Ruco Chan Injures Eye While Filming “ATF Counter Terrorism Unit”

Filming a gunfire scene for ATF Counter Terrorism Unit <ATF反恐>yesterday, Ruco Chan’s (陳展鵬) eye was injured by a trajectile glass shard. The glass chip injured the corner of Ruco’s eye and almost cost him his vision. Ruco admitted that the incident made him anxious. He will be more careful in the filming of upcoming action scenes.
Yesterday, Ruco filmed a scene for ATF Counter Terrorism Unit in which a detonated bomb resulted in broken glass injuring the corner of his eye. Ruco started bleeding immediately. The onsite crew were very nervous and the action choreography aided him immediately. Fortunately, the glass shard did not enter his eye and there was no need to get stitches at the hospital.
In a telephone interview, Ruco said that ATF Counter Terrorism Unit had numerous action sequences, thus injuries were inevitable. “It is necessary to make the advance preparations prior to filming action sequences. This series has a lot of action sequences. To-date, I have been able to handle [the physical requirements] of the scenes. In the upcoming scenes, I will have to jump from one building rooftop to another rooftop, as well as perform some dangerous stunts underneath a fast-moving vehicle on a highway. I do feel the pressure.”
Asked whether he was anxious as a result of his eye injury, Ruco said, “Yes, I do feel a bit anxious. If the glass had entered my eye, the injury would have been more severe. I will be more careful in the future. My colleague who had timed the bomb explosion felt the greatest pressure.”
The reporter noted that Ron Ng (吳卓羲) was also injured on numerous occasions from filming ATF Counter Terrorism Unit. Ruco said, “Yes, everyone has to be more careful.” Allegedly, Ruco’s onscreen time matched Ron’s role in the series. Ruco said, “I will not dwell on the amount of screen time. I will only focus on whether the role offers good opportunities on an acting level.”
Excerpt from The Sun
Jayne: If no stitches were required, Ruco eye’s injury was not very serious. Hope he has a speedy recovery!
My heart bleeds for every drop of blood from his perfect face.. NOT
So you don’t find Ruco Chan to be handsome?
I think he possesses a mature masculine sexiness and intensity that has always been TVB’s weakness. On this level, he reminds me of Joe Ma.
Perhaps as Ron Ng gets older, he can fill in this niche too.
Completely agree with Jayne regarding Ruco and my heart bleeds for every drop of blood from his perfect face.
@ Jayne: Joe Ma :D. I always find Joe Ma is very manly sexy.
I like him. I think he is one of those actors that really works hard (compare to those who ‘make it’ because of their good looks, and show little appreciation of what they have)but he appears set to prove himself; and at the same time shows humility. I’m so glad that he is given more opportunities in TVB.
No offence but he looks like a serial killer. I don’t find him sexy. I find him.. well, looking like a serial killer.
Here let me hold a bucket to his bleeding face, saving every drop of his previous blood for fandom.
He looks weird without his glasses. Not sure if he’s cross-eyed or that his eyes just look feminine. He definitely looks better as Clark Kent than superman. And please don’t cast him in another ancient series.
Poor Ruco. His handsome face is cut. He’s working hard and I can see that he will be successful in TVB
You’re the best. Only that I think Ruco can act better than Joe Ma. That’s right Ron might grew handsome masculine just like Ruco when he grow older too. Ron has a handsome face.
Maybe one day Ruco can play Dexter-like character…. this year is definitely his year. I wouldn’t be surprised if they give him the Most Improved Award to boost his popularity higher.
Dexter like character? Not in TVB but maybe movies. But was he that good?
I agree with you Jayne. I love his smile. I love it when TVB gave him more good role. I always see him in the bad/evil role and now I see another side of him. He is handsome.
Why the sarcasm, Funn?
No one was glorifying his face in the article. They just worried about glass getting into his eye. That’s a valid concern.
awww so bad, hope get well fast, and more careful .
Ruco looks quite decent to me, I mean he can act as someone crazy with unstable mind and he can also act professional like lawyer which tvb is currently airing lol. I think Ruco’s appearance is above normal standard but up to the handsome level yet though.
*Not up to Handsome level though”
I agree that he is not up to the “handsome” level yet but others disagree of course.
he should wear sunglasses for protection from now on.
He look handsome until he smile. I think when he smile look like patrick swayze?. He is one of under rated actor.
Oh yeah, he does have a creepy Patrick swayze smile. I think that’s why he looks better as a villain.
