Rosamund Kwan Plans to Launch Skincare Business

Although she had retired from acting years ago, Rosamund Kwan (關之琳) remains diligent about her beauty routine and continues to mesmerize with her stunning looks. With time to spare, the 51-year-old is looking to start her own business and believes that skincare is her calling.
Rosamund began her acting career in 1981 and made a comfortable living with memorable movie roles. She has collaborated with many of the top actors within the Hong Kong film industry, and became wildly popular after her stint in Once Upon a Time in China <黃飛鴻>. She was frequently rumored with her co-stars, and was linked with some of Asia’s wealthiest men. In recent years, Rosamund’s workload gradually decreased as she shifted her focus onto her successful real estate investments. Currently dating Taiwanese billionaire Chen Tai Ming (陳泰銘), Rosamund officially announced her retirement from show business in 2010, choosing to dedicate her time instead to her partner and charity work.
Although the couple was reported to have secretly married in 2008, Rosamund continues to deny it to this day, saying she has no plans to wed. Free from financial worries, Rosamund leads a carefree lifestyle. Despite the occasional boredom, she has no intention to ever return to the silver screen, and wishes to use this time to develop more practical skills.
Appearing at a friend’s skincare launch event on December 18, Rosamund is willing to try her hand at business. “I don’t know anything, but I am thinking about launching a skincare brand. I only want to release one, or maybe two products, nothing big.” With her youthful skin and fit physique, her products would surely attract many buyers looking to steal her anti-aging secrets. Although she is still trying to secure funding for her venture, Rosamund has already tested sample products and seems enthusiastic about turning her vision into reality.
Although Rosamund does not know Yammie Nam (藍潔瑛) personally, she was asked to comment on Yammie’s claims of being raped by men in the Hong Kong film industry. Rosamund said that she has never heard of such an incident and said, “This is not believable. Why is she saying this at this time? I will not give my own comments.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for
LOL – this is not believable? ah cold water – does it really work on someone who has been enduring away her youth into her current state?
I think not – a fresh rape victim in her twenties is very different from the one who has been choking it down for decades. Rosamund Kwan and the rest are no match for her now. It’s not the same position. The innocent person who was violated now has a partner – the person she is now and they coexist inside of her so re-raping the victim with your lack of social support is just going to piss off the Yammie Lam of today.
Yammie Lam might give a very interesting fight.
I can’t imagine a young beauty on par with Rosamund Kwan’s former glory saying this aloud because (1) Yammie Lam would be her senior and (2) as a fresh object of desire at her peak – she would not want this to happen to her so would not invite attention upon herself so for an older Rosamund Kwan now retired comfortably like someone in a Colette novella to express these sentiments is very strange – did she ever cross paths with Yammie Lam when they were both in their prime?
I saw Yammie Lam then – she was amazing and a hairdresser told my mother that in reality, Rosamund Kwan is beautiful. I can’t imagine what the issue is that would prompt Rosamund Kwan to express such a negative opinion. Was it one of her former boyfriends?
51?! Wow, she looks great!
the only reason I can think of to start a new business is to refresh her identity as a celebrity to keep herself socially attractive to someone in her life as even her beauty may be inadequate
if that isn’t her money and she loses it, the expectation of the emotional gains made from seeing her photoshopped face on the back of magazines and scurrying to grooming appointments a la Gisele Bundchen to seem like a career woman will be cancelled out by the fact that an unsuccessful venture will dampen ardor.
I think Yammie Lam still has a future because she has never been married and needs to lose weight – she’ll become socially popular and sympathetic and maybe there is an ordinary yuppie out there who will marry her now that she is more mature. I think that would have been the outcome for Anita Mui as well because they don’t seem to be nasty people.
She’s really pretty. I think it’s still obvious in photographs. I’m surprised that no one has remarked upon it in current articles. Yammie Lam is REALLY PRETTY and prettier than in photographs.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Regards to Yammie raped years ago. Yammie is mentally ill she should get herself check by a professional before lashing out some more.
I wish to Former star Rosamund Kwan’s career will be successful. Be healthy, be strong & be brave.
still stunning at 50’s, shoulda hooked up with her Andy
Which Andy? Andy someone or Andy Lau who when they were collaborating probably already married with someone.
This woman is still so darn beautiful. No wonder Andy Lau was so smitten with her. I do not think Andy would have married Rosemond though, as Carol Zhu Liqian is more the obedient,husband worshipper and “yes husband” type. Perfect for a controlling man like Andy.
I guess Andy Lau.wouldn”t want to choose Rosamund as a wife although she is beautiful but just used her for on screen lover is more suitable. How can Rosmund win over Andy even Andy’s ex taiwanese girlfriend also lost Carol. No other girls could fight with Carol I guess….
No other woman is as willing to be controlled like Carol, so no other woman will do as wife material.
See, you can still look good even when you reach 50. I don’t understand why some ladies and mums in their 50s wear such old fashioned clothes and hairstyles that make them look old. And, u don’t have to wear expensive branded clothes to look stylish
In part may be due to the fact she never gave birth. No children, no zapping away at her energy I suppose?
Is that her most recent pic? If so.. she’s def gorgeousssss!
Yes, I am asking the same thing. Anyhow, she is a gorgeous lady!
Not her recent pic.
