Sonija Kwok’s Bloated Figure Spurs Pregnancy Rumors

Modeling a wedding dress at a Dorian Ho fashion show, 36-year-old Sonija Kwok Sin Lei appeared with a fuller face, 34C bust, thickened waist and added flesh on her backside. Her bloated figure resembled a woman who was pregnant. Getting married at the end of the year with 31-year-old action choreographer, Zhu Xiaojie, rumors were rampant that Sonija was with child.
Crowned Miss Hong Kong 1999, Sonija had numerous rumors throughout her career. In September 2010, she filmed mainland series <宮鎖心玉> in Hengdian. Aside from earning Yuan, she also found a husband. Sonija met the action choreographer of <宮鎖心玉>, Zhu Xiaojie, and after dating for less than half a year, the pair decided to get married in May 2011.
Sonija Kwok Denies Pregnancy Rumors
Sonija participated in good friend, Dorian Ho’s bridal fashion show yesterday. Her fiance, Zhu Xiaojie, attended the show as a guest and took numerous photos of Sonija, which he posted on his blog. Sonija wore a large diamond ring on her left hand.
Since announcing her engagement, Sonija appeared to have gained weight. After the fashion show ended, Sonija walked away carefully, while assisted by Dorian Ho. When reporters asked Sonija whether she was pregnant, she replied, “How is that possible? I am not pregnant.” Sonija explained that the reason she walked carefully was due to the length of the bridal dress.
Custom Made Bridal Dress
With her impending wedding, Sonija was in elated spirits and smiled continuously throughout the evening. Although reporters commented that her figure appeared heavier, she accepted the comments. Dorian Ho denied the accusations, “You can see how flat her stomach is. She did not gain weight and is not pregnant.”
Dorian Ho indicated that the wedding dress Sonija wore at the fashion show was custom designed for her. “Sonija always prefer simple and vintage-styled wedding dresses. Since the emphasis on this show’s collection was elegance, I will especially design another gown for Sonija when her wedding takes place.”
Recently, Sonija’s friends revealed that her wedding will be advanced to May 2011. Perhaps the revised date was to ensure that Sonija will not be sporting a fuller belly at the time of her wedding, adding more credibility to the fact that she may be pregnant.
Source: Appledaily
Jayne: A very unflattering photo of Sonija Kwok at the bridal fashion show. Don’t know if the intense lights of the venue had anything to do with it, but Sonija’s face looks so tired and haggard. Her face does look fuller… If just going by appearances, she does have a pregnant look.
I am not sure if she looks pregnant, but she does look heavier than she usually looks…but Sonija has always been really thin. So now she looks almost normal sized, I’d say. However, I’m a bad judge of pregnancy. Maybe she’s one of those people who get “fat happy” when they’re in a good relationship? Too comfortable in the relationship?
….those pictures look terrible..the person in the photo looks like a caricature of the real Sonija Kwok, whom I’ve always thought is an elegant looking female. Her sweetheart is a handsome looking man.
I don’t think Sonja looks that bad; she’s just a normal person who has days where she looks better and days where she’s not as stunning.
The ‘fullness’in various parts of her body and face, as described by the reporter, could be due to her having her monthly period…no big deal!
Time will tell whether she’s pregnant or not. She’s also stated that she’ll have kids after her wedding.
I don’t believe she’s pregnant. She purposely reschedule her wedding to end of this year to prove that she’s not pregnant. If she really is pregnant, she wouldn’t have done that.
I think she’s just happy, so, she sleeps better, eat better and so, she has a more healthy weight now.
Pregnant can’t be hide :P. Look at Suki and Leila. They lied that they were not but after 5 months, they had to admit because of their stomach.
Well wishes to her
I was just beginning to be fond of her after Seven Days in Life
Time will tell if she is pregnant or not. However, if she did extend her wedding date then she may not be pregnant. If you pregnant, then your stomach will get bigger and bigger so by then you cannot deny it anymore…
I think so looks so tired and haggard in those photos. You really get a fuller face and body when you are on your period?? I never knew that(even though I have my period too, but I am not normal in that area so maybe that is why I never knew that)that you experience all that when you are having your monthly cycle…Maybe I am just abnormal since I don’t have it every month like most people do..
HeTieShou, I can gain from 5 to 8 pounds during some months…especially when I have salt cravings and don’t drink enough water… -_- I sometimes also get headaches, backaches, light headed, and sunlight sensitivity. Sucks.
Thanks for sharing. Are you serious?? I never knew that your period can be that intense. I only get slightly bloated and light backaches and that’s it.. I don’t get acne(to this day, I still don’t know why people get pimples and acne when they are on their period), major headaches or tummy aches or anything else. I guess that is why I don’t understand it when people are in so much pain when they are on their period…
I sympathise with you, iampheng! Same experience but including mood swings, flashes of headache pain, noise and light sensitivity…it’s lovely
impmuse, totally serious, thanks for the sympathy! It’s gotten worse with my advancing age lol
HeTieShou, consider yourself lucky!
