Ron Ng Will Not Harm Others in Climb to the Top

Acting was a career that Ron Ng (吳卓羲) never thought he would touch on.
“I was a backup-dancer for Louis Koo’s (古天樂) ‘In Style’ <今期流行> at the time. When we were getting ready in the dance studio, he sat beside me and asked, ‘Leng Jai [Handsome boy], are you interested in an onscreen career?’ I said no because I wasn’t very familiar with how the dynamics worked. If I was interested, I would have auditioned for the artist training class instead. Louis continued, ‘Not interested? Do it!’ I told him I’ll consider it. Afterwards, an executive from the artist training department had a talk with him, and that’s how I got from being a dancer to an actor.”
For the next two years, Ron was cast in minor speaking roles in several dramas. He obtained his first major supporting role in 2003’s Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲霄>, the same series that propelled Ron to instant fame. Not only did Ron become one of TVB’s most promoted siu sangs, but he also became a singer and released an album, which sold fairly well.
Low Point in Career
Ron’s career took a downturn in 2007 with the onset of negative rumors. His clean-cut image affected, TVB arranged Ron to film mainland Chinese dramas for a period of time. Ron admitted that it was a period of low tides.
“Was I unhappy? Of course I was, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that I must coordinate myself. Do not get arrogant when you get good results. I have kept this in my mind since I first joined the industry. The entertainment circle is a very difficult career. Your luck can change like a roller coaster at any time. I am not the type of person who likes to talk about my own misfortune with others, because many of my friends are not in this industry. When I am unhappy, I will grab a friend and just talk random things, to take away the worry. When I first read about my gossip, I really didn’t want to walk the streets. I didn’t want people to stare and point at me. Afterwards, I thought – I’m not a murderer. I didn’t do anything illegal. I’m not a rapist. I shouldn’t be so caught up with such nonsense gossip. It shouldn’t affect the way how I look at myself.”
Admiration for Francis Ng
In the industry for 13 years, Ron’s personality has matured, similar to his character, Issac, in Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II>. “Maturation in the entertainment industry is faster than other fields. It forces you to mature. Working in the entertainment industry for one year is equivalent to four to five years in another field.” Ron added, “After growing up, my thinking has also changed. In the past, I didn’t like to talk about my personal matters, only knowing how to close myself up. Now I know how to open my heart, widening my perspective.”
Working with Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) again in Triumph in the Skies 2, Ron got along better with his “elder brother” since Ron has matured over the last decade. While filming in England, Ron visited Francis’ hotel room and they chatted about the drama. Francis listened to Ron’s input and they mutually agreed on how to approach their scenes together, resulting in a believable brotherhood onscreen. Ron said Francis has a great sense of humor, but will become more serious during filming due to his passion for acting. They often say insulting jokes at each other, similar to their onscreen banter.
Betrayed by Colleague
Both Raymond Lam (林峯) and Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) debuted around the same time as Ron, but they have also become much more successful than Ron. Fortunately, the three friends stay supportive of each other. Fighting for the top is never written in their book.
“When we first debuted, I told Raymond that, whatever status we may reach in the future, we should not compare ourselves. You do well, I’ll be happy. I do well, you will also be happy. When I am not doing well, you will stay by my side and support me. This is what a true friend will do. In TVB, everyone has their own position and status. If the position is yours, no one can steal it.”
There is a dark side to the entertainment industry. In an industry as competitive as the entertainment circle, there are people who are willing to do anything to reach the top. Ron revealed that he had experiences of being bullied and humiliated.
“We all have ambition, but it’s hard. We only have two hours of sleep every day, and we still have to come up with plans to take down others? It’s so hard to live that way. I’ve had experiences of someone harming me. I didn’t do anything to you, but you still stabbed me. When you hesitate, people will step on you. I’ve always faced my career with the mindset of protecting myself. I did that more than stepping on others shoulders to reach the top.”
Did Ron hold a grudge against the colleague who harmed him? “The job was originally mine, but suddenly we had to exchange jobs. I did all my preparations already. This was many years ago. I kept thinking, why did you have to do that to me? Did you really have to go that far? But that incident didn’t change who I always am. I will not harm others to get to the top. That isn’t me.”
This article is written by Addy for
I wonder who! Moses Chan? Kenneth Ma? Is it even a Siu Sang?
Kenneth Ma is too nice though. Mmmm
I think it is ella koon
Ella Koon hates Ron for another reason. I heard Ella still hasn’t forgiven Ron until now.
I thought it’s cause they dated.
what can moses and Kenneth do it might not even be a actor might be a manager
It may be a manager since I have heard of managers cheating the artists of their money and stuff like that before.
It could be anyone for all we know behind the scenes a manger a siu sang a fada . But it can be Moses and Kenneth.
I also wonder who it is?? It may not even be an actor/siu sang. I have a feeling it is not Sammul or Kenneth because they seem to get along well. It may be someone who works behind the scenes, who knows??
it might have be Stephen chan because he is really good friends with joyce cheng mother and her mother didn’t like ron dating joyce it might have been related
I think it might have been Stephen Chan cos Ron seems to be doing pretty well now that Stephen has left
Moses Chan!? KENNETH MA?!… out of all the artists’ in tvb you name these two who seem like they wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
Don’t be too sure. I used to think Moses Chan was an angel until I saw how he handled the rumours surrounding Bernice that took a toll on her health. Bernice wasn’t entirely off the blame, but Moses preference to do nothing and say nothing was disappointing.
Moses Chan and Kenneth ma can be the betrayer. You’ll never know until we start doing some research and some interviews when we see the stars.
Sammul Chan said someone betrayed him too. I wonder if it’s the same person…
Sammul did say that but I don’t think it’s Ron and I don’t think Ron is referring to him either since they’ve collaborated in at least 3-4 more dramas together and they got along. That person is probably not even relevant now.
I also do not think it is Sammul… It may or may not be the same person.
You can’t truly know a person by just a few encounters, however, you do form an impression and I guess first impressions always stick. That goes for everyone that we know, not just celebs.
Thanks for the info and I never knew that.. I wonder if that was what Sammul meant by saying that Kenneth betrayed him??? But Sammul should not have said that his co stars could not act well… That is up to the director to decide and criticize.
@HTS: are you pointing at me? Do I look like I wanna know them (celebs)? They are definitely not my frds. I just judge them by encounters through the way they treat ppl in public, because they are public icons. I find its fairly fair, better than judge them through tabloids.
No, I was not aiming at you but was just talking in general. I get what you are saying, but even with public icons, who is nice all the time?? I have heard good and bad stories about everyone so just because anyone is not nice once does not mean that they are always like that and vice versa. Since you are a big fan of Raymond, what if he was arrogant/mean when you met him?? How would you feel?? Would you think badly of him? The point is, IF you like a celeb then you will give them the benefit of the doubt but if you dislike them, then you are bound to condemn them for anything… Everyone is bias to some extent…
I like Bosco but after he waved me out like to a fly, I wont go to him anymore but still watch his stuffs. Simply so. if LF behaves arrogant to me, I wont care to get close to him. But it dun mean I dun appreciate his talents anymore. Bosco is still an example. Btw, LF is still very nice to me whenever I saw him, even without reporters around or nobody else there, so I give him credits of being a nice guy. I’ve seen the two faced person who acts differently with and without cameras.
I based on my own experience, not through others’. Tat’s why to me Ma Ming is arrogant yet fake, but I dun force you to think the same way.
Sammuel Chan revealed that person was Kenneth Ma. I don’t think it’s the same person.
Really?!? When did Sammul say if was Kenneth?
Yes he did.
What were the circumstances for Sammuel being betrayed? I always read how nice Kenneth is, and Samuel seems like a nice person himself. I can’t imagine how something like that could happen.
Sammuel Chan said there was an actor among a group of 6 artistes acted friendly to him but betrayed him and badmouthed him to directors.The media chased him and he eventually answered that person was Kenneth Ma.
pretty sure sammul never revealed the name. there was plenty of speculation. ppl thought it was kenneth cuz hes too nice and there must be some fault to him. howevwr man thought it was bosco, esp when everyone came together for The Four and they seemed to all get along.
Maybe it is Raymond Lam? Okay, I know you girls wanna slap me right now, but calm down…I know he has got a lot of fans in jaynestars, but girls, calm down first and listen to me!
The reason why I said so was that they didn’t seem like friends. The things we saw were Ron and Raymond are friends, Ron and Samuel are friends, but so far we didn’t see Raymond and Samuel are…friends? It looked like the three of them were actually best friends, but then Raymond and Samuel argued with each other, and afterwards both of them were only friends with Ron. It was like Ron was the only one that was still friends with both parties and standing in the middle between them. Well, it’s just my speculation, so no offence.
