Ron Ng Denies Tearing Apart Tiffany Tang and Roy Chiu’s Love

Did Ron Ng (吳卓羲) play a role in breaking up popular celebrity couple, Tiffany Tang (唐嫣) and Roy Chiu (邱澤)? Ron freed himself from blame, “I am definitely not the third party! Maybe she has a new love prospect!”
When Roy stepped forward and confirmed that his relationship with Tiffany was over this week, controversy ensued as to when the pair had officially broken up. Roy said it was 7 months ago, but Tiffany’s assistant hinted that the pair were still seeing each other in October. Since Roy did not reveal the reason for the breakup, it was speculated that he fell for Taiwanese model/actress, Tia Li (李毓芬). Now rumors are rife that Ron may have stolen Tiffany’s heart instead.
While filming mainland Chinese drama, The Lady in the Cubicle <格子間女人> photos emerged in January in which Ron and Tiffany were behaving intimately. Even Ron’s family questioned whether he was involved with Tiffany, but Ron knew that she already had a boyfriend and kept his distance. Ron did not even have Tiffany’s phone number until recently, and they exchanged several text messages only as colleagues.
Ron praised Tiffany for her beauty and her good personality, but they did not socialize in after-work activities. After filming The Lady in the Cubicle each night, Tiffany would go home to rest while Ron returned to the hotel with the rest of the cast and crew. Ron said he did not know that Tiffany and Roy had broken up until the press asked him for comment.
“I am definitely not the third party! When we were filming together, I already knew that she has a boyfriend. We did not discuss too many personal matters and only shared jokes,” Ron said. “We do not have such feelings for each other. We only chat as regular friends. If it were to happen, it would have happened earlier.”
Did Ron offer Tiffany any consolation after her breakup? “There is no need to. Maybe she has a new love prospect?”
Since Ron’s image was streaked by scandalous rumors last year, he has dedicated himself to focus only on work now. Stating that he is still single, Ron said, “I don’t even have time to spend with my family. Where do I find the time to look for a girlfriend?”
Source: Ming Pao
Did she has some plastic surgeries on her face or what?
Um . This her face without surgery cuz she never had surgey. This is her natural face so please dont say she is plastic. I’m a big fan of hers
she does not have plastic surgery. She looked pretty much the same since her appearance at the Athen Olympics open ceremony when she was a teen.
Well, thanks Ron for assuming that she has a new boyfriend?!! What a way to sell out your co-star to save your own hind.
Uhm, I just look at a few pic of her on googles, her chin shape is slightly different, one pointy and one not (present – pointy chin), her dimples I found interesting (1 picture where her face look like normal ppls, and she was smiling real big show no dimples, and now she has a small dimples 0.o?) and whether u r fat or thin on the face, your dimples will show >_< so conclusion: she might not have PS, but I highly doubt it
@Little fishy,
On pictures or on screen, her chin has always been pointy. Unless, you’re looking at pictures for magazine spread, where sometimes they photoshopped beyond recognition. There are video of her performing on stage during her years at Central Acadamy of Drama. Other than growing older, she did not change much.
She also lost a lot of weight recently.
Anyway I don’t believe she has such bad taste in men so no, Ron Ng didn’t cause the breakup, perhaps work and long distance did.
the breakup is said to be caused by roy’s philandering ways since he was pictured getting cozy to other women. many years before he was also said to broke rainie yang’s heart which made rainie left him, and later hurt joe chen’s heart which ended their short relationship.
don’t think losing weight has anything to do with overly sharp v shaped chin.
She originally has this oval shaped face. Losing weight will make it sharper.
although she looks plastic, so does the other taiwan model that roy hooked up with. dislike how the media is trying to push the blame to tiffany by linking her with ron! i know ron has some bad histories with women, but that was the past and who know ron could be a better man now? if this is roy’s management work just reduce the amount of roy-bashing on mainland internet, i will hate roy more. what an irresponsible jerk!
i agree, she’s definitely had work done. my friend is a plastic surgeon so i’ve learned quite a bit on how to spot work done. you can compare her old pictures and her jawline has extremely narrowed. closeups also reveal that her nose is fake (slimmed and added bridge) and her eyes were shaped (doe-eyed).
agree. especially her jawline. her face is too V-shaped to be natural and her jawline is too sharp. definitely not natural.
I think she did, but they aren’t really really major since she still looks like herself…
She looks like now from when she has just started, maybe a little more maturer.
all this talk about how she looked like when she just started isn’t definitive proof that she hasn’t had work done prior to entering the industry. the most obvious example now is her jawline which is undeniably more narrow than in older pictures of her.
What proof do you have that she did get work done? As far as I am concerned, psychologically speaking, when a person is set on believing their opinions are the truths of a person…theyre either 1. Having very low self esteem of thy self and 2. Make themselves feel better by putting others down.
Lastly I believe youre the one who made the comment about knowing a cosmopolitan surgeon, unless you can prove it, well anyone can say this and that. From your comments though, youre just calling out bluffs just like everyone else. When you can use professional terms and explain specifcally what and where her face got work done….youre just like the rest of us…opinionated.
