Ron Ng Admits He Needs to Improve People Skills

Fourteen years ago, Ron Ng (吳卓羲) joined TVB’s acting department under the recommendation of Louis Koo (古天樂). At the time, Ron was not clear on what he wanted in life.
“I didn’t have dreams to be famous. I don’t think I’m good-looking. In fact, when I was younger, I was often mistaken to be a girl by my neighbors,” said Ron. The 34-year-old, who first joined TVB as a dancer, said he had neither goals nor ambitions when he first joined the industry. “I didn’t even like acting at first. I wasn’t familiar with it. I was too scared to watch my own playbacks. Even though I knew I didn’t do well, I was too afraid to ask to do it again.”
Need to Improve People Skills
Ron skyrocketed to fame due to the success of the 2003 drama Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲宵>. He did not know how to cope with the fame and reacted coldly to his popularity. He was plagued by negative reports, which criticized Ron’s arrogant attitude.
“I wasn’t cocky, but because I was so tanned, I always looked like I’m sulking. I also didn’t know how to express myself, so that’s how [the reports] came! After Triumph in the Skies aired, I had many interviews. I was thinking, ‘Oh no, what should I talk about?’ If you interviewed me 10 years ago, I think you’d start cursing at me, haha!”
The passing years told Ron that if he wanted to continue in the entertainment industry, he must learn how to socialize with people. “I definitely worked a lot in that department,” said Ron.
From negative rumors to dating scandals, Ron has been plagued gossip throughout his career. Perhaps Ron’s straightforward and no-nonsense personality had something to do with it. “I’m not a very tactful person. My friends all know that I tend to speak what is on my mind.”
If Ron saw unfairness, he would step out to help if he could. A director once forgot to release a few third to fourth line actors from work and Ron stepped in to help, as the actors were too afraid to speak up. “I used to be a rookie before so I also had to endure some unfairness. I want to help others if I can. I have no regrets. If you don’t like me, that’s fine, but I wouldn’t distort my personality to suit others. I don’t flatter.”
Through time, Ron learned how to cope with negative reports. “I was really stressed out when I was featured in a magazine. I would try not to go out often to avoid the limelight, and sometimes my work is also affected. However, now I’ve learned to cope with it. I’m in the entertainment industry and my job is to entertain others though television. In real life, I’m just a normal human being. I’ll try my best to face it and I won’t care about what they write about me anymore. It’s going to be about a different person in the next issue, anyways.”
Ron Denies Rudeness
Earlier, a former TVB employee talked about Ron’s rude behavior in a new book, disclosing an incident where Ron was angry and used profanity to yell at the costume department. Ron laughed at the story. “The aunties at the costume department have watched me grow up. They would be angrier than me!”
Turning 35 years old next month, Ron said he only wants three things in his life – a house, a car, and good health. “As long as my family is healthy and I have money to buy a house and some ‘toys’, then I’ll be very satisfied!”
How about a wife? Ron sighed, “I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to date. It’s not hard to find girls, but hard to deal with the media.” He added, “I’m honestly a bit scared. That’s why, unless we’re caught or we’re about to get married, I will not reveal my relationship.”
This article is written by Addy for
To me I don’t think he’s versatile enough to carry certain roles. He doesn’t have the serious demeanor and yet he’s too old to take the bad boy roles now. He doesn’t have the villain face too…ppl tend not to take him seriously and that’s why he can’t find a gf till now.
That’s your opinion
cut yr floppy hair and take on some serious roles, ronnie
He meeds to improve his acting further and hurry, time is catching up on him!
He needs to act fast, he has potential. Rooting for him.
I support Ron too but he gotta take it more seriously and wanted bad like Raymond Lam and the other actors. Lf would kill for TVB KING not physically but you know what I mean.
Raymond Lam will never be a good example. Wayne Lai is.
:(O LOL!
Oh yea Wayne almost forgot about him.
You should change your username.
It because Raymond is Ron best friend in the industry so I thought of him first. And Raymond been fighting hard to try to win TVB KING and never got it. Raymond might get it in china.
@TVBfan: LF got several TV Kings in some China award.
Well, well, well!
:O( LOL!
well, he explained himself well. he has no passion for acting, no ambitions, no goals, and lacks the eloquent skills of a public figure. instead of increasing popularity, he is stooping low for a 35 year old actor – either take your roles seriously or retire, stop frolicking in your free time and study the script. rub the director’s shoes, not the lady parts of your co-stars.
Agree with everything you said. He doesn’t seem to have the drive to improve or even the passion to act. He needs to get his act together or get out of acting to focus something else for himself. He’s not getting any younger.
Ron just comes in and do his job like it’s a another normal day. I feel the only way Ron is going to have a strong skyrocket improvement is if Ron start becoming competitive and want it bad. AND WANT TO WIN AWARDS SUCH AS TVB KING OR MY FAVORITE MALE ACTOR AWARDS. And for him to go to the gym and work out more no one likes chubbiness aka fat male and female actors.
I think Kenneth Ma needs to do the above more then Ron does.
“I also didn’t know how to express myself”…
he’s darn right, yup, it shows in his one-note acting.
