Selena Li Denies Rivalry with Sisley Choi Over Screen Time

Starring Lawrence Ng (吳啟華), Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), and Selena Li (李施嬅), TVB drama Presumed Accidents <純熟意外> is currently airing to positive responses. Despite viewers’ initial hesitation about Sisley taking the lead role, they were surprised by Sisley’s noticeable acting improvement and complimented her potential.
On the other hand, despite being in the industry for more than ten years, Selena was overshadowed by newcomer Sisley. Due to losing out on the lead role to Sisley, reports claimed that Selena’s jealousy sparked a rivalry between the two actresses. While attending a promotional event for the drama recently, Selena took the opportunity to refute the negative rumors and clarified that she did not have any ill feelings toward Sisley. Selena said, “I am only a guest star and my photo is already so big on the poster. It’s quite nice!”
With two years left in her TVB contract, Selena shared that she did not have any intentions of leaving the station. When asked whether she took offense on being cast in a supporting role, Selena explained, “I have never taken screen time into consideration when I accept a role. I only assess whether the role has potential for breakthroughs. It’s normal [to have differences in screen time]. They wouldn’t decrease my screen time because of Sisley.”
Producer Andy Chan (陳耀全), who was also present at the event, stressed that he did not favor any one artiste over another. “[Selena’s] character is very important. I had to find someone with acting quality to portray the role. She executed the role very well.”
This article is written by Huynh for
Don’t understand why they don’t promote Selena over Grace or Sisley? She is not a bad actress.. pretty too… TVB is just weird..
@happybi wasting time…grace’s acting will never improve. work on her EQ first.
@janet72 i agreed with you , cant see her sharp face , no emotions , cannot act , just because she have a rich parent and her boyfriend is Kevin , doesn’t mean she is good , haiz
i wanna say age but then there was rumor that they wanted to promote joey meng who’s in her 40s already. perhaps connections. plus grace and sisley are younger and their contract w/tvb maybe longer.
Selena is a guest-star. It’s marketing to blow up her pic on the poster.
joyce may be older but she is still good. don’t quite like selena. so far i am enjoying the plot.
Selena has been getting less and less acting roles in TVB.
TVB has been heavily promoting NEWcomers which is a shame because really Sisley is NOT THAT GREAT, and we just need great actors and actress back in good tv series. Its no wonder why so many people are leaving TVB and heading to China for better opportunities. There are just too many actor in TVB. With the new TV company – ViuTV hope to see more great shows with great actors – really miss seeing Bernice Liu, Bowie Lam, Catherine Chau. It was really refreshing seeing them in ViuTV – Margaret & David TV show. I like Poon Chan Leung, he’s funny.
There’s something about Selena that just screams “Boring “! She’s not bad looking but just not pretty enough. She’s not a good actress let alone great but she’s passable. In short she’s very average and bland. Maybe that’s why she never got heavily promoted. Not that sisley and grace are any better but they’re probably riding on their Ms HK fame.
@isay I believe you may have hit the nail on the head. I think she is pretty and her acting decent enough but there is just something about her which makes her unable to carry or lead a drama. She just does not have X factor.
@arc78 hi 5! Exactly my thoughts. She lacks the X factor.
@isay Yeah. Agree with you. She does not have the charm to attracts on screen.
i do love Selena , prefer her acting then Grace ans Sisley , Selena is prettier then both of them as well . agreed all the new comers are riding on their Ms HK fame
sisley has improved in the current drama compared to the earlier ones…for one, she hasn’t been talking at the top of her voice. grace is definitely banging on her miss hk win but she is only good in one area so far, that is gushing about her relationship with her boyfriend and family.