Selena Li Wants to Be a Diamond Bachelorette

Starring in Leung Choi Yuen’s (梁材遠) romantic modern drama Slow Boat Home <情越海岸線>, Selena Li (李詩韻) portrays the beautiful Heidi Kwok, an ambitious, manipulative, and crafty businesswoman who would betray love for power. But this is a character that Selena cannot really relate to in real life.
“I am rather simple. My life is not as complicated as [Heidi’s],” said Selena. “Most of my closest friends are foreigners. I’ve been in the industry for over ten years, and I have experienced moments of unhappiness. I used to take things too personally, whether or not it is about awards, my relationships, or my career. But now, I’ve learned to let things take its course. I wasn’t much of a spender in the past. I just didn’t want to use money. Honestly, I didn’t own my first designer bag until two years ago! Now, I’ve learned to spend money for myself – to go on trips, take some relaxing spas, and do things that make me happy.”
In the drama, Selena’s “Heidi” often uses her boyfriend, Fit Wing (portrayed by Ruco Chan 陳展鵬) to help her achieve new heights in her career. “[Heidi] is willing to sacrifice herself for her career, such as seducing rich heirs and manipulating others to do what she wants. In a way, [her actions do] reflect a certain side of our society, especially in the business world. Many people tend to betray their conscience when it comes to achieving power.”
Admits to Secret Relationship
Selena has had her tough share of gloomy rumors in the past few years, and she admitted that the negative press almost convinced her to quit showbiz. “It wasn’t fair. I am quite conservative, and not ‘wild’ like what some of the paparazzi claimed me to be. Why do they call single women in the industry as ‘loose women’ but single men like Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Ruco Chan are called diamond bachelors? Women should be called diamond bachelorettes. I have a lot of pursuers too!”
But Selena is definitely not loose when it comes to choosing men. The 32-year-old admitted that she had went through an underground relationship that lasted for a year. They broke up due to personality differences.
“Many men appear to be nice when you first meet them, but they eventually show their real side when you get to know them some more. Many men I encountered were like that.”
After breaking up with the mysterious man, Selena expressed that she will now be more cautious in choosing a future lover. “I really don’t want to go through another breakup! It hurts me every time. I’ve been let down too many times. I’ve had enough!”
This article is written by Addy for
She’s pretty cute
She actually kept an underground relationship from the media for a whole year?……… that is pretty good considering that HK paparrazi’s snoop into everything………
I liked Selena ever since her debut in Miss HK. She’s got an unique presence on-screen but the media has not been kind to her. They portrayed her as a party animal but in reality, what girl will not go out more after a hurtful breakup? I was such a flirt when my ex dumped me that I had to reassure my own self worth by flirting with random guys at clubs. Of course, I still knew there’s a line defining what is acceptable or not … Selena may also have that line but unfortunately the paparazzi will never write on that behalf.
In the interview, she mentioned she’s more simple than Heidi but I actually saw some resemblance between the two. She’s business savvy just like Heidi, see her attempt at the make-up business. I realize it was a failed effort but the attempt was commendable. It beats some of those pretty girls that just find a husband and call it for the day.
On a side note, I’m so in love with Ruco Chan. He’s trying really hard to be the “nerdy” doctor but he can’t hide that hotness!!!!! sizzle sizzle
agtreed totally
Completely agree. The reporters have such double standards. I’m sure plenty of them go to bars, have dinners with the opposite sex, etc. That is just called having a social life!
agree. feel bad that hk media often potray selena as a wild girl and party animal and that’s why the hk audience are slow to warm up to her because they prefer innocent pure idol such as linda more rather than a supposed ‘party animal’. hk media are really bias! what’s wrong with a young single woman going to parties and having fun at bars and nightclub? that’s normal!
I genuinely felt a sincerity in this interview when she spoke about how hurt she was from her past boyfriends.
I like Linda for her pureness but that doesn’t mean I don’t love Selena for her realness too. Glad Selena is ready to stand back up to the media and not let the little things bother her!
Yes, this is double standard. But this is not something the media invented. This is how the whole human society works. Is it fair? No, but many things are not fair in human society.
completely agree your side note
She’s so pretty! (:
I hope she gets more roles!!
huh? she acting is pretty boring
I would rather watch a beautiful woman with average acting skills than an average woman with beautiful acting skills.
You can gradually improve on acting as you gain experience, but you cannot change how you look without undergoing surgery.
i wonder who the guy was.Does she smoke?
The guy with whom she had an underground relationship is someone from outside the entertainment industry. She mentioned it before in interviews.
