Ruco Chan Reveals Filming Behind “Ruse of Engagement”

Produced by Amy Wong (王心慰), TVB’s upcoming action thriller, Ruse of Engagement <叛逃>, completed its filming last September. However, a release date for the drama is still undetermined, and there are speculations that the drama may be put in the warehouse. But with the theme song already produced, and a music video already filmed, TVB may be planning for it to have an end-of-year or early 2013 release instead.
Starring Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Ron Ng (吳卓羲), Aimee Chan (陳茵媺), Yoyo Mung (蒙嘉慧), and Louise Lee (李司棋), Ruse of Engagement is Ruco Chan’s first lead role with TVB since 2011’s The Other Truth <真相>. Ruco portrays “Chong Yau Ching,” an officer from the fictional Anti-Terrorist Force (inspired by the real-life Counter Terrorism Response Unit) of the Hong Kong Police Force. His loyal younger brother “Chong Yau Kit,” portrayed by Ron, was a former paramilitary officer from the Special Duties Unit. Ruco’s superintendent later convinces him to go undercover on a mission, forcing him to sever ties with Ron.
After the synopsis of Ruse of Engagement was released, Ron’s fans became furious with the casting, arguing that Ruco’s darker and conflict-driven character will “outshine” Ron’s more passive role. In addition, Ruco will be involved in a triangle relationship with both Aimee Chan and Yoyo Mung, while Ron will be “in the sidelines,” hoping for a chance to have Aimee notice him. Ron’s fans bitterly called Ron a “cannon fodder” – an expendable person. Some vocal fans even created petitions to have Ruco kicked out of the production.
Nonetheless, both Ron and Ruco did not feel too dampened by the controversy caused by their fans, and the two actors got along very well on set.
In a recent interview with Astro Touch, Ruco briefly talked about his filming experiences on the set of Ruse of Engagement. Being one of his first lead roles, Ruco confessed that filming for Ruse of Engagement was one of his most nerve-wracking experiences since joining the industry. A drama fully packed with action, there were many cases in which the actors would be subjected to injuries.
Almost Gets Stabbed by a Nail
In one of Ruse of Engagement’s most publicized set photos, it shows Ruco tossing a pack of explosives in the air. According to the calculations, the bomb was supposed to explode after at least 7 seconds, but the bomb went out in 3 seconds. Despite the time variance, Ruco handled the scene well and was not hurt.
Ruco exclaimed that the bomb scene was not his most dangerous stunt in the drama. He revealed, “There was one scene where I was to save Aimee. We were in a room surrounded by glass, and there were nailed wooden planks to support them. When it was time for the explosion, there were pieces of wood flying towards my body! Luckily, the side with the nails hanging out was not facing me.”
Ruco: “It’s a Bitterly Sweet Production”
Although filming for Ruse of Engagement had been laborious, Ruco did not regret the difficult experience and felt very accomplished after production was completed. He said, “There are not many chances to be able to film a drama with such a heavy ‘male-flavored’ tone. Although it has been very stressful and difficult, I have learned a lot more than I have suffered. It’s a sweet experience.
“When you go through rough journeys, your experiences will become unyielding memories. On the other hand, if your journey had been smooth and easy, there won’t be many things worth remembering. That’s why I consider Ruse of Engagement to be a bitterly sweet production.”
Source: Astro Touch via
This article is written by Addy for
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ugh Aimee AGAIN? Are there no other actresses at TVB anymore? Oh. that’s right, there aren’t!
Even if there is, they don’t care. They want to promote Aimee to Moses’s status. So they can be lovey dovey. //Pukes//
I agree! It’s even more sickening that she’s leading over Yoyo! Like what the heck!?! No wonder so many people are leaving TVB
i don’t like aimee and yoyo. i find both of them are terrible in their acting skills!!
The trailer looks pretty intense and action packed. Ruco and Ron also seem to have good chemistry. Although didn’t see Yoyo Mung in the clip.
I doubt this drama will be put at end of year “cannon fodder” period because police action dramas are always popular.
and end of year stuff are just after the anniversary awards so they get less attention. at least a spring/summer time would be better
you know if TVB really did want to utilize/promote Ruco why in the heck did they cast Amiee as the lead between Ron and Ruco??? Really….like previously mention there really isn’t anymore actresses out there? Ruco got a rotten deal w/this one even if he is the lead role!
