Raymond Lam Suspended 30 Feet in Air for Concert

Raymond Lam (林峯) drew over 13,000 people in his Raymond Lam Heart Attack World Tour <林峯Heart Attack世界巡迴演唱會> in Guangzhou this past weekend.
Raymond underwent rigorous exercise and dieting to tone his physique, spending the past three to four months eating nothing but rice and sweet potatoes. When he suddenly tore off his t-shirt in the middle of the concert, thousands of fans screamed.
The highlight came when Raymond was suspended 30 feet in the air and did a 360-degree tour of the entire stadium, shaking hands with numerous fans. Although injuring his arm during rehearsal, Raymond still insisted on performing the stunt. Without the help of suspension wires, Raymond solely relied on a few safety belts looped around his waist and legs. Enjoying himself despite the potential safety risks in the stunt, Raymond exclaimed, “This is first time in a show where I felt like I was Superman – to be [suspended] that high, and fly so far. It was frightening as I was going up, but it was actually very fun.”
Over 180 construction workers were hired to build the revolving stage for the concert.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.
Old man Raymond now has the matching waist size to Karena now. Well done!
I am sure he enjoyed the stunt, but goodness he looks skinnier than necessary. He could benefit from muscle building as opposed to overdoing weight loss with his rice and sweet potato, boiled chicken or steamed veggies diet. :s
he needed to bulk up not get down to bone skinny but the pic above he looks pretty bulky. could be the picture, in another article he just looked skinny.
E@m0m0 where?. Oh where is the bulk??. I certainly don’t see it anywhere.
I agree with @kirigirl. He should bulk up and then use muscle tone training to define his muscles. Losing all that weight and then showing his anorexic, skeletal body is quite scary. I am going to have nightmares after seeing what I saw. Yes, his waiste now matches Karena’s. Eeeeek!!, the thought of that is troubling. Noticed he named his tour ‘heart attack ‘ . If he continues with this unhealthy way of getting in shape, he will end up with a heart attack, for real.
please come back and do film!
Why? His acting was going nowhere. Might as well tour around and sing to maintain his fans rather than act.
@jimmyszeto gee you really hate everyone…but raymond lam circa 2000-2008 was a solid young actor coming into his own; always wondered how he would have developed had he not chosen singing full time
Firstly Raymond has never been a full time singer and he has been acting constantly before and after 2008. He never got accepted as an elite actor by the public which is why he gave up on Hong Kong. I don’t base acting skills on appearance like you do. Wayne Lai is a very good actor. Thrashed Raymond in the Awards voted by the public if i remember correctly.
@jimmyszeto actually prior to his ‘chok’ phase, he had a lot of potential as an actor. That’s what made him so popular in the first place and that boosted his singing career. but frankly after he became famous, his acting depreciated greatly. I blame TVB for his burn out. They gave him the worst roles with little character development for a long, long time until he left. But he was never the same since he when he started. His passion diminished
Yea from some of his TVB and even his HK movie roles, some of his characters were not very inspiring imo. I too also blame TVB for overworking this poor guy.
@jimmyszeto ummm, raymond’s been a full time singer since 愛不疚 hit number 1…in 2008. haters gonna hate; when did i say i thought raymond lam was even attractive? think you’re letting your jealousy cloud you judgment, dude you gotta stop hanging out with your pal @killer02. also, wayne lai lost best actor to kevin cheng in 2011; is kevin cheng a better actor than wayne lai by your definition? smh
thank you @coralie and @kirigiri for being objective and giving credit where it’s due.
Don’t be dumb. I said ‘voted by public’. Raymond got destroyed by Wayne Lai in the public vote in his best role so far although he has much more fans. Do you know what ‘full time’ means? How is he singing full time when he’s acting in a couple of series almost ever year.
@jimmyszeto yea, public voting via tvb is the gold standard, smh. dude are you that stupid? my whole argument was that raymond’s acting has declined since 2008, which coincided with his focus on his singing career, hence me lamenting what could’ve been had he not spread himself so thin. his acting career has clearly taken a backseat to his singing since 2008, hence the term full time. hey btw, since you’re so focused on wording, didnt you accuse me of basing acting on looks? when did i say that? maybe you should stop talking out of your…
(oh nvm, i noticed you were just responding to yourself, calling yourself dumb lol. dont be so hard on yourself, its ok)
It’s not on wording and please do some research. That was the only year where the best actor award was voted by the public. People don’t need to state ‘I like him because of looks’ to show preference. It is shown by the illogical arguments displaying blind support and forum usernames with the actor’s names on. If you think they are handsome, please just say it. Please cut the crap on defending them when I’m commenting on their acting. I’m not saying your idols are terrible actors. They haven’t improved for years and they are far away from the standard of good actors like Wayne Lai nevermind the elite actors such as Tony Leung, Sean Lau, Anthony Wong etr.
@jimmyszeto so you’re telling me to do some research, but here you are saying “People don’t need to state ‘I like him because of looks’ to show preference. It is shown by the illogical arguments displaying blind support and forum usernames with the actor’s names on.” how does my username of rucofan indicate i think raymond lam is good looking? so now you’re telling me what i think too? aren’t you making blind assumptions? where’s your research? so everyone that likes raymond lam does so because he’s good looking? c’mon don’t be like that.
also btw, wayne lai, tony leung, anthony wong, sean lau developed into great actors as they transitioned into film. unfortunately for raymond, his stardom coincided with the death of the hk film market, and by 2008 when he achieved singing success, he focused more and more of his energy on singing (a distraction that wayne, sean,tony, anthony did not have) which is why i continue to think what could’ve been. in terms of your views on acting, it seems like you may have your foot to far up your arse to know what good acting is
Wow.Wow.Wow. Sorry. It’s the dying movie industry’s fault that Raymond hasn’t become the next Tony Leung. It’s because his singing is so great that he was forced to focus on singing which prevented him from becoming the next Tony Leung. The world is against him. It’s not the lack of acting talent and lack of dedication. The guy would have made it but luck is just not on his side. It’s a cruel world.The movie industry died before Raymond could take over it….
@jimmyszeto there’s being stupid and then there’s being you. my original comment(s) was for the fans of raymond, fans of hk acting. i have no idea why you even bothered to take time out of your busy ruco bashing to even comment. clearly we will forever have opposing opinions, here’s to never having to comment on each other’s posts again
He’s focused on Mainland dramas. Heard he wrapped up on the Journey to the West drama as the Monkey King. But singing is his primary passion for the longest time. I don’t expect him to return to HK films (he wasn’t faring *too* well in the latter if I recall).
@kirigiri too bad he never dubs his own voice in the mainland dramas though, really takes away from the performance. always felt like if he hadn’t dedicated his time to singing and spent more time acting—he was on track to being a great actor. i’ve heard he actually really wants to get into film (supposedly he signed with eeg cuz they promised him they would promote him in their films, liars!!!); always preferred raymond lam the actor as opposed to raymond lam the singer