I have always thought he was quite a good actor playing the second lead. He may be ok as the first leading man in future but so far I can’t really accept him for that. I agree that he looks more suited to be a killer and definitely not as a romantic lead. As for his looks, he’s nowhere in the Joe Ma, Kelvin Cheng, Bosco league I’m sorry to say. I guess if he is not playing a romantic lead then looks would be immaterial but if that is the case, then they should find someone else.
I assume you dont watch TOT yet. It’s his ground breaking defining role.
His looks may not be the hunk of Joe Ma and Kevin or the cute wild boy of Bosco but Ruco can act better than all three of them and he’s handsome.
No I haven’t watched TOT yet but regarding the “looks” department, well its all a matter of opinion I guess. Lets say we differ in our views.
I have to disagree with you regarding his look is not in Bosco league. I don’t find Bosco is as a handsome man. Bosco has a cute boy look but not definitely handsome.
I disagree. He is a rising star at TVB. His acting improve a lot in the past 3 years when he got back to TVB.
I have to admit that Ruco is doing a good job in TOT, am half way watching the series, better comparing to Raymond Wong, I think. It’s about time TVB looks at alternative actors to replace the existing “siu sangs” and I think Ruco can be of them!!!
Luckily it isn’t a serious injury. I hope Ron and Ruco are more careful in the future. I don’t find Ruco having that sexiness or whatever although I admit he is kind of cute in a certain way. Anyway, I hope Ron has more screentime than Ruco :/
Ruco Chan’s very masculine and manly…. love him in TOT!!!! Good looking and great acting….. he has potential. More lead actors to go around. Fresh pairings and faces. So sick of seeing Moses and Raymond everywhere.
Ruco Chan is better than Moses. I prefer to see more of Ruco Chan than Moses Chan. Moses OTT acting and pretentious gentleman behaviour gets on my nerves.
Moses is better in comedy, but sucks in drama. Ruco is good in drama, but we still haven’t seen him in comedy yet. Ruco needs to establish himself as a well-rounded actor first.
His fierce is kinda an advantage. He can’t convince as naive, lovesick or family guy. Watching an ATV series with Ruco where he is a naive guy and it’s hard to shallow. Li Zhong Han definitely looks “good guy” than Ruco.
I meant disadvantage, not advantage.
I think Moses suck in comedy. He’s OTT.
I prefer Moses in drama rather than comedy. Honestly, he sucks in comedy big time. He becomes a big pain when he is trying so hard to be funny.
I disagree. In drama he is wooden. In slapstick comedy he tries too hard. I like him best in pseudo comedy, where he just do deadpan.
Moses is just an overpromoted mess. I don’t find him appealing even though TVB is pushing him with max power to be the next TVB big brother. His acting is so unbearable onscreen nowadays.
I actually do find him handsome when he wears glasses (especially in “The Threshold of a Persona”) but only when he wears glasses, lol. Anyways, I’ve been watching TOT and he’s great in it! I highly recommend it.
I’ve always thought Ruco had leading man potential these past few years, so I am glad that he finally got promoted! I’m currently watching TOT, and I am really enjoying this series and his performance! I feel comfortable seeing him as the male lead and can’t wait to see his performance in ATF. He is not handsome like Ron Ng or Kevin Cheng facially, but he is manly, charismatic, and has a nice built-kind of like Moses. If you just look at Moses’ face, he’s not good looking, but he is manly and has the built to be leading man material.
Also, I think he is the biggest contender for “Most Improved” in this year’s anniversary. The only other contender maybe is Jazz Lam. Him Law hasn’t improved too much in my opinion.
Funny how I was discussing with a friend the other day about Ruco wining Most Improved and we both find it weird to see someone winning Most Improved with a leading role. Does anyone else find that awkward?
Ironically, Raymond Wong was shared lead with Kent Cheng in When Lanes Merge last year and he won Most Improved, right?
Back in 2006, Kevin Cheng was nominated for both Most Improved and Best Actor for Under the Canopy of Love. I find it hilarious to nominate him in both categories. It’s logical to think that if one belongs in the Most Improved category, they don’t deserve Best Actor, right? And maybe vice versa too? Although every artist’s acting improves a bit as the years go by, it doesn’t feel appropriate to nominated for both categories.
