Ronan Pak Breaks Down: “I was Betrayed!”

Former Mr. Hong Kong participant and Friendly Fire <法網狙擊> star, Ronan Pak (白健恩), was accused of offering sexual services to men for money. Tabloids reported that the TVB actor was caught wandering anxiously around Tin Shui Wai’s Harbor Plaza Resort Hotel, which was allegedly the place where the sexual service would take place. Subsequent headlines claimed that Ronan was engaged in an orgy involving eight people.
Ronan has stepped up to deny the accusations in a brief press conference last Wednesday. On Friday, he and his manager, Tiffany, accepted another interview to clarify the misunderstandings of the report.
“I arrived at Tin Shui Wai and waited for 10 to 15 minutes, but my friend never showed up,” he told Hong Kong Headline. “He also did not pick up the phone when I called. Suddenly, four men came rushing up to me. At that moment I thought they were robbers, because one of them really looked like they wanted to stab me with whatever he was holding! So I ran! If what he held was really a knife, I would have died!”
Friend Needed Money
At the press conference last Wednesday, Ronan mentioned that his friend “vanished from thin air” after the report was published. Ronan could not contact him through the phone or through Facebook after the incident. Asked if Ronan’s friend had any problems with money, Ronan nodded and said, “His name is Tommy. We met at a pub three years ago, and he does owe me money. He works in sales. He once told me that he was not doing very well financially and needed some money for life emergencies. He asked if I could lend him some for the time being, and he would pay me back once he had the money. That is why he has my [bank] account number, but I only lent him a couple thousand dollars [HKD].”
Ronan believed that he had handled the situation poorly and blamed himself for being too gullible in trusting his new friend. “I really think I am rather foolish and dumb. Actually, my parents, friends, and even my manager have told me that. A nicer way to put it is that I am simple-minded, but in other words, I am really an idiot.
Ronan Cries
“I don’t want to put all the blame on the media and my friend. I am definitely responsible for what had happened.” After this thought, Ronan started to cry. “From how I handled the matter with the press, I know I have responsibility in this. I know I’m not very good with speaking, and often times what I say can lead others to misunderstand my meaning, and that can make matters worse… but I really can’t help it. I am trying my best.” Ronan’s manager, Tiffany, also began to tear up.
“I hope that after the incident dies down, I will be able to continue with my work. Many things have happened, and I know it is too late to save it… but I didn’t do it. I had nothing to do with it.”
Is Ronan worried about his future with TVB and in the entertainment industry? “Of course I am worried. When the incident happened, my manager immediately called TVB to explain the issue. [TVB] said they believed me. They know about the reporting style of that magazine, so they have already frozen them. I will not care too much about [the magazine] now.”
According to the magazine that accused Ronan for sexual solicitation, Ronan was struggling at his current low-paying job with TVB, urging him to find other means to earn a living – prostitution. Ronan admitted that he does not have a steady income, but assured that he is not having money struggles. “It’s okay. I received a lot of jobs at the beginning of the year, and I have just completed talks to do a movie. I will film the movie this week. My role isn’t very heavy, but I’ve never filmed a movie before, so I am looking forward to it. I am very happy, and will do my best.
“When I have nothing to film, I will teach dance classes. I’ve been a dance teacher for a while. I haven’t been doing it as frequently as before. Occasionally, I will have some students who still want to continue lessons, so they rented a dance studio for me. My focus is on jazz and modern dance. I teach about two classes per week. I earn a couple thousand dollars [HKD] each time.”
The 31-year-old actor expressed that he will optimistically face the consequences of the incident. “Entertainment news comes fresh every week. Maybe people will forget about this a week later, but even so, I will treat this incident as a lesson.”
This article is written by Addy for
Actually I find him a good looking guy and I do enjoy seeing him in Friendly Fire.
Although its a villain role, but he got such a pretty face that seems enjoyable to watch xD
Moral of the story: get an education or you’ll be sucking on stuff you might not want to suck.
Or you don’t mind sucking it but you don’t want others to find out.
