Roxanne Tong Spends 45 Million HKD on a Property

Former Miss Hong Kong contestant Roxanne Tong (湯洛雯) has been well-liked since starring in the TVB sitcom, Come Home Love <愛.回家>, in 2012, and her popularity continued to rise after joining variety show Sidewalk Scientists <學是學非> as one of the hosts. Two years ago, TVB finally gave her a taste of lead actress with Tofu War <燦爛的外母>, and since then, the company has been heavily promoting her. She took part in the highly anticipated drama, Forensic Heroes 4 <法證先鋒IV>, and she treasured the opportunity by working hard to lose weight for the series.

Finding success after eight years in the industry, Roxanne purchased a Lily Avenue villa from the Crown of St. Barths development in Ma On Shan for 45 million HKD last month. The unit has 2,161 square feet of living space, and it comes with an additional 549 square feet garden and parking space. According to the information from Land Registry, the registered buyer is Tong Lok Man, and the buyer chose to pay off the property for over five years.

At the beginning of the year, Roxanne already expressed the desire to buy a property. At the time, she said, “I want to invest in a small place, and I don’t want to co-own it with a boyfriend.”

However, her idea of “small” is actually pretty big. “Actually, I have been living with my family this whole time, and I’ve always hoped my family can live better. Everyone is responsible for the new place, so I need to work harder.”

As a first time homeowner, Roxanne admitted she is clueless about a lot of things. “I’m a little nervous and stressed, but I’m happy,” Roxanne said.

Regarding her choice of property, the actress said her whole family gave input. After all, Roxanne’s father Tong Chun Chung (湯鎮宗) – the brother of Kent Tong (湯鎮業) – has frequently profited from his real estate investments.

Crown of St. Barths offers a total of 67 residential units. Each house or villa is two to three stories high, ranging from 2,146 to 3,804 square feet, and all units are equipped with gardens, parking spaces, rooftops, and 65 square feet terraces.

Source: HK01

This article is written by MelodyC for

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  1. Roxanne Tong only got promoted by TVB in the last 2 or 3 years, and she could afford to buy a HK$45 million property in Hong Kong recently. No wonder every girl in Hong Kong wants to be an actress in TVB, including the shameful Jacqueline Wong. What else can Jacqueline do to make so much money per year?!

    Roxanne’s 1st lead drama series is the to-be-aired TVB drama series “The Maid Alliance”.

    1. @orchid123 TVB is notorious for paying their artists little money. Most of artists’ income come from sponsors. Since Jacqueline doesnt have a good image, i doubt she will get sponsors

  2. Bet the article didn’t do their full research. I’m guessing the full unit cost might be $45M HKD but her actual down-payment is a lot less. Hardly anyone pulls the full amount down.

    Still, sometimes I find these articles loosely quote prices without much research. $45M is like $5M USD, which is insane, and if she really could afford that, that ain’t from her salary as an actress, that’s for sure.

  3. She isn’t exactly famous to be earning so much dough. So unless she has a rich family, the only way she can afford this (even if she just paid the deposit and needs a loan for the balance payment), is through a sugar daddy.

    1. @pisces2019
      I am thinking of the same thing. Either she from a rich family or sugar daddy. I doubt that she makes much as an actress considering she hasn’t made a name for herself yet. Even with a smaller down payment is not something a high income family could afford. U r taking about people making half a mil us per year. Not many of those people around esp TV actresses.

      1. @orchid123 of cos I know that, but my point is Roxanne isn’t exactly that popular to be earning that kind of money yet, so it must be from other sources. Unless by other sources you mean getting a sugar daddy/rich bf. That is surely the fastest route to fortune lol. Just look at Katy Kung. Not A list but rich enough to invest in hot pot biz courtesy of rich bf.

  4. Regarding her choice of property, the actress said her whole family gave input. After all, Roxanne’s father Tong Chun Chung (湯鎮宗) – the brother of Kent Tong (湯鎮業) – has frequently profited from his real estate investments

    You read the whole article, she said her whole family chipped in. Nothing wrong to have the property under her name if her parents trust her. I don’t think herself can afford the property & will be paid off in 5 years. She’s living with her family

    1. @joyce
      I don’t think Roxanne’s father Tong Chun Chung (湯鎮宗) is loaded with money. She mentioned it just to let people know that her dad helped in the purchase of the property. Her uncle, Kent Tong, in China is more loaded with money.

  5. Like I said hundreds of times in the past, outsiders shouldn’t be complaining about TVB‘s low wages. They offer TV screen time and the opportunity to strike it rich And TVB knows it. The chance in promoting to a lead is the golden ticket to make multimillions. Even non-leads with healthy images will gain plenty of extra income from sponsors and adverts. And you can see why Jacqueline has come back amongst guaranteed backlash. Getting one contract from an advert is already multiple folds of her salary she can earn by working in an average job in the US. No chance she gives up on that golden ticket….

  6. I heard TVBs A list star Ruco Chan was still renting a few years ago.

    How is it possible that Roxanne can afford such a luxurious complex??

    1. @bubbles23
      Some people choose to rent but it doesn’t mean they don’t own plenty of luxurious apartments other asset. Wayne Lai chooses to rent but his monthly rent expenditure is the equivalent of 2-3 months of my wages. It is sometimes for convenience and waiting for a better time to invest…

    2. @bubbles23
      I think it is a lot easier for single female artistes in TVB to make extra money. Besides doing ads and promotions, they will have rich guys there to pamper them with luxurious cars, designers’ handbags, clothes, jewellery, or even properties. It all depends how far they want to go.

  7. that is VERY expensive. But Roxanne has been working in the industry for 8 years & her family helped pay for the down payment, so i guess it’s possible

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