Ruco has been in the industry for 17 years, and since he was 17 years old. It would be a slap in the face to win Most Improved after 17 years of acting when some TVB actresses like Kate and Aimee wins it after 2-3 years into the industry. Also, what does it say about an actor when he wins Most Improved in his mid 30s? IMO, I think Ruco is past the Most Improved stage, but if TVB needs to give him the award to promote him, then I’m fine with it.
Also, since he doesn’t have a chance to win Best Actor this year, it’s either Most Improved or nothing since his leading role does not match the criteria for a Best Supporting Actor nomination.
On a side note, I forgot about Jazz, but he’s a good contender for the award. I haven’t been liking Him’s characters/acting this year much. I wish Oscar Leung good luck too.
yeah agree i think ruco acting is already very good so the “most improved” wouldn’t make any sense however it’s just an award to boost ones popularity in the end.
Steven Ma failed to bring his character in 7DIL to life. His acting is unengaging and boring especially at the beginning and he lacks onscreen charm and standout power in this series although he gets the most screentime.
I believe TLOAS will be Steven’s better job because he suited these type of ancient roles better than a suave thief.
yeh TVB has a weird system. Just coz someone hasn’t won the lower categories (Most Improved, Best Supporting etc), they are automatically not contenders for Best Actor? Western entertainment awards aint like that. Noobs can win Best Actress/Actor awards too.
I hope he at least gets nominated top5 in that My Favourite Male Character or Best Actor. But then sum actors just automatically get into those categories based on their ‘status’ not on their ‘performance’ every year.
yeah agree with you. seriously im more impressed by his acting in TOT more than anyone i have seen in any other series this year.
Wow! Someone seems to be a big fan of Ruco.
Even though I like Ruco and he seems to be a decent leading actor (much better than Moses, ahem), others I’ve liked this year was Joe Ma (Relic of an Emissary, simply amazing), Roger Kwok (Wax and Wane, very charming), Steven Ma (7 Days in Life, unusual character for him), and Kevin Cheng (Ghetto Justice, saw a new side of him). I wouldn’t mind if these made top 5 this year. However, I have a feeling “The Life and Times of a Sentinel” will be popular and Steven will be nominated for that series instead. Also, it’s also aired during the second half of the year so more people will remember it.
I think Roger was great in W&W he was the best in that series besides the veterans. Kevins character as law ba likeable but somehow it’s easier to act such a charater than Rucos.
Im a big fan of steven, however his recent series haven’t been outstanding. 1st episode of life and time of a sentinel seems indeed very promising and i loved it.
i guess im a little biased since im sick of watching the same leads over and over. ruco is a breath of freash air. but even if you look at his minor roles i can feel that he really can act and that’s something very few has in tvb these days…
I don’t think he can win this. TVB award is wat we are talking about. If he wins these two awards, then the war will come, lol. Just becoming lead over Ron, he gained a lot of haters already. Win these awards, his career will be darker not brighter.
Really? I thought Kevin’s Law Ba was more outstanding and special than Ruco’s lawyer role, which is quite conventional. I applaud Ruco’s court scenes and he certainly did a better job than Kevin. But in terms of creativity, Law Ba was a little bit better.
Nice to hear Sentinel’s first episode was good! Haven’t started it yet, but the trailer was very promising and the producer himself had faith in the drama.
Aren’t those Ruco haters solely coming from Ron fans? If that’s the case, it can be ignored. I’m pretty sure Ruco is gaining more fans as a result of TOT, like exoidus.
Always wondered how big is Ron’s fanbase compared to Raymond’s. Ron’s acting is no better than Ruco’s, IMO. Ron has an added edge because he was promoted earlier and has been in TVB for many years. Acting wise, Ruco > Ron. Ron fans, don’t throw eggs at me.
Solely comes from Ron’s fans or not, I don’t know, but a part of Ron’s fans hate him because of ATF, it’s obvious. If Ron is really side actor in ATF like YSSS, I bet Ron fans will get mad with Ruco more.
@ Chriselle
I watch an earlier episode of ‘Just Love 2’. A character in is reminds me of Law Ba. Could he be an early prototype? He’s played by Wong Hap Hei. He wears a ponytail, is good in court and in his free time, go to bar and sing rap songs on stage. In that episode he was dumped by his girlfriend because he only fight cases for the poor, so, cannot earn money to bring her vacationing in Paris etc like her other friends dating barristers.
Moses still can’t hold a series successfully by himself although he has countless leading roles and his acting are getting retarded. Ruco will bring a fresh face to TVB
I agree on Moses not able to headline a series. I have always said that, looking at his series he is always supported by bigger names or more talented people, he works best in ensemble show. BUT I disagree his acting is getting retarded. His acting has always been the same. It is a matter of what sort of role. He is not the most fantastic actor, but I can withstand watching him.
