Raymond Lam’s ViuTV Drama “Police Tactical Unit” Clashes with TVB’s “PTU 2019”

TVB police drama PTU 2019 <機動部隊2019> featuring Mat Yeung (楊明), Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), Max Cheung (張達倫), and Yeung Chiu Hoi (楊潮凱) will be airing on TVB’s Big Big Channel on April 30, and a wider broadcast in Hong Kong on May 12. However, ViuTV and Youku will coincidentally be releasing Police Tactical Unit <機動部隊> starring Raymond Lam (林峯), Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍), and Alex Fong (方中信). Featuring a similar theme, will there be a clash between the two dramas?
ViuTV’s Police Tactical Unit discusses the struggles and teamwork building required within the departmental unit. The drama will air on May 6. With the release dates so close to each other, there will definitely be competition between the two dramas.
Though Raymond is starring in Police Tactical Unit, which is airing on rival station ViuTV, he will be returning to TVB this year to film Line Walker 3 <使徒行者3>.
“PTU 2019” Trailer
“Police Tactical Unit” Trailer
Source: HK01
This article is written by Hailey for JayneStars.com.
omg…these ppl again? Mat Yeung (楊明),Sisley Choi (蔡思貝)
Raymond L& Twins girl & AF? :0( :0(
@wm2017 Yep… and then I get confused between the different series they are in… cos one will be in one and also the other and maybe even a 3rd…
not sure about the storyline but just with the cast definitely voting for Raymond Lam, Charlene & Alex
Viutv version will be miles better.
I don’t even need to watch the lame TVB trailer and I already know that it will suck.
Take a good look at ViuTV’s version. I can’t find the Cantonese trailer, but judging by the casting selection alone, it’s MILES ahead of TVB’s as most of them can actually act.
To be fair, Raymond Lam’s drama is produced by EEG and some Chinese companies, not by Viu TV. I saw a rumor that TVB and EEG were negotiating for the broadcast rights, but it fell through. Hence, all the movie actors/actresses. Plus, it stars Louis Cheng whom I believe is still blocked by TVB.
For those above complaining about Sisley and Matt pairing up together again… wait for Airport Security to come out. They’re police in it AGAIN.
It’s not even about the Sisley and Matt pairing so much, on their own, they are both lousy actors. Matt is the worst and the most inexcusable cause he’s been in the industry for 20 years already and he still a stone face (zero expressions in his acting), yet he’s leading.
TVB is so garbage.
Fung/Sa again! Finally!