Sammul Chan Replaced by Raymond Lam in “Triumph in the Skies” Sequel

Sammul Chan ended his long-time employment at TVB and decided to focus his career in China instead. Sammul criticized TVB for compensating its artists poorly, citing its tendency to even bargain for $10 (HKD). Of course, TVB was unwilling to let one person sully its reputation and would retaliate! Since the successful broadcast of Triumph In The Skies <衝上雲霄>in 2003, TVB had wanted to film a sequel. Allegedly, TVB will film the Triumph in the Skies sequel at the end of the year, starring three members of the original S4 cast: Ron Ng, Bosco Wong, and Kenneth Ma. However, Sammul was ousted from the series and Raymond Lam will join the cast instead!
Adding in New Blood; Money Is No Problem
TVB regards the Triumph in the Skies sequel as an important drama for next year. TVB will film both a series sequel and a movie to boost the popularity of the Triumph in the Skies franchise. Aside from boosting its male lead cast, additional artists, such as Mag Lam and Cilla Lok will be added to the series. As for Francis Ng’s pilot character, TVB was considering seeking outside assistance. Not sparing production expenses, filming locations will include Europe and Southeast Asia.
Sammul’s manager was agitated in responding to news that he was ousted from the Triumph in the Skies sequel, “We no longer have a partnership with TVB. We decided to leave the company. When he still had a contract with TVB, Sammul had to film whatever role was offered to him. There’s no need to ask him to film the sequel now.” (Did TVB contact Sammul?) “Why would they contact us? Sammul still has three series to film. He has no spare time.”
Excerpt from
Jayne: Triumph in the Skies had classy packaging thanks to the airline setting and European filming locations. The male lead combination sounds very promising and it makes sense for TVB to film a sequel to further boost the popularity of their young male leads, but I also hope they invest great care in the script. Cheung Wah Biu is correct; the script is the livelihood of a series. TVB, please don’t focus on the casting and cinematography and neglect the script!
I don’t think it will be about disaster movie so inevitably it will be about love and relationships. Which to me is exhausted in the first series.
Love will always dominate because dating scenes may be the easiest to write. However, TVB can still add a plane crash in the sequel’s finale or possibly movie. Such an ending would require the killing of a lead character though. Lately, TVB seems to enjoy sensationalism in its plots, such as the bus hijacking in “Flying Tigers,” which alludes to the Hong Kong tourist bus being hijacked in the Philippines.
As long as it is not group happy hugs and playing games 5 minutes before and then huge plane crash 5 min later. I can’t stand another MR moment.
They can play “If you’re happy and you know that clap your hands *clap clap*”.
What’s an MR moment?
a good choice for Sam, tvb would be out of business if there wre one extra cantonese channel, poor and cheap soap, just lack old talent and too many untalented on the frontline, with strong connection don’t increase equaities buy does good performances and good shows and soap, no wonder rtv is the main station hk, tvb should renew its stratigies or close the sattion in my opinion, let there be a more productive channel instead, lol
I honestly don’t remember why the first one was so great. I guess this means I have to rewatch it. XD
The first one was not great to begin with. At least, I never find it great. It most probably gain high ratings because Francis Ng was acting in it.
TI TS was just a 30 episode love story, nothing more.
The main storyline are these 2 relationships
The addition relationship: Lam Hiu Fung + Louisa So. It’s like the best couple in the series.
Like Survivor Law => Survivor Law II, TVB wants to milk the high rating series.
Yeah… I think I’ve watched it before, and I remember it had a great cast…. but I don’t really remember the story at all. Hope this one will be MUCH better.
Taking from Jayne’s point
Dear T.V.B.,
Please don’t waste the enticing ensemble of male leads and beautiful cinematography by burdening them with a dull and absurd screenplay.
Thank you for your understanding.
Jayne –
How is this even a remotely promising cast?
Ron Ng, Bosco, Kenneth, Ray, Mag, Cilla Lok.
There’s absolutely nothing promising with them.
Ugh – I’m so disappointed in TVB. They are emotional dumb effs. I can predict their every move. When people speak up, they will do everything they can to ruin them.
I absolutely hate TVB.
Disgusted with their decision to oust Sammul Chan.
Didn’t it SC’s decision to oust TVB?
He left TVB … but my point wasn’t that.
TVB should have used SC, despite his recent decision to leave, only because he’s a good actor.
When I read this article, I felt that TVB was acting like an immature baby. I guess you have to play in the sandpit if you wanna hang with TVB.
But he himself said that he is free now, don’t have any contract with TVB so don’t need to film series for them?
Here is his reply toward TITS 2:
It’s the decision came from both sides – he doesn’t want and they doesn’t want. He left, they don’t invite. Why they need to invite if they already knew he’ll deny?
He is a good actor, but he isn’t the only good actor.
Edit: You have a friend. You know she/he doesn’t like to go out. Do you think you should invite she/he to go out?
SC decided to leave them (and talked blah blah about how bad TVB is in I-cable), why TVB should use him? Lol, TVB didn’t get mad of him, it’s kinda weird, don’t talk of next collaboration that soon.
“Here is his reply toward TITS 2:
Correction. It’s his manager’s reply. Not his. Yes, you can say it represent his stand and his opinion. But, still it’s not he who give this reply.
Honestly, I’m disappointed with Ivy. She’s a lot older than Sammul and has been in the industry for much longer as a manager. She should know better than to burn more bridges for her actor. I know she’s very close to Sammul and might be angry on his behalf (Sammul said she’s like a mother to him). But, still, she should reply in a better way. She’s the one responsible for getting and maintaining connections for her client.
From what Sammul said about her previously, can be seen that Sammul respected her a lot. She can have great influence on Sammul. If don’t want to calm him down also don’t make the fire bigger lah.
Yes, it’s his manager’s comment. I only noticed that I forgot manager when you mention.
@Pandamao @Funn
My initial comment was that I found the male lead cast to be promising. I do agree that Mag and Cilla are still newcomers, so they have not proved their acting skills. Maybe Mag and Cilla may play only cameo appearances, similar to the short story format in the first Triumph in the Skies. I can’t see them as flight attendants or pilot trainees.