As for Ruco, what’s the fuss? Doesn’t he have the same emotional range and expression as Moses and both pretty wooden? They should play brothers. I look at Ruco and I don’t see him any better or fresh face or exciting. Don’t transfer your hate of one actor and onto another actor that is at present, just made it good in 1 series and even then I felt he and Kenneth Ma should switch roles. Ruco I feel can do very well in villanous cool calculating characters which he was always such wasn’t he until this lawyer role came along. I am more excited at Kevin;s rejuvenation in Ghetto Justice than the other truth.
ron and mo can play the wooden brothers! plot: brothers that can’t really act that wants to make it big in the entertainment industry in hk. they soon realized that they don’t need real talent it’s all about polishing the shoes of the executives and the audience are too stupid to see the difference anyway…
Oh oh! Moses is the elder bro, Ruco second and Ron he 3rd. Great casting! Seriously great!
If you compare Law Ba and Keith obviously Law Ba will win I also like Law Ba more but I don’t know why I still think Ruco is a better actor than Kevin.
Kevin is pretty easy to surpass in terms of acting
Don’t get me wrong Law Ba or Kevin are wonderful in GJ but I think Ruco did a better job emoting in his court presentation and in the arc with his mum.
I don’t get why Ron’s fans are mad or hating on Ruco’s onscreen time. Isn’t he also a lead actor in the new series? Am I missing something? Why can’t he has the same amount of onscreen time as Ron?
Ruco’s role is more in the center than ATF series. Ron fans feel it’s unfair to him and afraid that YSSS screentime will happen again (where they blv that Ron’s name is used to push the series only) so they sent a “message” to TVB to complain. This thing is reported by Next. In their complaint, ATF is said to use Ron’s name to boost Ruco and Ron will be side actor.
Oh, thank you for the info.
I felt like Ron is kind of stuck in the middle. Feel bad for him but this is TVB.
I think Ruco only has more onscreen time, cause his character is more complex, compared to Ron, who again is the good cop. Where I think Ruco, is kinda undercover cop thing…not sure tho!
Love watching Ruco in TOT. Don’t understand why Ron’s fans are bad mouthing him. TVB needs another new main actor. Raymond Lam and Moses Chan are nearly in all the TVB series. Getting bore with them.
Same here. Can’t wait to see hin in this new series. Yeah TVB does need to find another new main actor. Hmm… Who would we want to see? Suggestions?
I wouldn’t mind seeing Ruco in upcoming TVB series instead of Moses Chan, Moses Chan and Moses Chan.
I doubt that Ruco will be getting into the top 5 for best actor, cause he is not as big yet…but you never know. But the award he is most likelly to receive is the most improved one. But he is on the rise.
I find this character more intriguing than Law Ba…just my opinion…
Just finish TOT, well I’ll cast my vote to Ruco. Throughout the entire drama, his acting may not seems to be consistent but when he got it right, it shines. Like the part with him and Kenneth showdown and in the hospital when doctor told them Natalie is dead. His expression was priceless.
In TOT Ruco and Kenneth come out on top they really shines during their emotional scenes and give all out. Raymond Wong and Tavia on the other hand don’t shine as much.
@Ade @Chriselle @Vivien
I only started watching the beginning episodes of The Other Truth and couldn’t resist but fast forward to watch the ending episode as everyone was talking about the dramatic scenes.
Kenneth’s death scene was very effective because you could see the grief in his eyes.
However, in the scenes with Ruco where Kenneth turns “ultimate villain,” I think Kenneth’s eyes lack a certain coldness and determination to them. Same thing in his court scenes. IMO, I think Kenneth still possesses puppy eyes and on a scene-to-scene basis, he is unable to retain that cold, hard glint of the criminal he is playing. I think the problem lies in Kenneth’s real life personality. When he relaxes his expression a bit, he resorts back to “nice guy” Kenneth again. Ruco has a much more intense and cold stare. I concur that Ruco could easily have played Kenneth’s role and it would have been more believable.
Kenneth of course could have played Ruco’s role. Overall, he would have been effective for Keith Lau’s character and he would have been able to deliver the determination, but perhaps not to the extent of Ruco’s stare which can make people back down. However if Ruco and Kenneth had switched roles, then there would not have been any surprises to the audience and we may not have been surprised by Ruco’s acting range.
