Ruco Chan Wins the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award! (Collecting Fan Comments)

On September 30th, Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) was declared the winner of the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award after six weeks of heated online voting at! After the airing of TVB series, The Other Truth <真相>, Ruco shot to stardom and won the audience’s hearts with his great acting and hunkiness!
In the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong poll, Ruco garnered 3,517 votes, while 1st Runner-up Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) pulled 1,340 votes, and 2nd Runner-up Raymond Lam (林峰) won 1,268 votes. Congratulations to the men and many thanks to the worldwide fans who voted daily to support them! The complete results of the online votes are available here. will be sending an awards package to Ruco Chan in honor of winning the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong title. The awards package will include an awards plaque, a t-shirt gift, and a booklet with fans comments. Many thanks to Chin Pang’s Hong Kong Fan Club and their generosity in helping deliver the awards package to Ruco in person!
Collecting Fan Comments to Be Mailed to Ruco Chan
As part of the the awards package to be sent to Ruco, we will include a printed booklet with fan comments. If you would like to include your comments (in either English or Chinese), please leave a comment at the end of this article. The comments should be positive and relevant to the theme of why Ruco is the Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong. They should not be x-rated and any inappropriate comments (with rude and hateful language) will be deleted.
It would be nice to state which country you live in at the end of your comment, to let Ruco know that his fans truly come from all over the world!
Please submit all comments by Saturday, October 8th. Keep in mind that Ruco may prefer to read Chinese, so you may wish to leave a comment in Chinese if possible.
Once again, thank you for participating in the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong poll! is a website that celebrates Hong Kong celebrities and fandom; the Sexiest Man Alive Award was established with this in mind.
Jayne: Many thanks to Funn for her support of the site over the years and for her brilliant suggestion of putting together an awards package for the winner of the 2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award. Also I am deeply grateful towards Chin Pang’s Hong Kong Fan Club in helping give the awards package to Ruco!
I love you and support you all the time.
Congratulation! Love you forever.
Congratulations !! 你的魅力實在非凡!期望你的演出越來越好,不斷進步,帶給我們無限的驚喜。
展鹏, 你有一把充滿感情的動聽聲音,在法庭上鏘鏘有力,特別是法庭戲(ie.弒父案), 很精彩!
congratulations! You have come a long way from atv days. Like wine you mature and become better and better in your acting. I believe that being sexy does not only mean being hunky-dory or oozing with male looks and sexiness, but being diligent, determined and driven to succeed. We hope to see you in more tvb series, and with effor and consistency who knows you maybe able to clinch BEST ACTOR OR MOST POPULAR ACTOR AWARD the tvb aniversary awards in the near future. YOu hade done a terrific job in portraying a bad guy – in fact you are a versatile actor – being so so kind and good and pathetic but also being so so wicked and evil. Just like Wayne Lai whose acting career whom we have followed since he started in tearly 90s. I still remember him shooting a tvb series with David siu in malaysia quite a long time ago. All the best to you.
Congrats! Nice to see your hard work and persistent paid off. Please stay true to yourself and don’t let your success get over your head (cough…laughing goh…cough) lolz. Enjoy your success.
一直在追看你的剧,不论是配角还是主角,都是很用心的演。你说回TVB是对自己有一个交代,这种心态对很多默默无闻,辛苦耕耘的人很大鼓励!你的真诚、谦虚、呆萌属性一直感动着我!加油!煎锅!爱你永远!My heart will go on!!
首先在此恭喜展鵬獲得2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award。
Eugene Yuen from Hong Kong
恭喜,恭喜,你得了香港性感男人第一位. 或許你會問 “我性感嗎?” 這個選舉已經給了你答案囉.
對你的認識是經過 “趙文海” (讀心神探) 這個角色. 你演得太好太出色了. 讓我對你留下很深刻的印象.然後我就一直很有耐心和信心的等待, 因為我相信你可以的. 最後等到 “真相” , 我給Keith劉思傑每一個表情,動作都深深的迷住了. 我好開心因為我知道你是很喜歡演戲也很有天份, 現在你那麼多年的努力最後得到大家的認同了.
