Sisley Choi Frustrated and Stressed Over Negative Rumors

Sisley Choi’s (蔡思貝) educational background came into question after she was alleged to have used a fake bachelor’s degree to apply for a master’s program. Her mother was also her referee. Sisley remained silent about the allegations, neither denying nor confirming the claims.
Currently shooting the TVB drama Peculiar Taste <味想天開>, Sisley said she wants to focus on her work and will not respond to questions regarding the rumors of her educational background. “Thank you for everyone’s concerns, but I will not respond or comment. I’ve already explained everything to [TVB], and if you have any more concerns, you can ask them.”
Asking if Sisley is afraid that the rumor will affect her image and future career endeavors, Sisley said, “I’m not thinking too much about it. I will focus on my work and continue to work hard.” Are her parents affected by the news? “They are currently on vacation, but they know about this incident. I told them I’m okay, don’t worry.”
Anthony Wong (黃秋生), who had dinner with Sisley the previous night, told the press that she teared up while watching the news. Sisley smiled bitterly and admitted, “This incident is indeed very worrisome, because I want to focus on work. It’s frustrating. But I’m okay.”
Anthony pointed out that a close friend is “very worried” about Sisley. Asking if this close friend is rumored boyfriend Shing Mak (麥秋成), Sisley said, “Many friends who are not in the [entertainment] circle have expressed their concerns. They say they believe me, and I am thankful.”
This article is written by Addy for
sorry, i don’t like her and i don’t feel sorry for her at all. i even believe she is the one to blame for all these rumors, with her arrogant and flirtatious personality she doesn’t know how to play the game in the entertainment circle, she’s just asking for people to write rumors about her.
Then why lie in the first place?
if there is no degree in the first place, then admit it.
i don’t like her acting…i cringe when she talks.
This content has been hidden as the member is suspended.
I actually feel bad for her, Sisley and Grace debuted at the same time, yet it feels to me TVB is marketing and protecting Grace a lot better than Sisley, Grace has barely had any negative news where as Sisley has had more than I can count.
@melodylai I’ve never met Sisley before so can’t comment much. However,do not really like her, she seem to be full of herself? Grace is much more true and humble in my opinion, as I met her before. Grace seems more down to earth and less competitive.(These are my opinion, might not be 100% accurate)
@alien I’m not a fan of Sisley, I find her acting very lousy and needs much improvement but she has plenty of time to perfect her craft. I’m a fan of Grace but for all we know Grace could be stuck up and Sisley humble, but because of the way the industry works, we only see what they want us to see. That’s what I mean when I said TVB seems like it’s marketing and protecting Grace better than Sisley.
Honestly, why would she be frustrated if she did not lie. Now it is obvious she did bc she did not dismiss the rumours by just saying no
I for one fail to see why this is such a big scandal. After all, this is a business that do not require any educational background.
@aiya one can have a Masters but it doesn’t mean he/she can act. her whining makes me cringe.
@janet72 Thanks for supporting my point.
So, there is no need to be stressed over this non-issue.
@aiya you are welcome.
Never liked her
She obviously lied about her her education.
Not commenting only proves it. She is hiding something.
What’s worse is she has 3 series out in 2016. Cannot watch her acting
@mulder99 i don’t like her, neither do i like grace. they just don’t 上镜.
Oogod….why is complaining n crying like a lil girl ….can’t her acting sucks and her voice arrrrgh mad annoying
Don’t understand why she was so promoted. What is her secret?
she’s one of the worst actresses ever, I only saw a snippet of her acting and cringed.
there are far better actresses who actually deserve to play the lead and yet this girl has being heavily promoted
for example it took nancy wu years to finally get to play the lead and meanwhile when she was still a newbie she did a far better job in comparison to this girl
she’s frustrated and stressed about negative rumors but honey you have no one to blame but yourself
your the one who lied
this reminds me of tablo when people were suspecting her didn’t graduate from standford and he did a bunch of stuff to prove he did in fact graduated, he went to standford and everything
so the fact she isn’t even doing anything to prove her innocence just shows how guilty she is
this girl just needs to leave
the fact TVB continues to support this girl, yup, i lost even more respect for TVB
no wonder so many of the good tvb actors left or planning to leave
look at how they handle things
nowadays, you can be the lead if you win miss hk meanwhile whatever happen to people actually working hard and proving themselves?
@greenteachocolate I didn’t follow Kpop news, so, I didn’t know who Tablo is. I just googled and read about his case.
Wow, the extremism of Korean netizens is damn scary. It give me the chills (bad chills) just reading the extend of their witchhunt. I feel sorry for this musician. Death treats over an alleged fake degree?
Sisley should thank heaven that she’s not working in South Korea E industry.
If those rumors are not true, why can’t she just produce the document that is needed to make it go away? The fact that she can’t do that and is not denying the allegation makes one think there is some truth to it. Just admit you never graduated and call it a day. Honestly, doubt anyone really care.. No need to stress yourself over it again.
I follow the Tablo incident.. it was awful. Those people were out to ruin his career and they almost succeed.. thank goodness he was able to bounce back!