Showdown scene between Ruco and Kenneth-
I wish this scene was extended more; I felt it was too short. Ruco’s cold stare was very effective, a lesser actor would have delivered less emotion. There was little shouting from Ruco’s end; he just let his eyes do the talking. Kenneth did all the ranting; however, I still see too much softness in Kenneth’s portrayal.
On episode 22’s confrontation scene between Kenneth and Ruco:
Again too short. Wish the dialogue was longer so we can see more range from Kenneth and Ruco. It held promise, but not enough of a confrontation between the pair.
Overall, Ruco’s acting was the most enjoyable for me thus far. Skipped the middle episodes so I can’t really comment on other actors. Suffice to say that Tavia, Raymond Wong, and Natalie Tong seem to be in their normal element of acting, so no surprises here.
Overall, Ruco interpreted his character role very well. He seems very at ease with himself and his chemistry with Raymond is good; they do come across as good friends. He is able to portray determination and anger extremely well through his eyes. However, I feel he still needs work in the transition of his emotions, which are not gradual enough and seems to “switch on” through obvious moments in his co-stars’ actions.
Otherwise, Ruco’s intensity is very much welcome in a TVB world which has delivered very few acting surprises in a long time. I do hope to see him play more good characters. But I can’t see him as a weak man and perhaps unable to play such characters. Maybe it is too early to comment that his intensity reminds me of Alex Man, but I sure hope he works on his dramatic scenes more to deliver the transitions better.
Ruco is a better actor but he’s also senior in acting to Kenneth despite his younger age. Ruco has been acting for 17 years since he was 17 years old, and has gone through rougher life experience. While Kenneth has acted as kelefe earlier but he only started receiving bigger roles since Triumph in The Skies which was only 8-9 years ago.
Kenneth’s death scene was indeed great and I can feel that he’s filled with grief.
I suspect it is more of Ruco’s dejection and obstacles in his past 17 years that honed his acting. Good actors are able to use their personal experiences to maximum effect and deliver those emotions onscreen.
Kenneth’s improvement in acting has been obvious in recent years. I like him a lot as well, however I think Kenneth is still inconsistent on a scene-to-scene basis in his characterizations. His puppy eyes just seem too innocent for his roles at times, such as the beginning episodes of “Grace Under Fire,” the playboy in “The Mystery of Love,” “A Fistful of Stances” and again in “The Other Truth.” I still see shades of real-life “nice-guy” Kenneth when he is off guard and his puppy eyes take over again.
I wished Kenneth’s death scene was more dragged out. Kenneth’s expression contorted with grief and physical pain and as the seconds tick by, there were flickers running across his eyes. A well-timed expression that made you feel like you were really watching the last moments of a man’s life and regret flash through.
Compared to other senior actors in TVB, Ruco surpassed many of them in his intensity. I don’t think we can see the same intensity in Moses or Michael Miu.
Alex Man in a positive or negative tone? Sunny’s recent reference to Alex Man was viewed negatively.
Alex Man is one my favorite actors and he possesses a rare intensity among actors. In a past post, I ranted that there were no actors possessing the passion and intensity of Alex Man in this generation of TVB actors.
I sense the same type of intensity and energy in Ruco’s acting in The Other Truth, which I didn’t see before. However, that is not to say that Ruco’s acting abilities have reached Alex Man’s level yet.
Alex Man dominated the screen in his performances and it was always a pleasure to witness his anger and intense emotions onscreen. It would be a delight if Ruco goes the Alex Man route, but it also requires sensibility in making sure the scenes warrant such display of emotion and not go overboard, as well as feed off the reactions of his co-stars otherwise it would be out-of-place as well.
To be fair, my past assessment of Ruco’s acting was based on his performances in “Relic of an Emissionary” and “At the Threshold of a Persona,” which I felt he overacted. I started watching his scenes in “Every Move You Make” and realized that he gave a very detailed performance in there.
Would love to see Ruco in the following roles:
– Intelligent and calculating mafia boss
– CEO or financial trader using ruthless practices to achieve position of power (such as Wall Street movie)
I think cop roles are too easy for him. No more street, rough roles for him please. Would like cool, calculating roles more.
yeah, ruco can be a corporate raider which has another hobby which is to act as a serial killer (i.e dexter) in his sparetime.