我也有看回你很多的電視劇. “笨小孩” 這部劇也給了我很大的驚喜. 還有我媽媽也很喜歡你. 每次我看了又看你的劇她也不會反對呢. 所以現在我會跟我媽媽分享你的一切也會告訴她你的新聞.
從來我看劇是看好不好看, 但是很奇怪, 你的出現讓我開始去注意演技這個東西, 也開始會分辨好還是不好. 所以現在的我已經很厲害囉, 你要更加油喔….哈哈….其實我對你的演技已經有101% 的信心了, 現在的你只需挑戰你自己吧了. 我會一直期待你每一部作品.
現在我的眼睛已經離不開你了. 加油吧! 我相信你的未來將會是一級棒. 繼續你的非凡夢想吧. 我會一直給你滿滿的支持.
還有你的歌聲很動聽, 希望你有機會出唱片讓我們一飽耳福.
祝你天天開開心心, 每日都幸福快樂, 每個夢想都成真. 有機會一定要來馬來西亞, 見見你在這裡的fans, 跟我們交流交流喔. Btw, I really love your eyes, nose and lip so much. So sexy…..haha!!!
sherene tan from kuala lumpur, malaysia
Hi Ruco ! I am a Chinese from India. Congratulations for being the Sexiest Man ! Hope to see you one day ! May you succeed in your career. From Michelle.
Congratulations Ruco for winning this title! Nevertheless, I must say what attracted me most was not your look, but your acting! I have watched 真相 and was attracted by your character who upheld justice all along. As a secondary student who wishes to study law in future, I am deeply encouraged by the positive image of a barrister and this series has also confirmed my interest in studying law.
Congratulations once again and wish you all the best in your career. I’m sure a lot of us, including me, are waiting for the airing of ATF
Natalie from HK
congratulations ruco! i love when you play villian roles, really good to watch!
hope you succeed in your career. love to see you in more series.
love you ruco
from khanh, Australia
展鹏加油,展鹏好型呀 !!!
我会一直支持你的 :)
Congratulations Ruco, u look good in suit i like u in TOT and hope to see u in this coming anniversary serial “Forensic Hero”. Keep up the good work.
You are my hero!I like your drama very much!
Can you please come to Malaysia?
Support Ruco!
中国 广州
support Ruco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sexy man! 加油哦 Ruco!看好你哦!
Congratulations Chin Pang !!
Never give up spirit !
Perfect actor;
A dream man of all girls;
New name of Super Star;
Go Go Go ! You are the best !!
Support and love you !
Chubohim from HK
Congratulations to Ruco!
Support you forever!
Patricia CHAN from HK
Hey Ruco,
do you know how much I like your song 如果這一生有知己 ? I could not sleep for days after i heard it, its melted me, haha:D
Looking forward to your new drama, your Melbourne show in October, dancing, photo, … everything!
your fan Norika, in Canberra, Australia
I 27, Vietnamese-American. I live in GA, USA.
Thanks so much for this website, great translating work. I can’t read Chinese, so this site is great for me to get all the entertainment news from Hong Kong.
Ruco was awesome in The Other Truth.
Thus he deserves to get the award.
I a straight guy, and I think Ruco is sexy. haha .
Keep on Shuffling, dude.
一個成功的演藝人就是一步一步的走出自我的風格和不斷磨練演技, 看見展鵬的努力和堅持信念, 成績日益進步, 可喜可賀! 性感, 不只是外表的包裝吧, 是從內而外的散發的自信+認定!加油!
Hi Ruco, Congratulations on winning the award for the sexiest totally deserve it!!
I watched you once when you were with ATV and thought what a waste that such a good looking actor is wasting his talents in ATV. I was so happy when you went to TVB later and has been following your shows since.Your acting just gets better..keep up the good work and hope to see more of you in the future.
Again congratulations and stay sexy always!!