Ling, did Sammul reveal how Kenneth betrayed him? I have always had a soft spot for Sammul and this is new news to me so interested to find out more. Thanks!
Kenneth Ma and Ron Ng appear extremely good friends on and off screen though. So…what? I dont think Kenneth Ma..
I don’t think Sammul has revealed the culprit. It was the media who speculated. I used to read all Sammul’s news because I’m his fan. He never said who betrayed him.
@ May
I don’t think it’s Raymond Lam. If it was, Sammul wouldn’t have defended Raymond in one of his interviews when Raymond was criticized by the media for his work ethic.
I don’t think it is Kenneth Ma. He doesn’t seem like the confrontational kind. I wonder who?
I think it most likely Kenneth Ma or Lai lok Yi or Moses Chan because Sammul said in his interview that the culprit is someone very unexpected and who looks like an angel towards everyone. That’s why some newspapers at that time speculated Kenneth Ma who could be an angel in disguise. At that time only Raymond and Kenneth Ma are known as good boys. Ron and Bosco are known as bad boys since day one, and in one interview with a HK magazine some time after Sammul disclosed to public that someone in TVB betrayed him, Sammul said that Ron and Bosco are nice guys. Maybe he feel guilty that many speculated and Ron and Bosco are the one that betrayed him and his fans attack Ron and Bosco.
I think it’s not Raymond, Bosco or Kenneth who betrayed Ron because they look close to each other up till recent functions. I just found that Kenneth doesn’t click well with Raymond among others based on his interviews, while Ron, Raymond and Bosco sometimes called themselves as good brothers but maybe it’s just different personalities issues. Maybe a senior betrayed Ron? Maybe he meant Viann Zhang used him to get to the top?
Why don’t Sammul and Ron give more hints or better yet just disclose it instead of making us attack and assume everyone are the culprit? There has been fan wars among Sammul’s fans vs other stars fans several years back and now knowing well how strong and vocal Ron’s fans can be to defend him, Ron might cause another fan wars to erupt again when his fans pointing fingers at all anyone they think is the culprit with such limited description.
I’m sure Sammuel Chan said the name of Kenneth Ma. There was a series with Sammuel Chan, Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma and Ron Ng, I saw Sammuel Chan, Raymond Lam and Ron Ng gathered and chatted during spare time but I didn’t see Kenneth Ma. I made a travel to the filming area to meet Ron Ng. Ron Ng is a great person.
With your analysis, I think it can be Kenneth Ma. Kenneth Ma took a character supposed to be Ron’s? I don’t know because I don’t watch series of Hongkong without Ron. I recall there was a series supposed to be Ron’s as a time traveler but I didn’t see it eventually. Ron says that person took his character when he was well prepared. It’s insane.
Ling: Kenneth has said that he isn’t that close to the younger group of Ron, Raymond, Bosco, Sammul etc in his interviews last year, so I think it isn’t strange that he’s sometimes alienated, but I think it’s more because Kenneth is in another age group and older than the boys. However I always see Kenneth behaving friendly around Ron and Bosco, but less so around Raymond. Maybe because Raymond is a more serious person.
You must be talking about BT3K. Kenneth did took Ron’s character but Ron was only featured in the sales presentation. Everything can change, sales presentation isn’t definite. Most of the blame I heard back then about the series change of cast was towards Raymond anyway, not Kenneth although there are some complaints that Kenneth was too old for the character that Ron played in the sales presentation.
It’s not the first time a casting change is done, Raymond was supposed to be in AFOS, but he was replaced by Kevin and Kenneth when the series get filmed.
bbfanny, I don’t have a clue. I’m regretting I couldn’t go to see the promotions of the new series of Ron Ng. I recall I saw some pictures Ron Ng was friendly to Kenneth Ma. However Ron Ng is a great person, he has never maltreated anyone.
During my last travel to see Ron Ng, I only saw Sammuel Chan, Ron Ng and Raymond Lam together in a group. Especially Raymond Lam and Ron Ng, they returned hotels in same car. I have never seen Kenneth Ma with them. Anytime I saw Kenneth Ma, he looked serious and I didn’t dare to get near to him. Moreover he didn’t tell a fan of Sammuel Chan where Sammuel Chan was consequently our group of Ron Ng’s fans didn’t dare to ask him about Ron Ng.
I don’t have a clue about that series. I only watched series with Ron Ng and I have just became Raymond Lam’s fan in recent time. I didn’t know which character Raymond Lam played in the series supposed to be Ron’s however he isn’t the time traveler? If he isn’t, do you know why the blames was towards him?
Ling: In the salea presentation, Ron played the main character who is the gamer turns time traveller and Steven Ma played one of the Generals. Power Chan played ZGL. In the real series, Kenneth took Ron’s character, Raymond took Power’s character and I forgot who took Steven Ma’s character, I think it was Ruco. I don’t know why the blame went to Raymond instead, maybe because he has a more negative public image than Kenneth?
The series is that Three Kingdom RPG series. Ron never actually signed on to that project only to film the sales presentation. Steven filmed the sales presentation as well which in the end Raymond took over that character and Fala played Tavia’s role in the presentation. Besides Ron already clarified that he had to film Forensic Heroes 3 at the time so therefore he couldn’t film that drama. Besides casting is up to the producer not the artistes.
It would be cuter if Ron filmed BT3K instead of FH3 at that time since he was yet again a boring cop in FH3 and Kenneth wouldn’t get criticized for being old for the time traveller role, but I get it that the producers decide these castings.
Raymond didn’t take over steven Ma’s role and Tavia didn’t take over Fala’s role.
Comparing the sales presentation and the actual series, here are the took over roles
Kenneth Ma – Ron Ng – Time-Traveler
Raymond Lam – Power Chan – Zhuge Liang
Jimmy Au – Steven Ma – Guan Yu
Fala’s character didn’t exist in the final production.
Thank you for your clarifications. I think the blames shouldn’t be towards Raymond Lam because he didn’t replace the central character. In my understanding Kenneth Ma is the central character, isn’t he? I have no clue why Raymond Lam is hated. He appeals as a nice man to me. During my last travel, I was glad to see him and Ron Ng. Ron Ng is my idol and I wasn’t have strong impressions with Raymond Lam. However his fans and him were friendly.
I wasn’t exactly talking about character wise but Raymond took over since Steven was one of the leads in the presentation and of course Tavia is the only female lead which Fala would of played since they were both suppose to be love interests of the time traveler’s character
Thanks Ling and everyone else for the clarifications. I think Ron isn’t too bad as an actor but after the photos of him and Toby in that crazy pool party, my impression of him went down the drain.
From what I know, Sammul never said who the culprit was. I am really shocked if it was Kenneth since he seems so nice, but then who really knows?? I have seen the nicest people do many unexpected things that we never thought they would do. Where and when did Sammul say it was Kenneth??? Reports can be made up, unless Sammul himself actually said it in an interview then there is no more doubt.
I am shocked that you are a fan of Ron but do not know the name of the series that he acts in. I think you are referring to the Four which is the series with Ron, Ray, Kenneth and Sammul. I think we all know that Ron and Ray are good friends. I have a good feelings towards Ron and did you ever hear about the Ron and Louis issue??? Someone drilled Ron and said he is bad for mistreating Louis so they are at odds with each other now.
@ May,
When did Ray and Sammul argue? Are they not friends anymore? I heard that when Sammul got injured in China, Ray was concerned and asked how he was. Was that before they argued? Did you know what they argued about??
HeTieShou, you get me wrong. I don’t know the name of the series with Kenneth Ma and Raymond Lam which Ron Ng supposed to be central character. I haven’t never watched it since I knew Ron Ng hasn’t participated. I know 少年四大名捕 because I went to meet Ron during its filming. I didn’t see Ron Ng, Sammuel Chan and Raymond Lam in bad term. They looked buddies when I saw them. I didn’t see Kenneth Ma around with them and he was too serious consequently I didn’t dare to get near to him.
I recall when Sammuel Chan’s fans asked Kenneth Ma where Sammuel Chan were, Kenneth Ma didn’t answer. After that Sammuel Chan’s fans talked to him and he stared at Kenneth Ma who stayed alone. Kenneth Ma didn’t have a fan to visit during my travel. He always stayed alone until Raymond Lam and Ron Ng came to talk to him few lines.
