Sharon Chan Actively “Pursues” Sammy Leung

The late prime-time TV drama, Friendly Fire <法網狙擊>, has introduced a new adorable onscreen couple into the house!
Since its premiere on December 18, Friendly Fire has been getting decent viewership and reviews. As compatible as main leads, Michael Tse (謝天華) and Tavia Yeung (楊怡), were as a couple, most viewers gushed that it was the supporting actors, Sammy Leung (森美) and Sharon Chan (陳敏之), who stole the show. Their surprisingly witty and humorous exchanges and interactions onscreen have put many smiles on viewers after a long and hard day of work.
Sharon Cures Sammy’s Depression
In a recent interview, Sammy expressed that he is grateful for Sharon’s help throughout the entire filming duration of Friendly Fire. Sammy said that Sharon was like a mother to him, taking care of his everyday filming needs. She even helped wash his clothes!
“When she saw how dirty my set wardrobe was, she grabbed me with her to the dressing room and reminded the cleaning lady to wash my clothes. She really reminds me of my mom!” cried Sammy.
Sharon explained that she and Sammy became good friends after working in the film, A Dream Team <翻生奇兵>, together several years ago. Sharon said, “His true personality is very different from his onscreen personality. In public, he is very humorous and lively, but behind cameras, Sammy is someone who is very passive and shy. In our collaboration this time, I decided to be the active pursuer so I could transfer all my positive energy to him! He told me that he was diagnosed with depression several years ago, and I told him to give me a month’s time to cure him! Now he is much more cheerful! I think my treatment helped!”
Sammy warmed up quickly to Sharon’s “advances.” Sharon’s pursuits have even startled Sammy’s own wife! “My wife knows how I really am,” said Sammy. “She knows that I don’t have many close female friends. One day, I told her that I was going to buy some food for Sharon, and my wife immediately said, ‘Wa! You call her Sharon now? What great friends!’ She was not jealous, just a bit surprised!”
Sammy Still Seeks Improvement
Sammy is best known for his hosting work on radio and television, and while he had worked on several acting projects in the past, he never took official acting lessons.
“I know I still have much room left for improvement. Filming in the studios at around 3 to 4 AM in the morning, and then seeing Michael Tse (謝天華) cry on cue, made me realize that I am actually a very bad actor.”
Sammy revealed that his nephew is now referring to him as “Po Tei Sir” – Sammy’s character in Friendly Fire – instead of Uncle Sammy. “At least no one calls me Sammy anymore! I guess I’ve passed the test.”
Source: Oriental Daily via
This article is written by Addy for
All the casts in this serie did a great job especially Tavia, Michael, Benz, Sharon, Sammy, and Louis. The main casts have wonderful chemistry together: Tavia & Michael; Sharon & Sammy; Michael, Benz, and Sammy.
The bonding between Benz, Michael and Sammy seem really real and down-to-earth…
All three of them seem like the laid back types. Especially Benz, who’s great at bringing up the atmosphere. Really enjoying their scene ^^
I did not know Sammy have 2 kids already o.O
He did a really good job in this series. He doesn’t act much, but he does a better job that other ppl. No wonder he lost so much weight, cuz of depression. It’s sad that he sad inside, yet have to put a smile outside. Good job Sharon for helping him.
Patrick look like crap. He look sooooo tired and old there.
LOL.. i thought that was the point of Patrick’s character.. because Sammy did ask him if his eyebags and dark circles was the result of following the drug case.
Oh, I guess I didn’t pay attention to Sammy cuz I was focusing on how bad Patrick look now. Hahaha
I tot patrick is the drug dealer or drug addict when I first saw him in the screen.. LOL
That’s right. Everyone did a brilliant job! I have fallen in deep love with JJ & Lam Lam so I disagreed that Sharon & Sammy coupling who have stolen the show. Sharon & Sammy are very adorable in FF, but JJ & Lam Lam made the series alive!
i agree. i enjoyed S & S. But i always look forward to tavia & michael’s scenes. Esp the first few episodes, they had really good chemistry. very natural and cute during their teases
I really like Sharon and Sammy in this series, and I also think their parents are very cute in the series as well.
I hope Sharon’s dad will lose some weight. I worry about his weight. He’s getting bigger by the min. He’s a funny actor. I like him since he was in Family squad (Fat Uncle). He deserve an award next year.
I like the father as “chau pa tung”…he’s prolly the best pa tung of all time :-).
My number one favorite pairing in this serie is Chris and JJ. I am addicted to this couple and the first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to watch FF.
Lolz. Completely agrees with u, Lucia
Somehow I don’t feel any chemistry between them. Being a fan of Tavia, I feel it’s so wrong to have Michael as her partner in this drama after listening to some insider juicy story about Ruco spilling the beans that Michael called for hookers when they were in Malaysia back in 2011.
What??? Michael called for hookers in 2011 even tho he’s a married man? I’m gonna google about this!
not sure if you can google that but I just got to know about that from an ex-Astro staff. I was shocked too because he was married but not totally because Jordan Chan, his former band member also like that (the story was before Jordan Chan’s marriage though).
unless Ruco was making up story
anyway, I couldn’t confirm all these because I only heard from someone.
