Ruco Chan, Kristal Tin Meet for Lunar New Year Celebration

Good friends, Kristal Tin (田蕊妮) and Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), invited many of their close colleagues to join them in celebrating the Lunar New Year holiday together. Mandy Wong (黃智雯), Rosina Lam (林夏薇), Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), Joel Chan (陳山聰), Janis Chan (陳貝兒), and Hugo Wong (黃子恆) joined the dinner, and the stars shared their resolutions for the new year.
The TVB artistes were excited to share the good food, and even fought over the same dishes good-naturedly. Known for her blunt personality, Kristal even used her chopsticks to press down on Ruco’s chopsticks when they both eyed the same dish. Kristal said, “It’s fun to play like this! Usually, it’s very hard to gather everyone together.”
After the success of Ghost of Relativity <鬼同你OT>, Kristal is excited to film the spin-off series, You Who Come From the Kitty Star <來自喵喵星的妳>. Besides looking forward to working with the original cast, Kristal hopes to play a villainous role this year.
With a productive output last year, Ruco was asked if he was concerned he may hit a bottleneck in the Year of the Monkey. Ruco said, “I’m just entering a different stage, not a bottleneck yet. The most important thing is to follow your own beliefs. If you like this industry, then you can overcome the obstacles.”
After her marriage last year, Rosina said her resolution this year is to improve her business skills. Hoping to start own restaurant business, Rosina plans to study proper financial investment.
Mandy, on the other hand, said she wants to focus more on her personal life, rather than spending all her time working. Seeing good friend Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) getting married last December, Mandy expressed, “Besides work, friendship is very important. My love life is on track right now and I caught the bridal bouquet [at Myolie’s wedding]. I’m not wishing I could get married right now though. I like letting nature take its course and I don’t have any solid plans. But if that time does come, I’ll be sure to share it with everyone.”
After a successful 2015 for Sisley, the 25-year-old said her new year resolution is to expand her career even further. Dodging questions about her rumoured choreographer boyfriend, Shing Mak (麥秋成), Sisley laughed, “I hope the peach blossoms will bring me luck with viewerss in 2016 – I hope that my work relationship improves!” Asked if she will announce her relationship status with Shing Mak, Sisley said, “We’re only good friends. But I will continue to work hard. Making friends in the industry is important and last year I’ve gained a lot of experience. I want to thank everyone who has helped me last year!”
This article is written by Su for
Looks less like a gathering of fans and more like a gathering for PR purposes. Ruco looks good. And what bottleneck? He is still young with years and years of glorious career ahead of him. He just needs to leave TVB.
@funnlim: Yes, Ruco looks so good. Ruco hasn’t reached his prime yet and he has many more good years to go. He is really keeping well and looking very handsome. I wonder when will his big break come? I wanna see him in movies. Quite tired of seeing the same old faces in HK movies these days. .
@funnlim Share the same feeling. TBB is home for mediocre/aged actors not the too brilliant ones. My best wish for Ruco is that he can quit TBB.
@66ksc The day Ruco leaves tvb will be the day i cancel my tvb subscription. He shld be in movies to replace those aged leading men who are being recycled ad nausem much to my chagrin.Hv not paid a single dollar to watch hk trash movies for many many years already.
@isay: Me too, will be cancelling my TVB subscription the day Ruco leaves TVB.
@66ksc: Agree that TVB is left with either very mediocre actors or good ones who have hit the big 5! The old ones are good but as audience, we want to have eye candy too besides brilliant acting. I do feel it is a waste of Ruco’s talent if he continues to stay on in TVB. But nonetheless, wish him only the very best !!!
@66ksc Ruco chan is tvb’s hope…if ruco leaves, i am not watching anymore dramas produced by tvb.
i’ve not watched any movies for a long time either.
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sisley IS successful…but in the area of talking in that irritating high pitch and jumping like a kid in kindergarten.
super annoying.
@freedalas She’s “successful” in a sense that she went from no body to leading drama. Regardless how horrendous and unpopular her acting was/is, she had opportunities that many other actors/resses didn’t have. She probably made more money and exposure than others; therefore, she was “successful.”
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@freedalas “Success” can be measure in many ways. This article probably took the “lead” angel. She successfully secured a lead when others hadn’t. Not saying I agree, just pointing out a possible reason using the term “successful” in this piece.
@jjwong she is ‘successful’ when she is so irritating in the dramas she acted in. her exaggerated acting and shouting makes me cringe.