Ruco Chan Overworked; At Risk for Hepatitis

Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) is currently actively promoting his TVB drama Ruse of Engagement <叛逃>, an action crime drama series that also stars Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Aimee Chan (陳茵媺), andY oyo Mung (蒙嘉慧), who left TVB earlier this year. As the filming of Ruse of Engagement was already completed by September 2011, rumors claimed that Yoyo’s leave from TVB was the reason for why the drama stayed in the warehouse for three years.
In a radio interview, Ruco clarified, “I don’t think it was because of Yoyo. There are many actors in the series, and the company uses a lot of resources to produce on drama. They would not warehouse it for that reason. I don’t think [Yoyo’s leave] would have such a huge impact. There are many actors who have left and their dramas still get broadcast.”
Mentioning that Ruco’s Ghost Writer <蒲松龄> costar, Steven Ma (馬浚偉), was recently hospitalized for high blood pressure, Ruco looked and shocked and said, “What? I didn’t know! He’s so skinny and still has super high blood pressure? We really need to look out for our health. Hemorrhage strokes can get really messy and serious.”
Confirming that Steven has been discharged from the hospital, Ruco sighed with relief. “It’s good to know that he’s okay now. I will send him a message.”
Ruco confessed that he has also been experiencing some health problems himself. He expressed that he would always go for body checkups every year, and revealed, “In the past two to three years, I filmed dramas nonstop. There were often times in which I’d be scared that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I went for my checkup and it was discovered that my liver enzyme levels were elevated. It’s pretty dangerous and I was at a high risk for hepatitis, but I’ve taken medication to control it.”
This article is written by Addy for
Ron also in risk of hep due to over working
Ron hepatitis is due to over drinking of alcohol as mentioned by him.
Yeah and he said it darted in 2007 back then he was over work Ron a nice person he blamed it on his lifestyle not on work
It started because of over worked. And then alcohol made it worst you know.
Really, here I thought Hepatitis is only transmitted by blood or bodily fluid. Unless he work with a whole bunch of infected people, you can’t catch hepatitis from over working!
Glad to see at least someone here has some common sense………Sometimes, these artists make the silliest and stupidest comments……….Getting Hepatitis from overworking, Yeah right.
The caption said “Rico Chan overworked; at risk of hepatitis”. Note the semicolon. Never in the article did it said he had hepatitis as a result of overworking.
lol, maybe lost in translation?
And I do wonder do ppl believe in everything they read?
Yes, things are usually lost in translation. Also, a number of these articles are not even translated word for word. I know that you can have liver problems from over working but not get hepatitis.
I don;t know if it was hepatitis but all artistes need to take care of themselves and their health.
And here are some causes:
I don’t know.
You can’t be at risk for overworking!
Yes you can. Recently a young banker died from overworking.
Of course you can die from over working, over exhaustion , what i am saying is you are not at risk to catch hepatitis, which it is indicated in the article, advised to ruco at his last check up. Unless the work place is infested with people with hepatitis.
I heard that you can develop liver problems from over working, but have never heard of getting hepatitis from over working before. I think there must be done confusion or something lost in translation.
I agree! You can get a lot of health problem from overworking and can die but to a point you have hepatitis? It just doesn’t make sense!
This article is such nonsense. The writer doesn’t even know where hepatitis comes from. There are 3 types of hepatitis and non of those are caused by overworking.Besides the two causes that ping listed another way is through food. Which is the cause of hepatitis A. Spreading false news to the public how dumb.
Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. You can get hepatitis if you drink lots of alcohol, use lots of drugs, get liver infection or even have an autoimmune disorder. Basically things that stress your liver can put u at risk for Hep.
The article only states that Rucos is at risk for Hepatitis due to overwork. You guys went ahead and assumed that they meant Hep B or C which can transmitted by blood or bodily fluid. Rucos KNOWS what he is talking about. If his liver enzymes are high (as he mentioned) bc he is constantly taking meds suck as Tylenol and other drugs that take toll on the liver…then yeah…he can get hepatitis.
nooooooooooo, my hero, you’ve got to take care of yourself!!!!!!
