Ruco Chan Late to “Burning Hands” Celebration: “Had to Take My Dog to the Vet”

The cast of TVB drama Burning Hands <乘勝狙擊> including Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Stefan Wong (黃長興) went to dinner at a western seafood restaurant to celebrate the end of shooting. The heist thriller is about a team of con artists and magicians who come together to help a casino owner investigate an embezzlement case.
Ruco, who was in charge of paying for dinner, was late to the party. He explained that an accident happened to his pet dog and he had to take him to the veterinarian. “He dislocated his shoulder. It actually happened two days ago, but I thought he only twisted something. I didn’t think it was that bad until I noticed that he couldn’t stop screaming. I took him to the vet today, and now he’s okay. My family are on vacation and I didn’t want to tell them. I’ve been so busy. I’m sorry that I couldn’t spend enough time with him.”
In regards to treating his cast and crew for dinner, he said, “The actors and the producer already took turns treating everyone to dinner during filming, but I couldn’t pay the bill until now.” He then added with a laugh, “I need to get Stefan Wong drunk so I can get a discount.”
The actor shared that he will be taking his motorcycle license test in August. “I wanted a license for the longest time, but I never had the time get it. I think it’s good to have one. It’s more convenient to have one if you’re filming action scenes.”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
his poor dog must have been suffering in pain.