Ron Ng Does Not Deny Dating Viann Zhang

Since the onset of romantic rumors with mainland model-turned-actress, Viann Zhang (張馨予), last November, Ron Ng (吳卓羲)frequently denied the allegations. However, Ron was photographed picking up Viann at the Hong Kong airport in his million dollar Mercedes-Benz car and returning to Ron’s home together the day before. Despite the exposure of their dating relationship, Ron did not respond to the news. The reaction of Ron’s fans were polarized, with several individuals threatening on Viann’s blog, “Do not hurt Ron!”
Requesting Vacation Days to Spend with Girlfriend
While filming Pretty Maid <大丫鬟> in Shanghai last year, 31-year-old Ron met 24-year-old Viann. However, Ron never confirmed his dating relationship with Viann and their romantic rumors subsequently ceased. Since Ron’s romantic rumors with TVB colleagues, Sire Ma (馬賽)and Kate Tsui (徐子珊) gained in strength recently, perhaps Viann came to Hong Kong to officiate her girlfriend status.
Yesterday morning, Ron filmed TVB series, ATF Counterterrorism Unit < ATF反恐> and left work in the afternoon. Allegedly, he will not have any filming needs in the next several days. Perhaps Ron requested vacations days to spend with Viann while she was in Hong Kong. Reporters contacted Ron to confirm his relationship with Viann. Through his manager, Ron responded, “I will not comment on my private matters.” Ron’s lack of denial was a marked departure from his previous strong protests when romantically linked with Kate Tsui and Sire Ma.
On June 8th, Viann wrote on her blog, “If you do not believe in the people close to you and the people you love, it is tiring to live. I am willing to believe. I also believe that I am lucky and fortunate. I believe that there will be a good future. I believe in him!” Perhaps Viann’s blog post hinted at her trust in Ron despite his rumors with Sire Ma and Kate Tsui.
Initially, the media speculated that Viann arrived in Hong Kong to promote Chin Kwok Wai’s (錢國偉)new film, Days of Summer <戀夏•戀夏•戀戀下>. However, the director indicated that the film will not be released until August and there were no current scheduled promotional events. He indicated that he has not received any phone calls from Viann. Reporters contacted Viann’s manager, Vivian, who noted that Viann was on vacation and will not respond to media inquiries.
Fans Caution Against Bed Photos
Since the exposure of Ron and Viann’s relationship, many fans left messages on Ron’s blog. Some fans indicated that they were “very hurt,” “could not accept the sudden news,” and “If the romance were real, they will support Ron.” Ron’s fans even posted on Viann’s blog, “Please treat him well! Do not possess an evil heart like your good sister! If he is hurt, you know the consequences you will be facing!” It appeared that fans cautioned Viann against taking bed photos with Ron, a similar gesture which resulted in a big scandal between Raymond Lam (林峯) and Mavis Pan (潘霜霜).
Jayne: With the clarity of Appledaily’s photos of Ron and Viann together at the airport, it is impossible to deny that they are in a relationship. The fan reaction so far sounds generally positive.
It is good that the fans are supportive and that is what Ron needs when he is finally ready to admit that Viann is his girlfriend. Good luck to Ron and hopefully things turn out better than it did for Ray.
I also wanted to add that the truth will come out sooner or later, and so we now have the result. That is one of the reasons why I believe that it is good to tell the truth from the beginning because it will come out sooner or later…
I believe most of his fans will be supportive, and only a small partial will cried their heart out – too bad that in many situations these small percentage of fans are often the “loudest”..and the media noticed them..huh .
It’s not the fans’ lives to choose. Let the celebrity pick their own choices and live their own life. Fans should live their own life too. Yay and cheers.
Yesterday Viann deleted some harsh comments in her weibo. I tracked hers and some Ron fans are very harsh to call her “b!tch” or “gold digger”.
Ouch. She must be hurt if she cared enough to delete the comments.
WOW, they actually used terms like that?? I can’t believe it… Some fans are just too obsessed and need to grow up. It’s not like it is their choice or is it up them who Ron wants to be with.