And no, she does not smoke.
I like this gal but unfortunately she’s a very very heavy smoker and & flirter in real life..
selene li looks like a she-anthony wong
You’re speaking as though you know her in person. Wait, do you?
is she addicted to it.. smoking? as for flirting, maybe she does not trust any guys, i think she went out with the wrong type of guys who have bad intentions
She is a party girl.
Doing drugs.
better to save money than on buying branded goods, those companies are rip offs, between they don’t need our support, they are super rich, isn’t paris rich? she’s worth a billion usd, salma hayek and her hubby are rich too and they are in the branded clothes business, don’t know when the money will become handy.. read about accidents or sicknesses everyday
Agree with you. The rich get richer at the expense of the
wage earners wanting to buy their stuff.
I don’t know why she’s deemed as a party animal by going clubbing and hugging others. She’s from Canada so of course she’d have sorta of a western attitude and clubbing literally is normal in Canada.. It could be a way to let loose of all your stress.
I don’t know if she smokes but even if she does I don’t care so many actresses & actors smoke these days
She is heavy smoker since she broke up with her boyfriends…
Hi Daisy. No Selena does not smoke at all, it’s just made up by some people who love to spread false news/facts about artists because they dislike certain artists. Read my comment at the bottom of the page.
i love her. can i date her?
Yes you can – show money please
Love your phrase ….
underground relationship? does it mean that the guy is a married man?
It means that the relationship was kept a secret ie. the paparazzi didn’t catch on.
I love her! If I could, I’d date her. She seems pretty down to earth and she’s also pretty cute.
like i said “show us the money”
Didn’t she and Patrick Tand dated few years ago? Now they’re both in Slow Boat Home.
I was watching that episode thinking, “was that awkward for them”?
Hope she finds her true love soon because no matter how great a women is whether it be in terms of looks or anything, when she gets too old it will be harder to find a good guy because most of them are already taken. Unless she finds someone way older or someone younger. The “jiedi” relationships are getting more acceptable and common,but it is still better to find someone who does not have too big of an age gap.
When she delivers her lines, she takes a big breath at the beginning of almost every sentence. She should get rid of this habit.
maybe its because she smokes too much
No – i think it’s a bad habit that’s not related to her smoking.
I notice it too … i thought it was in ancient series only but i notice it all the time ..
She is not confident to deliver her lines. They could have edited some parts out.
Aimee does it a lot too – only when she does, it sounds more annoying
I like Selena, hope to see more of her on TVB.
She’s sooo pretty. .
She looks a little like Tiffany from SNSD.
Although the best thing to do with rubbish comments is to ignore them, I still decided to comment here, because I have this feeling that people who stumble upon this website may be misled by what is written here. I want to get things straight: Selena doesn’t smoke at all, let alone being a heavy smoker, nor does she do drugs or anything else that is written above.
Don’t be misled by all those trolls making up things that they bring like it’s a fact. Why would you believe these baseless remarks that are just written by anonymous internet users who have too much time spending their life spreading false news about artists because he/she dislikes certain artists? Tell the trolls to show evidence of her smoking (i.e. a picture of her smoking) before believing any word. But they can’t, simply because everything they say are completely fabricated and baseless.
I dont know why people like to claim things they don’t know for sure and simply believing whatever news reports say. Those reports never give actual proof, but people just automatically think it’s the bible and believe it and remember it all the time.
Selena smokes? Thats most ridiculous of them all. Talk to me when you find an ACTUAL picture of her doing it.
I will ALSO clarify here, Selena does NOT smoke, go clubbing habitually, drink or swear. Being seen at clubs or bars a few times in the past does NOT mean she goes there every week.
Why do people keep focusing on the OLD OLD news and not on the recent? It is very obvious there are no more reports on any of those things anymore.
Flirting?? Please give me proof of this. Having guy friends does not mean she flirts with every guy she meets. Would someone with such personality have dated Patrick Tang for 5 years?
I think people need to realize that the media LIVE to make stuff up with every chance they can get to make anything sound negative. Focus on the acting career and the efforts and improvements she has made. Because you cannot understand anyone’s personal life based on tabloid magazines. Are you seriously relying on the media that reports stuff like “so and so went to eat McDonald’s ” to actually know someone’s real personality? You will NEVER know unless you know them. Those with good reputation – how are you so sure how good they really are? You never know what you don’t actually see with your own eyes..
So why don’t we all emphasize on the important stuff and the stuff that actually matter in this industry – the acting.