Although people may still find faults in Ron, Bosco, Ray, and Kenneth’s acting, they are still the future of TVB. Together, I find them to be an exciting combination due to youth, energy, male charm, and eye candy reasons rather than groundbreaking acting. They will likely sign on some veterans for the series. Maybe Flora Chan and Francis Ng may resume their roles, but likely with less screen time.
I think Myolie will likely be in this sequel. Nancy Wu may resume her role as Bosco’s girlfriend. Bosco and Kenneth had relatively minor roles and inept characterizations in the first “Triumph in the Skies,” so they have some holes to fill in the sequel.
Although the first “Triumph in the Skies” had a flawed script, the cast and other elements of the series was enjoyable. I liked the friendship factor among Michelle Ye, Ron, Sammul, and Bosco. It was also refreshing to not have any major villians with wicked intentions to plot a corporate takeover, cheat the family’s wealth, commit murder, have amnesia, etc. There were no nagging parents, no housewives shopping at street markets, etc. “Triumph in the Skies” was more glamorous, romantic, and may have even come across as a “dramatized travelogue” in some sense, but we don’t always need heavy drama nor realism in a series for it to be enjoyable. It has its place in viewers’ memories.
The original “Triumph in the Skies” had a classy “international” feel thanks to filming locations in Italy and Australia and did not come across as strong in “Hong Kong flavor” as other series, which was why it attracted a lot of sponsorship and professional and affluent viewers.
Metaphorically speaking, the series is also about chasing dreams, as the title of the series implies (literally meaning “shooting into the skies”). I hope they expand on this theme more….
You’re absolutely right.
I liked the “international” feel too and I love how it was not only filmed in Hong Kong. Seeing the same scenes over and over is quite boring.
Although I haven’t reached the part where Bosco and Nancy were together, I really hope they could pair up again in this one! I’ve been loving Bosco lately, for his personality more so than his acting, but I’ve always been a fan of Nancy. I don’t think they’ve collaborated in any other series before so this should be refreshing.
Jayne, I have to agree with you. Even though the storyline of the drama focused a lot on the friendship and love storylines, I found the drama to be memorable and I still remember it to this day. Like you said, it’s one of those that didn’t need villains in it in order to make it super interesting or dramatic. It didn’t need that. Rather, like you said, it’s about chasing dreams, and each character’s flawed characteristics and internal stuggles. Francis’ and Joe’s characters were likeable, and I think Ron’s popularity skyrocketed after he played his role of Isaac.
The sequel will be interesting because I’m sure with Bosco’s and Kenneth’s promotions these past few years, I know their screentime will increase significantly. And with Ray, too? I think Ron’s role will not get to stand out as much as he did in the first one. It will be interesting to see them lead the series. If Francis does not return to play his original role, then most likely the story will center around these 4 leads. I think with all 4 of them and with their popularity status now compared to before, I think it will be the 4 of them leading the series. The chances for Francis returning will be slim. other it would be great if he does as his character was a standout.
I also wonder if the original cast will take on their original roles? Is Ray going to be a new character or is he actually in Sammul’s role? Because I don’t see him as a good fit for Sammul’s original character. If they’re different characters or roles, this should not be a sequel to TITS. I hate it when they change the entire cast like in DIF 4 or FH 3. Might as well name it something else. I also hope Mag and Cilia will be in guest starring roles because honestly they are too short to be flight attendants and pilot trainees.
@ Chriselle: Bosco and Nancy aren’t together in TITS (such a name)
@ Aly: Talk about hope, if LF is really in this series, I really hope he won’t take the role Donald. It is a typical rich son role. Nothing special.
“Metaphorically speaking, the series is also about chasing dreams, as the title of the series implies (literally meaning “shooting into the skies”). I hope they expand on this theme more….”
Yes, I agree but the series never went beyond that. It has resemblance of that but in the end love relations dominated the entire series with the insipid ding dong love affair between 2 best friends and the wife of one of the friend. The international feel is just the locations. I find those scenes a waste of time because in the end the scenes went nowhere. The story was ok, but to me it was nothing totally bad or great. Enjoyable for what it is. I just feel that more effort in making it more credible would have made the series more upper class than it is trying very hard to be. The problem with TVB when showing professionals is they always drink wine, eat western food, etc and speak English, or rather knows how to speak English eventhough thanks to Joe Ma, he made a mockery of those scenes and luckily after a while his character stopped flying therefore no more English speaking scenes for him. Cops are almost always the beer type.
I would not doubt sponsorship, etc since very rare for Francis Ng to film a TVB series and was a welcomed respite. He was and still is a scarily brilliant actor. But the series as a whole, I feel too much credit is given to what is the usual fare. So much money used for filming, of course it must equal the promotion and since it did star many young ones back then, it would naturally attract attention. It is not as worse as HOG or MR or BTROC or CIMB but doesn’t make it a classic or great. It is what it is; it may pretend but in the end it is just a story about love and friend so happened to set in the aviation industry. As for the chasing dreams, after a while it became chasing or running away out of love. Now that this series is mentioned again, I kept remembering Joe in it. I find it utterly unprofessional that he can’t learn a few simple lines. If Francis Ng can do it, surely a smart guy like Joe can put some effort and do it.
I believe it will be a sequel in title only, but not the storyline and cast.
@ Jayne
” It was also refreshing to not have any major villians with wicked intentions to plot a corporate takeover, cheat the family’s wealth, commit murder, have amnesia, etc. There were no nagging parents, no housewives shopping at street markets, etc. “
I remember making comments similar to this in Yushi forum when I first watch TITS. I defended it as being realistic because there’s no murder and villain going to the extreme. At that time, such plot is a refreshing change from the usual formula of TVB drama. But, after TITS, all the subsequent TVB dramas follow this kind of mild storytelling and I was wishing the murder and extreme villains back :P. So, ‘The Brink of Law’ became a welcome change to me when it first came out.