Well, in some fans’ eyes:
Sire – Dun match
Charmaine – Too old
Kate – Too many time, too tomboy
Viann – Gold digger
They might think they are the suitable one.
I have a question. Was Ella Koon and Ron truly dating and cohabiting?
I don’t think so. I think Ella dun like Ron
Ermmm.. Raymond? His one true love perhaps?
@ Funn: 2R :P. I of course dun mind.
Raymond – Perfect match
So far, I’ve not seen any 2R haters yet.
@ Kidd: Have. You can check in weibo for an username “Real version of Back to 3 kingdom” (in chinese). She admitted herself as an anti 2R (love Ron). She suggested Ron fans dun like 2R because it means hurt Ron.
How is dating Ron gold digging? Lol
Maybe they assume that Ron is richer than Viann?
Maybe Ron does have more money than Viann does???
Because he is more famous, richer and more well known?? Or rather she is less famous, less richer and who is she again?
I thought to be considered a gold-digger, one have to be actively doing so like what Cecilia was rumoured to be doing or attaching yourself to a filthy rich guy?
If just dating a guy richer than you is considered gold-digger, than most girls are gold-diggers since it’s the norm that the male partner earns more than the female partner.
I agree with you kidd. haha. Viann must be REALLY poor if dating Ron is considered an upgrade in socioeconomic status. I’ve never thought, heard, read, or even had the impression that he was privileged in any way. Y’all sound like you’re just speculating. Until Ron shells out cash to buy her a matching luxury vehicle, I don’t believe in the “gold digger” label haha
Do we know anything concretely about their individual backgrounds?
A gold digger can be 2 types; one who is and another is assumed to be. Those who is, no need to explain. Assume to be means yes, some girl of way lesser fame/wealth dating someone way more famous/richer. It is mostly an assumption, more so when the guy is decades older, uglier, etc.
Filthy rich guy also but how many really filthy rich guy anyway? Someone not quite filthy rich is also considered one. But mostly it is because the girl OR the guy is of lesser circumstances. You don’t call for example Warren Buffet’s granddaughter (if any) marrying or dating Bill Gates’ son as she being a gold digger. That we call an amalgamation of power.
Yeah its really sad that there are always some of those fans that go to the extremes and do such things. But hopefully no one generalize that its all Ron fans because I myself am ron’s fan and I totally support them. But we all know that all celebrities have those extreme fans who think they own their celebrities. Hopefully Viann can ignore those comments because ppl will always hate no matter what she does. Just ignore and enjoy her time with Ron and don’t lets these childlike comments ruin her mood. Seriously those fans need to let go and do something more productive.
I guess the fans are still too young and are still fantasizing about having a chance with Ron(or other idols). They will accept and move on with time. If they don’t, then they may have a psychological problem like that one Andy fan in the past. I have also noticed that overly obsessed fans tend to move on quickly as well since there are soooo many artists in the circle. They may really like Ron a lot at this moment, but then the next moment, they will like someone else.
Celebrities’ main selling point, when they were young, good looking and unmarried is this fantasy; that they are available and for you. Fans will grow up as he grows up to accept marriage is inevitable.
If they are 13 or 14, it’s possible.
“I guess the fans are still too young and are still fantasizing about having a chance with Ron(or other idols).”
Ahem, jim.
” I have also noticed that overly obsessed fans tend to move on quickly as well since there are soooo many artists in the circle.”
Not jim. She confessed that she will support Raymond forever and ever.
Chriselle, don’t play jim. She/he is also my fan LOL :P.
@ Chriselle
Jim is very supportive of Ray. Unless the girl hurt Ray like what Mavis Pan did, she will support his girl. She has been very supportive of Ray’s co-stars.
I think Jim is very supportive of TVB. True test is if Mavis is also with TVB, you will then see who her support goes to.
@jim, Aw, what’s your reason to support TVB so heavily? Since Fox is jim’s fan, you can prolly answer this question too?
@Chriselle: What did you read? Jim is Fox’s fans. Fox isn’t jim’s fan.
@Fox, Lol, sorry Fox. The way you worded your previous comment was confusing. I just went back and reread it.
