Ruco Chan Wins the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award! (Collecting Fan Comments)

On September 30th, Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) was declared the winner of the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award after six weeks of heated online voting at! After the airing of TVB series, The Other Truth <真相>, Ruco shot to stardom and won the audience’s hearts with his great acting and hunkiness!
In the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong poll, Ruco garnered 3,517 votes, while 1st Runner-up Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) pulled 1,340 votes, and 2nd Runner-up Raymond Lam (林峰) won 1,268 votes. Congratulations to the men and many thanks to the worldwide fans who voted daily to support them! The complete results of the online votes are available here. will be sending an awards package to Ruco Chan in honor of winning the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong title. The awards package will include an awards plaque, a t-shirt gift, and a booklet with fans comments. Many thanks to Chin Pang’s Hong Kong Fan Club and their generosity in helping deliver the awards package to Ruco in person!
Collecting Fan Comments to Be Mailed to Ruco Chan
As part of the the awards package to be sent to Ruco, we will include a printed booklet with fan comments. If you would like to include your comments (in either English or Chinese), please leave a comment at the end of this article. The comments should be positive and relevant to the theme of why Ruco is the Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong. They should not be x-rated and any inappropriate comments (with rude and hateful language) will be deleted.
It would be nice to state which country you live in at the end of your comment, to let Ruco know that his fans truly come from all over the world!
Please submit all comments by Saturday, October 8th. Keep in mind that Ruco may prefer to read Chinese, so you may wish to leave a comment in Chinese if possible.
Once again, thank you for participating in the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong poll! is a website that celebrates Hong Kong celebrities and fandom; the Sexiest Man Alive Award was established with this in mind.
Jayne: Many thanks to Funn for her support of the site over the years and for her brilliant suggestion of putting together an awards package for the winner of the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award. Also I am deeply grateful towards Chin Pang’s Hong Kong Fan Club in helping give the awards package to Ruco!
Congratulation Ruco for winning 2011 sexiest man alive in Hong Kong, you really deserved not only sexiest man but good at acting, singing and nice personality. I like you seen the role Jong Ling in Love In A Miracle until I see you with the success role as Keith Lau in The Other True as everyone regonise you more not only handsome but because of your natural acting and I hope to see you more differrent role in the future and hopefully get to hear you singing theme song or sub theme song in your next drama that are coming out. Anyways keep your hardwork and the best to you in the future always support you.
Mai (Sydney, Australia)
直至我希看到真相第一集,我就有好像着魔的每天趕着回家看,我從不是電視迷也不好電視明星,但你有著一種任何一個男演員都沒有的吸引力,樣貌當然重要但你的身型更優勝,基本上一個字"型"!Keith 的言談舉止顯岀他本人的自信和機靈!然後我再看only you,裡面的阿海,滄桑得來又深情,我當時怨恨自己認識你太遲,亦錯過了太多的你!
然後看過幾個你的訪問,我想世界上竟然有這麼完美的人,不單有外表,有內涵,有才華,更有一顆善良的心,你說最開心是對多年的fans 有交代。我又看過范後感,裡面你又真又可愛!
我想講你是全宇宙最sexy 的!雖然是誇張了少
少!congratulations!!! 這個獎雖然不是最佳男主角,但也亣代表了很多人對你的支持 !
It is Lisa from hong kong!
Congratulations. Keep up the good work you deserve to win. Will always support you. The best of the best.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ruco, 十分欣賞你的認真及努力,以及堅持和不放棄的執着,加上你的天份,成功了!永遠支持!
All the best!
Hong Kong
展鵬,好開心知道會有一本紀念冊給你。從開始播出之後,我就被你吸引著,你的表情動作語氣都有律師的感覺,演出很自然,中段你和helen姐的演出也給我很深刻的印象,內心戲很突出。之後不斷追看你在亞視及無線的劇集和之前的電影(例如魔鬼教師),知道你一直在進步。通過一些訪問,得知你以前是運動員,所以你不怕面對困難同挑戰,很欣賞你為著自己的理想不斷堅持,磨練自己,視每一個經歷為學習機會。經過17年的努力,你選擇回到tvb,希望繼續會有更多機會,有更多好劇本,可以做你喜歡的角色,可以盡情發揮,相信你一定會成為一個成功同受歡迎的演員,得到更多認同。祝你生活愉快,幸福快樂。你工作一定會愈來愈忙,要多休息同運動,take care & support u always!!!仲有,展鵬,你唱歌好好聽,haha!
sorry, should be “從開始播出之後”
sorry, should be “從真相開始播出之後”
Congratulations Ruco!