I remember in an interview, Francis said they choose this kind of mild storyline because they didn’t want to spoil the image of the airline industry. The airline company lent them the airport for filming because they were working together with the airline company to promote the airline industry. So, they couldn’t have murders and such in it. I remember after after series was aired, there was an increase in application for the pilot training school.
There wasn’t a plane crash right?
@ Funn: No, there wasn’t
It’s acceptable if the acting makes it credible, otherwise, it’s just lazy writing and production.
Sometimes TVB plot devices, such as falling into coma and suffering amnesia, intricate revenge schemes, friends turning to bitter enemies, are highly overused. Very soap-operish.
In the real world, we fortunately do not experience such heavy drama in our lives. I liked Triumph in the Skies enough to welcome its sequel, although I hope to see a continuation of the original’s script, as least Ron playing the hot-headed Isaac.
If after so many years he is still hot headed then I think the story is a one note story.
Personally I always thought Gigi Lai would have played Flora Chan’s role better, and I’m a fan of the latter. Flora didn’t look good in a FA outfit.
@Aly @Funn
The theme song of Triumph in the Skies, sung by Eason Chan, is quite uplifting. The lyrics fit the theme of friendship and chasing after your dreams.
Funn, btw, Flora Chan’s character was a love-sick woman who was chasing after her “love dreams.” She believed in pre-destined love and the triangel symbolism. I disagree on the international filming locations adding no value to the series. Without Australia and Italy serving as romantic backdrops, the romantic and classy image of the series would be gone. That’s where Flora and Francis shared a hot kiss and one-night stand in Florence! Or the serendipity in running into an old lover at the Colosseum! Triumph in the Skies is not about the upper class (that would be Gem of Life), but rather about well-educated professionals making six-figure salaries. It is about the professional dream that most Asians wish to pursue.
Traveling liberates the mind and opens up your vision of how big the world is. Again, the international locations are necessary to convey this thought.
Apparently becoming a pilot seems to be a popular childhood dream among Hong Kong kids? It seems that in many series, when children write about their career goals, they wish to be policeman, pilot or doctor?
Aly, I hope they continue the characterizations from the original Triumph in the Skies. Audiences liked the series enough and would like to know what happens next to those characters’ lives.
Ron has enough hot-temped roles.
I like the Triangel doll :D.
I agree with Funn. If after 8 years, Isaac is still hot-headed, it will be one note writing and it also does not reflect well on Isaac’s character. He should have learned to be more level-headed after so many years as a pilot (a highly disciplined profession). He’s not a young boy anymore.
Ahhh JAyne I remember the song. Good song sung well by a great singer (just don’t show me his face).
The whole Flora story is to me the series’ weakest part. I was never convinced by her love story with either party and I remember finding her annoying. For me it was Myolie who gave the series an uplifting moment by her perkiness. Michelle Ye was scary looking. Her eyes, her smiles, scary!
TITS is an ok series (except that I don’t like Belle nor Zita for their annoying character). The plot is kinda well-made and the humour sense of the scriptwriter is good. I like Lam Hiu Fung and Louisa So the most. They made a very cute couple. Francis and Myolie also provided a good love. It’s the first series where I noticed and started to like Joe. His role Vincent is kinda pitiful (oh his death makes me dislike Belle more). Issac-Zita-Donald’s ending is lame (but they have a good start). I don’t see why Donald needs to hurt Zita to come back to his dad’s business. It turned lame from this part.
BTW, the series is quite refresh. I was impressed with the HK airport.
I found the best part being Francis and Myolie getting married at the airport, that would be awesome!!
This part is a cute part :). Zoe makes Sam lively. I really dislike the relationship of Sam and Belle.
Which is one part of the relationship I like, the zoe and sam relationship. I thought Myolie was so refreshing then. Now… I don’t think she can recreate that character.
She dun look the same as 2002 now.
She actually looks better now but too glamarous. Can’t see her as the sweet innocent ordinary Zoe anymore.
@Funn, completely agree that Myolie is too grown up now and doesn’t look like what she did 9 years ago! (for obvious reasons)
I saw reruns of triumph in the skies a few days ago and even Myolie’s voice has changed too! Her voice has matured and she definitely wears more make-up now in her recent series. She looked so innocent and cute in TITS.
No wonder Sammul has such bad PR skill. Look at his manager. What’s with her wording her respond like this?
I thought a manager should have better PR skill and EQ since she’s the one responsible of securing jobs for her the actors she managed?
I think Sammul did more damage to himself than any PR can do for him.
i would look forward to this series if it were with all the old actors… francis ng, joe ma, flora chan, myolie wu, sammul chan, michelle ye, sighs…
YEAH TOTALLY. I know that TVB is trying to promote these new ppl, but Cilla Kung, and MAG LAM in TITS 2?! C’MON MAN! I wish the original cast was there, seriously…
Why can’t give Cilla and Mag a chance?
Below a person is complaining about same actors all the time. Here another person doesn’t want to see new ppl.
If it’s the plot the most important to you guys, then why need to bother old and new cast, that much?
Agree with Fox. Why can’t Cilla and Mag Lam be given a chance?
A sequel also need new people and new characters.
Myolie and Nancy will still be in the series. So, Cilla and Mag are not replacing them.
@Fox: It’s not about giving them another chance or not. TITS was a classic (even though I didn’t think it was that good), it’s really weird seeing a young person like Mag Lam in the show, maybe Cilla Kung is okay… depending what their roles are. But I don’t think I can take the show seriously. Mag Lam gives me that feeling she is very “child-like cute”
@ star
Classic series also has young characters. Classic series also can have cute characters.
Nancy Wu and Bosco Wong were around Mag’s current age when they filmed TITS.
Sammul was around Cilla’s current age when he filmed TITS.
The plot might change, not really a sequel. And even if it’s a sequel, the storyline can change to new one like wat they did with Survivor Law.
I don’t think it’s weird to see a 18-19 years old girl in a series. She can act young kid.
Mag? The hot new singer? The winner of some contest is it?
