and he does his acting, dancing and singing which is what he wants

      If Raymond Lam leaves TVB he is going to be successful since he has kind of broke into the movie industry now. He’s actually done HK series, Mainland series, movies, singing and dancing. This guy must be exhausted from all the work he is given but he hasn’t really taken a break. I hope he goes in the movie industry (although I feel like his passion is more towards singing, dancing and series but then again he wants to be the next andy lau) and act with Michelle Ye.

      1. LF can surely run a company with competent assistants or family members. I just feel that he does not need to be “managed” by people who work him to death. No matter what, as long as LF is happy, his Honeys will support him totally!

  8. Raymond worked so hard to get where he is today so I really hope that he will stay in the circle for a long time to come. It would be such a big waste for him to leave after working so hard all of these years to become who he is today… He still has a lot of new heights to reach before he does decide to leave one day.

  9. GOSH !! Since November 2012 almost every weeks we have news on Raymond. Sometimes within a week we have 3 to 4 posts on Raymond.

    This times he was interview at the supermarket, who knows next time the interview may be conducted at the Gents

    Looks like he is still in demand

    1. of course even in high demand for the mag company who constantly use him on the front page for survival

    2. LF will always sell and the papps know this. Love hearing news about him. Thanks for translating for us.

  10. Raymond, wish you the very BEST…no matter where you go, just try your very BEST…I am sure you will be success! Wish you have good health and good life (also hope you find a Ms. Right to support you too) ALL you fans from over the world are supporting you…loving you!

  11. So happy to see so many Raymond’s fans, supporter, lover here to support Raymond!!! What a pleasure news to start my day! Hay, don’t forget to leave encourage words for Raymond at TVB.com…(hahaha leaving words in TVB.com about supporting Raymond to leave TVB…how funny!) I am not against TVB, but just want Raymond to have the BEST!

  12. Really hope Fung never leaves. Because… he is not just hot and handsome but a very gentle, nice, kind, and TALENTED person. He needs to stay and NOT leave the entertainment industry. Leaving TVB ok, but not leaving HK/China industry. If he does, he will be cursed forever.

    1. I seriously think LF has no choice!!!! If a company give me all those crappy series, I’ll also leave!
      Hope he’ll make some really good movies from now on!

  13. Supporting LF in venturing out to where he will be appreciated and recognized for his hard work. Go LF!

  14. us. LF you must know how much your Honeys adore you, support you and love you! We see that you work very, very hard in all you do! Stand tall and be proud LF! You have many grateful Honeys who appreciate you. LF you light up our lives!!! See you on January 26, 27 and 28! Let’s party! LF Love FUNG!

  15. I’d definitely leave TVB if I was Raymond. TVB has always been the stepping stone of HK stars. I don’t think anyone really expects him to stay with TVB forever. Fans are lucky enough if he films for TVB once every couple of years. If I was a diehard fan of his, I certainly would want him to stay in TVB because no matter if he films in China or not, TVB is the only place to hear a HK actor’s actual voice.

    1. TVB is crap and produces crap entertainment nowadays. I’m a fan but I can’t wait for Ray to get his @ss out of TVB since TVB is only holding him back and gives him crappy series over the years. He can do much better without TVB as an extra baggage. Ray confirmed he wants to focus only for movies and music and that’s the best thing for him.

      1. I don’t agree with TVB holding Raymond back. Without TVB, Raymond would be nobody. He wants to focus on film but has never been nominated for a film award. He wants to focus on music but never won any major awards outside JSG. If you think TVB gives him crappy roles then his film roles are way more crappy. It’s time for him to leave but TVB is certainly not holding him back if he decides to stay. Not like he even spends a lot of time filming for TVB.

      2. Ric,

        Actually TVB promoted Raymond up until he decided to go into music. I think you can find some articles from the past regarding when LF decided to venture into music and TVB showed some signs that they were not too happy with his decision, but memories could fool me. I don’t recall the exact details.

        Also, I’m not a HK native, but isn’t JSG one of the biggest music awards there is, though I do know their awards have become a joke because of the favorite games.

      3. How is TVB not holding Ray back? Ray can’t fully focus in movies and is still a movie newbie because he has to fullfill his work as a TVB artistes and is always looking tired because TVB drained him with too much work and filming a TVB series makes his heavy schedule heavier. For music he did win in Metro and RTHK before. He can’t win for 903 Chik Chak because that station is against EEG and TVB.