Really?? I heard different stories about Kenneth. I heard that he was really nice to fans of other celebs. I heard once that some fans of Raymond were looking for him and Kenneth talked to them and helped them find Raymond and all. Sigh.. There are times you wonder what to believe and what not to. I think one of the reasons that Kenneth may not be as close to Ray, Ron and Sammul is because he is a bit older and has a more introverted personality compared to them maybe. Heard that many people said that he was boring. One thing I am sure of is Kenneth is a very filial son and to me that shows thst he should not be that bad of a person. If a person cannot even be filial then anything that they ddo for anyone is considered fake.
@HTS: Being a LF fan, I havent heard such thing about MM helped to find LF before. It sounds similar to my experience with Michael Tse that I shared in Jaynestars. For my encounter with MM this year in HK, I dun find he is tat frdly to fans of other actors. There will be comments like I badmouth MM something, whatever.
So far here is the list of frdly artists for who I’ve met: LF, Kate, Laughing, Ah Sa, Miriam, Joel Chan, Oscar Leung, Derek, MC Jin, MImi Lo, Joey. WCL is pretty calm, Vincy was calm. Bad encounters with TY, Bosco, Raymond Wong, KC and MM.
Hello back. Im free again.
@ Fox
” I havent heard such thing about MM helped to find LF before”
This incident was posted by someone in Baidu.
As I said before I think Kenneth doesn’t get too close with the younger siu sangs because of his age and not because of him having ill feeling on the younger guys. Kenneth doesn’t seem like someone with ill intention on others. He’s well loved by producers and fans. He’s maturer and have different personalities than them and is from another generation.
@kidd: oh, i still haven’t seen tat before. I still have bad impression with him due to his arrogance I’ve seen this year. Watever, I should be careless about him before his fans jump on me.
Well since you don’t like Kenneth, anything good that you hear about him you would disregard. That goes for everyone though because everyone is bias to some extent.
@HTS: I dont see means I dont see, not like I’ve seen but pretend not like you are implying. I dont like him personally because I have bad encounter with him, ok? I saw someone else here also met him in bad situation, wat’s wrong? Its our fault tat me or anyone else have to see the dark side of someone, an artist or normal person? In the end, I still dun see the post in baidu tat Kidd mentioned, tat’s all. Maybe he really did, maybe not. Its partly up to the mood each day.
I’ve met WCL in his calm day, when someone met him in his humourous day. However others’ impressions cant change mine. I always think of WCL as a calm man. And as for MM, he stoke me out as an arrogant man who thinks every single ppl have to reckon him as a star.
I judge the character of an artist due to encounter, judge their talents by watch I watch, fyi.
I am a bit surprised that MM is an arrogant man. But then I calm down and think about it. Maybe he is a little bit arrogant as you said since he is too good enough in front of camera and on tv. He seems like Charmaine Sheh’s terrible acting of the character of Lau Sam Ho from BTROC. He appears to be a naive, dumb, innocent man when facing the media, but sometimes you can see those characteristics are unnatural if you pay attention to it carefully. It is too good to be true.
My friend has also seen Kevin Cheng and Raymond Wong as well as Bernice Liu. The three of them are also arrogant. Sigh…
There was an article on the internet a few years ago on Sammul and Kenneth during the filming of tvb drama the four constables. According to the article, Sammul said the ladies have poor acting skills (not sure which ladies). Kenneth defended them, but reported Sammul’s poor behaviour to management.
I wonder if that was the chance that he could have been promoted to first lead? oh well, Ron looks like he’s been improving. Maybe with a little more effort, he can become first lead.
ron will be the main lead according to roger in the new series
Didn’t Ron already play the main lead several times already???It is not like he is a no name that has never played the main lead before.
ron has played a number of mainland lead but nothing much in the last few years in the last few years ron has been playing the 2nd or 3rd most important characters in series ron has been cast in
Really? Which ones?
The police academy series that’s the main one I can’t remember the hotel series name with Joe ma everything was about Ron in it
He was also the main lead in that series with toby leung. Forgot the name.
Revolving Doors of Vengeance and Men In Pain. He is also considered lead in FTL with Shirley, Bosco and Tavia. Then there’s Lost In The Chambers Of Love.
To me, Ron was only lead in The Academy. And even then, Sammel was the better actor. For the other series mentioned, he was only co-lead. RDoV – Joe Ma was clearly the lead. MiP – Damien Lau. LitCoL – co lead with Kenneth.
I don’t consider Kenneth as co lead in that series since he didn’t appear till almost halfway through the series and it was more focused on Ron.
ron going back to mainland in 2007 was a good thing he already made a name for himself back then and its where u make the big money
I love the bromance between ron and raymond.
good article well written
2003-2007 was his prime years, he was the first actor in TVB that I idolized at one point as a kid. He played all these characters that were considered cool to me like as Chung Lap Man, Wong Kai Kit and of course Issac. His character in TOB was quite dull but I really supported his paring with Nancy.
Ron seems like a good guy but acting wise he’s the weakest out of the remaining leads. Seems like he’s not really aging well too since less than 10 years ago I would of label him as the most good looking one out of the others but I guess some only look good when they’re young and some look better when they’re older and this doesn’t apply to Ron. Either way I do hope his career will rise again, he’s been neglected at the last few award shows. Good to see he’s taking up more roles again.
I think Ron Ng is never intend to harm anyone. Ambitious is over his dictionary. He well accepts his position and it makes me a fan.
I think Ron can be next Stephen Chow the Mou Lei Tau man. I got his support for the next mou lei tau.
HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Wait… it’s not a joke?
I thought Ron to be the next Aaron Kwok back in 2005 but no anymore
This sounds like Raymond Lam when he replaced him in Three Kingdoms? Ron was originally going to be the main. I think Kenneth was confirmed the lead over Ray as well nearer the end.
I never knew Louis Koo got him in the Biz. very interesting!
For choice to help, Louis helped Ron to be Txb actor while Ron was chosen for TOB thnks to LF. He introduced Ron to director to share lead with him. So does LF needs to step on Ron while he helped Ron to grow up? If he wanna stepped on Ron, he could easily give no offer for TOB, a series which also helped Ron to go up.
I don’t think it was Raymond that got Ron the role for Tob cause Raymond didn’t have much power back then and wasn’t as famous.And they weren’t great buddies back then like nowadays friendship need time to build up to become great buddies. They were just friends back then not best friends or great buddies. I don’t think Raymond is willing to give half of the screen time and the other half main actor to Ron.
Ron said so in an interview. He said LF introduced him to the director for him to get the role in TOB. Tat moment LF was chosen as main lead and they need one more, hence LF introduced Ron who is his best frd to act with him as brothers. So Ron had tat role. LF’s down time was 2005 to 2006, before tat he has been ranked higher than Ron in all 2000-2005 time. Ron got peak at 2005-2006 btw and during tat, they were set in same rank.
They are best buddies from 2002-2003 time, not that normal frd before. They became frd in 1999 and up to 2004, TOB time, they already best buddies.
To introduce, Im 2R fan: ).
Oh I see my bad cause I thought Raymond was already first main and asked the director to add anther main actor lol. That wouldn’t make scene to share half your screen time with a friend when your still not that famous yet you gotta be real nice to do it irl. But turns out they needed one more main actor.
TOB supposed to have 2.
i don’t know why but i have never really liked ron. i believe it may be due to his hotheaded roles. i’ve also never found him that good looking. i think raymond and sammul and kenneth are better looking them him.
however, my perspective of him has changed in the last years, and i am starting to have a soft spot for him. i still find him a very raw actor but i think his real personality is quite humble and grounded. i also like that he finally admitted to dating viann zhang, even though it didn’t end too well for him.
Ron Ng is a great person. When I met him, he waved me, chatted with me and gave me a candy. There were a group of Raymond Lam’s fans with me and we went together despite our different idols. Ron Ng saw us and told the fans of Raymond Lam their idol was filming. He talked to us, gave us the candies that he said Raymond Lam gave him. He pretended to be Raymond Lam, said “Raymond Lam loves Ron Ng” to Raymond Lam’s fans. He didn’t differ between the two groups of fans, such a great person.
I always had a more positive feeling towards Ron and glad to know that he is a nice guy in real life. No one is perfect and who is without flaws?? Ron always appeared to me as a very humble and grounded person who is not competitive and just tries his best. I am glad that he is no longer with Viann because he deserves better.
HeTieShou, I respected his past with Viann Zhang. I don’t have the grudge with her because she was Ron Ng’s woman. I hope you will respect Ron Ng to stop saying about his privacy. Leave the past sleeping in the grave.