Sure, give them all a chance, but if she can’t even talk properly, how to act?
Where is Francis Ng? He was the acting credibility in the original series, however weird his hairstyle was. Thankfully no Joe Ma. If this is a reboot and there’s Joe Ma, I am afraid this will be a comedy. I totally lost respect for Joe Ma after TITS (!!!!). I guess that’s why I started noticing more of his acting and found I don’t quite like him.
Francis Ng is under discussion with TVB.
Joe makes TITS become a comedy? It’s quite strange because most of ppl I know who watched this series, can like or dislike Joe’s acting, but none think he is ridiculous in TITS. Vincent isn’t a “funny” character. This one is a pitiful one.
Which means no one was watching carefully. His English was abysmal.
His English isn’t that serious problem to me.
Joe Ma’s English was’t memorable; simply because Francis’ Eng-rish “triumph” over his..hahaha
I was also very surprised how come Francis actually spoke english, not better but real english. Joe Ma, I was laughing very hard because he actually spoke gibberish. That is a huge problem for me. Then there’s the bad English, the Zoe/Joey/Zooey problem, and a whole lot more.
I find the original series was to me such am embarrassing performance for Joe.
Joe also said he would like to take part if there’s a chance. How will TVB make Joe alive?
Both girls are short and can only play school girls. They don’t belong to TITS. Objection!
Penny Chan already did an internal costume fitting as a pilot:
Myolie is sure to be in this one.
Joe maybe.
Francis – discussing.
Joe Ma, please let him play a passenger instead of the pilot. He actually talked gibberish in the series. Actual gibberish, much like westerners talk “ding dong ching chong dong dong ding” when supposedly conversing in Chinese, in older movies. Which is why I take my hats off to Rush Hour 2’s Don Cheadle. Spot on Cantonese eventhough he doesn’t speak a word of it.
I can see Myolie come back as Zoe the cheerful girl. It the type of character she’s acceptable in anyway. I like the cheerfulness in TRB
i’m tired with all these repeated casts. I see them in every series. It always Ron, Raymond, Bosco and Kenneth. If TVB doesn’t mind the expense, i say they should use veteran artists and veteran i mean andy lau or Tony Leung. I’m sure they will get bajillion of ratings.
They’re way too expensive. I would like to see Andy Lau and Tony Leung on TV again too, but that would only happen if TVB stops being so stingy.
Ka Fai or Chiu Wai?
If Chiu Wai then Tony stated that he dun wanna act in series.
Hey Ron, Ray, and Kenneth are new in a way, they haven’t worked all four together, right?
If Ron, LF and Kenneth, they are all in The Four (as leads) and Golden Faith. If Ron, LF, Bosco and Kenneth, yes, never.
I actually loved triumph in the skies mainly because of the setting. I think it’s refreshing to talk about the lives of the flight crew. But I’m kinda sick of Raymond no offense to anyone but tvb overly promotes him (just my opinion) On the other hand, I think Mag and Cilia are quite an interesting choice, they’re actually pretty okay in terms of acting (:
There is no confirmation of LF’s appearance in this series. The reporters said that “there is rumour”.
Moreover, if say of replacement, Francis Ng or Ron can be questioned of the replacement for LF in TITS. First TVB planned to invite Alex Fong (Luk Sun) to be in TITS, then they change to LF but both can’t make it due to schedule clash. After that, Francis Ng and Ron have the roles. So if he will be in this one, it’s like “pay it back”?
I am also getting sick of Raymond Lam. Not because he’s everywhere (I do enjoy his music), but because he’s playing the same kind of roles over and over and over again. It’s boring.
Raymond isn’t actully in a lot of TVB series, tho he is just always in the damn news.
how bout putting Mandy Wong in this show? TVB please read my msg here!!!!
not sure who Cilla Kung is, but she doesnt look like she has the face —- like Nancy Wu (nancy started as a semi ke le feh in TITS , and she was able to climb up) but seeing Cilla images on goolge just doesnt give me that feeling….
i want to see mandy too!! i like raymond lam and all but after seeing him in many series one after another it gets boring.-_- and over working your popular actors/actresses arent gonna get you a better production.
why did tvb make the singing competition, the voice anyways? to recruit artistes for tvb series? like really??
Many series one after another? What Raymond Lam are you talking about? In a year he normally has 2 series which will be aired after the others few months. There is a year he didn’t have a series (have never happened to other promoting siu sangs). How can become many series one after another? If wanna talk about how TVB overpromotes him, please have a better point instead of the number of the series because the number of his series per year is very small.
Not a Raymond Lam fan here, but from a neutral view I don’t see him in that many series – Fox is right. In many tabloids or news – yes.
In fact TVB repeat their “first line supporting cast” even more. An example: for the past year I don’t know how many dramas have Raymond Wong and Ruco Chan in a varying weight from almost the lead to flashback cameo.
Don’t get me wrong, I like Ruco Chan – this man can act. I’m neutral for Raymond Wong although he’s not my cup tea.
I don’t know how many series with Ruco Chan but Raymond Wong, I rmb last year only has 7.
TVB made singing competition in the past. The Voice isn’t their first singing competition. The singers they recruit from these competition mostly ends up as their actors.
Cilla Kung played Ron’s love interest in ‘The Four’. She’s also a singer now. You can check out 樂瞳 in youtube.
@hello, Ah, thanks for mentioning Mandy Wong! I think she would be a wonderful new cast member if she was added. She’s one of the newer actresses that I actually think has made a good debut. TVB should really nurture her acting skills before she gets any older. I think she would be a better choice than Mag and Cilla. I’ve never seen Mag act so I cannot judge; however, I was never too fond of Cilla’s acting in The Four nor YSSS. On a side note, I didn’t realize she was only 5’2 until I saw her in YSSS. It feels like she’s only limited to playing cute or teenage roles because of her figure and looks.
Cilla is gaining fame after YSSS. She is loved in this series.
@Fox, That’s what I heard too and the fact still makes me scratch my head. Why?