You really do deserve the award. Your handsome build really got me attached to the TV. Hope to see more of you in the future. I have also always enjoyed your acting which surpasses many veterans.
Maggie from UK
Congratulations Ruco!
I’ve noticed you since you started to take on evil roles in TVB dramas. You are an amazing actor and truly deserve this award. Continue your winning streak! Add oil!
Phoenix from Canada (2/10/11)
Congratulations Ruco !
You are amazing, and truly deserve this award! can’t wait for future TVB dramas with you! <3.
Nancy, CA.
congratulations!! You have come a long way since ATV days. Good thing you did not give up when you are in the doldrums. Diligence, Dogged Determination and Unwavering DEdication keeps you going on and eventually help you make it. Being sexy does not only mean good looks hunkiness and oozing with sensuality – it also equates to confidence and the ability to project a powerful and persuasive personality. Not only that, it also means the versality – you could be so so bad and yet so so kind and pathetic. Once again congratulations and we hope to see many more tvb series from you.
Congratulations Ruco! Don’t think of this award as just based on appearance – but it’s really a vote for a combination of your confidence, charisma, dedication and personality. It’s really the talent of a great actor to really reach out to the viewers and attach themselves to the character and the story. Hope to see you in many more series.
Bev from Toronto
You are a great, super, and talented actor. I love to see all of your movies and dramas. You’re BEST ACTOR. You will WIN TV King this year, next year, and go on for many years.
Congratulations Ruco! Sorry I can’t type in Mandarin so I’ll try my best to make this simpliest as possible
I hope you’ll be more series ahead and good luck.
Vj – Malaysia KL
*you’ll be in more series ahead*
Congratulations!! The sexiest and coolest guy in Hong Kong! Really looking forward to seeing you in Forensic III next week, will always support you!
Hi 展鵬
I’m your fan from Australia. Congrats on your winning this poll! You’re a brilliant actor. All the best for your future undertakings! 加油!永远支持你!
Monica says
Congrats Ruco. Sorry can’t write chinese but you are really an amazing actor. You are just so natural and after watching you in The Other Truth, I looked forward to seeing you more in future series. You are not only handsome but also a very natural and good actor. You deserve the award as I am hooked on TVB drama series after watching you act. All the best to you in your future undertakings.
Monica, Perak, Malaysia
Dear Ruco,
Congratulations! You absolutely deserve this award. You are the hottest heartthrob in Hong Kong.
恭喜你獲得2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong!还记得第一次看你演的戏时,那时你是演奸角,真的是不太喜欢啊!那时知道你的演技不错,演得很好,但是都不是很喜欢你,因为都讲明是奸角啊!但是自从《真相》开始播出的时候,因为觉得你演技很有进步,再加上觉得你挺有正气,越看就越喜欢你。现在我慢慢开始收集你之前说演的戏,很想看回。还有啊!现在看你的照片都觉得你好像很累,很憔悴的样子,你要好好照顾你的健康,你要有足够的睡眠和注意饮食,这样才会有精神和健康,这样才可以演出好戏让支持你的粉丝们看啊!希望你可以照顾好自己啊!
Congrats 展PANG!!!!
I voted for you almost every day, keep up the great work, I enjoyed all of your TVB Series!
-hello (California, USA)
Oct 3, 2011
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don’t take my sunshine away ~
From Malaysia
that’s so sweet…you will make him smile.
Congratulations Ruco. I have always liked your evil roles but you were also great playing the good guy.
I am a new fan of yours and hope to see more of you in future.
Pineapple (from U.K.)
