Ron Ng is Afraid to Date

Ron Ng’s (吳卓羲) recent drama, Black Heart White Soul <忠奸人>, was well-received by viewers. In the spotlight once again, Ron’s love life remains empty since his split with mainland actress Viann Zhang (張馨予) in 2012. That year, Ron’s image was tarnished by the high profile breakup, along with accusations that he had cheated in his relationship with Viann.
Although Ron wants to date, he quietly admits that he is afraid to due to the abundance of gossip reports. “If the other person is in the industry, then she would understand, but what if she is not? Even if she is understanding, my friends and family may not be and they may nag. I dislike having to give explanations. Right now, my bank account is the most valuable thing! I don’t want to say I’m not going to date, but I know I won’t for the time being!” Ron rests his dreams on buying a new car and house instead.
Earlier, a former TVB production assistant accused Ron of treating staff rudely and having poor manners. Ron countered the allegations and said he has never yelled at anyone in the station. He does not remember the individual working at TVB, and neither does Raymond Lam (林峯) nor Kenneth Ma (馬國明) have recollection. Ron said, “I don’t want to say too much anymore and help others promote themselves. I can say that when I film at the studio, many staff from the costume department will bring homemade soup for me.”
Rewarding Roles
Although many believe that Ron lacked TVB’s promotion in recent years, he continues to film one series after another. After Black Heart White Soul, Ron is partnering with Anthony Wong (黃秋生) and Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) in Lord of Shanghai <梟雄>. Ron does not mind whether he is playing the lead role or not. “To me, the most important thing is playing a character with potential.”
Ron is eager to observe how Anthony behaves on set and learn from the critically-acclaimed actor. “If I want to analyze his acting, I can buy a DVD and watch it at home. It’s more important to see how Anthony behaves outside the camera, such as how he studies the script, handles the dialogue, and interacts with others. Anthony is like a walking dictionary; he is able to answer any questions you have. He knows the complete background and historical setting of the story. If you don’t know anything, you can ask him. He prepares well prior to filming, and will not confuse the character and the historical setting. This is something that we as younger artistes can learn from him!”
Source: Three Weekly via
This article is written Su for
No matter what he will get gossip
what an useless article.
*cough* he doesnt want to be the next bosco wong *cough*
In my opinion, he has so many opportunity to shine but fail to each time. Poor Ron.
Sometimes luck plays a role. Wayne was always a good actor but he wasn’t promoted till the late 2000s.
Agree. Ron is a total opposite to me. He got promoted but didn’t have the acting chop to back it up.
go Ron go
shouldn’t it be a walking encyclopedia since dictionary only covers words and definitions but encyclopedias or those almanacs is filled with info.