You honestly think that poorly of people?
Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay of course.
Then again it’s wrong if you’re gay and you deny it, then you’re only lying to yourself.
i dont think it wrong for him to deny he’s gay but he’s definitely lying about being a gigolo for the sake of his job. sad.
Wasn’t he a graduate of ‘The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’? So, he’s not without an education.
Sure, if you count that as a real degree.
So degree in arts like creative writing, drama, art, music etc is NOT a real degree? Or its a degree only when you are rich and successful – monetary wise?
Performing arts is quite different from humanities and creative writing.
Cooking also requires you to go to college. You even need to go to hairdressing school in the States. But does that mean they have actual educations?
Performing arts, drama, creative writing, cooking, hair dressing all have an artistic component to them. People are educated in these fields. Are you trying to denigrate culinary art and hair fashion? Saying that those people are not educated? What is education if not preparing you for your future job? I fail to understand what you are trying to differenciate.
No, they’re not educated.
You fangirls go absolutely goo-goo when you come and defend some handsome actor you’re into.
It’s not about defending an idol or someone handsome. I considered anyone who has graduated from college/academy/university as educated irregardless of their certificate or degree.
Even primary and secondary education is considered education to me. Education is not only about studying science, medicine, engineering and economics.
Actors, chefs, dancers and hairdressers cannot make real contributions to society.
Writers , doctors, economists, biologists, political sciences, lawyers, etc. do.
If a deathray turns all the world’s academics into piles of ash, can your performing arts major step up to the plate and say “it’s OK guys, I got this. I know how the world works”?
omg LOL @dd I want to freaking K.O. you in the head right now. I am definitely not a ‘fangirl’ so to speak of any handsome what so, so don’t say i’m simply trying to defend some celebrity…for you to claim that all the creative arts is not part of education-what the eff!? So what you’re saying is that to be educated means that one has to be able to contribute to society?? OH MY EFF..LOL. Wow. What kind of reasoning is that? Bias reasoning? Yeah I suppose so. Also- ‘Actors, dancers..hairdressers cannot make REAL contribution to society?’ –> woah mate, Looks like you’re the one that should be educated more. You think actors/artists’ may be just a bunch of goodlooking faces on screen, yeah maybe they are, but they have fame. And having fame would mean that they have power to be highly influential figures to the public/people. And what does society consist of? PEOPLE. For you to say that Actors do not have ‘real’ contribution to society…errrhh…first of all, what is REAL contribution? saving lives, constructing buildings, fighting lawsuits? That’s the only so-called ‘REAL’ contribution to you? How narrow minded can you get?
Btw- I know plenty of people who have an education, that’s right, primary, high school, university to Masters PHD degrees. Smart? Yeah I’d prrrooobbbablly say so-educated people? Yep the whole package. But when it comes to possessing the simple basic human manners, respect etc. they are pathetic. AND after all that education that seem to remain jobles so they turn to social life. They like to party, drink and go wild in the club every week. Yeah educated? of course, contribution to society? …..maybe keeping the police, hospital beds etc busy yeah maybe I guess that’s their part of having a, what you would call, a ‘real’ contribution aye?
DD, i dont think it is fair or even right to say that chef, hairdresser, actors, people in art stream doesnt contribute to society. Everyone plays a role. Your thinking is so prehistoric I actually thought u belong to the TREx or part of the Croods…because for you to say such uneducated statements can only means that 1) u dont cut your hair at saloon (even u dont others do) 2) u dont eat out at restaurants and never watch any movies or tv ?
Please go and do some research to understand what a degree means before making yourself a joke. Education comes in many ways …some educated people are worst than uneducated ones as we can see here….like clementine said …so i hope you continue your so-called education before making a fool out of yourself in your inability to appreciate how and what different profession brings to society. You are the slave of economic revolution, which is so last century , probably force-fed with that kind of silly idea by your babyboomers parents….
And btw i am not one fangirl and i am not in those profession that you looked down on but on contrary a professional working for one of the biggest company ‘ in the d world’ …so go figure Croods !
