Selena Li Admits to Dating New Boyfriend

After being romantically linked to numerous males in the past, Selena Li (李詩韻) always firmly denied dating anyone. However, she was spotted coming out of a mall in Central with a mysterious man dressed in a fancy business suit last night. Not long after getting into the car with the man and driving off, Selena stepped out of the car and began walking home after spotting a number of reporters following them.
Obviously annoyed that she had to walk home on foot instead of getting a ride, Selena crossly said to the paparazzi, “Can you not be like this, you guys have made me suffer enough already.” Perhaps Selena was irritated since she wanted to protect the man in the car since he does not work in the entertainment industry.
In contrast to last night’s behavior, Selena’s mood was much more cheerful this morning. On her Weibo blog, she posted a photo of herself holding a large bouquet of flowers. Selena openly admitted to having a boyfriend, “The peach blossoms have found a husband, and I have finally found someone who loves me very much! I feel blessed! I hope everyone will give us some space for development so we can be happy! Thank you for the concern regarding my love life!”
Friends Send Their Blessings
Selena’s ex-boyfriend, Patrick Tang (鄧健泓) said he has not seen the latest reports about Selena’s new boyfriend. Patrick said, “But I’m happy for her and wish her the best.” Asked if Selena has found the right person to settle down with, Patrick said, “She knows whether she will get married or not. She is with him because they’re happy together.”
Although frequently romantically linked with Selena, Kenneth Ma (馬國明) said that he will not feel awkward when he works together with his good friend again. He said, “Congratulations that she has found the right person! We only laughed about our rumors in the past!”
This article is written by Su for
woooo……interesting but the guy looks weird when Selena Li is with him!!!
he looks like Korean wrestler choo sung-hoon from Return of Superman
Selena is so pretty. She should date more often
Agree, date till she gets a good man!
Still prefer her with Kenneth Ma. This guy has got the “mainland” look. But I bet he is wealthy.
I too bet he’s a mainland wealthy business man of some sort. Maybe that’s how she striked gold with her business investment.
Poor Kenneth, guess their dating-pack is out the window now Selena got a bf.
Agree u can tell he’s. Chinese his eyes tho
>>Agree u can tell he’s. Chinese his eyes tho <<
what's wrong with you?
aren't you chinese? or maybe you 've been back from South Korea with a complete makeover.
I don’t think he’s from the mainland. According to HK tabloids, he’s supposedly the Hong Kong Underwater Association Marine Scientific Committee Chairman Christopher Hodgson (潘樹維).
ooh that’s a nice catch for her then
He got that Big Brother “gangsta” look. LOL
Out of all the actresses I think selina has the prettiest face. Her features are beautiful.
Good luck to them
nah,she looks weird lol her features are weird looking
same here, there’s something wrong with her nose, lips, or jaws but somehow cannot pinpoint what makes her face looks slightly off
It’s her jaw, she has slight overbite. But i think she has lovely eyes. Overall she’s pretty but not particularly outstanding and she’s forgettable in the acting dept. Too conscious of herself when she acts. I can’t identify with any of the characters she’s portraying.
I agree. She looks pretty here. But when she talks, her mouths loos pretty strange. Over all, she is a pretty girl but there is something strange about her mouth.
She has a bit of an underbite
Sorry my bad. Fanna is right. The term is underbite where the lower jaw protrudes over the upper jaw. It’s pretty obvious when she talks.
Katy kung and linda has weird noses.. at least selena’ is better looking
I agreed. Selina is a great actress and she is beautiful. All the actresses nowadays looks the same. Wish her the best.
I think Linda’s nose is fine, just a tad big. Katy Kung does have weird nose.
I think they’re good. you want natural or plastic?
No!!!! I’m hoping she will end up with kenneth ma!
Anyways as long as she is happy. She so deserves it.
i think though out the female actors in TVB she has a pretty face every time when i see her i TV she looks very gorgeous and pretty!!!! but ~good luck to her~~~!!!!!
She sounds happy. Dating a man out of showbiz might be good for her. Anyway congrats.
Selena looks a bit like mixed blood she is beautiful. That lucky dude congrats to them.
She doesn’t looks mixed at all. She looks very asian to me. And that pic above doesn’t make a good job to her. She looks very old in that pic.
Beholder eyes ! May not in eyes !
What is soo trying to say?
Sigh….I was really hoping that she n kenneth will be a real item all well I hope this guy do treat her good like she sez.
She is pretty but doesn’t have a like able face or X factor. Some people like Alana Wong has such no so nice features but she is so like able. That’s why Selina is never top billing or A list.
Or she doesn’t kiss up to the executives as much…
Face it these days you need to have a good relationship with them to get good jobs look at Priscilla…
I disagree. I do think she is a likable person and she has the X factor.
Aha! No wonder she sounded a bit hesitant in previous interviews with Kenneth. I guess she knew the 5-year deal aint happening.