I only saw the first episode of YSSS and couldn’t continue, but her voice really bothers me. It makes me wonder why she’s a singer. Her character in YSSS is quite annoying too as she’s always pranking on Moses.
I don’t watch YSSS in full (actually I only watched some of Ron & Linda ‘s cut parts) so I won’t comment on Cilla.
Cilla is a decent actress, she over acts a bit, but that’s like all new actors and actresses, she was baad in the four, but she’s getting better now with yes sir, sorry sir.
Cilla might have a good future after YSSS. Can see her name everywhere now. However, this thing happened to Koni Lui after Catch me now and she is still a scandal girl now.
I never understood why TITS became a classic series. I’ve given the series a try. It took me over a few months to watch up to episode 12-13 and I just stopped. From what I’ve seen and what I’ve heard, Flora’s love story with Francis was quite annoying and unrealistic, making it really hard to watch. Since some of you claimed that it was merely a love story and nothing more, I guess I’m not missing out much.
Despite Francis being a veteran actor and many people praising him, I found his character quite boring and dull.
Louisa, though only a supporting character, was great as usual and she had a good sense of humor. Why couldn’t her character replace Flora as lead?!
Besides Louisa, I agree that the other highlight of the series was Bosco, Ron, Sammul, Kenneth, and Michelle. They were the younger rising stars at the time and they shared many scenes together. They were really cute to watch and I was actually not judgmental about their acting since the chemistry was present. It’s rare to find a series where all the siu sangs act collaboratively as they’re always given their own lead/supporting roles in various series.
The Four is a series like that, but too bad, bad CGI and plot ruined the series.
@Fox, Yep, I concur. I had expectations due to the beautiful casting of the four leads, only it was ruined by a lackluster plot, two female leads who were probably acting for their first time, Kate who could semi-act (but only because her character is quite emotionless), and Selena. I also thought it was too short for a wuxia series, especially one with so many leads.
What makes you think it is a classic series?
@Funn, I don’t, but many do. I was referring to it as classic because many liked it. And that’s why TVB’s filming a sequel.
TVB’s filming a sequel because it is time to go back to a series about airplanes, like some high class thing. And if Joe is gonna be in it, it is not a sequel but a reboot or maybe a prequel. Liking it doesn’t make it classic. I don’t even think it can ever hold any credible position as against really classic series. It is enjoyable, some for the right reason, some for the wrong reasons, but Chriselle, you’re not alone. It is not a classic series. I in fact thought it was a rather humiliating series for certain actors.
@Funn, Haha, maybe the term “popular” would have been more suitable. Not classic. It was popular among the audience and even my friends who don’t usually watch TVB series recommended to me. Lol, how was it enjoyable for the wrong reasons? Actually, I didn’t exactly catch what your meaning was in that entire sentence.
Maybe the reporter defines classic = high rating.
it’s not an classic in my opinion. Just a long series with an ok story. HOG is an classic even though being “younger” than TITS
What make you think HOG is a classic series?
pretty sure it will become one if its not already. How do you define classic anyway? to me it’s not just about rating but whether people would want to watch it over and over again. TITS is def. not one of them!
HOG? No no no. Not close. Popular maybe, classic, not quite.
Chriselle, the English was the problem. It was rather pretentious.
so what’s classic series to you? some series produced in the 80’s
@ Funn
I thought over it and I consider HOG a classic. I say this because HOG set a precedent for subsequent dramas to have the following
– loud arguments and family squabble every few episodes
– family group hug every few episodes
– problem starts and solved within 2-3 episodes if not 1 episode.
Anything that set a trend can be considered classic.
Classic series to me = an aired series, that’s all :P. Classic = something old, rite :P?
For me classic is not one which started a precedent, but started a precedent in a positive way. DO you see HOG as a healthy positive precedent?
Seasons is precedent and a classic with a good dose of acting and writing. Kindred Spirit which follows Seasons is also a classic.
HOG is classic if you see from point of view of bad writing.
Funn: i see however your definition is a little bit flawed since for a series to become a “classic” it must also somehow be popular. im sure there are alot of series that fullfill your requirements that people( you included) have not even heard of.
@Kidd – Why, that’s exactly like Virtues of Harmony, LOL.
I haven’t seen HOG, so I won’t judge.
@ scarlee
VOH is a sitcom. HOG is a drama. HOG employ a sitcom style of story telling in a drama series and this was quite a new experiment back then.
Raymond Lam again??? don’t they have other artist sometimes the only artist they seem to have is RL! This is so stupid investing all the resources in one person and after the “scandal” im sure he lost some fans out there. This can’t be the right strategy for a corporation like TVB, so im sure someone is backing RL.
Common there are many other artist out there that should be promoted instead i think many people feels that way. And the new series with RL and C, seriously i will never watch that in my life!!!
Yawn, do you see that there are 4-5 series which is filming without LF? Of course it isn’t a right strategy to you because it isn’t someone you like. But please don’t exaggerate everything like this. All the resources after investing in a lot of ppl, including LF.
And you can feel happy, it isn’t a confirmation that LF will be in this series.
actually i do like RL. however i think he is a little overexposed. sure they are not just investing money in time but most of the resources are divided among only a few artist. haven’t you recognized that it’s the same people series after series after series. TITS could be an opportunity to promote some other artist but they have to give this to RL (assumed). If you are saying that RL hasn’t got “backing” then you are fooling yourself!
@ exoidus
“actually i do like RL”
I could never have guessed that looking at the way you bash Raymond in your previous comment.
Strange that someone can like RL and then claim that he will never watch the new series starring RL.
I meant that particular one. I like RL but not a “superfan” that many her are. Heard of critically analyze before?
I see same ppl in series after series after series. It’s an obvious fact, who can’t see this? BTW, LF isn’t the only one (you also mentioned of such few artists). Oops, then why his name must be given out to “LF again? LF again”?
But if take series as a definition to say someone is overused/overexposed, LF won’t belong to this because he has 1-2 series per year. If takes tabloids as definition of overused/overexposed, the reporters wanna write about him because they can sell it, then how can he control this by himself?