Well many fans confess and say that they will support their “idol” forever and ever, however, it is a lot easier said than done just like with anything. I constantly hear that from overly obsessed fans, but then someone new comes out… They then quickly wave good bye to their former idol and move on…
I have faith in jim LMAO~
poor girl receiving such comments. yeah right like Ron is not a player and might hurt her instead. Fans sometimes don’t use their brains…
I don’t really care if he is dating and who he is dating but I just hope that it is a sincere relationship and they both are happy together. But at the same time, I think all HK artists got a big reminder from Ray’s case to not have possibly scandalous photos..
I suppose you can say they’re both happy together until they break up.
@ Funn Lim
Good point.. Hopefully it will be a amicable breakup if it does happen or both parties can take the high road..
We shall see how things turn out..
Time will tell everything… I also hope that if they break up, it will be a amicable one and not a bad one like with Mavis and Ray.
Come on! With clarity of them in HIS house also they can deny a relationship. Airport? Is Airport more intimate than her in her ermmm pyjamas was it and in his house?
Airport or house are just places where they are caught. If the girl dun reveal the date, the reporters can’t track his house 24/7 or have inside pictures.
So you think she revealed the time, date, place, venue, angle, position to the coordinates?
Just a side question, and I don’t want any cynicism cause I’ve got enough, is Ron’s Mandarin that good to flawlessly communicate with Viann? Or is her Cantonese that good? Anyone care to clarify either parties’ oral LANGUAGE skills?
Body language? :P.
Maybe her Cantonese is ok as she wants to have career as model and actress in HK. BTW, Ron’s Mando skill improved a lot.
Ron’s skills are not completely fluent. He was pretty bad before, but I think he improved a lot now after participating in some mainland dramas. At least he understands it completely and can prob carry on a conversation. I don’t think Viann can speak cantonese but I think she understands it. So maybe one speaks cantonese while the other speaks mandarin and they can still understand each other.
PBI I have met couples who very basically speak each other’s language and get along just fine. Married couples.
For some people, conversation is just not that important…LOL. ::shrugs::
Since Ron has filmed in a Taiwan series and Mainland series before, his mandarin should have improved to the stage where communication is possible.
I read from reports that Viann’s Canto is ok though not fluent.
Ron’s Mando though not fluent but I believe it can be understood.
no talk needed just body language
LOL SDS-I was asking the same question. Yes, Ron’s mandarin has improve but still very hard to understand him. I guess there is something called the universal language and it does not require speech, just action. LOL
yes i admit will always support ray.
Idolism is a sin
It doesn’t have to be a sin if you know how to control it and use it for the right reasons.
You can easily say that now, but years down the line, who really knows??
@HTS, Don’t question Jim’s unconditional support for Ray. It will mean more spam for our comments section.
jim is a robot… idolizing raymond way too much on this site!
although, i am not ron fan, but i just want to wish ron all the best.
You don’t need to be a fan to wish him the best.
Ron doesn’t look handsome in this hairdo. He looks way more “ying” with his bangs down. He also looks very tired in the photo, no wonder some people were saying that he looks old, lol.
Viann’s beauty is way too perfect to believe lol. Needless to say, she may had undergone plastic surgery but it doesn’t matter to Ron it seems. Ron in the other hand…never intrigue me as a good actor in TVB, probably due to the boring scripts given to him. I bet it’s just sex that make Ron likes this girl and the girl is probably due to $$$ since Ron seems like someone who will folk alot of $$$ to girls he’s interested in.
I’m sure Ron has learned some lessons from his best friend Ray’s incident, it’s better if he admits everything rather than pics of him and viann in bed surfaces.
Viann definately has had plastic surgery and I think that everyone knows that. I agree that he should just admit things instead of get caught like Ray and then suffer the same consequences.
I’m afraid if she just use Ron for publicity and money while Ron is sincere for her. I don’t blame fans that says to Viann don’t hurt Ron. She remind people of mavis
Alot of celebrities love publicity as long as its about them and as long as it is not damaging to their careers. I think they are both enjoying all this – afterall nothing really bad has been said but people just keep speculating this and that. I honestly don’t like her at all.