Argghhh.. if it’s true, then it’s very very bad! Not for Tavia, but for Michael’s wife! I had the impression he has a very nice & patient wife, and I don’t think he should betray her trust! Disappointed! But if the words came from Ruco, then I suppose Ruco & Michael do not have good friendship?
not sure if they have good or bad relationship. Ruco blurted that out could be by accident or intentionally.
I know there were previous rumors about Michael cheating but I don’t think Ruco is the type to say or know anything. The only person I can think of that he had a bad relationship with is Steven Ma.
Didn’t know that Michael and Steven weren’t in good terms. Did they film anything else together besides “Cupid Stupid”?
Michael and Steven also acted in a stage play together with Sonija Kwok in 2007. As for this “insider juicy story”, I’d say Ruco and Michael are only colleagues and not in any sense close friends, but still as AC pointed out it seems highly unlikely Ruco would be one to know or spill anything like that. Also Michael’s wife is one very sharp lady, not the type to be simple and innocent and easily fooled — I think it says a lot that their relationship seems to be going strong after nearly twenty years together, plus Michael being popular with many of his colleagues, including female ones like Tavia herself, should be a good statement of his character.
@Addy I don’t think they had any conflicts with each other during Cupid Stupid. It was during last year’s anniversary time and Lives of Omission had a dinner for high ratings and Steven said that TVB plays favorites. Then Michael basically said that he was immature for saying so. Not sure if I have the exact story right but I just remember it was during anniversary time.
I’m more shocked to hear that Ruco blatantly broke the “bro code”!
Find Sharon Chan looks sexy in her t and jeans.
sexy as always
she’s getting skinnier too
hcfoo your profile picture Mandy or you ?
if it is you then you really look like mandy, but i think its mandy.
Skinnier? She’s skinny enough as it is. Whenever I look at Sharon’s face, I’d always imagine her to be a curvaceous woman so it doesn’t quite add up in my brain when I look at the rest of her body.
Sammy has a wife?? Who is it?
Sammy’s wife is an ex-host for i-Cable TV’s children program. Her name is 陳雅嫻, Ronnie Chan. She is not well-known.
FYI, Sammy is already a father of 2 kids. Son was born in 2002, daughter in 2006.
Sharon is so nice!
Always live Sharon Chan, hope she get more leading roles in the future :))
Sharon and Sammy are certainly a really adorable couple!!!! She seems to be a really loving and caring employee…. hope to see her more in 2013
Truth is, I really like Sammy in Friendly Fire and he is one of the more interesting character. Micheal Tse and Tavia both were outshine by Sammy who seems more likeable.
i know, i feel the same way. I love seeing him n sharon, both are quite noticeable in this series.
Michael’s character seems very private and conservative, who seems to be pretty depressed and saddened his the breakup with TY. TY on the other hand seems to resistant and suppresses her feelings to much, which really irks people. The more she denies, the more her character is drowning. Just sayin’. Sammy on the other hand is very fun to watch, and I hope to see him more.
Sharon and Sammy’s onscreen scenes are really hilarious, but I enjoyed Tavia and Michael’s scenes more
JJ and Chris have surprisingly well chemistry…I actually didn’t like the Tavia/Michael pairing in the past, but this drama proved otherwise.
True. I disliked Tavia-Michael pairing in Rippling Blossoms & Cupid Stupid. I can’t believe Friendly Fire has changed my perception of this couple completely & I am loving them more than KenTa de! Gosh!!!
Last night’s scene where JJ and Chris were caught at the “hotel” was sooo funny.
I knew that Sammy Leung has a wife but no idea he already has 2 kids and one of them is already 10. wow, he looks good still but kind of gotten skinner, last i saw him was the super trio show i think ahha which was a long time ago.
sharon and sammy overshadowed tavia and michael in friendly fire. tavia is only tavia and michael is laughing gor in a different profession. sammy and sharon steal the show with their funny scenes!
I agree! Both Sharon and Sammy are so good looking and they have great chemistry. Although Tavia’s and Michael’s relationship is more “refreshing” than the ones I usually see, I seem to enjoy Sharon and Sammy more. Always rooting for them
Their relationship just seems more relaxed and it’s funnier.
I like this show very much!
And i think sammy’s hilarious! I remember when he appeared in the recent gameshow by grasshoppers and how he looked when the taiwanese boy band nearly got another question wrong and how sammy said “dont get this wrong or i’ll have to eat again!” cracked me up so badly..
Anyway, i’m loving the show!!
I loved FF a lot too! Great casting!
How nice and kind of Sharon to help Sammy like that. Glad that Sammy found someone to help him through something as painful and hard as that. Love them both, just from reading this article.
Sharon Chan is really hot in the shot. On a side note, anyone notice that Sammy looks a lot like a child actor in TVB? I don’t know who he is, but I remember him best as the first patient in the first episode of The Hippocratic Crush/On Call, where Kenneth Ma rescued him and did surgery for him. The kid called Kenneth Dr. Rock, due to Kenneth’s use of bricks to secure his neck. Anybody else see the resemblance???
shot = show*, typo.
Now that u mentioned, lolz. He does resemble that kid!
lol yeah! could be his dad, or nephew.
I find Sammy looks very good in this show!!! Haha… he lost weight or what???
Sharon as always…SEXY!!!