True, but I do not feel that I said anything bad but yea let bygones be bygones. I like Ron as well do did not say anything bad about him. Honestly even if Ron never dated Viann, I just do not like her so I didn’t dislike her just because she dated Ron.
Yea hetieshou didn’t really mean to say something bad about Ron. And i agree with Ling let’s not talk about Viann any more she fake in personality wise and body and face wise too.
Thanks tvbfan and well said…
Yea Ron Ng is a very nice person idk why you don’t like him. Maybe cause your a girl and you don’t like the bad news about him and his ex girlfriend.
he never acted well, worst acting out of the other actors. if it weren’t for his personality, he probably wouldn’t make it this far in the circle. ive heard he’s likeable and personable off screen. his relationships and drama are another story, and i think his lifestyle really aged him. not looking too good these days Ronnie. karma maybe? for playing all those poor girls.
Although Ron have flaws in acting and is not a loyal boyfriend material due to his tendency to be a player, Ron normally has a good friendship with his peers especially with Raymond, Bosco, Bobby and Joe Ma from what I’ve seen. Recently he also looks friendly with Roger during his new series function and with Kenneth while promoting TITS2 and attending commercial events. I’ve just never really saw Ron’s friendly vibes with Ruco besides their discord rumours over ROE.
YES I agree 2003-2007 was Ron’s prime golden years of tvb. And I also agree with lol says: that I thought Ron would be the next Aaron Kwok cause they kinda look alike and both have a very deep man voice. Ron has been main more than those few times. I’ll list them frist- Find the Light,Twin of Brothers,Lost in the Chamber of Love,The Academy,Revolving Doors of Vengeance,Guts of Man,Men in Pain,The Brink of Law,War and Destiny,On the First Beat,ICAC Investigators TVB 2007,The Four,E.U. Ron was the main for Twin of Brothers because Raymond and Ron were equally main. And for Revolving Doors of Vengeance he was the main too because they focused on him more than Joe ma. For The Brink of Law,War and Destiny he was like the 2nd main. For ICAC Investigators TVB 2007,The Four they were all main every main was equal.
Ron Ng had a lot of awesome series. Although his acting has flaws, he worked hard. He never means to harm anyone.
Yea Ron Ng had a lot of awesome and great series back then I was and still a fan of Ron. And I like Ron s honest attitude and great heart of not harming others. I hope Ron can continue to do great series like back then. And get back all his fans. Ron had lots and lots and lots and lots of fans back then. What happen to those fans? I guess there not as loyal as me and you.
I have no clue but I think those fans are not true fans. I don’t think Ron Ng is flawless but he is hardworking and friendly. He isn’t ambitious and never harms anyone.
I agree with you no one is flawless we can’t expect someone be prefect. Ron may have his ups and downs but it’s okay we all are human. Ron doesn’t harm others to get to the top which is a good thing. But I’m still wondering his this person is that harmed Ron.
Exactly, WHO is perfect and flawless??? I think Ron’s acting is fine since I have seen a lot worse.
Yea there are other people that done worst than Ron. But people seem to make Ron flaws seem real bad when it’s not.
I really like Ron in TITS2. I wish they had more scenes with him and Francis! He’s not bad, definitely better than Kenneth Ma!
IKR that’s why they made Ron more main than Kenneth in Tits2. But for now Kenneth Mas tvb rank is higher than Rons.
After those series he became 2nd main or supporting cast. Ron was 2nd main for A Chip Off the Old Block,Yes Sir, Sorry Sir,Wax and Wane,Forensic Heroes III,L’Escargot. But Ron was main for 1 series after E.u. It was Dropping By Cloud Nine but sadly it was only a few episode series. Ron was suppose to be main for Ruse of Engagement as a police officer but Ruco got Favorited and kept getting more roles added on so then Ruco became first main and Ron became 2nd.
Working in mainland wasn’t really a bad thing for Ron because it made him more money and got him more fame. And most importantly he won CTV Award for Best Actor in mainland china 2010 for Pretty Maid. No other younger sui sung won best actor yet not Raymond Lam not Kenneth ma not Bosco Wong not Samuel chan not Raymond Wong not Ruco .
I am still wondering who could it be? Who harmed Ron to be the top? It could be Bosco cause Bosco is higher rank than Ron now.Or it could be Raymond lam or Kenneth ma cause they took his main in 3 kingdom.Or it could be Ruco cause he took first main from Ron in Ruse of Engagement. And now Ron is in the same rank as Ruco. Kenneth ma is in the same rank as Bosco.Or it can be that Stephen guy that use to work for Joyces mom cause Joyce got a lot of hate for kissing Ron all sudden on stage when everyone was watching. Or it could be Tommy. By Tommy I mean Toby Leung father cause HE has quite A LOT OF POWER IN TVB cause he is a producer and writer and a high staff of TVB. Or it can be someone so little that we don’t even recognize or know. Sometimes the one that seems like there the good one could be the bad one. Who knows? Can’t wait until we find out who is the one or the bunch who harmed Ron Ng to get to the top of TVB industry!
Ron was recently seen gettig along well with Kenneth promoting TITS2 and attending functions, and at the Beijing TV festival fans caught him in close and friendly interactions with Bosco and Tavia. Ron and Raymond are BFF. Ron and Roger are friendly to each other in recent events. I count out all the above. The only artiste rumoured in bad term with Ron is Ruco but I don’t think Ruco is the type who will step on others to get to the top.
We will never know until we find out. And back then Raymond was the top siu sung then Ron then Bosco,Samuel then Kenneth then Chris Lai. Plus there was a time period where Ron was higher rank/ top sui sung than Raymond. Now the ranking goes like this Raymond first then Bosco , Kenneth ,Ron, Ruco ,Raymond Wong , Chris Lai. Samuel Chan not in the ranking cause he’s not part of tvb no more
I think now Kenneth has a higher ranking than Bosco since OC’s success. Kenneth also is involved in more important productions nowadays while Bosco is more involved in filler series for example that coffee comedy with Eliza, and is balancing his time towards business too.
I think Kenneth and Bosco’s ranking is equal, nowadays Bosco has been filming in Mainland and Kenneth only has TVB to rely on. That new series Bosco is a part of seems like a heavy production and Kenneth can’t rely on THC much longer I mean it’s not a series that can go on for more sequels. Especially since Raymond and Kevin is currently preoccupied that only leaves Bosco and Kenneth as the original ones who started out and made it this far so therefore TVB is relying on them.
It’s really on the lining it seems like Bosco and Kenneth same lining. But Bosco side is higher rank like Ron s side is higher rank than Ruco side but there on the same row. Back then it was Raymond and Ron on the same row but Raymond lining spot is higher.
In the Beijing event both Kenneth and Bosco are placed at the far different end from each other. At one time Ron was behind Bosco and that was when some audience caught Ron, Bosco and Tavia having some fun chats to kill time and Kate also looks like she’s trying to join in, but when they gather again later the front row was flipped by the organizers and Bosco and Tavia ended up in front of Ruco and separated from Ron. It’s hard to tell their exact ranking, but based on TVB appearances, Kenneth has it stronger. I think Ron is also still one step higher than Ruco although Ruco is the lead in ROE and they are placed at similar position.
I hope Rucos rank doesn’t get higher than Ron. And also hope Ron rank get back to how it use to be or at least higher than now.
I think Ron Ng ranks higher in Mainland market while Kenneth Ma has the backup of TVB. In Mainland series, Ron Ng is always the central characters. Kenneth Ma has never had central character in any productions out of TVB, hasn’t had he?
Yea Ron name is worth more in mainland china than Bosco and Kenneth and Samuel and Ruco and Raymond Wong and Chris Lai. But Raymond Lam is worth the most out of them in mainland china.
tvbfan, however Ron Ng isn’t ambitious. He doesn’t care for his ranking. I don’t care for his ranking but for his contribution.
True that but having a higher rank can make you main character more and make more money and fame. But Ron mainly cares about having jobs to do and contribution and just letting viewers like us know him and agree with his acting. That is all what Ron wants and some money so he have a family and bigger house.
I don’t think Raymond Lam is. Raymond Lam is known to be Ron Ng’s best friend, the only friend Ron Ng can trust in TVB. Ron Ng told fans Raymond Lam helped him and stayed with him in his lowest time. He said: “现在我有点知名度了一个个过来理我有什么用,那时愿意搭理我的只有林峯。”
It can be anyone not Raymond Lam. I went with Raymond Lam’s fans to see Ron Ng. Ron Ng was friendly to Raymond Lam’s fans.
I’ve seen it in 2rforever. Are you a member there?