Agree and who doesn’t like publicity that may help them?? I personally don’t have a good feeling towards her either. I wonder how Ron’s parents feel about her? I also wonder if he has taken her home to see his family? If they are traditional and all, I highly doubt that they will approve of her just like how Ray’s dad did not like Mavis.
If Ron takes another girl home (not Viann), still can’t ensure that his parents like this girl more than Viann.
I don’t like at all too. She’s pretty but in a plactic way. Honestly she’s not a good choice for Ron. She resembles Mavis in many parts and I have feeling that she’s with Ron for publicity too.
Yea, she may look pretty, but it is a very artificial and plastic type of look which I don’t find attractive at all. Since Ron is supposedly more famous and makes more than she does, she is probably with him for publicity and all. Ron will know in time if she is the one for him or not. I still wonder how his parents and older sister feel about her? If it were me, I would not like my younger brother dating someone like her.
don’t you guys worry about Ron. He is not that innocent type either he may just have fun with her…
I hope Ron will realize too whether she’s with him sincerely or just for publicity. I wouldn’t want my brother or friend dating someone like her too
Even though Ron isn’t innocent, this girl seems more complicated than him… I think that if they both played each other, Ron may lose to her…
they are doing a fair trade and we don’t know who will come out on top. Who knows maybe they do love it other, i don’t think so though. She wants fame and Ron wants her plastic body haha
I agree with exoidus and btw, my comments about you not liking plastic is a compliment.
They are both adult and know exactly what they are getting themselves into. If scandals pictures does surface, well, tough luck, what the hell did you expect. If she takes those bed pictures with her ex-boyfriend and is not afraid to circulate it around the internet, what is it going to stop her now? Right now they may have lots of attraction toward each other but mind you that she is only 23, so still very young. Which man does not like a young flesh, but in terms of taking one home, I hope he had enough sense in himself and think twice.
Most HK guys are after these bootilicious and young chinese girls from Mainland probably due to their sultry personality and etc. Ron and Ray are normal guys who also have normal sex urge in them lol. Therefore, even Ron knew the girl is just after his wealth and popularity, Ron wouldn’t mind it since he gets something in exchange and that’s sex. It’s strange though women’s views about plastic surgery is way too different than men lol.. Probably the sayings about men thinking with their d**k is true lol. Sorry I mean to curse here, i just thought of the chinese saying about men using their…. erm…to think only
Viann is definitely not an easy type, only at 23-24 of age, she already undergoned probably major plastic surgery done on her body. Can you just imagine why she needs to alter her body? Is it because she can use it to earn more money? and at her age, some girls are still pretty innocent and dull looking..Viann is definitely not a simple minded girl who search for true love, it’s something else in her mind to be with Ron.
correction : I don’t mean to curse up there ^
Very well said Veejay! Well in the circle, of course your looks and body are important, therefore, since Viann does not seem to have much talent so she has to rely on her looks(even though they are not real, but who is really a natural beauty these days??). Her looks are also used to attract rich and more talented men so that she can seek more opportunities for herself and maybe find someone well off to marry. But looks fade with time so hopefully, she has more than that. However, based on her past photo scandal, she doesn’t seem like the typical “good girl”. She didn’t seem to mind posting intimate photos of her and her ex online and circulating them, therefore, she can do the same to Ron. But hey, he should already know what he is getting himself into…
Thanks HetieShou,
Speaking about bed and sex photos leaked by their female partner, I think that’s not a big issue for the male actor/singer probably because to me, male’s body is nothing special to explore except for their 6 packs lol. Even if Ron’s nude or bed photo is leaked out one day by Viann, it’s not a big issue since Ron himself has admitted his relationship with Viann and the whole thing will just give public an impression of “Normal guy having normal sex with the partner”, public will gradually move on and forget about the whole photo leaking. But in the other hand, Viann will be bad spot though, public will project an image of her for betraying Ron and using the pics for cheap publicity. In the end, Viann will become the loser of the game.
