Ruco Chan on Broadcast Restrictions: “It’s like My Hands and Legs are Being Tied”

Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) made a special appearance in Tsim Sha Tsui to attend an event for an English exam program. The Most Popular Male Character winner is currently filming the TVB crime drama Burning Hands <乘勝狙擊>, and will be heading over to Macau soon for some additional photography. As filming won’t end until mid-July, Ruco said he is mentally prepared for the heat.
Burning Hands is a suspense drama about a band of con artists coming together to solve an embezzling case. Ruco plays a gifted con artist, while Rosina Lam (林夏薇) plays his opponent and later girlfriend.
At the beginning of filming, Ruco and Rosina revealed that they would have many intimate scenes together. Rosina even disclosed that they had a scene where they were stripped naked. However, Ruco said the moments were all done according to television broadcast guidelines. “As extreme as some of them may be, they would never surpass Chow Yun-fat (周潤發) and Carol Cheng (鄭裕玲) scenes!” he said.
Nonetheless, Ruco remarked that television restrictions can be quite suffocating nowadays, saying, “We have to keep the coarse dialogue to a minimum. It feels like my hands and legs are being tied.”
Singer Vangie Tang (鄧穎芝), who was originally cast in an upcoming TVB drama, was allegedly dropped from the new show after she signed a contract to film Viu TV’s reality show G-1 Fight Club <G-1 格鬥會>. Ruco said he’s never heard about the rumor.
“There’s probably a deal between TVB and her record label. I don’t know such classified information.”
In regards to the news that many former ATV artists were able to appear on TVB in an unrestricted fashion, Ruco said the two matters are incomparable.
Ruco is happy to see competition at an all-time high in the industry, and is ecstatic to see so many former artists returning to TVB dramas. The increase in competition could make Ruco lose out on certain opportunities, but Ruco is not worried about that at all.
“As a junior we can never surpass our seniors. It’ll be meaningless to give me the award.” He added that veteran actors like Liu Kai-chi (廖啟智) and Gallen Lo (羅嘉良) are solid actors, and they deserve all the spotlight they need.
Would Ruco follow Gallen’s footsteps and tackle the mainland industry? Ruco laughed and said, “I’ve had enough of that when I was younger. The big tree has better shade now. I’m walking backwards!”
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Addy for
i hope Ruco doesn’t leave to take on roles in Mainland. there is no need to compete…if one is able to bring out the character, viewers can see for themselves…but it’s really good to have veterans back.
@janet72 I am not Ruco fans, but I feel sorry for him. TVB treat him badly. If I were Ruco, I will leave for mainland once my contract expired unless prefer being with family. Loyalty doesn’t pay
@gray How does TVB treat ruco badly? He has already been heavily promoted by TVB compared to other underrated artists. What more do you want TVB to give him?
@unknown First of all, I want to say that I am not Hongkong-ers nor I follow TVB news/films. I am sorry if I offence Ruco or TVB fans. But from what I heard TVB treat its artists badly, hence they don’t want to renew the contract and go to mainland.
I have that impression from reading news regarding his “resentment” toward Tony Hung during Captain of destiny filming. Many fans think he should become male lead alone instead of co-lead with Tony Hung. I have an impression that he is famous in Hongkong and yet TVB only gave him supporting role in order to promote new actors, even though he is still in prime age.
But even if he was not treated badly by TVB, I still think he should go to mainland for his career. I mean if you get better opportunity, why not. And you will never know until you try.
Just sharing my opinion though
@gray Ruco is no longer in supporting roles. He has began taking on first lead/co-lead roles ever since the drama the other truth. He is currently one of TVB’s heavily promoted siu sang.
TVB didn’t gave ruco supporting role in order to promote new actors. The role of Cheung Po Tsai was originally offered to Raymond Wong, but later he had dropped out from the series due to health problems. So TVB has no choice but to replace Raymond with Tony Hung for the role in Captain of Destiny.
Furthermore, Ruco has already denied the rumors of not getting along with tony and said he and tony are good friends and these were only fabricated rumors by the media.
@unknown Ok, thank you for your information. I have an impression that he love acting and committed to his job because he takes his job seriously (typical Capricorn). So personally I still think he should go to mainland to improve his career or at least broaden his acting ability by starring with more capable artist or take more challenging role. Of course it doesn’t mean he cannot work again with TVB. If he can balance both of them (working in mainland and working with TVB), it would be very good. But that was just me. We can agree to disagree.
I just love this man and how he tackles those difficult and sometimes pesky interview questions. He has so much EQ and speaks intelligently at all times. Plus he just keeps getting hotter and hotter !!! Yes I’m sure he won’t be interested in awards which are simply handed to him or given in exchange for certain benefits. That is his sportsmanship spirit due to his early upbringing as part of the HK table tennis team.
Oh, dear Ruco, finally get your news at jaynestars. Don’t you know that that day at W Hotel, you are so handsome and as elegant as a prince. Happy to hear he said “big tree has better shade”. Please film more drama and I can’t get enough of him, my little prince.
Ruco has this charisma which makes him very endearing to many. He can sing, act and very sporty…i would say he should be TVB’s asset.
But tbb is not treasuring this precious asset. He’s only given one drama a year and was restricted for other shows like movies and mini concert. It’s a waste of his talent and time. Agree with gray, tbb treats him badly.
@66ksc yes we all pity Ruco TVB is biase never given enough drama to Ruco one a year is pathetic…. He deserves more at least 3 to 4 as he is such awesome actor. Not only handsome, good in all aspects o singing, acting, speaking he is an outstanding vocalist. Has the EQ and intelligence. Wake up TVB to promote him well not giving other lousy actors such as Tony Hung or Edwin Siu no way compare to Ruco
No, 3 to 4 dramas are too much, over-exposure. It’s best if he can be given 1 to 2 a year and the rest of the time, release him to film movies and some singing events or even Mainland China dramas. Just fully utilize him during his golden age. Poor guy he’s now victim to tbb’s promotion of newbies and veterans. He has that superstar potential which hasn’t seen for years. It’s prudent to develop him as a superstar icon to attract more better quality newcomers.
@66ksc Lol it’s TVB not TBB!
Ruco speak so well. still not a fan of his facial hair but he look good in a suit!
They changed the title of the drama? It was Pursuit something before no?
@happybi watched the variety show which he was a guest star (Nancy Sit). body language with the hosts seemed rather unsociable…don’t know if you agree.
as TVB’s asset, he should be given more air time…or at least groom him in terms of singing. ruco is a versatile actor.
@janet72 no didn’t see anything unsociable about his body language. He was very gracious and charming. Nancy and the younger female host were so obviously smiiten with him.
In case you didn’t know he’s singing the theme song for AFWFW and the ending duet too. For Brother’s keeper 2 he will duet with Edwin if i remember correctly.