That’s all well and good, but both of you generalizing and talking down educated people means that you’re doing the same thing that you’ve condemned me for.
To be fair, writers wont be any better at saving the world, if all academics, excluding writers, are turned into ashes by a death ray. All occupations on the “useful” list are equally inadequate alone.
While it is true that a politician or scientist may make greater contributions than hairstylists, the reverse is also true in the magnitude of their destructiveness.
An inept hairstylist gives you a couple of nicks, uneven bangs, a fried perm or green hair?
An inept politician? George bush.
Many people who have the intelligence and temperament of a hairstylist, want to be a politican, accountant or doctor. Many fumbling along now with much stupidity.
A rogue hairstylist? Maybe a mohawk or, at worse, Sweeney Todd.
A rogue politican?
Sadly, the world saw way more politicans/lawyers/accountants/scientists running rogue than hairstylists.
hairstylists are awesome.
The power-hungry won’t ever get caught being a hairstylist. just for that
Generalising and talking down..? You see yourself as the ultimate righteous human being. Aren’t you generalising and talking down upon others?? For you to say OUR comments are generalising and speaking down upon academics, go back on reread your discriminative comments towards those in the creative arts. I did not generalise, nor did I talk down upon anyone. I only laid out the facts that I know ‘academics’ who are of course educated, but what you claim in your own generalised terms as ‘real contributions’ to society, I use my experience and knowledge to explain how pathetic your comment towards creative arts people is. I acknowledge that of course writers, doctors etc have contribution to society, but I seriously find that your comment about how other than ‘academics’ do not have real contribution to society. Go back to school yourself.
*but I seriously find that your comment about how other than ‘academics’ do not have real contribution to society is disgustingly discriminating. Even my career/job being not part of the creative-arts area, I find YOU and your thoughts against them vulgar.
Stupid people usually attack the person rather than the argument.
For someone who wrote a feature article for the site that got much praise from readers, your comments are hella ugly
LOL well @dd looks like you proved yourself a stupid person- your comments basically attacked all creative arts people in general. Congratulations- you helped me prove my point.
For the record, I never insulted anyone in this thread or people with performing arts (theatre, music, acting) degrees. Their set of skills are so specialized that holding these qualifications while finding employment outside of these areas makes them no better a candidate than the average high school graduate.
Ronan Pak being a gay prostitute.
Eric Li working at a massage parlour to supplement his TVB income.
As for me saying “ugly stuff”, first of all you should stand by your beliefs with sound reasoning to support it. That’s totally fine. And of course opinions will clash but that’s the way it is in life.
However, attacking someone by implying bodily harm as well as petty-name calling is bullying and I’m not okay with that. Even if it’s over the internet.
Sure, petty name calling is a form of bullying, and you’ve done it yourself. And you know it.
If that’s the case I’d like you to point out where I explicitly insulted Clementine.
I’d also like to ask you why it’s OK for her to throw physical and verbal threats at me while I’m chastised for my view that differs from everyone else’s.
Gosh, i havent been throwing insults at anyone, but this isn’t fair to ronan and Eric, their job is acting. As their filming schedule might be erratic, they can’t hold down a job with more responsibility or a fixed schedule, but is limited to freelancing or part time help. Looking down on them just because they are manning the counter at a massage parlour or teaching dance as an inability to get better jobs, is way off mark.
However, if they decide to give up acting and performance, some careers where actors may do well in, includes corporate PR, event planning, hospitality and tourism, due to their image, connections and experience with the media. Do you have that knowledge with all your academic qualifications? A normal high school grad, will start those fields in a lower position or not even considered, unless with related experience.
Just because they are actors, theres no need to be snotty about their education level. Steven ma has only a high school qualification, but he is very interested in learning, watch him in the books of words programme, you will see he is way into it beyond being a host. He also writes well enough to publish books. The difference is in their attitudes. Someone who is motivated, will try their best in all aspects, while others are getting drunk at clubs every night.
Cockiness or confidence?