*PS: I not a fan of Ron, I may sound like one since my judgement to Ron is positive, and that’s because 1st. Ron admitted the relationship and not hiding, 2) Viann gives people an impression that she’s so plastic in all kinds.
Note: Ron didn’t deny but he didn’t admit the dating with Viann. In fact, he hasn’t said anything with the media.
Very well said again and really agree with you. I think it is sad that that girls always seem to have the bad end of the stick. I guess society is still male dominated where women are still viewed in such a negative way.
Ron did not straight out admit but he did not deny it either. However, based on what we know about him and how he responds to this kind of stuff, he is in a sense admitting it. I like it when artists are honest when it is necessary.
I think there were also photos released of Viann in bed w/her ex bf… similar to Raymond’s where nothing was really showing… there was speculation that it was also for media/publicity purposes. Hopefully, Ron is smart enough to not take scandalous photos w/ her.
Well even if they were taken, they could be taken without his consent just like what Mavis did with Ray.
Unless Ron confiscates her handphone, he can’t really prevent his pictures from being taken.
Maybe Viann is more “ting hua” than Mavis? My impression of Ron is he is more in control in a relationship, more chavisnistic if you wish. Anyway he looks like it.
We only see the breakup of LF and PSS, right? We haven’t seen their love period. Means LF has a better hide skill (hide the media) than Ron because only when PSS gives Next the pix, the love is revealed. If she didn’t do so, now we still have to see of Rayda love story…
cause all Raymomd did was stay at home with PSS
and never opens his curtains
And he was always sleeping anyway.
Agree with you Funn and it does seem like Ron is more in control.
The only pic that Viann can get is of herself.
but viann zhang did deny when reporters asked if ron is dating her, and yes they all believe, why the reporters still go after ray, he doesnt even know anything much about this incident.
@Fox,good point if PSS not give out the pix, still talk Rayda..very goodto hide the media w/in a year..
OT. I just saw the preview and 1st episode of Wax And Wane. I was wondering why this title? I thought “Karate Kid”? Why not “Reunited”? Anyway very interesting series and yes Ron looks dishy. But the acting powerchops is Roger who as he grows older is taking more riskier unlikeable role which I am sure will suffer and comeuppance and change for the better. Series looks good, but ah why must they have love triangles?
Same light saw the song for Ghetto Justice. Loved it! It has style! Looks gritty! Don’t care if original song or not.
Right now I am interested in these 2 series, haven’t been this interested for a long time! Especially Ghetto Justice which in style looks like a departure from the usual TVB fare. Great song!
So now there’s Kevin and Ron, both I never quite like but I think these 2 series may change a little opinion.
Ron looks irresistable in this series. Roger yes great acting but the disappointment is Sunny Chan. What happened to his acting? He’s weak and lacking in his acting in this series.
I used to remember that Sunny was as equal or more than Gallen in acting in ATE back then but in Wax and Wane Roger totally overshadowed him
Gallen was always better than Sunny in acting. The only series that I ever liked of Sunny is War and Destiny. His other roles were very blah and forgettable.
It’s hard to judge Sunny’s acting in Wax and Wane because the character itself is very disturbing and frustrating to watch. He’s rash, uneducated, and impulsive. Although he has some good qualities like kindheartedness and responsible, the bad outweighs the good.
I beg to differ. right now his character is shouting all the time but he did those scenes well. He really showed the difference between his character which lacks education and is impulsive and that of Roger’s who has education and is calculative. I find them paired off well and I thought bis acting was good. Of course even way before he was never an outstanding actor but compared to many, to me he is good. I hope to see him paired with Charmaine again one day.
As for Ron, yes he looks very good but acting is still lacking. He improved but his eyes lack expression. 1st episode Roger was very angry with him and that was top notch acting when Roger who probably don’t shout a lot but is manipulative shouted at Ron and Ron’s expression was all wrong. He didn’t look shocked, he didn’t look anything, in fact his eyes was elsewhere. That scene really illustrates masterclass acting and a subpar one. BUT Ron improved tremendously.
I am just annoyed to see Toby. Why is she in this series? Why her? Kate still looks crazy but with less or rather less obvious makeup she looks young and fresh even if her face is a bit puffy.