@kasey: lol at trying to make this about a personal issue about myself. i am just pointing out the evidence. you can read my other posts in here regarding what work she had done. but i’ve already pointed out her jawline and in her current pictures looks nothing like her older pictures. i also posted two comparison pictures below if you don’t believe it.
isnt roy the guy thats filming with myolie wu in her new drama and is trying to get myolie wu so yeh
nope, there is no rumor between Roy and Myolie. His rumor is with Tia Li, TWese actress.
Nope, the guy in the series with Myolie is Ma Tian Yu aka Ray Ma. Roy Chiu is a different guy.
Um.. That is her face without plastic surgery. This is her natural look. So dont say she’s plastic
lol then i feel sorry for you…
and your theory of her having plastic surgery made sense??!!!
BTW, of all her features, her nose is her flaw, and yet you said she had a nose job. She does not have a tall bridge and the part between the nostrils is too long.
I don’t think she did her nose, but maybe her chin and the shape of her face had enhancements, but nothing major.
@lingling: i never said her nose is perfect. i’ve only stated that it was slimmed with high bridge. if you can’t tell then i can’t help you. you must think LF and Kenneth Ma’s noses are real too lol.
try telling me there is no difference between her nose and jawline in these two pictures:
ever heard of photoshop? but then I’m curious which one you think is the before and after.
my comparison pictures has nothing to do with photoshop because the 2nd pic is how she looks in all her recent pics now. it is quite evident how different she used to look like compared to how she looks now. even if you don’t want to believe the eyes and nose, there is no denying the jawline. and the jaw is usually the last thing people alter because it is so extreme (and as such costly). if she is willing to alter her jaw, is it so inconceivable that her eyes and nose aren’t real either? the proof is there. if you don’t want to believe the evidence, then i can’t help you.
Here is a problem with your comparison: the first picture was from Pandamen, filmed a year after CP3. If you go back and look at her pictures during the CP3 in 2008 and her picture for XYZ in 2012, she looked exactly the same. You can also go look at her pictures from Unbeatable II, and WLU, both filmed during the same period as XYZ, and you will see that those pix of hers looked like the 1st picture you posted.
My point is, hair and makeup can make a difference. Okay, I’m done with this topic.
Rofl hair and makeup can change the look and angle of her jawline?! Sorry but that’s some fail logic lol. Obviously you can not tell when someone has gotten work done.
RON please keep out of trouble and rumors… your last few roles lacks acting credibility….. please prove yourself as an actor and not as a gossip column philanderer
I don’t think you should blame Ron since you know how easy it is to have gossip written. You can just have a simple conversation and be viewed as a couple by reporters and passerbys…
But Ron has many scandal rumors compare to other artist . For examples , Ruco Chan . So , Ron still responsible for the gossip .
Ron did vowed to get far from love last year. In my opinion, it’s a stupid move because he can’t avoid the scandal/gossip this way. However, one day with scandal, whole life with gossips, he can’t avoid.
Can totally depict Ron’s character from SSSS in this.
have a feeling roy chiu’s management company feed this story to the press to stop roy from being cursed by millions of netizens on weibo.
this may be true, but does that mean that Ron is collaborating the story with Roy’s management?
I don’t believe Tang Tang has new love. But what I find disturbing is Ron’s response. Can’t believe he presumed such a thing about his colleague.
ron is not the best at words or answering reporters, that maybe just his automatic thoughts to defend himself although not the best answer, but don’t think he has any malice towards tiffany.
roy and his manager however has shown how irresponsible and malicious they could be based on roy’s writing skeptical statements in his weibo, but later deleted it, and what his manager is hinting about tiffany leaking the pictures, and noted too that so far the only media responses all come from roy’s side in his attempt to defend himself from the countless cursings from weibo.
really??!! how long has he been in the business??!!! he can easily said he is involved and I’m sure Tang Tang will confirm this eventually.
In the midst of a scandal, he went and literally confirmed speculation about Tang Tang.
Roy’s case is understandable. He’s under attack. He needed to provide statement. And, so far, all he did is implying that he and Tang Tang are no longer and item.
not everyone is born with ability to respond with the smartest words within the attack of these hungry pack of reporters. give ron some slack. he’s just desperately want to clear his name from his dirty scandals this past year and start as a new reformed and clean ron. he must’ve accidentally blurted the last sentence out in his desperateness to prove himself, forgive him for he is still learning to be a better man. can’t blame ron if he wants to clear his name with all sake, in the chinese entertainment world, image is what matters. if you have a bad image, you won’t get jobs.
and yet you criticized Roy and he’s more under fire than Ron.
while ron’s comment most likely just a slip of the tongue and unsmart, roy’s weibo postings and deletings, and what his manager comment to media is more like a counterattack at tiffany and filled with malicious intention towards tiffany in order to protect roy after tiffany’s fans bombed weibo with their hate attacks.
I don’t care about Roy’s manager, since it’s pretty obvious he’s not supportive of Roy’s relationship.