Always your fan,
Marilyn from Las Vegas,USA
By the way I love Jaynestars.It keeps me up to date with HK celebrity gossip and news since I can’t read chinese.Thank you.You are great.
Congrats Ruco!!! Love u lots!! From Malaysia ^^v!!
Ruco you are amazing ! Keep up the good work
Support you ! <3
嘩嘩嘩!!! 乜鬼你今日又甘型架!!!
型到”爆燈” ↑
型到”爆表” ↑↑
型到”爆炸” ↑↑↑ (指標一路上升呀↑, 我指是我的血壓!!!)
型到我冇聲出!!!! 昏了~~~
togetherness2011.10.05 (三) 11:56PM
所以狗仔隊就寫你冇晒朋友囉! 得翻Jason倍你撐枱腳!只怪你地啦~做乜甘鬼型!!!
OK!OK!我收聲啦! Bye~~
togetherness2011.10.06 (四) 12:02AM
Ruco, this is something I copied from TVB messaging blog. It is the funniest message I’ve ever seen. Enjoy.
Vancouver, Canada
支持展鹏摞 “我最喜爱的男角色” !展鹏加油!
Perak, Malaysia
Dear Ruco,
it’s amazing how far you have come for your acting journey and congratulations on this award! I am mesmerized by your acting ability. Pity I am not chinese therefore, I can’t express my words in Chinese but English only. I have watched all your films and series through dubbed Vietnamese.
I especially think you improved a lot in “The other truth”, your character as Keith was very charismatic and I loved the chemistry between you and Tavia. Hoping for a sequel to a happy ending!
Wish you all the luck for your career!
Looking forward to more of your films and series!
Han, Australia
加油! 祝你事事顺利! 再接再力!
Congratulations to Chin Pang!
~take care~ , Support you forever!!!!!!!
Catherine from HK
These are my honest words: seriously, you’re one of the most beautiful men i have ever seen. And i rarely say that.
前后只看过你三套剧,第一部是真相,立刻为之倾倒,再买了读心神探和Only You不眠不休的追看,更加不能自拔.喜欢你的感情戏,一扬眉一叹息或微微牵动嘴角…都充满戏味
希望你不会在排山倒海接踵而来的名气和赞赏下迷失,请坚持你的初衷,保持对演戏的热情,不断提升你的演技,你的成就决不只The Sexiest Man in Asia, TVB男飞或TVB最佳男演员.
Clover (Malaysia)
-Stephanie (Brunei)
Leo (HK)
英國, Manchester(曼徹斯特)
喜歡你對我來講是一條路. 從我參加好鵬友後援會到開始玩微博到認識新鵬友….不知不覺已經有兩三個月了,是一個好斷好斷的路but在這幾個月我真的好開心,做到我現在深深中了毒,不可以自拔
講笑啊冇咁嚴重!我欣賞你的演技,對fans有誠意和友善,喜歡你傻和搞笑的action(尤其在亮燈chok那時,看回幾百次都不悶)愛了你的樣貌 (不管你有冇留鬚,有冇戴耳丁,有冇戴帽..都一樣咁靓仔)恭喜你得到最性感男仔這獎 (我都有份投你票),實至名歸.. 最後希望你接下來能接多d好戲和角色.. 演技會越拍越好.. 我這個新鵬友看好和支持你好! 加油努力!
tvbholic(priscilla) : 新加坡fan!
Dear Ruco Chan!
Congratulations on winning Jaynestars sexiest man alive award in HongKong! I’ve watched a few of your dramas recently on TVB! It’s a pity that I can’t write in Chinese to express my feelings towards you! You have improved your acting a lot these years! I really enjoyed “The Other Truth” that aired this year by You,Tavia and Raymond! You all did stunning and it is one of my favorite Laywer series on TVB! I like how you are a very nice person in general who likes to play around according to news articles I have read!
I hope you keep up the hard work and I can’t wait for your next drama ATF Terroism to air! Add oil
Mika, New Zealand