Samantha Ko Is Excited about “Queen of News 2″

Achieving spectacular career success in recent years, actress Samantha Ko (高海寧) was originally born in Nanjing, China, but moved to Hong Kong when she was 13. Surging in popularity after her turn as anchorwoman Cathy in the hit series Queen of News <新聞女王>, she clinched recognition with her Best Supporting Actress win at last year’s TVB Awards Ceremony.

Friendly towards Fans

Fans turned up in full strength to catch Samantha. (right) with Charmaine Sheh.


Back in her hometown recently for a publicity event, the actress shared that Nanjing is “way too familiar” for her, though many parts of the city have undergone drastic makeovers. Asked about how her character would evolve in the sequel to Queen of News, Samantha shared that she has yet to receive the script from producer Shu-kai Chung (鍾澍佳), though a rudimentary concept of the plot has hatched.

While Samantha would excitedly probe the producer about what would happen to her character Xu Zhiqing, she would be told to wait in patience for exciting developments. When she tried to find out about her character’s love life and if she eventually got married, he would again tell her not to be anxious and that a surprise is in store.

Summing up the hype, Samantha advised fans to wait for producer Chung’s further updates, and to stay tuned to see if there would be even greater onscreen chemistry between the various cast members.

Having starred in countless dramas, her favorite role to date is Tong Tong in Childhood in a Capsule <童時愛上你>, where she accidentally regresses into an 8-year-old girl – a challenging role for which she did “a lot of preparatory work”. Having just wrapped the series Wulin <武林>, Samantha described herself as “tofu”, as she was prone to injuries while doing fight scenes – most recently suffering a blue-black after hitting her fingers on the last day of filming. Letting on that she would be guest-starring in a film, Samantha is especially excited about collaborating with a “certain male actor”.

Source: 1


  1. I have noticed that Samantha Ko has a lot of ps done on her face. The V line surgery is very obvious.

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