But what’s wrong with defending himself when Roy is under attack from both fans and reporters??
I’m aware of whay Roy posted on his weibo, but what did he delete?
if you read some of those many comments that attack Roy, some implied that he has been posting a lot since the news breakout and has been making and deleting some posts. unfortunately i went to his weibo too late and missed those deleted posts too. don’t care enough about him to dig out more.
I’m a fan of Tang Tang, I wouldn’t be so blindly accused Roy based on hearsay without much ground.
If these ppl are following his weibo messages hoping to find something to attack him with, I’m sure they will save all messages just so that they can use them against him and I’m sure it will be all the news. This scandal is currently hot and reporters will be all over any detail they can find.
Well, we all know Ron is not the world’s most intelligent guy…
that’s why we shouldn’t blame ron for his slip ups during interviews. i believe he doesn’t mean anything malicious to tiffany, unlike how roy’s manager is trying to push the blame to her.
…and his colleagues should pay for his ignorant??!! Honestly, I didn’t like it when I heard Tang Tang and him are in a drama. I never care for his acting now with this slip of the tongue during a critical monent for his costar (but has nothing to do with him)… irks me more. If he’s not comfortable giving interviews… then take the fifth… silence is golden. Don’t stir up trouble.
its not that bad of a response cos many other artist was saying nacy had new love before nacy said she found mr right just cos ron comes up with a response like that big deal
it wouldn’t be a big deal if there isn’t a hot scandal brewing all over.
agree it’s not that bad of a response. besides many people know ron isn’t that good with his words. it’s probably just an unintended response during his nervousness while reporters attacked him and he’s just mutteting anything that can be used to clear his name off. quite pitied ron to get involved in this mess that roy started, especially when ron is only starting to focus on his work to get rid of his scandalous past.
what makes you think Ron is being attacked by reporters?
Asked him if he was Tang Yan’s “new love,” He said no and that they’re only colleagues. He has always known she had a boyfriend and didn’t know the relationship went kaput until the press asked him about it.
Asked him if he would console her, and he said no need to because she “has” a new love. Really?? Is this what you call under pressure??
because that’s how these hk and mainland reporters always do! attack artistes with questions about relationships until they can’t take it anymore!
actually roy admitting his break up with tiffany publicly to defend his fanbase is unfortunate and unfair for ron, because since ron is currently filming for tiffany, some people might accuse ron to be the third party which is why this news come out especially since ron has some not so nice history of his scandals with women. so the real victim now is ron.
So Roy needs to consider Ron’s feeling before he made his breakup public?? You are joking, right??
The scandal got spun of control. I don’t think Roy announced the break up to retain his fanbase, if anything, it would hurt him, since Tang Tang’s fanbase is much much larger.
Yes, fan or not, she did have plastic surgery whether minor or major.
and you’re sure because you are her family member, her friend??!!! no wait… you’re her surgeon…
Does she have any old photos that we can compare to?? I like her as well, but I think she may have had some minor enhancements, but nothing major… However, unless we have her old photos OR she admits it(which is highly unlikely) then we don’t know for sure.
you can try to search for her old pictures or video. But I have watched her in some of the talk shows she went on during the last few years where they showed video clips of her stage performances during her drama school years, her pageant won in her class, her Athen Olympics ceremony performance; she was one of the 18 teens girls carefully chosen to represent China, and her 2003-2004 drama in Feng Meng Lou with Nicky Wu. All her trademark features are there. Sharp pointy chin, big eyes, and a interestingly enough, well structured cheekbones but yet a bit chubby. Like I said, nothing changed much other than she got older.
Why is it on every article on female celebrities all I see are comments on whether or not they had plastic surgery…like is that really important? I dont think it is
it is important to some
I personally think it’s not important if it makes the person feels more comfortable in their on skin and lift self-confidence.
Many ppl here against plastic surgery.
But I dun find it’s that important unless it makes the female artist to look like a mess instead of beautiful.
I clicked at submit before complete the sentence: *but still feel proud of their “beautiful” face* – add this part in.
Maybe to some, having plastic surgery means she’s not a true beauty.
It is because plastic surgery is altered beauty and you get to pick and choose what you want to look like. But with natural beauty, you don’t have a choice and just have to accept what you have.
@ lingling, You hit the nail on the head. The reason why some people here said Tang Tang had PS is because they think she isn’t a natural beauty. What I’ve learnt about her is from this forum. IMO, her eyes and nose don’t look remodeled.
and her chin is pointy since she was a baby and so were her lips. She has full lips, but too thick to be considered classically beautiful.
She has little imperfections on her face, but those things made her looks unique instead of a “bleh” beauty.
If there were anything bad or evil, might as well blame it on Ron Ng, who has become a sh^t magnet, which for the most part is self inflicted.
is ron still a tvb sui sand cos is doesnt seem like he is and tvb stopped promoting ron a long time ago
humm like Tang Yan very much, hummm Roy is single now eh?? Better put my stalking mode on for this newly single hunk!Kekeke. In all seriousness I hope they work things out I think they are the cutest couple out there.