      4. “TVB drained him with too much work and filming a TVB series makes his heavy schedule heavier. ”

        You talk as if TVB is a slave driver and Ray has no personal choice or willpower like an automaton. He has a choice. He can quit TVB like he intends to.

      5. He sounds like he wants to leave TVB don’t you think. Or maybe do like Charmaine, not completely cut off with TVB but signs with a better company out there.

      6. @Ric: he won major awards for some China awards, not really “never”. He is nominated for Best newcomer in 2001 with Stolen love as well.

        I dun think his new roles in movies are crappy at all. Can you give me an example of a crappy roles? I blv you will give out the role Owen but if you read the critics for this movie from professional sources, Owen is praised even more than Ronald’s role.

    2. Movie field, you might forget. Txb is the biggest TV but if he goes to movie full time, no need to be in Txb. Die hard fans can watch movies instead.

  16. Not against TVB..TVB did help/promote Raymond before, Raymond also help TVB more $. It is well business relationship. Now, from the previous reports, Raymond has stated that he want to do more filming, he see that the filming industry is so big, he only see a little bit and want to experience more…I am totally with him and give him the bigger support as a fans. About TVB, Raymond agree to still do one series per year (or whatever they agree on). Of course, still maintain a good relationship la.

    1. Yes it’s a mutual relationship before but Ray also has right to pick the better ground which is not TVB. For now Ray’s contract stated that he only has to film one series per year but who knows if he’ll change to per series contract when his contract over this year and he’s busy with movies and music. Ray already did great balancing his triple development in TV, movies and music in this recent years and it’s time he focus on what he really wants to do. Doing less or no TV will allow Ray to have time for his family too.

      1. i see your point…totally, i want Raymond to have time to rest and enjoy life too…anyway…i think Raymond know how to choose…Love him and all his fans.., 🙂

    1. Just voted. Thanks for informing. Luckily still in time. Closing on 7 Jan 2013, 12pm noon. Ray’s fans quickly support!



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    Fung Yan Award (China) – Favourite Character for “The Last Breakthrough (天涯俠醫)” (Ken Tsai Bak Heng 齊百恆)
    Fung Yan Award (China) – “Potential Star”

    Astro Wah Lai Toi TV Award – Favourite Character for “Yummy Yummy” (Yau Hock Lai 游學灃)
    Astro Wah Lai Toi TV Award – Favourite Themesong for “愛亦近” in “The Last Breakththrough (天涯俠醫)”
    TVB 40th Anniversary Award- Favourite Actor (in Mainland China) for “The Drive of Life (歲月風雲)”
    QQ Entertainment Award – Favorite Hong Kong TV Actor
    Metro Radio Hits Awards – Best Newcomer (新城勁爆新登場男歌手)
    IFPI Gold Disc Award – “Searching for You in Loving Memories”
    IFPI Highest Album Sales Among Newcomers (最暢銷男新人)

    Astro Wah Lai Toi’s Award – Favourite Character for “La Femme Desperado (女人唔易做)” (Chai Foon 齊寬)
    2007 Jade Solid Gold – Most Popular Male Newcomer – Gold Award (最受歡迎男新人-金獎)
    Next Magazine TV Artists Award – 6th
    IFPI Double Platinum Disc Award – “Your Love”
    China Fashion Carnival – Most Fashionable Artiste (年度星光大道風尚人物)
    TVB 41st Anniversary Award – Favourite Male Character Award (我最喜愛的電視男角色) for “Moonlight Resonance” (Kam Wing Ho 甘永好)
    TVB 41st Anniversary Award – TVB Blog Most Popular Artiste (tvb.com人氣大獎) with 16 million views
    TVB Long Term Service and Outstanding Staff Award
    9+2音樂先鋒榜 Best Male Actor-Singer Award and 1 more award not sure of name
    TVB 8 Music Award – Top 10 Golden Songs of the Year (十大金曲) for After Tomorrow (明天以後) with Vincy Chan
    Yahoo!Buzz Award – Most Popular TV Male Artist (最受歡迎電視男藝人)
    Yahoo!Buzz Award – Most Searched Song (最受歡迎電視劇集歌曲) – Love with no Regrets (愛不疚)
    Asian Television Awards 2008 – Best Drama Actor (最佳戲劇男演員) for “The Master of Tai Chi (太極)” (Tuen Hiu-Sing 段曉星)
    Music Chart Awards 9+2音樂先鋒榜 Most Improved Singer
    Music Chart Awards 9+2音樂先鋒榜 Best Television Singer
    Metro Radio Hits Awards – Music Songs Award (新城勁爆歌曲) for Love with no Regrets (愛不疚)
    Metro Radio Hits Awards – Karaoke Songs Award (新城勁爆卡拉OK歌曲) for Love with no Regrets (愛不疚)