Anyway, whatever makes her happy.
Good on her!
Regarding her post, you’ve translated it wrong- it’s not peach blossoms, she was referring to her character in Ghost dragon of cold mountain
Anyway, Raymond Cho post a reply saying “Ma Ming is heartbroken again” lol.
I’m so sad that Ma Ming and Selena won’t get together now…
maming’s all talk, no walk.
that’s how tavia & selena slipped away
Maybe he just isnt interested in them or in women at all.
Yeah… he’s doesn’t actively chase his love – like Yat Kin in On call where Tavia has to “pursue” him
Selena is very pretty and is a decent actress too. I just find she has this “try too hard” quality which comes across as a bit desperate..
Ya agree. She is pretty but something about her just doesn’t make her able to headline a show.
don’t forget her que-que voice
Selina li is indeed tvb prettiest actress comparable standard with gigi lai n Michelle reis standard…so happy she found this golden rich bachelor guy…his mansion worth 150millions….and his volswagen car worth 5.5millions… I hope she will marry him n selina has the look to be full housewife like Michelle reis n gigi lai n melinda
I can imagine a mansion (free standing or a penthouse) worth 150M but no VW cost 5.5M. Someone must have given you bad info.
I suppose money is the only thing that matters in your materialistic brain.
The guy not only looks ugly, he looks crass and thuggish too. And what VW is worth 5.5 millions and who’s melinda?
You must have read a poor translation, not 150million but 150万, which is 1.5million.
the car is worth 550k HKD and mansion is worth 15M HKD…so its still consider big amount and he is indeed rich since he is the Chairman of Marine science HK….and his full english name is Christopher Hodgen ( therefore, we might assume he is not from Mainland though he looks like from there)
huh, his name is Christopher Hodgen?? But he’s definitely Asian, how come he has a Caucasian name?
Hodgson-poon so could be 1/4 or 1/6 or 1/8 non-asian. But he looks 100% asian.
Maybe he adopts a middle english name as well? He looks very very asian (chinese from mainland), though.
1. He can be adopted
2. Genetics work in unexpected ways.
3. Who cares
HKD 15M buys him a tiny apartment in Singapore. Hkd500k doesn’t buy him a new car at all in Singapore. So I hope we have the right perspective if we think this guy is super rich. He is like any professional person who has a good job. Nothing compared to Gigi Lai and reis’s husbands wealth.
And I totally agree he looks like a thug. Perhaps he is one. So unpolished.
And? Perhaps he is not rich, he is not handsome, he is not talented but he did nothing wrong to be the boyfriend of Selena. How can you become that cruel to him that way? I guest you are either a crazy fan or a jealous fan.
Nothing at all, but since many comments on how rich and not good looking he is… I am expressing the same, I am sure you’d agree that this forum is about opinion. Honestly don’t have to defend him. He is indeed crude looking that’s a fact.
And is Singapore the most important place on the globe? HKD 15M can buy you a mansion in USA, and that’s why there’s a massive brain drain in Singapore.
And.. All I am saying is he is not super rich as we imagine. He is not the likes of Michael Reis or. Gigi Lai’s husband. Just want to put things into perspective. There was a report that his home is one thousand sq ft. That’s a tiny apartment not sprawling. I am neither a fan or jealous. In fact I think Selena is pretty although I just can’t put a finger to why she is not able to lead a drama like the rests.
And Singapore is not the most important place on earth. But it does have its merits. Btw I am not a Singaporean. I am putting perspective into people who keep saying how rich he this guy is…he could jolly well be if his parents are. But based on reports he is not.
And hey he is a chairman of a committee within an organization. Not bad but he is no big time chairman of a company. Please look carefully. Probably can speak English and all but definitely nit they kind of rich person he is imagined to be.
as i know yong kah hoe is a serial rapist & a scammers wanted by malaysian police. he is a bald with spec plus big body size.
facebook can search his look?
i think can.
cannot find him in facebook? what his name in facebook?
sure have. try find again.
those of you who are complaining about Selena Li – you all must be miss universe material yourself or have wives or girlfriends who are miss universe.
what is wrong for Selena Li to date a regular guy who does not have sharp features like top models and actors and is not as rich as a tycoon or someone who is born with a diamond studded golden spoon?
In my view, we should be happy for Selena if this guy is a genuine guy, holds a good job and able to comfortably provide for her. Not everyone is lucky enough to come from a family with a diamond studded golden spoon.
And to those who complained that this guy is not rich enough. Then what I have to say is, you guys must be flithy rich and sustantially owns some Fortune 500 companies.
srsly some of the comments on here are so judgmental. overbite underbite? I’m sorry are you sitting behind the screen typing and your mouth jaws lips are perfect.. there is no perfect address i feel l bad for your partners as you don’t know how to look past such things that fade.. as will you