Ron Ng Wants to Become a Successful Landlord

Ten years ago, Ron Ng (吳卓羲) successfully grabbed the audience’s attention with his role as Isaac Tong in Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲霄>. Throughout the years, Ron has matured in many ways. Besides making career progress, he has learned to take the opportunity to make investments. After purchasing his first home for $9 million HKD a few months ago, Ron now has plans to purchase an office space along with two other flats to rent out. His goal is to become a successful landlord.
Speaking of finally purchasing his own home in Sham Tseng, Ron expressed, “I always knew real estate investments are important, but I preferred cars over houses when I was younger. The books I read spoke of cars, not apartment buildings. A lot of money was spent on household items, cars, and furnishings. I couldn’t save enough money [for my own home]. Once, I spent millions [HKD] on a new car.”
Ron’s current plan to become a landlord is influenced by two important women. One is his mother, and the other is his manager. He revealed, “They always complained to me about my car purchases. My mother told me I should mortgage a home instead of renting one. She said even if I have no work opportunities in the future, at least I’ll have a house on hand.”
Ron continued, “The estate in Sham Tseng is a gift for my mother, so we’ll live there together. I want to purchase two more flats for rent. They don’t need to be large mansions. Small homes around 500 feet are enough, where I can rent them out to couples. Other than that, I also want to purchase an office space to work in. Besides using it to hold meetings with my manager, I can fill it with gifts I receive from fans.” Ron mentioned he has been looking around for the appropriate space.
Many years ago, Ron’s mother has asked him about marriage plans and having children. “Since I’m an only child, I told her I temporarily did not have such plans. I wasn’t ready, and I wanted to put my career ahead of everything else. I wanted to earn more money so my future family can live comfortably.”
Ron Ng Progressing Slowly Compared to Others?
The negative gossip about Ron in past years have affected his career status. Other TVB siu sangs such as Raymond Lam (林峯), Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), and Kenneth Ma (馬國明) debuted around the same time as him, but advanced faster. Ron expressed, “When I first entered the industry, Raymond and I already came to an agreement that we would not lose our friendship to work. When one of us makes progress, the other would be happy.” Ron told the press that he and Raymond are true friends that help each other out when needed.
“In [TVB], everyone is at a different position. No one can steal someone else’s spotlight. After all, I’m not taking slow steps. I’ve always been working and filming dramas. In recent years, half my time is devoted to filming in mainland China, since there is a larger market. I hope to have opportunities in both Hong Kong and mainland China.”
In the beginning of the year, Ron was busy filming The Woman in the Cubicle <格子間女人> and Marriage in 10 Years <待嫁十年> in Shanghai and Shenzhen respectively. Allegedly, Ron received 200,000 RMB per episode.
Source: Ming Pao Weekly #2339 via
This article is written by Shirley for
Glad to know how Ron has matured over the years. If he keeps this mentality and maturity, and further improve his acting, he’ll be back in lead siusang status in no time!
Yea totally agree hope the best for Ron.
After the big Viann scandal last year, it does seem like Ron is finally maturing. He stopped any further gossip with Kelly Fu, is now able to save up to buy property instead of wildly spending it on cars, and his acting has improved in Triumph 2. Although he’s always considered one of the top siu sangs, his past roles did not really reflect that since he would play supporting roles in Forensic Heroes 3, Lescargot, SSSS, etc. With the help of the popularity of Issac, he’s back to more leading roles again and he’ll be the main male lead in an upcoming Nov series.
Ron has improved and matured after the Viann scandal and stoped all gossip with Kelly Fu which is a good thing. But he was 2nd main lead in Lescargot and FH3. But it kinda looked like he was supporting cast.
Man, I think there is a Ron Ng fatigue around here caused by flurry of article related to him.
If this were part of his image rehabilitation campaign, then I would say OK, got it, please stop!
i don’t think he progressed slowly. back in the mid 2000s, he had the most lead roles and then something happened. he went down.
I know, he looks better than all of the other ones mentioned and play in many good roles but he’s lately it’s like he’s went into secondary leads. WTH happened to him anyway? haha LOL>..
Ikr I wonder what happen he and Raymond was top back then and had a lot of good roles now Ron is getting secondary leads and supporting cast for some reason.
I know, I remember he was actual first leads a while back n then all of a sudden it seems even thou he still is a secondary lead of some sort, it’s still lacking in a big way. Esp in that stupid Damien Lau w/lots of wives series, even that boring Kenneth Ma’s role is bigger than Ron’s. There isn’t any likable character in that series for me except for that guy who loves Idy Chan’s character but Ron’s was just forgettable so TVB is quite weird. Promoting ppl in a certain way and not all the way.
Support Ron!
He needs to win an award for Isaac! Support Ron (:
Ron is not an only child. Doesn’t he have an older sister and a brother too?? This other article mentioned him having a niece so he definitely has siblings. Another example of how a lot of inaccurate info gets reported.
Exactly! This same website reported he has a niece
So even if the writer didnt do her background check, the editor should have picked it up!
Glad to see Ron maturing and making good use to his money and focusing on his career. I hope Ron get more first lead roles and eventually get tvb king or best actor again.
Never know maybe Ron might get tv king this year if tvb wants to promote him and plus Ron hot property in mainland like Kevin Cheng
Dream on……..
Well the awards not about acting skills so u never know what can happen
Hey, lol, your optimism is inspiring
Ron has always been the same person he was when he debuted, thè same outgoing and carefree laid back guy. It’s a positive quality which is why he still is favored by audiences not necessarily for his acting ability but off screen personality. I don’t think Issac well at least in the sequel is much of a breakthrough role, he only got praises because its one of the few roles where he was like able well at least in the beginning for example The Brink Of Law or most recently Season Of Love where in my opinion his character there is very similar to Issac. His acting was fine but its still Ron, not much improvement. I think he could be a good villain or semi villain as in Pretty Maid. Glad to see he is still getting exposure in the industry but still the weakest among his peers. Good thing he has on screen charisma.
This is Ron I admire. He is genuine and filial.
Really happy to see that Ron has matured since his days from TITS. I recall seeing him as a kelefeh in Golden Faith too!
I do think that he can be quite a versatile actor but there’s little of positive news around him which kind of throws in into a bad light and possibly causes his progress in the circle to slow down.
Keep going when the days are tough, Ron Ng. You’ll do well. Especially without the negative rumours around you like Viann whatever and Kelly Fu.
In my mind, I think Ron advanced faster than the other sui sangs mentioned. He won an award for his role in Twin of Brothers over Raymond in the same drama. Then he became a singer and released an album way earlier than Ray and Bosco.
I think his acting has always been very good and is much better than Kenneth and kinda over passing Ray. If only TVB would not leave him out and give him bigger roles. He’s starting to turn into a secondary actor and the few years before, his main character roles were ones that were not as important. Poor him =(
Finally tired of boozing, womanising and frolicking in pools with someone else’s wife?