What is so special with TITS? Are you sure TITS 2 will be super successful and pull some other artists (assumed) to the sky? Because even TITS 1 can’t do such thing. And some other artists, can you name them? Who need to put the resources on more and more? Are you sure that these artists will do the role better than LF (assumed)?
As for backing/background, he has one and so what? He has to work less than others? Or even more?
I have no problem if he rejects this one because actually, I want him to accept the invitation of a China wuxia series more than this one. The character of this China wuxia series is so much better than Donald (assume that he’ll replace SC). Meh, but why need to care about the cast that much? Isn’t plot the most important thing to you guys? The only good thing I can see if he is in TITS 2, it’s the reunion of 2R. That’s all.
@ Kidd: Strange that someone can like RL and then claim that he will never watch the new series starring RL.
It isn’t strange :P. I sometimes dun watch the full series of LF, only watch his parts. What I’ll do with 3K.
nothing special with TITS, however i seems that TVB don’t think that way. I can see that you are one of his “superfans” so it’s impossible to have an objetive discussion with you…
I’m a fan, super or not I don’t know because I don’t view him as best of everything.
However, your point isn’t objective.
The way TVB thinks of TITS, it’s nothing different to the way they view BTROC or CBML or MR. Wanna make a hype to the series to make more ppl watch it.
If TITS is nothing special, LF’s appearance in this (assumed) is also nothing special to be said “This is so stupid investing all the resources in one person” and “This can’t be the right strategy for a corporation like TVB, so im sure someone is backing RL.”. His appearance should be treated as his another roles. As an TVB contractual actor, he’ll have to film TVB series. If he dun have to film TVB, then you can say “strange”.
since TITS are not special in my opinion it’s “opportunity cost” is also much lower which means that the opportunity should be given to someone else. Obviously TVB do consider TITS a big deal and that’s why they want to use RL to secure the ratings or make it a big hit. I agree that for a grand production there is too much risk involved in using ordinary actors. however if successful its return will also be much higher. TVB don’t like to take any risks and just playing it safe. that will not be in the best interest of the viewers which is apparent considering all the crappy TVB series have produced lately.
Still wonder who is someone you are mentioning.
@ exoidus
First you said it’s stupid for TVB to invest in LF after his ‘scandal’ because he already lose some fans. For TVB to still cast him in TITS, he must have backing.
Now, you said TVB want to use RL to secure the ratings or make it a big hit.
Aren’t these 2 point contradictory?
The first point hints at declining popularity and not worthy of investment.
The second point indicate that he is still very popular, so much so that TVB cast him to secure the rating.
im pretty sure he lost some fans (girls) that were heartbroken because of the “scandal”, however he is still very popular relative to other “ordinary” actors which is evident from this site!!! So there these not contradictions just taken out of context. From TVB point of view this is a “two birds one stone” strategy.
So you think he is worthy to invest, or not?
And who is the “someone” that you are mentioning LF is taking their chances? May I know?
Come on! That scandal won’t kill Ray’s career. He still has a huge fanbase and after some time fans will come back to him. So yes he is worth investing. If not him, who? Ron Ng? Bosco? Neither has his sort of fan base.
exoidus you wrong, ray still has big fans in everywhere, he has fans club in many other place, he big star, he is careing guy, he will definitely be treating everyone, ray always feeds his colleagues, and ray no need your sympaty, he mature and good for everything.
I’m more curious which outside actor (yes I mean actor not actress because TVB series lacks strong, charismatic, mature male lead) in order to make this sequel hit like its predecessor. Bigger name also means attracting more sponsors and budget.
I consider TITS a classic, though I might not 100% like it (especially when most of the characters, namely Belle, Zita and Sam annoyed me to no end). I still remember the Triangle trend it created, and how Joe and Ron popularity shot up.
I remember Ron’s popularity shot up after TITS. So among all Ron deserve the most place to be in TITS2.
Don’t be worried, Ron said that he’ll appear in TITS 2.
fox, good point, i support your comment.
T.I.T.S. = TVB perverted acronym series.
Anyway, T.I.T.S. 2 sequel movie/series… TVB is helping the world to recycle use stuff.
How much money will TVB spending this shotty production?
TVB needs Lam Fung…. TVB is so dumb!
but ray isnt lonely this time, he has giant fans to support him, he is still so talent, no one can take away his talent, he rise up to the top, he will do really good in his series.
He does good in most of his series, but when they are overpromoted, they don’t do as well. Examples: The Jade and the Pearl, Growing through life…
Plus you can never get sick of Raymond Lam.
Growing through life is overpromoted? A series with only 1 promotion function is called overpromoted? I really don’t think so. GTL is seriously underpromoted, compare to any series in 2010.
Agree that GTL was under-promoted.
The reason for the lack of viewers was due to the China actresses which majority of HK viewers cannot accept.
I didn’t like watching the mainland actresses either because they weren’t particularly attractive, their voices were dubbed, and their characters weren’t interesting. The did little for the plot and was more a love factor for the guys. It was more a drama for actors more than actresses. Btw, what about them that HK viewers couldn’t accept?
I saw Growing Through Life and enjoyed it overall. I think the HK audience is just bias against the actresses from China. I think a lot of the CHina actresses are a lot prettier than the actresses from Hk, but it does vary. I think it is because the people in HK are not familiar with them so refuse to accept them.
I too feel that many mainland girls are prettier than HK ones. They have refreshing faces. It’s just that the two actresses chosen for GTL wasn’t pretty. But like many others have said on this blog, we’re not certain of which are naturally beautiful and which aren’t.
I don’t know your beauty standard but to me, 2 actresses in GTL are pretty. Zhao Si Kei might look a bit old but she is cute and her acting is quite good. Vionn Song has bad acting (but it’s her first series, can understand) but she looks very good (older than her age). They looks pleasant to my eyes than some TVB actresses.
BTW, the matter of Chinese actresses are they always looks less modern than TVB actresses. Even trendy clothing on them, they still looks that. HK girls/TVB actresses look more modern and dynamic than them. That’s why Chinese actresses look better than TVB’s in ancient series.
