Ruco Chan and Jazz Boon Team Up Again for TVB Drama “Bangkok Chinatown”

After collaborating in 2016’s A Fist Within Four Walls <城寨英雄> and 2017’s The Unholy Alliance <同盟>, Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Jazz Boon (文偉鴻) are ready to team up again for a third time with the upcoming TVB action drama, Bangkok Chinatown <曼谷唐人街>.
Bangkok Chinatown, a story about overseas Chinese immigrants, will start principal production in October. According to news reports, producer Jazz Boon is hoping to bring back the same team behind A Fist Within Four Walls (AFWFW), which won Best Drama at the 2016 TVB Anniversary Awards, to star on the show. “Confirmed” main stars include AFWFW veterans Ruco Chan, Philip Ng (伍允龍), and Grace Wong (王君馨). The Unholy Alliance’s Elaine Yiu (姚子羚) and Joel Chan (陳山聰) have also reportedly joined the cast.

However, Nancy Wu (胡定欣) and Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪), both original cast members of AFWFW, won’t be making appearances.
“I do know that I have a booking [for Bangkok Chinatown] in my schedule,” said Elaine when she was approached for comment. “As for the cast, I’ve only heard about Joel Chan.” Asking if Nancy would also be joining, she said, “I don’t know. You would have to ask the producer or Nancy about that.”
Although unsure if she is absolutely confirmed to have a role in the new drama, Elaine is looking forward to working with Jazz again. “I’ve worked with Jazz before, and I adore his work. (Would you be up for a change in image? A martial arts star, perhaps?) I’m okay with that! I have been training at the gym a lot.”
Having portrayed a couple with Joel in The Unholy Alliance, would Elaine like to team up with Joel again? “Of course! Joel and I are already close friends and we have found our chemistry. Everyone also enjoyed our pairing in The Unholy Alliance.”
As for whether or not Bangkok Chinatown would be shooting on location in Thailand, Elaine said, “The producer actually hasn’t told us anything yet. I don’t know the details.”
Grace Wong said she hasn’t been approached for a role in the new drama, but she would make sure to let everyone know if she gets a notice. There has also been discussions about Nancy Wu turning down Bangkok Chinatown because she is more interested in doing non-TVB projects.
This article is written by Addy for
Eh. I don’t feel the chemistry between Ruco and Nancy. Time for a change.
No surprises here with Nancy wanting to explore non-TVB projects. She already won BA.
Hmm… I’d like to see Ruco with Selena, again. We barely got to see her in SW.
I like this potential cast. It is repetitive but has been a good combo. I am curious to see Ruco and Grace together. I also liked Moon too, would not mind seeing her added.
Hope Ruco’s character is already mature and not a male ingenue. That and the horrendous writing really brought UA down.
maybe i’m a bit ruco biased, but i’m looking forward to this series. as for the female lead anybody is fine, as long as it’s not nancy wu. i’m always looking forward to jazz’s drmaas
I like the cast but I’m hoping this won’t just be a repeat of the past. I’m hoping for some new chemistry between the cast, not just Elaine-Joel, or Ruco-Nancy again. Mix it up a little.
I like Jazz Boon’s stuff (except Unholy Alliancen and to an extent, Line Walker). He is great because he produces new and fresh stuff so I’m hoping this will be too.
@birdy2415 nancy won’t be in the drama for sure, hope it won’t be another elaine/joel pairing
@jcc10 I just don’t want to have the same pairings with the same dynamics.
@birdy2415 I just really want to see Ruco and Elaine together for some reason like I ship them and it always has to go wrong for them in all the dramas they were together in
I like modern dramas…ruco’s 天命 is so difficult to understand. jazz boon produces great dramas. hope to see au sui wai too.
They could change it up a little… Ruco and Charmaine perhaps?
@june Agree. Hope it’s in the pipeline.
I honestly want to see Ruco and Elaine paired up, I’ve always wanted them to be a serious couple or something in a drama because I’ve seen so many dramas where they are always like either Ruco playing her or they just aren’t romantically involved. But when I was little the first drama I saw with Ruco Chan in it was.. lol forgot the name but I know he was somewhat romantically involved with Elaine and I just shipped it since then and now I really wanna see them togetherl in a drama where they both like each other for real! I just saw the new drama Ruco was in “Succession War” and again he and Elaine don’t have a good romantic relationship again this time its just a one way love from Elaine UGHHHHH