You guys should really list the people who you think could have harmed Ron to be the top. And explain why you think it is that person or bunch of people.
Anyone can be it but I’m counting out Raymond, Bosco, Roger based on Ron’s latest offscreen interactions. I’m counting out Kenneth too because he seems to nice to do something bad to his friends, although Kenneth did say sometime ago that he’s somehow not that close to Ron, Raymond, Bosco especially Raymond, but it could be the age gap and mentality since these three are more flamboyant and playful type.
It could be Moses Chan, Ron was suddenly reduced to supporting cast in YSSS with little screentime. After his attitude in not helping old flame Bernice, I have doubts on Moses Chan’s length as a friend, although he treats Aimee sweetly.
The other suspect can be Ruco. He’s the only one always having rumours of not getting along with Ron and stealing Ron’s lead role, and Ruco has been rising quite fast as a lead actor this recent years while Ron was put to second place after him in ROE. Ron’s recent rough joke about Ruco is too rough and enables reporters to spin it to Ron blaming Ruco, but was it a joke or did it come from Ron’s heart? After all Ron does sound like he’s helpless that Ruco is the lead in ROE.
Yea then it could be Ruco he been in like 12 series the past few years for supporting cast and like 5 more series for main character now . But I kinda suspect Kenneth ma cause Samuel Chan said Kenneth ma betrayed him before. And Kenneth ma took first main away from Ron and Raymond and Steven Ma in 3 kingdoms where Ron was suppose to be a 2012 Hong Kong citizen gamer that travels back to the 3 kingdoms because he was playing 3 kingdoms on stormy night. And for ssss Kenneth ma was more main than Ron. Ron was a supporting cast/extra in that series.
The reason Moses and Ruco comes off suspicious was because they’re the ones who lead over Ron in a series few years ago, and they’re the ones with possibilities to exchange jobs or characters with Ron but only Ron knows, it might be even some senior who we never thought of. I don’t know why I’m counting Kenneth out although he did took Ron’s character in BT3K, could be because Kenneth looks too nice to step on a colleague.
Highly doubt it’s Ruco since Ron said it was many years ago and he haven’t even collaborated with him until 2011 and Ruco only came back to TVB around 2008. I’m guessing it’s somewhere very early in Ron’s career where he was on his way to the top.
Also Ruco didn’t even get lead roles until The Other Truth which was in 2011 and I doubt Ron fought over him for his previous supporting roles. Ruco should be the last person we should consider.
It must not be Ruco. ROE is not aired how can he step on Ron to climb up? Ruco is up by his TOT. I think is someone some years ago.
Ruco is only one of the suspects because of the ruse between him and Ron over who is leading ROE. Ron only say that happen a few years ago, so ROE also fits there and Ron doesn’t get along well with Ruco as seen in events. No one is saying Ruco is the betrayer. As many said above Kenneth is also a suspect for the sudden cast changes of BT3K where Ron had to film FH3 and Kenneth film BT3K instead, but I personally have a hunch that it’s not Kenneth because he and Ron still in nice talking terms at recent events. I have rules out Raymond and Bosco because the article above ruled them as Ron’s current buddy and 2R’s friendship and can’t find series where Ron is pulled out from a better role he’d prepared and demoted to another role. It must take an actor with considerable experience in the industry to convince the producers over the change. Ruco and Moses may have that experience and weight.
I think it is someone that is not an actor. Hey, you guys all think it is a guy, have you guys ever thought of it being a girl??? I have feeling it is someone who works behind the scenes or some manager/executive.But then again, it can be an actor/actress too.
Yes you can be right or it could be a bunch of people.
It is an actor because Ron stated in the article that person took his role and I doubt it’s a woman since I don’t think the writers would rewrite Ron’s intended character into a different gender.
It can be a actor and a behind the scene person or a manger like Stephen Chan
Ron said they had to switch roles which clearly hinted it was another actor.
Ron said the betrayer took the job that Ron has prepared and suddenly Ron had to take the person’s job instead. Ron was bullied and betrayed by the exchange of roles. I presumed Ron has the better job, and being all excited preparing for it but then this person suddenly comes and exchange their roles, taking away Ron’s better job.
Thanks for the info! oh so it is another actor…Hm… maybe it was Kenneth.. I am a bit disappointed since I always thought that Kenneth was really nice and would never do anything like that. But then again, I don’t know him personally and even the people that you know personally can do things that you would never ever expect them to do.
I dont think its Kenneth ma because he don’t care about the money or his rank he doesnt mind being a cameo or and extra or a supporting role
I don’t think we should really speculate who it is anymore since like Ron said it doesn’t matter. Besides, it’s not that surprising since when you’re in the entertainment industry, betrayal and competition happens to everyone and not just for artistes but ourselves as well. Like when you and a friend committed an act and that friend put all the blame on you….etc. It happens to everyone, besides we’ve all let that go and so did Ron.
I believe when this happened to Ron it was early in his career since he said it happened many years ago. The person that betrayed him could very well be someone that is close with him today. We all make mistakes and Ron understands that and he wouldn’t hold a grudge to whoever did it. I doubt anyone would hold a grudge for that including Ron.
You sir have a good point and sound like a smart guy that been through stuff like this. Or do you know who it is? I think all of us here really wants to know who this betrayer is. Can it be Kenneth Ma? Cause he betrayed Samuel Chan before. Do you work at tvb? Do you know who did this to Ron Ng?
Haha I am in no way affiliated with TVB nor Ron, I’m just another avid viewer of TVB just like anyone else here. I do not know who betrayed him either. I don’t think it’s just me but I think can speak for everyone and if not then most ppl since we’ve all been through some sort of betrayal. There are two sides to every story, Ron may have looked at it negatively but the other person didn’t. From a personal experience and this happened in middle school, my friend and I was involved in an incident at school and was caught and was on our way to the dean’s office. My friend put the blame on me and of course I was angry, agitated at how I have to take that responsibility alone. He told me he couldn’t get in trouble again or there would be severe consequences at school and at home. I couldn’t bear to hold a grudge against him so therefore we remained friends. Now I can’t speak for everyone when I said I can forgive but it’s just a very difficult situation with different varieties of reasons whether it was selfish or not. Ron may of not known the reason why that person did what they did so he was angry at one point and decide to let it go. I don’t know if it’s Kenneth but if it is it doesn’t matter anymore since at least one of them has let that matter go. That’s just how I see it, can’t speak for everyone else.
Tvbfab why are you always suspecting Kenneth? I get it that Kenneth does took Ron’s role in BT3K while Ron was delegated to FH3 a few years ago, but Kenneth and Ron looks friendly in recent events. I think Ruco Chan is a more suspicious suspect because of the recurring rumours of leading position between him and Ron over ROE.
Yea that’s true we should all find out why they did it and then try understand them and let out the angrier. But if that person betrayed him and it ended his acting career then that’s a big problem and should not be forgiven. But Ron only lost first main a few times he still have some 2nd main or 3 main or supporting cast roles. And I heard he will be first main again finally with Roger in Last one Standing 2 . That’s a good thing to hear.
To be honest it could be anyone it could even be Raymond not saying he is. But Ruco and Kenneth seems to be one or ones who betrayed him and it said before that Kenneth ma betrayed Samuel Chan.
Good point Austin! The past is the past so lets let bygones be bygones since life is short. It is really nice of you to not only forgive your friend but also still remain friends with him. I used to have a close friend but we stopped being friends after she claimed that I betrayed her. However, her “best friend” betrayed me too. That former friend of mine said that she would forgive but not forget. But as you said, there is 2 sides to a story so sometimes it seems like one side is right but the other side has their points too. Anyways, there is no point in holding grudges since it tires us out. The most important thing is to learn from it and try to become a better person with our experiences.
That’s how I see it too besides we were kids then and we all did some spontaneous things as a kid that we didn’t want to take responsibility of so I of course I understood his situation afterwards. That’s just I view things in order to make life stressful is to look at negative things as positive. It’s really not healthy to live with so much bitterness in you.
I agree Austin and life is short so why act all bitter and hold grudges for??? Thanks for sharing your story and I really learned from it. I wish there were more nice people like you in this world!!
I’m guessing the time period when Ron got betrayed was between 2006-2013.
I read this interview from Sammul Chan and who’s backstabbed him. Sounds like Kenneth Ma’s answer is most suspicious?
After that, the 6 members were interviewed and asked about the situation, as it does concern one of them.
Chris: “In “Olympic Stars,” i was the latest to join, not very close with him and we havent cooperated since!”