I hope he is okay.
Ruco, health first. Have a rest when you can.
Wow, he looks hot in this picture! The aviator shades make it look as if he’s sporting a uni-brow.
Regardless, he is still smoking hot in these shades!
holy moley, he sure looks hot in that pic and in the drama too! If nothing else, i’d tune in to give my eyes a treat <3 but on a more serious note, the first 5 episodes hv been very entertaining especially ep 2 which was suspenseful from start to almost end.
Hope Ruco takes a break to give his body a much needed rest.
Hepatitis… really???
Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) and Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) have great chemistry and both are getting more likeable on tv. Good job!!
Really?? I find them zero chemistry. In fact I find more electricity from Yoyo.
@Kora, yeah agree i can feel there is good chemistry between them after eoisode 4. They are handling quite well so far!
They’re quite cute together, definitely see some chemistry in this couple.
The thing is – when you are not famous, no one cares even if you playing supporting roles in several shows simultaneously until you drop dead. When you are famous, the media will report your news even if you just give a sneeze. Reality of life …
Yup,I wonder when they will report about how many times they will use the restroom in one day? These reporters never give them a break.
Life in the circle is hard,so hope that Ruco takes care of himself. Health is the most important.
ruco is so hot good looking model advertising for glasses and also watches and he got the look for apparel brand model as well.. if i am boss,,i sure pick him to be my No.1 model
I think what he means is by overworking his body becomes weaker and is susceptible to disease and hepatitis can be one of them.
It could happen.
Oh oh I see! There is a connection! Higher liver enzymes may mean the presence of hepatitis errr…A I think? It is like a symptom.
So Ruco is not wrong.
Hope Ruco will always remain healthy
He just said he had a high level of liver enzymes (肝酵素高咗) during the body check last year. I don’t see any mention of hepatitis.. Most probably lost in translation.
Hepatitis means inflammation (-itis) of the liver (hepa). The most common ones we hear about are infectious diseases: one can get Hep A, B, C, and E through sexual intercourse, exposure to infected bodily fluids, intravenous drug use, and exposure to contaminated feces respectively. Liver inflammation however, can be caused by multiple factors including excess alcohol consumption, autoimmune responses to liver cells, genes, diet, lifestyle, etc.
So “hepatitis” in the article may not refer to the infectious disease. The description of elevated liver enzymes may just point to a risk for future liver disorders unless precautions are taken.
And I agree that overworking can kill; not the work per se but the physiological effects of not sleeping enough, stress, inconsistent meal times –> lowered immune, depression, the lack of time for body and brain to recuperate, etc.
Agree and agree.
have Ruco and Steven even work together?
Yes, Ghostwriter, they acted as cousins.
Oh yea, they did. I nearly forgot and to think that Ghost Writer is one of my favorite series too.
I didn’t really quite like ghost writer. I did however like the main theme song.
We all have different taste… I personally enjoyed Ghost Writer a lot and it was one of the better TVB series from the 2000s.
That could be one reason.
But another reason could be that I only watched it once or twice.
I only saw it 2 times and really enjoyed it each time. There are some series that I have noticed that I saw in the past and do not remember liking them. However, after rewatching them more recently, I enjoyed them a lot more now. There are some series that just grows on you over time. On the other hand, there are some that you can enjoy in the past but may not enjoy as much if you rewatch them again. It just depends I guess.
Oh..? I don’t remember. It’s not one of my favorites, but remember loving the opening theme song
that song that RUCO sang on the show that he was filming it really sounds like a very sad ending
of the song……………………………..:(
CP take care
Why not?
He can be at risk for Hepatitis if he overworks and falls sick.
“Hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. In addition to a virus, hepatitis can also result from overuse of drugs or alcohol, illnesses, medications, or even an immune disorder.