Retired HK Film Actress, Joey Wong, Became a Buddhist Nun

It has been reported that retired Hong Kong film actress, Joey Wong Cho Yin shaved her head and became a nun at a Canadian Buddhist temple in June 2009. Joey soared to immense popularity in Hong Kong and Taiwan after starring in “A Chinese Ghost Story”《倩女幽魂》opposite Leslie Cheung Kwok Wing. Allegedly, Joey’s action may have been triggered by her ex-boyfriend, Chyi Chi’s earlier wedding news.

When the press contacted Chyi Chin last night, he was incredulous. He immediately reached out to Joey’s family. “I knew of Joey’s strong belief in Buddhism, but not to the extent that she will become a nun. The only person who has been in close contact with Joey would be her mother. I called her uncle in Anhui, who contacted Joey’s mother. Even Joey’s mother is uncertain whether Joey in fact chose a a Buddhist path.”

Chyi Chin spoke about his break-up with Joey. “At that time, Joey did not want to move to Taipei. She preferred a quieter location and took the initiative to leave. Since we have known each other for so long, we are good friends. Although I am very concerned about her, we have not been in touch for several years. Perhaps, her career in Canada did not produce ideal results or she was hurt from another relationship. I do not believe that our break-up had a direct impact on her decision to become a nun.”

When Chyi Chi learned that Joey became deeply religious earlier in the year, he tried to visit her in Canada. “Last month when I was in Canada, I called her and left a message for her. But she did not return the call.” Returning to Taiwan in June, Chyi Chi discovered that Joey’s grandfather died. Chyi Chi tried to find the whereabouts of Joey. “She has not been in touch with her family for a very long time.”

Cha Siu Yan Confirmed the News

Radio personality, Cha Siu Yan validated the news that Joey Wong became a Buddhist nun. “I was not in direct contact with Joey. However, one of my mentors, who has a very close relationship with Joey, told me about the matter. Thus the news should be true.”

Cha Siu Yan also said that Joey’s predicament was directly linked to Peter Lam, Media Asia’s boss. “When Joey was involved with Peter Lam, he was not divorced. Thus, she became a third party, which had a substantial impact on [her image] and her career.” Due to her relationship with Peter Lam, Joey could no longer remain in Hong Kong, thus forcing her to eventually settle down in Canada.

From left to right: Chyi Chi, Joey Wong, and Peter Lam.

Article Source: Takungpao

Jayne: Shocked by the news that Joey Wong decided to become a Buddhist nun. She was one of the most popular Hong Kong film actresses in the 80’s and 90’s, on par with Maggie Cheung and Cherie Chung. Joey is an extremely beautiful woman; didn’t know about her involvement with Peter Lam until recently though.


  1. Becoming a nun is definitively not a bad thing! Buddhism is great!!!!

  2. joey, i idolise u.. love from the heart. taking a path to buddhism. show u paying homage. it’s the best things in life. when u became enlighten. seeing the world clearer.

  3. I miss Ur movie.. I’m ur fans. when i read this article , I shocked… u became a buddhist nun. but if this the good thing for u.. I as ur fans , I’ll support u…
    u are the best actress. I hope can see u again.. probaly on news..

  4. Old news but I am shocked too! I didn;t see this until someone commented and only now I knew. I knew about her love affair with a married man, her reputation in ruins, she went back to her childhood sweetheart and then I assumed she married him and all. Because I remember when her reputation was in tatters, her ex boyfriend’s family said she is actually a very good girl, not like how it was in the media, etc. What’s wrong with being a nun anyway? Maybe she found peace this way.

  5. Joey I miss all of your sex scene in movies! Love to see you nude 😉

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