LOL why do we always come up with new ideas for tvb
After The Other Truth, I think Ruco will excel in aggressive, testosterone-driven roles with good leadership skills.
yeah, also love to see him act as a patient in a mental institution. maybe tavia can join him without ANY makeup…
A patient in a mental institution? lol fascinating choice. how about a undertaker then? or maybe a gigolo? or even a man who believes his a chef? oh the insanity can be endless.
I think Ruco has the screen presence and ability to play grey caracters very well. Most other male leads can’t do this. Kenneth can try but his not able to deliver the same level of intensity, mystery and ambiguity in his expressions. The manner one delivers dialogue is very important, besides the eyes, to conceal ones’ intent and show depth. Kenneth hasn’t grasped such nuances yet.
“I think Ruco has the screen presence and ability to play grey caracters very well. Most other male leads can’t do this. Kenneth can try but his not able to deliver the same level of intensity, mystery and ambiguity in his expressions. The manner one delivers dialogue is very important, besides the eyes, to conceal ones’ intent and show depth. Kenneth hasn’t grasped such nuances yet.”
Good observation. While I agree that Kenneth is a very promising actor, he is indeed missing other details to his performance as you noted. That’s why he’s just not too convincing as a playboy in “The Mystery of Love” and his criminal accountant role in “The Other Truth.” The two showdown scenes between Kenneth and Ruco were quite interesting to see the differences in their acting. From a scripting standpoint, Kenneth had a lot going for him in those scenes, to display his twisted logic, cold-bloodedness, greed, etc. In those scenes, I felt Ruco did very well in displaying his angry, contempt for Kenneth’s character, and judgment that such a person should die. His lines were short because in the script, Kenneth did the most ranting.
However, like SDS said, a good actor can add in a lot more details to have more layered approach, especially body language and small gestures that may not be written into the script. Kenneth’s angry scenes are okay, but I agree that he lacks mystery and ambiguity to make him a truly thrilling villain. Gallen Lo and Bowie Lam are more compelling in their villain roles.
@SDS @Exoidus
Exoidus does have very creative suggestions. However, with Ruco’s current success and TVB’s intention to breed him as a leading man, he will likely get cast in more mainstream roles to win the audience’s heart. Like I mentioned before, success will lead to less risk-taking. Ruco will likely not play insane characters for awhile, maybe a future villain role, but likely not in the next 2 to 3 years. TVB will likely play up his positive image first.
Over the last 3 years, Ruco played numerous extreme characters such as killer, plotting opportunist, tortured guy with split personality etc. Interesting minor roles but such extreme situations will likely not be written for mainstream lead roles. It has often been said that being a lead actor may not necessarily develop one’s acting skills and there is more challenge in supporting characters. That’s because TVB often makes their lead characters too righteous, too good, and too indecisive in love. It’s the same repeated formula again and again in different permutations.
I concur with SDS’ gigolo choice though because Ruco exudes a masculine sexuality that is very intense. A character similar to John Voight’s male prostitute role in “Midnight Cowboy” would be very interesting or an eager corporate climber willing to sleep his way to power and position indeed.
I just hope that with Ruco’s increased popularity, his acting will not become too mainstream and boring. Do continue to take those risks!
I can only remember one time when TVB cast an ‘insane man’ (in brackets since its still a bit of a mystery as to whether the character was insance but he was definitely on the borders of OCD) as a leading role and it was Alex Man who did it. There has been no successor to date.
TVB needs more grey characters. Ones that the audience actually ‘hopes’ will be good men in the end but are afraid they won’t cut it because of where the story is going. I can’t remember the last time I watched a series where I was afraid what would happen to the lead if if if… oh well.
Which Alex Man role was an insane character? He pushed his performances to the limit, but they were very enjoyable to watch. Allegedly, he was so into his character that he threw real punches at Lawrence Ng in “The Feud of Two Brothers” without informing Lawrence in advance. Lawrence was very upset by the situation.
TVB mainstream lead roles are usually reactors and too passive, especially in love and always failing to make clear decisions. Is this the only way to drag on the script? The villain usually drives the entire plot and the lead roles are usually too good and only react upon others’ actions. Ethical values are too black-and-white, especially in the preaching quality of parents’ roles in series.
yeah, totally agree with you SDS. i personally can’t stand all goody characters that will be nice to you even if you stab them in the back hehe…
Yeah, TVB should draft a new series called ‘Black Grey White’, cast Gallen Lo and Bowie Lam in it, both as cops with no ‘borders’ and say Gordon Lam in between as a triad boss trying to go clean. The three would have a field day shifting from good and evil.