    2008 Jade Solid Gold – JSG Top 10 Song Award (十大勁歌金曲) for Love with no Regrets (愛不疚)
    2008 Sprite Music Charts Awards (Mainland) – Most Outstanding Newcomer (Hong Kong) (香港最優秀新人獎)
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    2008 Sohu.com – 50 Most Beautiful Person on Earth – Ranked 29th
    2008 SINA Music Awards – Top 20 Most Listened to Song (最高收聽率二十大歌曲) for Love with no Regrets (愛不疚)
    2008 RTHK Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Presentation – Top Ten Gold Songs (十大中文金曲) for Love with no Regrets (愛不疚)
    2008 Astro Wah Lai Toi’s Award – Favourite Character for “the Drive of Life” (歲月風雲)” (Wah Chun-Bong 華振邦)
    2008 Astro Wah Lai Toi’s Award – Favourite On-Screen Kiss with Charmaine Sheh “Drive of Live (歲月風雲)”
    2008 Astro Wah Lai Toi’s Award – Favourite Couple with Linda Chung “Heart Of Greed (溏心風暴)”
    Singapore Entertainment Awards – My Most Favourite Hong Kong Drama Series Actor
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    Next Magazine TV Artists Award – Most Popular Artist Of TVB (2008)
    IFPI Top Ten Sale Record Singers
    IFPI Top Ten Cantonese Albums Sale Record – “Finding You in Loving Memories”
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    Best Performance – “Roadshow Award”
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    Jade Solid Gold 2009 Round 1 – Best Mandarin song “After Tomorrow”
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    Jade Solid Gold 2009 Round 1 – 22000 Power
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    Magazine award – Best Karaoke Song
    Yes! Magazine award – Most Favorite Male Idol
    Face Magazine award – Face Icon
    Yahoo Buzz 2009 – My Favorite Themesong “Worthy Tears” 值得流淚
    Yahoo Buzz 2009 – Most Popular Artist
    TVB8 2009 – Most favourite Cantonese song “If Time Comes”
    Metro Radio Award 2009 – ‘Best Karaoke Song “If Time Comes”
    Metro Radio Award 2009 – ‘Best Original Song “If Time Comes”
    RTHK Award 2009 – Top 10 Best Singer
    Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – JSG Top 10 Song Award – Top 10 Best Song “If Time Comes”
    Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Best Lyrics “If Time Comes”

    2009 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Best Arrangement Song “If Time Comes”
    2009 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Bronze Prize of Best Mandarin Song “After Tomorrow”
    2009 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Asia-Pacific Most Popular Male Artist
    Metro Radio Mandarin Hit Music Awards – Most Global Pop Idol
    Metro Radio Mandarin Hit Music Awards – Hit Song for We are Fine
    Metro Radio Mandarin Hit Music Awards – Asia’s Most Hit Idol
    Astro Wah Lai Toi’s Award – Favourite Character for “Mysteries of Love (談情說案)” (Kingsley King Bok 景博)
    TVB 43rd Anniversary Award – TVB Blog Most Popular Artiste (tvb.com人氣大獎)
    TVB 43rd Anniversary Award – Favourite Male Character Award (我最喜愛的電視男角色) for “Mysteries of Love” (Kingsley King Bok 景博)
    Yahoo Search Award
    Yahoo Top Ten Search Song Award “直到你不找我”
    Yahoo Popular Movie Theme Song Award “直到你不找我”
    TVB8 Mandarin Music On Demand Awards Presentation 2010 – Golden Melody Award: “我們很好”
    TVB8 Mandarin Music On Demand Awards Presentation 2010 – Most Popular Cantonese Song: “直到你不找我”
    TVB8 Mandarin Music On Demand Awards Presentation 2010 – Most Popular Male Singer
    TVB8 Mandarin Music On Demand Awards Presentation 2010 – Golden Award: “我們很好”
    Metro Hits Male Singer Award

