Ruco Chan Opens Up About Phoebe Sin

When The Unholy Alliance <同盟> first made its premiere on the TV screens, the media spent more time talking about their rumored relationship rather than the drama itself. At the utter of Ruco Chan’s (陳展鵬) name, Phoebe Sin’s (單文柔) name would almost always be attached to it.

It took nearly 20 years for Ruco to win the honor of TV King, a title he won last year for A Fist Within Four Walls <城寨英雄>. But that standalone fame didn’t last long—a few months later, paparazzi discovered that he had been going on dates with Phoebe, and his Best Actor spotlight was brushed away.

“I don’t think it’s unfair,” said Ruco. “If you’re in this industry, that all comes with the package. But to be honest, I’ve never had this many dating rumors all at once before. I would wonder about what I’ve been doing wrong, and what I haven’t been doing well. But these problems are bound to happen, so I want the burdens to be constrained in the least possible way for the people around me.”

Though Ruco tried to be as cooperative with the media as he could, circles of misinformation and exaggerations about his rumors continued to circulate. Ruco tried to think positively—perhaps more rumors meant higher market value, but what’s done has been done, and there’s no way of turning back. “All I hope now is to try to get as much privacy as I can. Though I’m an artist, I shouldn’t have to dig out my guts for you all to see.” He stressed that establishing a good rapport with the media is necessary. “It’s not like I’m doing anything illegal. If it happens again, I’ll try to handle it better.”

The interview then went straight to the point, and his rumored girlfriend, Phoebe Sin, was name dropped. Ruco said his current relationship with Phoebe is good: “We started talking through fashion. I knew nothing about it, so she came around to help me out.” After more probing, Ruco opened up some more about his rumored girlfriend. “She’s a very nice girl, and very independent.” What quality of Phoebe does Ruco find to be the most attractive? “She has strong family values, and is very good to her family and her elders. I’m sure a lot of people are attracted to that.”

When it came to describing their relationship, Ruco used only one word: OK. But when it came to describing Phoebe’s positive qualities, Ruco was nonstop. “In the past six months, the both of us have really went through a lot together. She had to face so much as a rookie, and I really admire that patience and endurance. She’s doing really well for a newcomer.” Ruco added with a laugh, “I’m thinking she’s having hallucinations now. She always thinks she’s being followed, always thinks people are trying to take pictures of her.” The stress of being a paparazzi spotlight is giving Phoebe a lot of stress, and Ruco hopes to help her in every way possible.

Both Ruco and Phoebe are very low-profile people; it is also a quality that they both share. Ruco looks forward to getting to know Phoebe some more in a more serious, stable way. “We still need time to understand each other more. After all, I want to get married in the future. We can really use this time to get to know each other. Humans are funny. Sometimes, there’d be people you’ve known for a long time, but fate doesn’t want you to get together yet. Other times, you’d have feelings for people you just meet, but you can’t get together.”

He hopes the media would stop reporting about Phoebe, adding that he wants their relationship to develop naturally. “If you guys keep talking about it, people would get bored of Ruco Chan!”

Source: HK01

This article is written by Addy for

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  1. This content has been hidden as the member is suspended.

  2. Phoebe looks pretty than nancy I think..
    my father also think Phoebe is pretty with her smile

  3. So.. he admitted. They’re official!!

    See Ruco, so easy. Love the entire standard reply of she is so family oriented, etc etc. And she is busy? with?? and

    “She had to face so much as a rookie, and I really admire that patience and endurance. ”

    Sorry I laughed very hard at this. Well wait till she starts acting and whatever, she will be run over with the criticisms and being Ruco Chan’s girlfriend won’t help one bit. I hope she is a good actress. She looks plain to my eyes but sometimes that can be a plus. Make up does wonders and having a plainer face means she can be in more roles. So far her face doesn’t stand out for me.Let’s wait…talent first!

  4. Sure sound like he is admitting to their dating rumor. Good for him. Don’t find her pretty but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Wishing them both luck!

  5. No, he is still going in circles- says everything else but not plainly that he is dating her or she is my gf. I wonder if he meant Nancy when he said there are people that he has known for a long time but fate wouldnt want them to be together. Nancy is your match Ruco! With her, you don’t have to act like a father to protect her. You are too old for smy or she too immature for you.

    1. This content has been hidden as the member is suspended.

  6. So I’ve always annoyed by him dodging the issue. However, he delivered this time. He used the generic, give us room to develop and nature takes its course. This is no different answets than Kenneth and Jacqueline. Though Ruco was probably prep or scolded by his management xD

    I agree with another poster in a different post that Ruco is far from having the fame, ability or pull to brush off media and fans curiosity. Sure, don’t disclose your private matter (i.e. Grace Chan) but he needs to “answer with finesse.” I mean his fans are his success after all.

  7. Please be a man, ruco! Playing guessing game with medias not giving u any benefits. When they are impatient with you, they will write bad on u!

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