Sisley Choi’s Educational Background Questioned

With the recent hype revolving around the stellar educational backgrounds of beauty contestants, 2013 Miss Hong Kong first runner-up, Sisley Choi’s (蔡思貝) educational background came into question.
According to recent reports, Sisley will complete her Bachelor of Business Administration program at Philippines Bulacan State University’s within two months. Transcripts indicated that she had enrolled into the school in March 2010. However, it was noted that Sisley was actually studying at a university in Germany from February 2010 until her return to Hong Kong for the competition in June 2013. At the time of her return, she had not graduated from the school in Germany yet.
With the discrepant timeframes, Sisley’s educational accomplishments appeared questionable. During an interview, Sisley did not dispute the rumors and instead stressed that she will not respond to any questions until she fully understands the situation. She said, “Since the situation is complicated, I’ll like to understand it more before I respond.”
TVB Deputy Director, Tsang Sing Ming (曾醒明), responded to the news, “In reviewing the files from the 2013 Miss Hong Kong competition, Sisley provided the company with education documents that showed she went to a university in Germany and completed her first year. She was preparing to enter into her second year when she came back to Hong Kong for the pageant.” Tsang Sing Ming stressed that the information published by the media is consistent with what Sisley provided at the time of her pageant participation. He further added, “The company will most likely talk to the artiste directly to understand the situation. Since we do not have a full understanding of the situation yet, I don’t want to speak too soon about how we will handle the matter.”
This article is written by Huynh for
I don’t see how complicated it is. Exchange program? 2 +1 sorta program? I find her answer rather evasive. Do you not know your own education? Maybe not the year but surely where you complete it. SO my guess is she got caught. Never ever lie. Why lie about education? A lot of actors never completed secondary school or even qualify for universities. No shame in that.
@funnlim Yes, very suspicious. How can she not understand the situation? It’s her own education. She should know the situation most clearly.
As for lying. I think she lied to get a better chance at the Miss HK pageant. Miss HK pageant now put a lot of importance on education. Having studied in a university in Germany gave her higher chance of being selected for participation in the pageant I guess.
@funnlim it’s her own education…don’t tell me she doesn’t know better. Even if she doesn’t have a degree, be upfront. Don’t lie. It’s better to be honest than to be found out.
Anyway, she shrieks just like Grace Chan.
Having a degree doesn’t mean one can act.
@funnlim I think she said this cos she’s afraid that if she stated something, ppl might interpret it in a different way, which could be worse. Or, with the news exploiting the other HK pageants’ backgrounds as being rich and well educated, she probably doesnt want to be compared by them.
I’m not trying to support Sisley, I don’t have any positive feelings for her, but just trying to see it in a different perspective.
@mi88 A lie is a lie and a lie will come back to haunt you. It is just educational background. No need to lie on that. Her answer is just wrong, giving rise to more speculations and negative assumptions.
@funnlim it does give rise to more speculations and negative assumptions, but her answer was not a lie. As I said before, ppl could feel ashamed because they don’t have their degree or whatever and because there were recent news about other pageants who had Achieved this and that , etc. Therefore, she didn’t give a straight answer. I mean this could be a possible reason, not saying that it is. Even though it doesn’t matter whether they have education or not, just their acting, it is still a part of them and citizens like to know more about their celebs. If it was just acting, the paparazzi would have nothing to write lol
Her answer was more like she wanted to understand the rumors and what was going on before giving an official reply. Either that, or she doesn’t want to say.
(I have a feeling I’m gonna b bashed for this xD)
@mi88 Well she needs to think abt it, a question as easy as did you graduate at A or B or C or all of them. Give her time. For me whatever the educational background is not important. If she is as educated, perhaps acting is not 1st choice or perhaps drama school will be 1st choice. Point is reporters always find ways to humiliate you so why give them the ammunition?
@funnlim well anything she replies will give the reporters ammunition. Moreover, I don’t think they want a simple of answer of whether she graduated in A/B/C cos there would be nothing to write about. (They already exposed the other pageants background and education so they would wants sisley’s details as well) During the interview, reporters were discussed that her “educational accomplishments [were] questionable.” That means they wanted answers of the whole situation. It’s not like a yes/no straight answer question. It’s like asking someone if they did their hw and say that person did it but didn’t finish. That person can’t say yes cos he/she didn’t finish, but can’t say no either cos he/she did start the hw. Sry, lame example, but I’m just trying to point out that the question wasn’t as simple as it seemed.
I know, I can never understand why people feel like they have to lie to make themselves look better. So you didn’t graduate, so be it. LOL….Esp Asian actors/actresses in comparison to American ones, most of them do and most Asians don’t so what? Why is there ever a need to lie right. Sigh…….
yeah i don’t believe her, what does she mean by needing to understand the situation before responding?
didn’t like her before the pageant, didn’t like her after she won, and now i don’t like her even more.
She is a liar. Look at what I found by doing a simple google search:
She was applying for entry to university for entering class 2011. She was working as an au pair in Germany at the time.
Chill people. Her education is her business. We do not know her to judge. I personally find Sisley has her own character which is a rare trait with celebrities nowadays. I like her originality. Let her be. She deserves a chance to live her dream. She worked hard for it.
@jessy I like Sisley too. I’ve always preferred her over Grace and like seeing her onscreen. But, despite my liking of her, I still think she lied about her education. That does not mean she did not deserve her chance to live her dream or I denied her hardwork. I will watch her onscreen. Her lying about her education did not affect my enjoyment of seeing her onscreen.
Don’t worry. Her ‘scandal’ will go to pass very soon. It’s a minor scandal. If TVB likes her, she will still has her chance.
Seriously, I don’t really care.
@elizabeth I’m with you on this. Why do we care?
I don’t bother about her education. have a degree, fine. don’t have, so what? in the entertainment industry, having a degree doesn’t mean one can act well. but don’t lie, because the truth will be exposed.
A lie will catch up with you one day. Honesty is the best policy.
EXACTLY. It’s not a complication actually, just admit it.
I don’t really mind either. So now what? TVB is going to freeze her? Hopefully this will die down. Her acting is still raw but personally I think she’s more natural than Grace. I like her eyes. I like how calm she was when she responded to the reporters. Oh and her voice is actually not too bad in real life.
LOL…to be honest, I don’t really care either, but it sure is entertaining watching this farce play out, with Sisley trying to hide behind the “I will defer all questions to my management company TVB” excuse to avoid having to answer the media’s questions (that’s the response she started giving after she met with TVB and ‘understood the matter more’)….yet, when the reporters ask TVB, their response is “this matter has nothing to do with us so we will not respond any further.” With those types of responses (or should I say ‘non-responses’), it’s hard for people not to be suspicious and question Sisley’s integrity even more.