The series where Alex Man plays a possibly insane character, depending how you interpret his actions, is ‘The Edge of Righteousness’ (龍兄鼠弟) from 1993. I know a lot of people who didn’t like this series but I still think its one which was very different to what TVB does nowadays (I’d consider it a classic). Alex Man was funny, serious, intense, endearing, aloof, scary, crazy, mysterious and finally heroic. He played every possible angle except romantic. I applaud that.
Thanks for reminding me about The Edge of Righteousness. He and Dicky were a dynamic duo.
Alex Man indeed can be a one-man show as he is able to display such range of emotions in great intensity. When you watch his performances, you truly believe that he is the living character. More actors need to take acting lessons from him!
Ahhh.. Alex Man, he’s good at playing intensive and aggressive alpha male character. Very fond of his series Genghis Khan with Felix Wong
The management might not like it when their lead actors take risk. I heard Moses is a serial killer in his series with Adam Cheng but will he just kill suavely and cleanly or will he abuse every woman and children he found to a pulp and smoke nonstop onscreen? I doubt TVB will let Moses do the last 2 things. TVB lead actors no matter how villain they are won’t abuse a woman, won’t take drugs and won’t smoke ROFL. Fans will cry seeing their gentleman idol smoke and beat woman to a pulp.
TVB also won’t let these gentleman lead actors smoke or beating woman onscreen because there will be hundreds of call from crazy parents who want the TV to educate their children ROFL. Let the supporting actors beat their wives or gfs and be chain smokers because dont need to protect their gentleman image.
When can we get another risky series resembling Adam Cheng’s greed of Man where he pushed all his sons down from the rooftop?
I don’t want to see Tavia without makeup. NO.
Wai Kai Fai, responsible for Greed of Man and Looking Back in Anger, had explosive ideas and a wild, creative edge. Wasn’t he one of the youngest staff when he got promoted to TVB producer? Jonathan Chik is mild in comparison.
@ Jayne
“After The Other Truth, I think Ruco will excel in aggressive, testosterone-driven roles with good leadership skills.”
I hope Ruco will not be typecast into these roles only. This will limit the growth of the actor.
That’s because TVB often makes their lead characters too righteous, too good, and too indecisive in love. It’s the same repeated formula again and again in different permutations.
This reminds of of the days where TVB actually make the protagonist the villain. Two series that comes to mind are
– Ambition (Gallen Lo – already villain from the start)
– Conscience (Maggie Siu – turn villain later)
I really wonder why some can see Ruco’s acting as wooden. Didn’t they notice his eyes and see how he can convey so much through his eyes?
I hope not!! Nothing glorifying about being a serial killer and no serial killers just shoot and leave. All will torture their victims and I don’t want to see that glorified. TVB has already glorified or romanticised the idea of love/romance between 10 year old mentality girl and an adult guy. Not another one!
Kidd, if the face is wooden, no one can see the eyes. Facial expressions go together. Maybe his is too subtle. No overacting but just because his eyes cries does not make him a great one. Really depends. I will be first to admit Kenneth is not as good as many makes him out to be. I find him… still lacking.
@ Vivien
“Let the supporting actors beat their wives or gfs and be chain smokers because dont need to protect their gentleman image.”
Actually, no one smokes in TVB series nowadays, be it lead or supporting actors. I just notice this when I see Joey Meng smoke in ‘Men of Justice’. Then, I start to remember I have not seen anyone smoke for a long time in TVB series. The most I’ve seen a the shape of a packet of cigarette under a t-shirt.
I want to see if TVB will make Moses a serial killer with a good heart to salvage his gentleman image but still be a killer ROFL
Never seen anyone smoke in TVB series too. How unrealistic. TVB must be afraid of the complains by parents.
I don’t think any actor lead or supporting want to jeopardize their image too by suddenly smoking in TVB series. Movies have less limitation.
GOM and LBIH are classics! Now TVB dont make anymore risky and creative series like these. Adam Cheng might be one of my most memorable villain protagonist in my memory.
Yeah kidd, not even holding a ciggarette. Imagine if they remake The bund or the era, how to avoid cigars, etc? Somehow something is lost.
“I want to see if TVB will make Moses a serial killer with a good heart to salvage his gentleman image but still be a killer ROFL”
That is an oxymoron. And he will be serial killer but don’t even blood or gore. We are still talking about TVB here.