Kenneth: “He never told me any secrets, but we get along alright. We don’t contact each other anymore, but i never said anything gossip about him!”
Raymond: “Within the “Olympic Stars,” everyone knows im the closest to Ron. You guys dont even have to ask Ron, i can answer for him. Even if we do have the time, we would use it to rest, not talk bad about others!”
Bosco: “Back then we were quite close due to the filming of “Triumph in the Skies,” but after that we hardly saw each other due to work. Talking bad about him? No way!”
Oh yea, I remember this now… Kenneth’s response does sound really suspicious. However, that does not mean that he is the one the betrayed Sammul.
I never knew Ron still had this much supporting fans. Even though Ron had a lot more fans back then . I want to say thank you all for being loyal and supporting fans of Ron. I hope Ron keeps his word and focus on his series and gets back on his feet to the top or at least top few.
Just wondering, talking about most promoted Siu Sang in TITS when TVB introduced S4 in that aviation drama, why TVB didn’t pick Raymond Lam instead Kenneth Ma? Sounds weird, it would be wonderful if S4 consist of Ron, Sammul, Bosco and Raymond Lam. Four good looking young actors in HKG standard. IMO, Kenneth Ma has no star power to be honest and TVB is pushing him as Siu Sang, come on make up your mind
Did Raymond Lam need to be in S4 to be famous or promoted?
Because Raymond Lam was already promoted as a new siu sang since ASITP and ATOL a few years earlier and is one step ahead of S4. I’ve read in some interviews with the producer and crews back then that they wanted some fresh good looking faces in TVB at that time to be the cadets, and they found S4. At one time they tried to get Daniel Wu to play Ron’s role but the deal wasn’t materialized. Ron was made for the role of Isaac and it made Ron the idols of HK girls at that time for his natural Issac and his good looks. The crews found Bosco by fate for his small character Chris, they picked him because of his looks when they bumped into him in TVB, they don’t even know his name. I don’t remember how they found Kenneth as Roy because he’s the only one among the S4 that wasn’t in his early 20’s.
If anyone has extra time, you can rewatch the cadets parts in TITS and you can find Victor and Nick of TITS2 among the pilot cadets in the prequel. There were also some group pictures of all the trainees where you can clearly see Victor and Nick among S4, Michelle and others.
In my memory, I think Raymond Lam was picked for the character Joe Ma taken later on. I was excited because I watched that clip after the series of Raymond Lam and Ron Ng 大唐双龙传 which make me a fan of Ron Ng. I thought that the pilot series will contain Ron Ng and Raymond Lam again. However I didn’t see Raymond Lam. It wasn’t a big deal because Ron Ng was in it. I have no clue why Raymond Lam didn’t take that character to take part in. If he was in it, I would have been happier. Raymond Lam and Ron Ng are great buddies.
Yeah LF did appear in one presentation for TITS but he were offered Issac, he was busy with Blade hearts so he denied. Daniel Wu was the next offered person but he dun take. Ron was the last decision.
Raymond Lam wasn’t part of the s4 because he was already a siu sung and one of the top ones cause he already had a lot of supporting roles and main character roles. They made the s4 because they wanted to promote new people to sui sungs. The s4 were main supporting cast for now. And then they will give them a chance to become main actor after Tits. If they do good. They couldn’t find anther young actor that they can promote so they find a older one but good looking and kinda looks young which is Kenneth Ma. Because they were trying find young actors that have talent but just needed the chance.
there was a video of ron and ma ming just a few days ago and it seemed like ron was trying to get a turn at talking but ma ming had the mic in his hand and ron didn’t get much of a turn at saying anything
Kenneth is higher rank than Ron now but in Tits II Ron is more main.
I know that but it just didn’t look very nice when Kenneth didn’t really want ron to say anything it kinda seemed like that and during promotion event ron was absent for SSSS and ron said he was sick ma ming said ron seemed fine last night how can someone get sick so easily
Maybe Kenneth is letting new found fame get to his head?? Money and fame can really change a person.
In the first installment Ron was the more important character than Kenneth’s character. It wouldn’t make sense to make Kenneth’s character more important that Ron anyway.
That was mean. And Kenneth always acts like the angel in front of the press and some fans.
it is mean but I don’t think ma ming has the power in effecting ron
I hope it’s not Kenneth but sometimes the little angel can be the hidden big devil. But Kenneth is getting old I think he is trying do as much series as possible to make more money so he can start his own family and buy a bigger house.
Samual Chan also said Stephen Chan wasn’t a very nice person
Sammul did say that?? If so, then Stephen is becoming even more suspicious now. Many did not seem to support Stephen very much when he was at a low point.
There could be a bunch of people apart of harming Ron and others. And Stephen Chan could be one of them.
What?!? The tabloids all said that Sammul was Stephen Chan’s pet. That was why Sammul lost favour after Stephen left and the two women who took over promoted the other siu sangs.
And Stephen was the one who betrayed Ron for his others
You what I think the owner or the staff or the writer of this and all the articles should state there opinion on what they think.
Ron hasn’t been doing a lot of songs lately. I think Ron should sing Tits theme song the original Tits theme song cause Ron has a deep voice like Eason chan.
If we summarize all these comment it would be a great article to read about. It would be really interesting.
stop your nonsense @ling! kenneth will never betray anyone! he’s a great guy and everyone knows that! sammul should stop being whiny at everything like a woman and let kenneth be unjustly accused! it’s not this sammul was also extremely whiny after he left tvb and dissing tvb worse than how felix wong disses tvb! he should’ve learn from steven ma who never disses tvb or whine aboout tvb even when he left! don’t forget that sammul ditches stephen chan when stephen in trouble and wong hei is the only one stood by him while his favourites patrick tang and sammul all left stephen and made wong hei angry! and do you know that sammul once talk rudely about ron and said they’re merely colleagues? my friend was a sammul huge fan once but she was disappointed when sammul scold his fans this one time over a website or something! she doesn’t expect that from sammul! there you go! sammul isn’t a saint either to his friends. stop dissing a good guy like kenneth!
When did Sammul yell at his fans over a website? I have never heard of that.
He didn’t yell but rather unleashed his anger at them.
Really?? What exactly happened? I have never heard of this. He could have been in a bad mood…
That really happened? Why did Sammul lashes at his own fans over a website?
Samuel said Kenneth betrayed him before and Kenneth could have betrayed Ron too.
Did Sammul actually named Kenneth? I read in forums they thought it was Bosco? Whatever it may be, even the worst guy has a best friend, and the nicest guy an enemy. You only say betray when the guys have been best of friends. I never got the impression Kenneth was particularly close to anyone, except maybe Kevin due to AFOS.
When and where did Sammul say that it was Kenneth betrayed him??? I have never heard of this at all. Every report that I have read about that issue, Sammul just hinted but did not directly say who. I bet some would think really badly of him if he truly named someone by name.
kenneth you two head snake. I really hate you
the sissies sammul and patrick tang betrayed stephen chan when stephen was in trouble. wong hei pointed this out since he was the only one who stood by stephen through it all even when people accuse him of gaying out with stephen. the other favourites all scared to support stephen.
The man Stephen Chan was a swindler . He scam actors money by paying them less for the series they do and the jobs they have. And favors the people he like. And he didn’t like Ron back then.
and shame to all people here especially @tvbfan up there who accuse kenneth betraying ron just because kenneth was chosen to be the main role in 3 kingdom replacing ron! ron had to film forensic heroes 3 that time that’s why ron can’t film 3 kingdom! kenneth won’t have power to pick roles as he please!
just like what bbfan said up there moses can be betrayer too! he was in a series with ron where ron is supporting to him!
ruco won’t be the betrayer! i believe the media spun ron’s original sentence about ruco out of context to frame ron and made it look like he’s hating ruco! i believe ron and ruco are best friends!
i think moses betrayed ron!
These men beetching about each other. It’s as bad as all the cat fights that happen with HK pageants!
The top 3 guys that can be it is Stephen Chan , Kenneth Ma , Ruco chan. Stephen didn’t like Ron back then and Kenneth betrayed Samuel before and took the lead role in 3 kingdoms. Why would Ron let go of first main actor for 2nd or 3rd main actor in FH3. And the role was nice and challenging for Ron to play as . For Ruco he doesn’t get along with his coworkers like Ron. Plus Ruco was cleaning the high staffs shoes to get more series to do and finally got first main actor in atf where it was suppose to be Ron as first main actor.
And over the years Ruco was a new comer but he been staying after work to chat and eat dinner with the high staffs and producers and directors. Ruco got over 12 supporting cast roles in the past few years and the last 2 years he got 5-6 main character roles.