I think the plot and script are 2 of the most important things in a series lets hope that it is good in this sequel. Sequels don’t always turn out as good as the first installment.
They are using Raymond again?? Don’t they have anybody else? I like him and all, but am a bit tired of seeing him everywhere. That is another plus point that CHina series has over TVB series, they have way more actors to pick from so we don’t always see the same old faces over and over again…
I’ve always wondered how TVB could have HK lend the airport for them to film for several months. Wouldn’t that intervene with the business a bit?
Someone mentioned earlier casting Mandy Wong in the sequel. I like her, too and I think she would be a nice addition to the cast. At least she would look more like a flight attendant than Cilla or Mag. I have a feeling either Cilla or Mag will take on Michelle’s role although I don’t see either one as good fit.
I also hope Ray doesn’t get overexposed if he is added to the cast and take out screentime from the other guys. Honestly, I would rather see someone like Vincent Wong taking on the role of one of the pilots. Although his acting needs improvement, there’s something I like about him that would make quite fit to play a pilot in the series.
Oh yesss i like Vincent Wong too! his acting is slowly improving i can tell. in my opinion his acting is better than Stephen Wong Ka Lok and Lai Lok Yi…
As long as Raymond is not the only lead and he is sharing the screen time with Ron, Bosco, and Kenneth, it shouldn’t be too bad. After Mysteries of Love, I’m beginning to have reservations for Raymond’s acting and there really is very little room for him to showcase his improvements and talents if all he’s playing is Prince Charming. Please let Kenneth have a character other than the usual righteous roles he play!
@hello, Agree. Stephen talks like there’s a walnut stuck in his throat. It’s not his fault though, but it’s not pleasant to listen to him speak if he’s that way. His emotional scenes are especially hard to watch.
lol, then after all, end up that he won’t be in this one and ppl will play clap clap hands.
Yes! Vincent is good! I rather he replace Sammul than Raymond, tbh. Jason Chan’s not bad either (at least he can speak English LOL).
And I absolutely agree about casting Mandy. She’s in a whole other league compared to Mag and Cilla… I can even see Sire Ma replacing Michelle’s role over Mag and Cilla.
Mandy is great and a lot better than Mag and Cilla but she’s underpromoted. Cilla is getting popular because of YSSS but why Mag instead of Mandy? Mag should just stick to singing
I didn’t know that Mandy Wong was a Miss HK winner. I always though she came from the TVB acting school. She definitely had me fooled. I really like her girl next door look. She is a decent actress for a newbie.
@ cinsin
Mandy Wong was both. She joined Miss HK 2007 and reach top 5. After that she joined TVB acting class and graduated in 2008.
Her case is not unique. Several other Mr. and Miss HK participants has done that.
@Kidd, Thanks for the info. Well it seemed to have worked for her compared to others I’ve seen lol
Yeah!Raymonds gonna be in the film with Ron. I’ve been waiting for tthese two bothers to film together for a long time. Hopefully Raymond does have time to film this. But there is something I don’t like about the cast. Mag Lam?? For some woerd reason, I don’t like her at all. Well actually I don’t really like any of the the voice singers. Hope this will be a great drama. Don’t screw up the sequel like you do most of the time TVB!!!
i really sure why tvb like ray so much, because they know he is the golden star, ray is a professional actor, he came out of tvb artiste class, who can beat him, he so super.
@jim-> ok i think we all get your point about raymond!!!
i’m excited about this series, really hope francis will be back in this drama again.
hope mag or cilla wont be taking michelle’s role, if mandy is really going to be in this series, i really rather her act as michelle’s role.
When was part 1 made?? I never saw this series since I only started to watch more modern series recently. I would only watch some modern series back then if they were classics.
Made in 2002, aired in 2003
Thanks and it took them that long to make a sequel??
HeTieShou, they wanted to make a sequel but due to various circumstances, the idea never got executed. Perhaps timing and lack of getting cast together? Triumph in the Skies was produced by Poon Ka Tak, maybe he wanted to film other series in subsequent series?
They has problem with Cathay.
THanks for the info! I guess sequels can’t always be made back to back. I am now watching Police Cadet from the 80s and can see that the first 2 installments were made closer to each other while the 3rd part was made 3 years after the 2nd part. The story and cast changed a lot so I guess they did not have to make it back to back..
I’ve only one clear issue with the first series that no one has pointed out: stop showing me CGI plane exteriors…
I actually watched Triumph first then watched a similar themed J-drama called Good Luck!!(グッドラック!!) and seriously the J-drama version, which is much shorter, was done much better.
TVB should just ask Louis Koo to come film the sequel as its lead. Koo still has outstanding series to film according to his contract. As much as I think Francis Ng is a great actor, I don’t want to see him reprise his old character. Once is enough. Well they could ask Bobby Au-yeung to fill Francis’s role. I don’t mind that. And I definitely DO THE HELL NOT want to see Flora Chan reprise hers. I’d kill five baby deers and toss coins in fountains for her not to return as Belle.
I’m fine with most others returning and even adding the omnipresent Raymond Lam. And please do not put Jessica Hsuan in it as they wanted to in the 04-05 sales presentation (does anyone remember that?) because… she’s boring? Like Tavia Yeung boring?
TVB should go make a series about the MTR subway and call it ‘Triumph Underground’. I’d love it. They could put cops and triads in it as well (like every other HK series). They could have each episode dedicated to each station! yay! and filming would equal promoting. Its win-win. How would they manage the logistics of this? No idea. Ask Eric Tsang to phone in connections?
This J-drama has a main character named Chiaki, right? The girls often say: “Try your best, Chiaki”, right?
Ughhh i don’t remember precisely the line since its been a while. But since there isn’t many plane-themed series I guess possibly.
Here’s the wiki link if you wanna confirm:!!