Click on the source Oriental Daily link at the end of the article, and you will see her recent pic.
our asia rosamund kwan is consider the equivalent of western cindy crawford rare beauties…when rosamund flaunts her sexy smile, we can imagine is as comparable to the ageless cindy crawford smile as well.. rosamund age well better than brigitte lin and joey wong
our maggie cheung also is equivalent to claudia schiffer beauty
what are you saying? Mongolians?
Jayne what happened to my Avatar. It is different and changed colors.
51 and no children? How sad! Especially when you have good genes to make beautiful babies. Beauty from the outside never last. To me, if your a women who make lots of money but however didn’t have kids when you could, can’t claim themself a successful woman. Moneys are dead, humans are alive. You’ll have nothing left on this earth once your dead…yeah you walked a small path and left some foot prints and that’s it you disappeared forever with no seeds left behind to grow and loving memories that grows with the grand kids.
My opinions are not for those who can’t conceive but to those who could but deny it for beauty or other selfish reasons. Not saying I dislike them as a person but I simply think is not a good choice. Have you heard of childrens are like flowers why don’t you want more?
Actually, there are many that look a lot better after having kids. Having kids or not is up to each person. Not everyone has to get married and have kids. Each person is different.
“To me, if your a women who make lots of money but however didn’t have kids when you could, can’t claim themself a successful woman.”
I’m just grateful that I don’t know you in real life. Otherwise, I would find my life to be meaningless if I had to live my life according to your standard. Having an opinion is one thing, but simply applying your opinion to other people, such as the above statement, is a stereotype and BS.
And obviously the world would be in a state of total chaos if everyone thought exactly like you, had the same opinion as yours, had the same life like yours, ate what you ate, liked what you liked, etc…
Interesting definition of “successful” you have for women. Lots of women (Oprah, Carol “Do-Do” Cheng, Rosamund Kwan, nuns, etc.) do not have biological children. Oprah helps end suffering around the world for lots of little flowers/children. There are many routes to success besides baring children. Have an “open” mind. 🙂
I wonder if she had used Botox or not? I remember a celeb releasing a brand called Meaningful Beauty and it ended up being a scam. Most of those celebrity released brands are very expensive and most do not work well at all. Just because something is endorsed by a celeb or is expensive does not mean that it will work.
Also, I wonder why she was so negative about Yammie’s situation? I wonder if she has ever thought about what if she ended up like that? I guess when life is too good for anyone, they become selfish and just live in their little world and not care about anyone but themselves and their own family. Not saying Rosamund is like that but many are like that.
Yes I think she used alot of botox that shows a little stiffness in her face. Exactly I find that Yammie is never too late to report about her raping case if ppl willing to help her to reopen her file again and now ppl are more educated and advanced.
I agree or photoshopped to the max.
Yea either Botox and/or photoshop.
Could be true. I guess not every wealthy person would understand the misfortune of other people. You will have to get it yourself before you really understand it.
my mother gets angry and rejecting if Japan’s rapes on the Chinese are brought up but she was immediately sorrowful and comfortable expressing her sorrow and imagining how freaked out Yammie Lam would be after so many years – my mother can’t handle anyone touching her so she fully understands what that era of sheltered Chinese went through when the Japanese INSPIRED “The Prince of Tides” upon tens of millions of Chinese families.
Why is everyone so shocked that a childfree wealthy celebrity with access to cosmetic surgery looks so great at 51? And why should the urge to look good for men (don’t tell me that women doll themselves up for their own self esteem) even consume one’s later years? I’d imagine the frumpy moms and grandmas you see in real life are a heck of a lot happier than women desperate to cling to fading youth.
She probably had botox. But no amount of botox can make someone who is 51 look as good as Rosamund Kwan. Rosamund Kwan is natural beauty, no PS, no surgery, at least not those altering features sort of surgery and yes she has aged but at 51, she can give those at 40 a run for their money. Look at her dad. He was famous for his good looks.
I think both Liza Wang and Angie Chiu look great for their age as well and they are natural beauties. Angie has had 3 kids too.
She’s beautiful but lack compassion, i.e. regarding her comment about Yammie. The fact that since Yammie had opened up it means Yammie is on the road to recovery and is willing to start a new life – and she needs encouragement. It is not an easy thing to admit being raped. I used to admire Rosamund for her beauty, but after this comment, I think she is self centered and without compassion.
Good points ! Agree with you.
I also agree with you! Very well said. But you know when people have not experienced the misfortunes in life, they will not understand how difficult it is for people who have been there. When people have too good of a life, they tend to take things for granted. Maybe Rosamund is one of them?
True, she has a good life and taking things for granted. She should into a wider world and not around herself. who knows one day misfortune might fallen on her (as an example), not intention of harm meant.
Good point yoyo! I have known many people like her who have such a good life that they are blind to the suffering of others until some misfortunes actually happen to them. I think that is how they will learn, the hard way.
Life is truly unpredictable since you can be rich and famous one moment but poor and pathetic the next. Also, she may seem to be in happy relationship now but since she is not married to him, it is easier for she and her partner to split ways if that does happen one day(no harm meant but just an example). People really need to widen their horizons instead of just thinking that the world revolves around them.
Beautiful woman! 51, still pretty, healthy & wealthy..