I believe you hold a deep grudge agst Ruco cos so far in every post that you’ve made on this topic, you’ve been pointing your finger at him, so much so that it becomes painfully obvious that you must be one of those rabid Ron fans who attacks Ruco at every opportunity. I think your comprehension failed you- Ron said this incident happened many years ago. Ruco was promoted to lead status only after TOT which shld be around 2011 so is it that many years ago when you only need 2 fingers to count or can you even count? Even if Ruco was eventually made the lead over Ron in ROE, it was the producer’s decision, nothing to do with Ruco back-stabbing him. The decision to give Ruco first lead is becos of his rising popularity after TOT and Ron’s poor performance, so blame himself, not Ruco. Anyway, pls show proof that Ruco was boot-licking his bosses on his way to first lead before you go around smearing his reputation. Strongly suggest you stop reading too much tabloid trash, it’s turning your brains to mush.
Ron doesn’t state how many years is many years that he meant. 2 years ago can also be many years. I don’t think listing Ruco as one of the suspects who betrayed Ron means hating on Ruco. These are all just natural human reaction towards Ron’s statement. You can also disagree and point your suspect of the culprit that Ron mentioned. So far others have also mentioned Kenneth for his role in BT3K, it doesn’t mean they’re holding a grunge on Kenneth. There may be two sides of story too. Maybe it was all arranged by sneaky executives who had the power to exchange all these roles who then lied to these artistes that their colleague is betraying them to save their own a**.
It can’t be Stephen Chan. It’s an actor who snatched a character that Ron has prepared for while Ron has to take another character originally belong to the betrayer.
I was surprised too when Ruco turns out to be the main lead in ROE but not Ron. The least I thought was that they will share the spotlight, but later it was revealed that Ruco is the highlight. There is also something weird on why they are still not airing the series after two years and why there are many articles about Ron and Ruco not getting along.
Ron does not need any enemies or Ruco or whoever else to crash. He is his own worst enemy. Ruco deserves whatever first lead because that man works hard, quietly and no scandal. Ron doesn’t have an off switch. That being said, he is the lead for the younger ones in TITS 2. He is doing well. Hopefully he has matured and has an off/on switch. If I were the producer, between Ruco and Ron, I will choose Ruco as first lead. Less headache, more dedication, less gossips so as not to overwhelm the series.
As for why the series was shelved, it is NOT the first series or the last to be shelved. Let’s face it; Ron is pariah, still is. Ruco is not exactly big brother. So between this series and others with more well known cast, TVB of course release the one with the well known cast first.
@bbfanny you stated “You can also disagree and point your suspect of the culprit that Ron mentioned.”
I’m sorry, i will not indulge in meaningless speculation like you and tvbfan are so fond of doing. My previous post is my first one here in Jaynestars, usually i just read the comments and let them be but in view of the attacks on Ruco’s character, i can’t help but try to speak up for him to urge all of you to stop speculating on who Ron meant or if such a person even exists. It isn’t nice to continue to point fingers at someone without any concrete evidence. Just becos the tabloids tell us that Ruco and Ron don’t get along doesn’t automatically make him the prime suspect. In fact, if i were to believe the tabloids, it looks like Ron’s the one who’s jealous of Ruco. In this entertainment industry, it’s a dog eat dog world; someone who’s your friend today may very well turn around and stab you in the back tmr; on the flip side, someone who doesn’t act particularly friendly with you is not necessarily your enemy. Pls make more responsible comments than continue with this childish finger pointing.
Wtf happen to my respond that I enter I guess I gotta re type it. Dude scorpio2010 I’m not point fingers I am just naming the suspects. Ron didn’t say exactly how long ago it was it could have been 2-3 years ago which is when they were filming atf and 3kingdoms. Plus there been news about Ruco not getting along with his co workers. There have been videos about Ruco staying after work just to chat with his bosses and producers and directors and eating dinner with just them. You can say he kinda earned to get a lot of series to do and a lot of supporting roles and lead actor roles to do. But most people would call that kissing up wouldn’t you? Who wants to have OT with your boss and eat dinner with just them. By bosses I mean the mangers and directors and producers. And there been scandals about Ruco but it was before he join tvb. But they are real bad about him butt naked filming videos or photos maybe you girls like that but I think that’s disgusting. But the past is the past I was going bring it up until you said Ruco had no scandals. To be a famous star you gotta have 1 or 2 scandal unless there not human or real fake or good at hiding them.
Isn’t naming suspects the same as pointing fingers? Dont you find it tiring to be going on and on about who did this and that to your idol Ron, “n” years ago? It’s all in the past, Ron wouldn’t say who and so you, as his fan, shld respect his wishes and stop pointing fingers at innocent parties whose reputation you may be ruining. If there is any evidence of ruco appearing naked or filming p**n like you said he did, show it; otherwise, it’s a very serious accusation and character assassination. By naked pic, I think you’re probably referring to that photo which showed Ruco with his back to the camera and he was in the buff. That pic was taken when he was filming some travel show in Japan when he was at a hot spring and every one goes into the hot spring naked, you know that don’t you? He did not show his privates, just a back shot; i’m sure you also know that TV does not show p**n, so this travel show he filmed was all nice and clean and suitable for family viewing. More than once you mentioned the news said this, the news said that, the news said that ruco does not get along with co-workers, blah , blah, blah…. Dont you know that entertainment reporters always cook up stories to sell them to unsuspecting readers like you who always love a scandal and worse, worship this as gospel truth? As an example, didnt the tabloids accuse ruco of going underground with his relationship with eunis yiu in order to further his career? Well, without ruco having to do anything, this was proven to be totally false cos eunis recently got married and what do you know, the groom isnt ruco! As for being nice to people, as long as you’re nice to everyone, high up or below you included, this does not constitute sucking up. You only suck up when you’re nice to your superiors and treat those below you as transparent. If you look at the videos of ruco at interviews with his co-workers, you’ll notice that he’s a really laid back guy who does not vie for the limelight; he usually takes a step back and allow others to talk over him, so much so that fans always feel indignant and worried for him for letting others snatch all the attention. Furthermore, don’t you know that he re-joined tvb in 2008 and was only given supporting roles till TOT came along in 2011 becos the other first choice big names didn’t have the time to film it so it landed on his lap. Due to his rising popularity as a result of this show, he was slowly given more lead roles. This does not sound like kissing up to me cos he earned his new leading status with his hard work and good performance.
It was not 1 or 2 series for supporting roles it was way more than that. And going out dinner with your bosses and only your bosses and paying the bills is sucking up. Let me tell you this kid sucking up doesn’t mean you gotta look down on people that are lower than you. All you gotta do is praise the higher ones and do stuff that normally people wouldn’t do. Like staying after work to chat with the producers and directors and going out with dinner just with them.Ruco doesn’t really speak up cause he isn’t really that important to the public eyes. We can name who ever we think it is even if we suspect Raymond Lam which is one of Rons best friends we can. Cause this is where we comment and type out what we think . You don’t have control of what we think and what we say. But i believe it is not Raymond lam. Let’s just ended here we can comment on what we believe it is. Most of us gives evidence why we believe it is this person.
Bravo! You’ve gone from just “naming the suspects” to nailing this outright on Ruco as per your last sentence! As far as I can remember, the “most of us” you’re referring to is just you and bbfanny. Isn’t it obvious how prejudiced you are agst him? I don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of the number of supporting roles Ruco had . Don’t be daft, of course he had way more supporting roles than in 1 or 2 series! Everyone at TVB is overworked! According to wiki, he was in 14 supporting roles since re-joining TVB, including RT3K and FH3. Excluding them (cos they’re after TOT), he only had 12. Over a period of 4 years, it’s just 3 per year. How is that excessive when some are LEADING actors in just as many series over the same period? Why not pick on Priscilla Wong who went from nothing to leading actress in her first series? Or Joey Meng who came from ATV (like Ruco) but was given leading roles straightaway? The reason is simple: they are females and pose no threat to your idol unlike Ruco. I know that Ron fans have been picking on Ruco and bad-mouthing him ever since ROE was re-written to make Ruco the lead. TVB executives are not stupid, they do not dish out lead roles to anyone just becos they suck up to them. They’re mainly concerned with how well the series will do, so they’ll give the job to the best person and Ruco happens to be better than Ron as far as TVB is concerned, so build a bridge and get over it! As for hanging out with the producers etc, how do you know he paid for the bills? He told you or the reporters? Another unsubstantiated claim from you. Enough said about your true agenda
If you really read my comment before I said for all we know he could be paying for the bills. And as in now Rons rank is higher than Ruco and I don’t like Priscilla Wong yea she not pretty and can’t really act and some how got main lead all sudden news say she friendly with high executives. Point proven she did what Ruco did but maybe in a more stronger way. For Joey Meng she did well in change of heart and woib. And should get a chance for first lead but not as a 25 years old. Stop be a fan boy to Ruco I was just pointing out the suspect and you gotta start this thing. I was backing up why I think it was him and naming it out just for you so you understand why I think it is him. This is not pointing out fingers you dumbass. I am just going to quit ended it here don’t want to continue this stupid argument with you. PS it wasn’t only me and bfany if you really read the comments you would know dumbass.