Disappointed that Yoyo is no where to been seen in the trailer and she’s one of the leads! Can’t believe it’s Aimee again.
Arghhhh why aimee is everywhere???? No, not with ruco!. Want to watch ruco but can’t stand aimee so dilemma.
How I wish it will be aired in 2012
The trailer of “Ruse of Engagement” and the terrorism topic may be too heavy-handed for HK audience? So TVB is figuring out opportune time to broadcast?
Personally, I think they should have aired it right after “Tiger Cubs” when the thirst for action series may have continued excitement for “Ruse of Engagement,” which doesn’t lack male eye candy either.
Judging by the short trailer, the acting is something to look forward to. Ruco looks much younger than his style in “No Good Either Way” and Aimee was fine in her scenes. Ruco and Ron look good as brothers.
so why is it being warehoused????????????????
Because of Ronnie? Perhaps.
or maybe cos of ruco role its sounds lije a role where it can make him as this years tv king and 620 doesnt want that to happen
Hahaha, what am I seeing? Another 620 blame? Do you need to wait until Ruco lies on the crotch of someone to know how close he is with 620 or Catherine Tsang? Please, Ruco is under fave list of Catherine Tsang and she also plays the favourism card. But Ruco is less favoured than MM, I agree that. MM is heavier promoted.
So dont be worried, Ruco will have things on hand until when he is still close to Catherine Tsang.
Warehoused? I don’t even know whether to be sad or happy…
Yay because of Aimee?
Or F**K because of Ruco? Poor guy deserves better.
it’s gonna come out soon i think ..according to the chinese wiki. it’s gonna come out after highs and lows
i mean after the confidant >.<
An intense trailer with actions, but I dont like how the expressions of all 3 main chacs dun change throughout the trailer. One cool, one cold, on no emotion. One color to all. Hope they can have more expressions in the actual series.
have been waiting for ATF for soooo long!! Can’t wait for it to air, and Ron + Ruco’s MV seems cool!
It looks like a grand production, with heaps of time spent for post production. btw nice pic above, thanks Addy!
After the pictures of Ron’s perverted look on his face while wrestling with Toby; and the reports that he peed in the pool – I don’t think I can ever stand watching him acting in some goody-two-shoe role.
Same for Him Law. Can’t stand watching him because to me, he is a girlfriend beater.
Ruco had undergone such hardship in filming this drama. TVB pls don’t warehouse it. Its long expecting to many.
But its a pity to air in the cannon fodder
period, so pls air in early spring 2013!
“Best of the best, the elite” If Ron can be labelled that then most beings can be labelled as demi-gods, LOL
There are so many others more appropriate than Ron for instance Chris Lai.
Personally, Louis Yuen would be better choice. Louis is superior in acting, can act as comic relief and has almost the same physique.
Reasons for warehousing :
1. RON and his stupid rumors and who wants to watch his fat guts hanging out there.
2. RUCO’s performance is too good, so if he’s acting, whoever they want to rig to win will not.
Ron fans are really over the top worshippers, like TY fans. LOL In this series, they complain about Ron being outshone by Ruco. Well, of course he WOULD be. Ron’s acting SUCK. In TITS2, they complain about Ron not being one of the leads, until TVB management have to confirm that Ron will be leading and even pair him with Myolie.
Ron’s acting is indeed not very good. Even if Ruco and Ron switched roles, Ruco would still overshadow Ron, unfortunately.
Ron’s acting did over the years – and he did do fairly well in L’Escargot, but it’s been a slow improvement. All of his contemporaries have already exceeded him. Even his juniors (best example being Kate Tsui, Fala Chen, Linda Chung) are leading over him!
You suck tvb for warehousing this series!!
Aimee?!! Nough said.
ron and ruco r sharing the leads its just ruco has a more interesting role thats for sure
I somehow hope that Ruco can help Ron on his acting. Who knows. as it says their relationship is very well on sets, so maybe it can give Ron a chance to show his acting, by the help of Ruco. Off course this will only be my though and maybe hope lol.
the funny thing is audience say Ron acting sucks but the thing is producers say Ron acting is great and hes seniors has always praised Ron with his acting skills
I think TVB warehouses this drama cos they
don’t want the shiny Ruco to overshadow LF
whom they will rig as TVB King.
Feels like tiger Cubs 2. But the cast… Why aimee? Yoyo mung should be the lead, her acting is way better