Shirley Yeung Does Not Regret Single Motherhood
Despite many hardships, Shirley Yeung (楊思琦) has no regrets about being a single mom, and in fact, finds it a blessing.
When she ended her nine-year relationship with Gregory Lee (李泳豪) in 2011, her wholesome image suffered greatly from the many negative reports that ensued. Her involvement with swimmer Andy Ng (吳帥) and her subsequent pregnancy further stained her reputation, allegedly causing TVB to keep her out of the public’s sight.
Returning to Hong Kong in March 2012 after giving birth to daughter Krystal (楊卓穎), Shirley has mostly kept a low profile. Perhaps a strategy to repair her image, she made several appearances at family and children-oriented public events. Greeting the public as a new mother, Shirley spoke extensively about her daughter, though kept mum about both Gregory and Andy.
Determined to raise Krystal on her own, Shirley gave her daughter her own family name, Yeung, and has made parenting the center of her life. Despite the social stigma and difficulties of raising a child alone, the 35-year-old has absolutely no regrets. “I have my daughter, what more could I want? Many people want to have children but cannot because of health, environment, or their work. I have already achieved [this goal], and now I am able to focus strictly on my career.”
After a two-year absence from filming TV dramas, Shirley is set to make her small-screen comeback this month in ICAC Investigators 2014 <廉政行動2014>. On March 20, she will also appear in TVB producer Wilson Chin (錢國偉)’s movie Black Comedy <黑色喜劇>. Different from her roles in the past, Shirley will play a cunning mistress who will share bed scenes with Director Chin. She will also play a similar role in the upcoming TVB drama The Apothecary <大藥坊> as Linda Chung’s (鍾嘉欣) adulterous stepmother.
Despite these roles’ potential negative effect on her image, Shirley is not too worried and is instead appreciative of the opportunities. “I want to try everything, and hope to film different types of movies and dramas.” Supporting her entire family on her own, she is doing all that she can to bring in income. However tough her situation may seem, Shirley is full of optimism and positive energy. “Even if you’re full of self-pity, life still goes on. I always say to myself, ‘I must be strong’.”
This article is written by Katrine for
Shirley. It is good to have this kind of attitude towards life ……”I always say to myself, ‘I must be strong’.”
I admire Shirley’s positive attitude. One can always make amends and strive forwards to achieve a better life, and in this case not only for herself but also for her daughter.
She has to be. No point in wallowing in self pity in a situation largely created by herself. I feel in a way this “scandal” helped her. It might make her a better actress.
And I don’t see what stigma in today;s world with being a single mother. Her stigma stems from the fact that she had a very public fallout with her ex boyfriend’s crazy family and her cheating on her boyfriend with an equally unpleasant man. She really needs to learn to find a better man more deserving of her rather than settling for losers.
I hope Shirley Yeung has learned from her previous lessons and will become smarter in choosing her husband in future.
She was a selfish b.i.t.c.h that is why she have herself to blame and hopefully she will learn from her past mistakes. Being frugal is all good but being stupid is another thing.
I wouldn’t call her that. Her ex boyfriend’s family were crazy too. I think because now she has another life that depends on her, she is smarter. At least she didn’t abandon her child.
Having a baby, especially out of wedlock, at the expense of your career is hardly selfish. She made a stupid mistake, but her actions since have been far from selfish.
Yes, the ex’s family sounds crazy but she’s even crazier to live w/them w/so many family members and for so many years? Insane just thinking about it..haaha LOL..what was she thinking really? cohabiting is one thing but w/the whole family??? man, i don’t even know any 20 year old who would do that in this age and generation.
Pretty sure that she learnt from her mistakes.
we all make decisions we’re not proud of but there’s no point dwelling on to the past. Moving on is the right attitude.
she’s a hard working person and i’m sure she can be strong
yeah i think so too shriley could be a very good motherhood and she really takes care for her family as well
Well done Shirley!! I’m so glad she is turning her life around. She has a family and a daughter to think of. She’s matured and taking responsibility of her life. Way to go!! I wish her the very best of luck and fortune in her up coming endeavours.
I’m sure it’s not easy to be a single mother, I’m happy that Shirley is facing it bravely and positvely. Hope life gets better.
In a conservative society like Hong Kong, single mothers are often criticized; especially those who bought their child into the world out of wedlock.
Shirley isn’t the only one to go through this, even Catherine Hung (洪欣) has been through this when she found out that she was pregnant with Max Mok’s baby back in 1998/99.
I understand that many do want children, but their lifestyles as well as some questionable child friendliness of Hong Kong society as a whole totally put people off in this topic.
i wish she and edison chan can hookup..