To have no people skills is one thing. To have a wild pool party with someone else’s wife is quite another thing altogether.
First of all he didn’t say he had NO people skills. And 2nd of all he knew Toby for over a decade and they were just having some fun.
Yeah sure, he was having a lot of FUN with someone else’s wife at that pool party. While it doesn’t sound half bad in writing, in reality, if you had seen that clip, you’d know that it was much worse and a major scandal at that time. It’s still on YT. Both of their behavior was inappropriate even if he had known her for a decade. They were practically pawing each other and Ron was saying sexually suggestive stuff to her. Little surprise that Toby’s marriage broke up soon after.
First of all, this article pretty much sums up what he said about having no people skills. Second, knowing someone for a decade doesn’t give one the right to behave inappropriately with someone else’s wife, disguised in the name of fun.
If Ron frolicked with his ex Viann or any other single girl, it’s no big deal. Probably no one will give a s__t. But with a married woman – that’s just morally wrong. Same reason I detest Johnson Lee. Not to say Toby wasn’t at fault either.
They both screwed up. It takes two to tango. What is marriage to Toby and her ex husband?
I agree with @Late. There’s certain things and ways you should and shouldn’t do and act around/with your married friends of opposite sex. It’s one thing to have guy friends (if you’re a married woman and vice versa) and another to flirt, touchy and stuff with him. Regardless how long you might have known each other. There’s a line to draw when you’re married. Both him and Toby should’ve known better.
And the article pretty much implied he has no people skill hence he needs to improve on them.
If Ron acting was good he would have left tvb by now but it’s not good like the others who stay around
Hey you, go home and f your mother, hahaha ^_^
What a sad kid sitting behind a computer talking bad about people because your life is terrible and you would think about f-ing your own mother you sicko.
What a sad kid sitting behind a computer talking poop about people because your life is terrible and you would think about eff-ing your own mother you sicko.
I guess he has realized that sending nude photos of himself is not considered as a good technique for pickup. LOL!!
He never even did that. Are you talking about Edison Chen?
Miss X said he did and sent a picture of him topless to Next media to be an example. He explained that sometimes he sent topless pictures to his friends.
Works for some but not for others.
I thought Terminator meant nude photos as in butt naked but topless for a man is pretty normal.
If you’re a Raymond fan and you must read enough Alluka’s comments. You decide.
He thinks it is easy to “find girls”… that shows how mature he is
It is easy for him to find girls but it isn’t easy to find a good girl because of his personality.
It is easy find girls but the thing is it’s not easy to marry them. And in Hong Kong for like every 1 male there is like 3 female. So the boy to girl ratio is about 1 to 3. It could be even more now cause population increase and mainland.
In China, there is severe shortage of females. So, overall (including HK and vicinity), there may be a shortage of Chinese females to go around. Of course, selfish jerks (like ZYM) will take multiple females anyhow.
I thought it was the same in china? And who is ZYM?
That infamous pimp director who goes around having “illegitimate” children with one woman after another and was convicted of violating China’s One Child Policy.
Read about Asia’s sex imbalance here …
BTW, weren’t you the one who called me stupid?
The news is quite interesting and when? Idk maybe one time I did defending negative Ron comments.
Your so-called negative comment was actually a positive comment about Ron Ng’s improvement (since he has less extraneous bobblehead movements).
I remember watching The Four w/ Samuel Chan, Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma (can’t remember if Bosco was in it) but they all ventured off and became bigger while Ron went backwards. LOL
I remember as we’ll once Ron started filming grand production he become a supporting actor.. Such as the drive of life .. Rosy business but during rosy business number one it was Ron popularity to carry the series at the start he was extremely popular still
True @LOL Rosy Business looked boring at first but I watched it because Ron was in it and the themesong was good.
Till today rosy business was boring but a lot of Ron’s fans watch it because Ron was in it
Ron really doesnt know how to express himself. He is emotional. He gives me the feeling of an easy-going guy, a guy who doesnt care about anything. He just does whatever coming in his mind. It leads to the fact that people can misunderstand him.
That’s the reason why I like Ron (well, I say like, but more like he doesn’t annoy the crap out of me), because he seems pretty chill about things. But having ambitions and the proactiveness to achieve what you want in life can be a good thing, which is something Ron seems to be severely lacking in. Should he choose to continue with acting (or find his true calling in another arena), I do bloody hope he finds his passion for it instead of drifting aimlessly through life.
Agree with both of you 200%
These articles are boring… We know Ron acting is boring like joe ma and ma Ming
Agreed lol
support Ron.
I think it stems from Ron not having enough passion for acting. If he has, he’ll try harder. Also success comes too soon & quick for him.
If he has to do those supporting roles first for a few years (like many of the other actors), than perhaps it might be different. Especially when an actor is not ‘naturally talented’ they do need time to get polished up.
I can’t say whether I like Ron or not but have always thought that his acting skills are so-so. Thinks he has a boyish face and to me, he will always be middle of the road kind of actor. Don’t know if anyone agrees with me. I’m new to this site so if I offend anyone indirectly, please forgive me.