It can be done. He can be someone who just kill ‘bad people’ for revenge or money but at the same time has a pure human heart inside him and treat the girl he loves nicely. About the blood TVB normally won’t put too much blood and gore anyway. Don’t expect to see any intestines or brains lying around ROFL
When do you all think TVB will allow cigarettes into their series? Years? Or never?
“It can be done. He can be someone who just kill ‘bad people’ for revenge or money but at the same time has a pure human heart inside him and treat the girl he loves nicely”
That is vigilante who enjoys killing which makes him even worse. There is no such thing as killing bad people and have a good heart. You kill once perhaps, but continously, you’re just like bad people. Unless he is a killer hunting serial killers but again depends.
i think the motive for a serial killer on a personal level doesn’t involve money nor revenge (depends)
must common serial killers do it because of mental instability that sometimes kill because they can’t control themselves or enjoy it (jack the ripper) seems like the moses character is more calculated serial killer that kill certain types of girls. maybe someone that cheated on him?
hitman kill for money which would be a clean kill without any blood.
@funn lim
sometimes mass murderer kill i.e. bombs or mass killing in a open place because they want to acheive attention towards a cause that they are pationate about.
those people are twisted but might still have a good heart. however agree that serial killers are just bad people even though killing only bad people seems to work (i.e. protect innocent people from those scumbags) which he sees himself as a protector of the humans rather a killer.
“must common serial killers do it because of mental instability that sometimes kill because they can’t control themselves or enjoy it (jack the ripper) ”
I’ve seen the pictures of jack the ripper’s victims and those are cleaned up version and I couldn’t sleep without my lights on until today. The evil in that monster, same goes with bundy, etc. They can control themselves. By saying they can’t give them the whole brain chemistry thing as defence and that is an insult and injustice to victims. They just enjoyed it because they think they can never get caught. Paedophile uses the same reasons, now even better, you sleep walk and you rape someone and you walk off.
No, they can control themselves. It is just that they enjoyed their “masterpiece”. Some do have mental illness so to say, but not all.
Don’t go googling for pictures. Not worth the nightmares but if you must know, look at them not with fascination but what these monsters are capable of doing. Reading is one thing, seeing is another.
Moses type of serial killer will hunt certain type of girls? That’s interesting and it sounds like he has a traumatic experience from someone who belong from this type so it’s more of a psychological serial killer.
“those people are twisted but might still have a good heart. ”
You mean terrorists? Look, there is no justification for lying 2 planes into a building full of people. This is not war, soldiers, fair game. You can’t say I kill loads of people and have a good heart. You don’t have a good heart. Who has a good heart? Gandhi; non-violence. You slap me, slap me again. At some point you must stop slapping me, that sort of attitude. Whilst I get some ideas, like jews hunting down nazis, etc but generally no, you don’t kill many many people and still have a good heart. Whatever goodness you have was tainted by those blood on your hands, however vile they’re. Question is are you ready to dirty your hands?
It must be after effect from watching Ruco but I feel that Ruco will do a better job at being this serial killer than Moses if judging from their acting standard so far.
Vivien, serials killers have their MO and they will hunt for those that fits the Mo. nothing surprisingly. Rarely it is a random act. Random is more like mass killing. But look at Norway, it seems that unremorseful killer killed pretty ones. I read how he aimed at prettier girls. Probably mother issue, rejection issue, etc but there are some who doesn’t have such issues.They just get fascinated, they crossed their own moral threshold, didn’t get caught, enjoyed it and did some more.
@ funn lim,
what im trying to say is that some people do it, not because of personal gains or enjoyment. they do it because they believe the are doing good. in a sense you can say they are a little crazy (i.e. the unabomber)
lol, even i see the gandhi mentality i think it’s plain stupid. letting people hit a multiple times without doing anything might cause you serious brain damage.
Because gandhi’s way is too difficult path to take, so many thinks it is easier to be mass murderers like al qaeda. Gandhi is someone I admire deeply for his conviction, like martin luther king, like the dalai lama. There is something good and noble in how they approach hatred,pain, suffering, fear. However nowadays many says they ways are stupid. That is because we are mere mortals who can never practice what they preach. These few special ones, they could and they did it nobly and is remembered for all the right reasons.
if everyone followed that philopsophy we wouldn’t have so many wars throuhgout history.
many innocent people are killed everyday “legally” by American forces but they are given little or no attention in the media.
ruco is definitely hot. even if he isnt to some, he can absolutely not be called ugly though. hope he wont get anymore injuries from filming atf again!