    2010 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Best Arrangement Song for Until You Don’t Search For Me “直到你不找我”
    2010 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Gold Prize of Best Mandarin Song “初見”
    2010 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Bronze Prize of Best Mandarin Song for Always be Here “一直都在”
    2010 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Asia-Pacific Most Popular Male Artist
    2010 SINA Music Awards – Best Series Theme Song Award for Until You Don’t Search For Me “直到你不找我”
    2010 SINA Music Awards – All Rounded/Multi-Talented Singers Award
    The Most Valuable TV actor
    IFPI Top 10 Most Broadcasted Son for We Are Fine “我們很好”
    IFPI Top 10 Best Selling Local Artiste
    IFPI Top 10 Best Selling Cantonese Album
    IFPI Best Sound & Visual Live Recording For Concert DVD – “Come 2 Me Concert DVD”
    IFPI Year Round Best Selling Male Singer
    Music Pioneer Award – Most Popular Online Male Singer
    Music Pioneer Award – Best TV-Movie-Singer
    Music Pioneer Award – Gold Prize for Best Duet for Always Be Here “一直都在”
    Music Pioneer Award – Most Welcomed HK Singer
    Jade Solid Gold 2011 Round 1 – Most Popular Mandarin song “讓我愛你一小時”
    Prince Jewellery and Watch Classic Cup – TV Elite award
    Starhub Award – Favourite Male Character Award for “Mysteries of Love” (Kingsley King Bok 景博)
    Starhub Award – Favourite Themesong Award for We Are Fine “我們很好”
    Metro Mandarin force ceremony – Asian Idol
    Metro Radio Awards – Most Popular Mandarin Song for Let Me Love You For One Hour “讓我愛你一小時”

    Jade Solid Gold Selections 2011 Round 2 – CHOK
    Shanghai Global Chart Award – Best performance on stage
    Shanghai Global Chart Award – All-rounder Artist
    CNTV Music Awards – Golden Melody Award for Let Me Love You For One Hour “讓我愛你一小時”
    CNTV Music Awards – Most Popular Male Singer in HK & Taiwan
    CNTV Music Awards – All-Rounded Artist
    Astro Wah Lai Toi’s Award – Top 15 My Favorite Television Character Awards for “Men with no Shadows” (Typhoon Toi Fung 邰風)
    U-Channel – Top Ten Most Popular Song for Let Me Love You for One Hour “讓我愛你一小時”
    U-Channel – China’s Most Popular Singer
    U-Channel – China’s Most Popular Hong Kong Album for “First”
    TVB Top Earner in Mag Advertisement
    Music Pioneer Award – Top 5 Pioneer Singer
    Music Pioneer Award – Top 10 Pioneer Golden Song for Let Me Love You For One Hour “讓我愛你一小時”
    Music Pioneer Award – Best Male Singer in HK & Taiwan
    Esquire Award – Fashioned Male Artist in HK & Taiwan
    TVS Awards – Most Popular TV Male Actor in HK for “Lethal Weapons Of Love And Passion” (Fung Hung Lit 風行烈)
    TVB8 Mandarin Music On Demand Awards Presentation 2011 – Most Popular Cantonese Song for “CHOK”
    Yahoo Asia Buzz Awards – Most Searched TV Themesong for “Light Up My Life”
    Yahoo Asia Buzz Awards – Popular Dance Song for “CHOK”
    Yahoo Asia Buzz Awards – Most Popular Idol
    Metro Radio Awards – Best Karaoke Song for Let Me Love You for One Hour “讓我愛你一小時”
    Metro Radio Award – Metro Singer voted by Metro Audience in China

    Sina Music Award – Sina Music Most Viewed MV for Chok
    Sina Music Award – Top 20 Most Listened Song for Chok
    Sina Music Award – SINA MUSIC All Rounder Singer
    SMG Star Award – All Rounder Artist
    RTHK Music Award – Most Popular Weibo Singer Award
    2011 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Best Arrangement Song for Chok
    2011 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Silver Price of Most Popular Mandarin Song for Let Me Love You for One Hour “讓我愛你一小時”
    2011 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Asia-Pacific Most Popular Male Artist
    2011 Jade Solid Gold Top 10 Awards – Golden Song Award for Chok
    OneFM Malaysia Radio Station Award – Most Popular Male Singer
    Metro Radio Awards – Asia Most Popular Male Idol
    Metro Radio Awards – Most Favourite Asia Male Idol
    Metro Radio Awards – Most Popular Mandarin song for Even Stone is Moved “頑石點頭”

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