Hey dumbass, practise what you preach and don’t resort to childish name calling, how old are you exactly? Look who’s calling who fan boy? You’re the one who’s fan boy to Ron. So you can come here and spew nonsense about who you think is/are the suspects and specifically pointed out ruco while I can’t come here and speak up for him? You’re the one with the double standard as in everything you say and do. Ok for Joey Meng she did well in change of heart and therefore deserves lead roles. So by same reasoning Ruco did well in TOT and deserves leading roles too! Is it so difficult for you to understand? Yes it was specifically YOU who went on and how abt how it’s ruco (when other readers have already pointed out that it can’t be him) and to a lesser bbfanny was backing you up. You’re the one who’s a typical Ron fanboy who hates Ruco cos he got the lead over Ron in ROE (too bad for you, learn to live with it!). Up till now, have you noticed that I’ve refrained from bad-mouthing your idol Ron while you’re the one persistently launching unsubstantiated attacks on Ruco’s character. Shows what kind of character you are. Btw, you did not say “for all we know he could be paying for the bills” but “going out dinner with your bosses and only your bosses and paying the bills”, that’s a world of difference!
You just don’t get it shut your mouth your so annoying . You don’t need reply to every comment and twist things around. I said Ruco could be a suspect and he is the third one. It is over kid just stop replying.
Now who do you think you are? Do you think I will shut up and go away just because you told me to do so? As long as you don’t shut up first, you’ll continue to hear from me, that’s a promise. You hate having me reply to you cos you know that what you’re saying is pure nonsense based on hearsay, tabloid trash and concocted by your fertile imagination, not to mention, your application of double standards to those deemed a threat to your darling Ron. You’re the pot calling the kettle black. I challenge you to go back and read the exchanges that we had and tell me that you haven’t been twisting things around. There’s something else I’m going to refrain from saying for the time being but if you continue your nonsense about Ruco, you’ll hear about it, that’s for sure.
@bbfanny you stated “You can also disagree and point your suspect of the culprit that Ron mentioned.”
I’m sorry, i will not indulge in meaningless speculation like you and tvbfan are so fond of doing. My previous post is my first one here in Jaynestars, usually i just read the comments and let them be but in view of the attacks on Ruco’s character, i can’t help but try to speak up for him to urge all of you to stop speculating on who Ron meant or if such a person even exists. It isn’t nice to continue to point fingers at someone without any concrete evidence. Just becos the tabloids tell us that Ruco and Ron don’t get along doesn’t automatically make him the prime suspect. In fact, if i were to believe the tabloids, it looks like Ron’s the one who’s jealous of Ruco. In this entertainment industry, it’s a dog eat dog world; someone who’s your friend today may very well turn around and stab you in the back tmr; on the flip side, someone who doesn’t act particularly friendly with you is not necessarily your enemy. Pls make more responsible comments than continue with this childish finger pointing.
The friend who betrayed him is alcohol. This guy looks so bloated and burned out.
LOL!! It does seem like
Lol you funny kid. But I think every sui sungs drink. And Ron only get 2 hours of sleep so that’s why he look so tired .
Most ppl drink, but they dun overdrunk
When you sleep 2hours a day and gotta eat sleep gel your hair and go to work. Let’s see if you can even look half as awake and good looking as Ron.
I agree and when you work for TVB, you are lucky to still look decent after what they put you through. Most of the actors smoke and drink to some extent due to the stressful lifestyle of TVB.
Actually Ron isnt that busy :).
For smoke, if you see the list of smokers in Txb, there are tops actors dun smoke with some B-listed smoke. The top ones are more busy, but they dun smoke, then dun use stress as excuse for smokers. Especially the ones who are papa/mama.
How do you know for sure that Ron is not that busy???
Following his news and schedules. To say he only sleeps 2 h per days in every days of year is exaggerated. Maybe there are days like so but definitely not all the days.
True but if that were the case, wouldn’t that go for most people??
Some busier, some not. Some really has to work 20-22 h per days in times.
As you can tell he been sleeping 2 hours a day for past few days before the interview you can see it in him how tired he is. But he mangers to keep his eyes open while talking.
That’s funny, many other actors working for TVB do the same thing and they still look pretty good. It’s called healthy diet, limited alcohol consumption and sleep as much as you can instead of out partying.
No other actors get a bit more sleep. And a hobbies of Rons is driving at night. So that can cause him sleep even later.
this is a very bad photo of ron
Ron is the one who harms himself. From his interviews I find he’s a narrow minded, jealous guy. Instead of improving his acting, he is just playful with many love rumours. Now he’s collaborating with Roger Kwok in a new series while his fans are challenging Roger is the 1st lead. Why not? Roger is such an experienced good actor. Idols and fans are alike.
Roger the best leading actor left at tvb
You don’t know what your talking about harm yourself and you don’t even give a reason? How is he a jealous guy he doesn’t speech wise fight others to try get to the top like others. He doesn’t really care if he become tvb king as long as he is nominated and viewers accept his acting he is happy.
Ron does not really seem to care about awards and seems like a humble guy. There are some that are really competitive and want this and that but I never felt that way about Ron. He seems to really enjoy acting and tries his best to please the audience. I think that is enough to make him happy…
Me too but I think he should have won tvb king or at least nominated for top 5 for tvb king for L’Escargot. Or was he top 5 for L’Escargot I dont think I saw him for top 5?
I blv Ron dun really enjoy acting that much but he is the “let it flow” type. He does his works, set dun try to be expert in his works and at the same time, enjoy his life. Tats why he wont harm anyone, because he dun wanna climb higher. The quote he said in this article means so: if the position is yours, its yours.
Ron’s only good scene in L’Escargot was the break up scene and the car crash, everything else wasn’t as pleasant. I don’t think he should of been in top 5 for best actor but favorite character definitely before he started his whole revenge plot thing. How he ended up with JJ’s character is beyond me.
I think he did well and should have been top 5 that’s all I gotta say.
This article is wrong,Triumph in the Skies is not his first major starring role. I remembered seeing him, Bosco & Tavia in a period series (cant remember the title) Ron was lead- but quite bad obviously as he’s brand new. Bosco was pretty good but only acted as supporting role. Tavia acted as Bosco’s wife, she wasn’t even a “fading” then! Long ago…lol…
But Triumph In The Skies is when he first got recognition not in Find The Light. If I remember correctly, both of that series were released the same year. I think Triumph was filmed before Find The Light because Bosco had a much heavier role in there when he was only minor supporting in Triumph.
Ron did well in find the light. And find the light was Ron’s first major role which was after Triumph in the Skies.
Who cares who Ron is saying…its already the past!
I know Ron with LF, bosco, sammul and ma ming are friends especially LF (good buddies) and sammul (they work together the most and have similar interests – sammul mention ron before in his previous interviews as close buddies…I think recently I saw some event pictures of ron and ma ming and bosco, they are close too!
I believe ruco and moses are friends with Ron too…Ron is a pretty nice guy (heard from fans and also other actors)…
anywayz…if your really supporting ron, you all should stop pointing your fingers at someone else….since this will cause a war later on…spoiling ron’s reputation….
ITA with you.
just want to add that in supporting your idol, there’s really no need to bring down other people.
Okay your right let’s not cause a war. And it is the past so we should let it go.
keep it that way then and stop picking on Ruco!
You just don’t stop do you I was naming why I think it was Ruco and that’s called picking on him? I was laying out the information/evidence for you MRFANBOYOFRUCO scorpio2010.
hey child, grow up
Speculation/conjecture on your part is evidence??? What a joke!
Please go back to school or don’t cut school I placed out evidence on why I conclude Ruco can be a suspect and he’s the third one . Read all the comments before you put your butt into them.
FYI, I’m not a prepubescent school-going kiddo like you and fyi, I’ve read all your nonsensical comments that’s why I’m compelled to put my butt into them.