恭喜你同你的忠實影迷幫你獲得 的第一個Sexiest Man in HK 2011獎。再次恭喜恭喜!
Funn Lim
恭喜晒!恭喜晒! 贏到這個獎替你很高興!不過相信最能令你高興的是演技受到肯定. 快台慶了,支持你拿飛躍啊!就算空手而會都沒所謂,因為又你演 ‘烈火雄心‘的討厭鬼開始,在我心目中你已經是視帝了!Wish you all the BEST!!!!
Congratulations Ruco, you’re amazing ♥
Wishing you all the best from Sydney
With much love,
你好 ! 恭喜你.
From Malaysia.
恭喜展鵬! 從真相先開始注意你, 雖然比較遲, 但是是你令已不看電視劇已很久的我重新開始去追劇,好喜歡你演繹的Keith, 慢慢又開始找回你以前演出的劇集和訪問, 希望能夠更了解你的一切, 喜愛你的真誠,
謙虛踏實, 細心有禮, 無論是幕前或私底下都是言行一致善良的人, 讓人更加欣賞, 期待你往後的作品繼續塑造更多令人深入民心的角色, 好好加油!
廢話唔多講!love u forever!!
恭喜曬呀pang!!希望年年都你攞lalala~~~我年年都撐你ga!!add oil!!mua!love u~
Congratulation with the nomination!
I hope to see you more acting at TVB!
Greetings from 荷蘭
Congratulations, Chin Pang, for winning the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award. I am very happy to see that your good acting skills are being recognized now. It seems that your 17 years of acting experience have not been wasted. You have gained tons of fans all over the world.
I noticed you in your drama series from ATV, but started to like you in TVB’s “The Other Truth”. You did an excellent job portraying the barrister, Keith Lau. I particularly enjoyed watching you when you were presenting your closing arguments in court. Your voice was articulate and impressed. I look forward to watching you in your future drama series, especially your lead role in “ATF”.
Sandcherry from Canada
我從<>的炸彈狂徒開始對你有印象, 那時不喜欢你,因為你是壞人,可是覺得你演得好。近年不大看TVB的劇集, 因為覺得質素下降了, 因此<>的深道和製作的認真令我感動! 我一開始知道你有份演出覺得得很奇怪, 因為你從來都只是壞蛋一名, 但一看完第一集,我不得不為你鼓掌, 你的細膩的表現太令人驚喜! 你在庭上喝水和最後結案陈詞所的那個眼神所流露的自信令人很深刻!
除了欣賞你的實力, 也欣賞你是個沉實認真的演員。無論你能否獲任何奬項,都希望你可以
虚心學習,不會因為紅了而驕傲, 做運動員是勝不驕,敗不屢嘛!繼續做好自己!希望你可以有好的發展, 多拍有意義的好劇集。
我支持的男演員本来只有兩個, 黎耀祥和陳國邦, 你是第三個!
我和我姐姐都愛打乒乓球, 以前說起乒乓球, 我只會想到我姐姐, 現在我也會想起你,哈哈!
(Vancouver, Canada)
inside the are 談情說案 and 真相。
Sexiest for me in this modern times means versatile i.e. George Clooney, and you have shown yourself to be a versatile and capable actor this year. There is always room for improvement in every field we dabble in as we are not born perfect and will forever work hard to try to obtain that perfectness, so keep up the good work and hope to see more better performances from you for years to come!
展鵬希望你越嚟越紅,工作順利,生活開心。無論什麽時候,我地一班fans都會支持你ga!!!加油啊!—from 廣州
Congratulations Ruco!
I’m from Malaysia.
I like your drama very much!
You are the TVB actor that I like the most!
so happy for you~
keep it up and love you always!: )
sindyleung says:
October4,2011 at16:49pm
恭喜晒~煎pan 由你回归tvb拍剧,我一直都有留意你嘎,剧接剧一路甘进步,今年仲系《真相》中成功弹出,赢尽掌声,真系戥你开心。另外都好希望你可以唱翻歌,因为你唱歌都好好听~最后梗系预祝你今年拿飞跃进步男艺员。加油吖煎pan我永远都甘撑你同爱你~