“Gallen was always better than Sunny in acting. The only series that I ever liked of Sunny is War and Destiny. His other roles were very blah and forgettable.”
I like Sunny more than Gallen in ATE. I thought before he left TVB Sunny’s representative series is that Shanghai series, what was the name. Now I don’t like Sunny much. He looks old and his acting are always bothering me and I don’t think it’s just his character, it must be because of his acting too.
Roger is really top notch in this series so far, anyone else think this character is reminiscencent of his character in LOS? He did a superb job in that one.
Kate only look prettier with that hair and clothes but her acting never change and she always look fake as a good person I don’t know why. Ron improves a lot and of course his looks is smashing.
Roger was more evil in LOS to the point where he was very creepy. But it was rare of TVB to film these types of dark series so LOS was refreshing to watch. Yet, at the end, I still didn’t enjoy the thriller much.
I prefer Roger in W&W. Although he’s calculative and manipulative, he’s not completely illogical in his actions. He’s always against Sunny, but claims that he’s only doing whatever’s good for the company and acting from the standpoint of the company. I understand why he would dislike his father for having an affair with another woman. Also, Sunny stole his gf while he was studying overseas. I pity him more than dislike him. Btw, Roger’s acting here is top notch. Some of his emotions and eye contact can be quite creepy, lol.
I really like Kate in here. Before, I always thought she was only capable of playing emotionless assassins, like in The Four and Relic of an Emissary. But she acts more natural here and I’m actually enjoying her good girl role.
Ron’s acting is still lacking. I thought he improved back in E.U., but there seems to be fluctuations. I don’t like his hair as it makes him look older. He looks better with his bangs down.
I like Roger’s character so far and yes I pity him more than despise him. He’s doing a great job with his expression. The one that I despise is Sunny. I can’t get anything good about him now.
“Series looks good, but ah why must they have love triangles?”
What’s wrong with love triangles?
I wonder if there will be something between Roger and Kate. Ron and Kate makes a good couple, but they’re too loving towards each other right now. I’ve seen the first 5 episodes and they two’s relationship isn’t under challenge.
From preview looks like Kate may be the one to soften his hardened heart perhaps?
I also am confused. I thought Derek and I think Claire is it are both bro and sis and yet the stupid preview revealed so many things, one of which is both of them in bed together and the real villain is derek. I mean why show so much?!
I predict Ron will end with Kate since I don’t think Roger deserves anyone in this series
Ahh… spoilers! I didn’t watch the previews, although I did hear that Derek will be evil from a long time ago when the series began filming.
I think Ron and Kate will end up together too. As for Roger, from the theme video, it seems like he will like another girl. I don’t know the name of the actress, but I think it will be the wealthy girl, Zita, who appeared in episode 3 or 4.
I think in the middle of the series Kate will get closer to Roger and he will fall for her for real, but in the end Kate realized that the love of her life Ron.
In the song bit where Ron NG is singing the Wax and wane theme song, at the end where it states what episode it is, you can see vaguely a family picture with both Man and Yung family together. You can se that Kate and Ron are holding a baby which is covered in a blanket. *cute*
Just wanted to let you know (:
This is the site of the pictures of Viann Zhang 张馨予 in bed with her boyfriend scandal.
Neither parties are victims here. Ron and Viann have both in the circle for quite some time now, I’m sure whatever concerns his fans have for him, he’s thought about himself a million times over.
Even if it’s not love, both are gaining something… Viann publicity and Ron, a pretty girl to spend time with. Doesn’t matter who thinks she pretty/not pretty/plastic/fake.. Ron likes the way she looks and that’s enough.
Viann always give an impression that she’s only in this relationship with ulterior motive and not love
Maybe its just me, Kate looks hot in the new series of W&W. Probably due to her long straight hair which make her looks skinnier and elegant?….
She looks skinnier. Before this her face always look puffy and big but in this series she’s thinner and better looking with better hair but I still say she should stay away from goody-goody roles
Agree with you on the goody role, Kate is way better in evil role probably due to her wild and mystery looks.