Shu Qi Takes Hiatus From Acting Career to Explore Life

Last night, numerous celebrities from Hong Kong and Taiwan attended a Giorgio Armani promotional event. Shu Qi (舒淇)announced that she will take a hiatus from her acting career and will suspend all work engagements for at least six months to recover lost personal space in life. Shu Qi frankly admitted that the her leave-of-absence from acting will have zero impact on her financial condition.
Wearing a sexy dress valued at $200,000 HKD, Shu Qi appeared in the finale of Armani’s show. Asked whether she had been invited to appear in the new James Bond Hollywood movie, Skyfall, Shu Qi indicated that she did not receive the invitation to do so. She found out about it through media correspondence. Asked whether she was interested in portraying a Bond girl, Shu Qi replied, “I have no interest to do so currently!” (What if you were only asked to appear beautiful and there was no need for action sequences?) “Let someone else take the opportunity! I have been acting for over a dozen years. Right now, I wish to take a rest and not film any movies for a period of time.” (Do you need to reduce stress?) “Yes, I filmed many movies. If I continue in the current manner, I may lose the passion for acting!”
Shu Qi added, “Due to my acting career, I lost my own personal space. I wish to adjust my lifestyle: to simply eat, play, and see my friends.” Asked whether she intended to pave her romantic future with the six months of rest, Shu Qi said that it was difficult to say. Shu Qi joked that if she possessed such financial acumen as Rosamund Kwan (關之琳), who also appeared at the Armani function, then she would feel pampered.
Noting that her hiatus will not affect her financial state, Shu Qi stated bluntly, “I can eat a meal for $1 dollar and do not need to eat expensive food!”
Excerpt from
Jayne: To me, this is good news. When a job feels like a job and there is lost passion, it is time to stop a little and figure out what is most important in life. Hope Shu Qi emerges from her hiatus recharged and happier.
Good for her. She can afford to take a long holiday. Unless she goes off on a spending splurge (and even if she does) I doubt her finances will be impacted at all.
Good! Shu Qi is a talented actress and I personally like her!
From poverty to riches, Shu Qi has come a long way. I’m sure she would be fine financially taking 6 months off as she is now loaded with cash. Pity, her past cannot be removed as I’m sure she is struggling to find a decent man that well marry her after starring in so many porn movies when she was a youngie.
If Veronica Yip can marry a millionaire and lead a happy marriage, why can’t Shu Qi? It’s also soft porn and not real sex. Why condemn a female celebrity for revealing skin? Do Asian audiences condemn Hollywood actresses for doing the same?
If Shu Qi is condemned for selling skin and filming soft porn films for money, why are men such as Lawrence Ng, Simon Yam, and Alex Fong Chung Shun not equally condemned for filming soft porn movies? The men did it for money as well. Both Shu Qi and Lawrence Ng put behind their soft porn past and moved into mainstream acting afterward.
It’s sad but it’s reality. To marry well it’s not just two people loving each other. There’s family, friends, assoicates etc to factor in. In Asia especially Hong Kong the press can make or break a marriage (example Nicholas and Cecilia).
I personally think Shi Qi is beautiful. She possess a very unique beauty that no one can match. I wish her all the best in finding the right guy who will cherish her for who she is.
As to her past, I see no different to those female artists/ singers/ models/ celebrities now showing their ‘career line’ for all to see. Is it really necessary to wear deep V and pushup bra to make an A cup into a D cup?
Guys can get away with anything but if a woman does it, she gets crucify. It’s never equal.
Jayne, which part of my comment did I condemn Shu Qi for being a porn star? I was only stating the fact that maybe some men are reluctant to marry her. Didn’t a Taiwanese father of an actor who Shu Qi seeing objected to having her as a future daughter-in-law due to her past? As for Veronica didnt she married a Canadian born Singapore and living in a Western Country?
i think you are right Sammie. A person from a prominent or wealthy family wouldn’t let a celeb with a soft porn background enter the familiy door for the majority of cases…
I believe Veronica married someone well to do, a self made man perhaps but not in the rich list. Shu Qi started in soft porn, that I believe is a correct label.
Perhaps I came across numerous condemnations of Shu Qi because of her past, thus my initial reaction towards your statement.
It depends on who Shu Qi wants to marry and into what background. If they are a traditional asian family then I highly doubt that they can accept her past. But if she marries in to a non asian and more modernized background, then they may more likely accept her past.
Sadly, life is not fair and men tend to get away with a lot more things than women do…
I think it’s good for her.
Veronica Yip married a I think a Taiwanese business man who opens hk supermarkets in new York city. My mom tells me she live in multi- million home in long island
@Jack @Funn
Veronica Yip’s husband, Jeffrey Wu, is definitely a multi-millionaire in the New York City area. His first fortune was made through the supermarket chains. Mr. Wu also has significant shares in a multi-chain bank catered towards Asian Americans called United International Bank. Mr. Wu also is a real estate developer and constructed a prominent condo building in the Flushing area called Victoria Towers, named after his daughter. Since marrying Mr. Wu, Veronica has accepted several high-profile interviews to discuss her married life. As Jack noted, they live in a mansion in the Long Island area.
Aside from Veronica Yip, there are other actresses who stripped before the camera who married well. Chingmy Yau’s husband, Shum Ka Wai, is a millionaire and founder of fashion empire, I.T. Another actress, Mak Ka Kei married a lawyer. Some men, even with prominent careers and businesses, can look past their wives’ past.
There are many women who are lucky to be able to marry well even with a dark past. It seems like celebrity women seem to be a lot luckier than normal women when it comes to marrying well when you have a tattered past…
Nobody is perfect : past, present & future. Shu Qi’s life is currently good, wish she is always happy in her life with her immediate family & find her soulmate soon.
Good for her to take a break. It’s very nice to have good finances to afford that. Wish I could do that too
Shu Qi’s face is NOT pretty. I can’t stand her mouth when she speaks. She is lucky to have that body – that’s the best part about her.
I don’t have any respect for anyone who resorts to sex or doing soft porn to get into the entertainment industry regardless where they are at now.
Totally Agreed!!!
Well she deserve a break, and hopefully she can find her Mr.Right