I am not sure if I am lucky, but I must say that I am abnormal and different from many people when it comes to the monthly cycle… PEople were saying that it would be hard for me to get pregnant since my cycle is not normal. BUt my mom was the same way and she would have had around 12…
Sorry, forgot to say that I feel bad for you. It has gotten worse with age?? That is strange… I actually got better with age since I used to have a little bit more symptoms that I do now… Boy, I guess I am really strange and abnormal. I hope that you will get lesser symptoms with age. Your monthly cycle does not sound fun at all. Do you get it every month(If you don’t mind sharing)??
some girls get acne on the chin and/or jaw around their period time cuz of hormone imbalance. more likely to have this problem when period is irregular.
EVERY MONTH…same thing over n over again :T Oh well…but despite the torture, I’m still pleased to be born a girl haha
To HeTieShou:
Re: Period can be ‘intense’.
Yes, Bad periods can be very uncomfortable.
You are lucky that you do not experience alot of pain. But you are in the minority.
Most females suffer.
Bloated? Where? I thought she looked lovely. However she has aged, a lot. Could be also light exposure.
If you watched her latest drama, yeah she has aged. But she still has the beautiful features.
I think Sonja has a bony structured face that is more prone to aging. Her face looks fine when you are young, but as you get older you will look a lot older than someone that has a fuller face.
I agree with you, and also think she has an added problem: Sonija’s part British, and she’s probably inherited their fine, more delicate skin (when compared to Asians)which means more prone to dryness, wrinkles and sagginess, and hence showing her age more than her HK peers.
Despite this, I still think she’s got very beautiful features.
I almost forgot that she is part British. I am not sure if that is why her skin is the way it is since she is still mostly Chinese. I think her skin is that way just because it is that way. Each individual has a different type of skin. But hey, you could be right. I agree with you that Sonja does have nice features.
You mean part white? British is nationality.
Her mom is white?
I don’t think she looks pregnant, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she would, she decided to get married kinda quick…
On a kinda unrelated topic…is she filming any series right now? OR will she be? Is she managed by TVB?
I also want to add that I don’t really like that wedding dress she is wearing. Sorry but if that is her idea of simple, then I don’t consider that simple. Sometimes people try to get fancy and it ends up looking strange…
her name is kinda unique. Sonija…
spelling unique but pronounce as sonia
I agree with Jayne: she looks tired. No sparcel in her eyes. Her dress is ‘Ma Ma’ I have seen better dresses by sonjia.
I think she very beautiful.
Usually a bride-to-be looks much trimmer than normal for the wedding day and so I wonder why she isn’t A girl wants to look her best then. However, the important thing is that she is happy and her fiance is not complaining. Best wishes to them.
She looks worn out and old. Not a healthy glow
I was super skinny on my weddng day…She’s a celeb usually they watch their weight closely cuz that’s part of their job. I think there is a great chance of her being preg. Pregnancy harmons makes you tire and and look bloated. Getting pregnant before marriage usually is more like a teenager thing kinda don’t like it when she got preg at her age without getting marry first.
She could be 4 or 5 months now and with your 1st child and your a skinny person to begin with it doesn’t show until 4-5 months. She could be due on late June or early July! Got lots of time to lose weight for the wedding day!
Does she look pregnant? Maybe with her new man she eats healthily since happy women do eat healthily I suppose? 4-5 months so flat tummy?
Are first time pregnant women always looking haggard? I thought they would be glowing? No experience so don’t know.
My stomach doesn’t show until 5 months with my 1st child.
Lol I don’t think it’s fair to judge Sonija based on pictures from APPLE DAILY. They are known to make anyone look bad (people call it the 蘋果照妖鏡)
She’s 36 so it’s inevitable that there’d be a few wrinkles here and there. If she is pregnant, then all the best! It’s definitely time to start a family anyway. If she isn’t, she’ll probably start a family in the near future so best wishes either way :).
Admittedly Sonija is aging faster. 36 already? How time flies.
was never a fan of Sonjia…always hated and still hate her crying >.<
but Funn Lim yes for some reason she IS aging faster compared to others!
@lily..yes i think she's at the age to start a family!! hope her new man treats her well.
Wow this picture was so badly taken.
I’m sure she has fat days and slim days. She’s very pretty though I always find her mouth a bit weird esp when talking.
I still remember her in A Step Into The Past. She was beautiful there.
that’s because she has thin lips and she uses lipstick and lip liner to make her lips look fuller
Not that you mentioned it, her thin lips is definitely don’t her greatest asset. No many Asian stars has a thin lips issue, only White.
From the picture above, it does look like Sonija’s face is fuller. However, I don’t think she’s pregnant.
In general, despite being a lavishing beauty, I think Sonija has agedly badly over the years. Looking at her recent pictures, she does not look flattering. And her short and plain hair definitely doesn’t help either.
Sonija has somewhat revived herself in 7 Days of Life since she does have a more interesting character compared to her D.I.E. days. However, she had to use hair extensions for the series. Although she looks prettier in long hair, the thick curls didn’t quite look attractive.
Sonija’s looks her prime my mother would say, and has found the best of man she had ever been going out with. Althought her acting is average, she has show lots of charm, and look great in the above chubby hope the new husband treats her right!