Respecting people of all levels and their abilities in areas you suck at, is more valuable than a superior attitude towards non-academic fields.
repost: filter
Gosh, i havent been throwing insults at anyone, but this isn’t fair to ronan and Eric, their job is acting. As their filming schedule might be erratic, they can’t hold down a job with more responsibility or a fixed schedule, but is limited to freelancing or part time help. Looking down on them just because they are manning the counter at a massage parlour or teaching dance as an inability to get better jobs, is way off mark.
However, if they decide to give up acting and performance, some careers where actors may do well in, includes corporate PR, event planning, hospitality and tourism, due to their image, connections and experience with the media. Do you have that knowledge with all your academic qualifications? A normal high school grad, will start those fields in a lower position or not even considered, unless with related experience.
Just because they are actors, theres no need to be snotty about their education level. Steven ma has only a high school qualification, but he is very interested in learning, watch him in the books of words programme, you will see he is way into it beyond being a host. He also writes well enough to publish books. The difference is in their attitudes. Someone who is motivated, will try their best in all aspects, while others are getting drunk at clubs every night
C**kiness or confidence?
Respecting people of all levels and their abilities in areas you suck at, is more valuable than a superior attitude towards non-academic fields.
Myolie Wu supporting brother-in-law who’s a member of a Pro-China political party and confessing that she had no idea about politics
Carina Lau becoming exec president of TVMART and subsequent loss of 40 million TWD
Linda Chung and saying her boyfriend was praying upside-down
Jackie Chan and his pro-Beijing views saying that America is corrupt and HK should drop democracy and go under total Chinese control
Listen, I love actors as much as the next person and yes, acting is a valid career path but they aren’t as world-ready as people who pursued higher education.
I never said anything about Clementine. Recall any particular recent articles where you sure have thrown some insults around.
Clementine, you took the words right out of my mouth.
I believe that he didn’t do it.
i believe otherwise
a straight guy is a Dance teacher???Are you sure??? he..he.. Anyway poor this guy…. i believe someone tried to set him up or extort him.
Nowadays, goodlookin people are too many in this industry and kept on changing. Ultimately one must be focused/talented to show off his/her talent in order to cement a good footing. else you would be the history ….
Why a straight guy can’t be a dance teacher but can be a dancer?
he should sue the magazine for slander and prove his innocence. wonder why tvb don’t take quick action the way they take super fast action during tavia’s car shaking case.
Tavia is TV queen while Ronan is pretty much nothing.
FACE magazine is full of garbage stories. TVB still can not boycott them.
Feel bad for him. It doesn’t matter if he really did it or not. Once a tabloid reports it there will always be some people who believe the tabloid no matter what clarifications he gives. The tabloids need some ethics.
He does dance beautifully, based on his performance in Mr.HK 2010.
if he really didn’t, he can sue the tabloids like zhang ziyi did when they said she prostitutes for $1mil usd. what happened to her law suit despite her loud claims of denial?
i don’t believe his story. something just doesn’t add up.
How old is this guy? He’s behaving like a kid, man up dude. There’s no need to justify his actions if he didn’t do it, besides he’s an adult leave his personal life alone. Selling sex is bad but buying sex is worst, if anything the tabloids should disclose those “johns”…yuk!
If he didn’t justify his actions and explain to the public his side of the story, most likely 90 percent of the people who read the news would believe it if he kept his silence. But I do agree, if innocent no need to care about what ppl say or write about, but knowing how vulgar and out of hand the media can become nowadays, keeping silent might be the last thing artists’ would want to do in order to protect their image and career.
Ronan cried, I can understand. He’s the victim. But, his manager also teared up? That’s a bit over.
at least now he’s famous..
for being a gigolo
lol @ Stephchow
Everyone needs to stop with the hate comments…who cares. THERE’S PLENTY OF OTHER NEWS TO TALK ABOUT.
In this interview I would choose to believe that he is innocent.. He seems sincere to me. Good luck to him!
@ronan pak, tsk, tsk, haven’t you read abt sodom and gommorah in the bible?