Eh, Louis Koo as a pilot? No lar! Not convincing at all. That dude, still can’t speak decent Mandarin, more so English. I’d rather he play some bad guy bent on bringing down the plane. Will it be too sensitive to show terrorists on planes for the movie version? Or maybe just show him as one of the passengers who saved a lot of people.
I like the MTR idea! But again will it be too sensitive to show sabotaging the MTR? Is HK audiences ready for that?
Lol Funn what is with you and sabotaging public transport?
I think TVB wouldn’t go into such politically sensitive territory. Or if it did, no one would die except maybe the bad guys. Or they’d repent 2episodes later after they sit down in a dark room explaining in flashback why they were forced to commit such crime followed by some cop posing.
Besides HK citizens will complain mass-death isn’t appropriate to show during dinner time…
I didn’t start it! Can’t remember who did! Anyway plane crash or plane emergency situation no need for anyone to die. Real life situation, can’t remember which airplane, half way in the journey high up, all engines gone. No power so to speak and the pilot had to guide the plan through the ocean and emergency landing by luck plus lots of wind. The plane floated for don’t know how many hours. No one died. That could make a fantastic movie.
I thought the first Triumph in the Skies quite ok. However, I didn’t like Molly pairing with Francis as I didn’t think there was any chemistry at all. That’s just my opinion. Regarding Sammuel Chan not being in it this time, well, I am not a great fan of his so I am not that bothered. Good luck to him in future though. I agree with Funn and thinks that Louis Koo would be better off as a villain here than a pilot. At first I thought whether Michael Mui could play that role – with a pilot’s uniform I think he would look very good in it. However, he may not suit the part afterall. Maybe a new face might be better afterall.
Michael Miu? He will have to play a pilot due for retirement.
Michael Miu will ruin the pilot role. His acting is so so.
I don’t think so, Miu is a great actor and I am glad that he came back to acting…
Michael Miu looks good for his age. He can do veteran pilot.
ray again, ray again, alot comment talk like that, but i will never walk away from him, i will never getting sick of ray, but i will getting health, because i always see him play joking with his fans, make me laughing, and laughing make me healthy.
Jim, I must admire your dedication and 1 track mind.
Jim sounds high on helium or kerosene to me.
dont worry for the time being, ray is fine, but to make him image look more clean are mostly welcome, ray look good in it, i know you both not ray fans, its ok, ray doesnt need your all sympathy, he already has fans club in his country, also in many other country to support him untill fullest.
thank you funn lim , for you admire, and thank you sds, for you make me fly likes ballon, and i am sure i will be back to him.
‘fly like balloons’. Such a cute description.
I wish Joe is still in the cast. Don’t like Francis that much in the series. I found him quite boring. Joe’s part was too short.
why does ray need to be saved, or maybe because the scandal, he has gotten lots more attention in jsg, and he might have lost some fans, but he also has gotten more and more, and the loyal fans will always stay with him.
A sequel? I guess it was only a matter of time. And urgh, why Ray? I’m a fan but how about mixing up The Four combination and give Moses Chan. Crappy actor but I think he’s got that look / build that would look great in uniform.
NO MORE JOE MA, please. Thank god he died in the first one. I laughed at him when he first appeared. “Sure” – “SHOO-YUH”.
i never watched tits before, but even if ray in it, he wont be a direct replacement for the same character, they would make him a new character, but i never see ray as a similar character, so really wanting to see this series.
Since Donald quit the pilot job near the end of the series to go back to help his father’s business, it is ok for him to not appear in the sequel. No need to find a replacement actually. Can just say he has migrated overseas or something.
Maybe he can make a guest appearance as the guy running the carrier company? Like his father bought.. what was the name? Solar? Solaris? Something like that.
On the classic thread, oh I am watching Seasons again and my god, what a series! Goooooooooo ma-da!
And continuing on my emergency storyline, have donald on the management worrying about the plane suffering from malfunction??
yeah, yeah support ray high eq and such a nice guy, we all know ray never gives up, tvb needs him more than he needs them since he earns lots of money for them.
If only TVB could make sequel for my favorite series ‘The Last Breakthrough’ where there is beautiful scenery of Kenya and the series is about doing charity(helping people who in need a lot),plus I like Dr. Kent(Raymond Lam) and Ching Ching(Leila Tong).
I have to agree with ya. The last Breakthrough was a good series..i quite like the pairing in that series Nick and Sonjia..I also like that Lin hoi..i found his accent very cute ^_^
hmm Triumph in the Skies 2 looks yuk..
To be honest i rather they make another Always Ready series. Triumph in the Skies were at times quite boring and dragged on in some places…
but i never see ray as a pilot, or acting as a similar character, so really wanting to see this too.
Don’t need to worry for LF’s appearance in this series. His schedule is packed until next year so obviously he can’t be in this one. The reporters just wrote it.
That ends all the conversation.
I’m sure they can wait to accommodate him if they really want him to take part in this series
TVB don’t do such thing. Their scheduling is very tight and they need to schedule for a lot of people. They can’t simply change schedule to accommodate one person even if that person is Raymond Lam.
ray is super busy, he never has time for a long rest, but his career is stable, no saving is need.
The male leads are disclosed ; what about the female leads? Are Myolie and Nancy going to be in, I wonder
ray say, he doesnt know anything about the tts 2, the reporters just make big deal the news.
I think Raymond Lam is one of the luckiest young actor back then, because he got the opportunities to work with Louis Koo(A Step Into The Past),Miriam Yeung(A Taste Of Love) and Gallen Lo(Golden Faith), where he got a lot of advice and tips on acting, which other young actors like Kenneth Ma and Bosco Wong, does not get those opportunities
yes raylan i agree, ray is golden star and luckiest guy.
I agree japanese version, good luck is better.
Why is ppl making such a big deal abot the rumoured replacement?
Since many ppl dun like ray in this drama, TVB may consider placing their best actor to replace sammul such as Moses/ Kevin or Wayne as they possess
better acting skills and ppl fav
Lol, as I saw, most of LF’s fans also dun want he to be in this series.
yes fox, i also want he to be in this series.its good for ray make more experience become pilot.