Steven Ma Hospitalized For High Blood Pressure

Steven Ma (馬浚偉) was admitted to the hospital on March 17 after experiencing a sudden bout of dizziness and high blood pressure.
Suffering from a chronic condition that causes his heart to beat rapidly, sometimes up to 170 beats per minute, Steven must constantly keep a careful watch over his health and closely examine any abnormality. Living with the condition for over eight years, he has always made sure to keep his daily supply of medications close by, and exercises regularly to boost his well-being.
While filming Storm in a Cocoon <守業者> last September, Steven was sent to the hospital when his heart condition was triggered after working at a grueling pace under hot weather. He returned to the set just one day later, worried about causing delays in the filming progress. Currently promoting his drama and preparing for his upcoming overseas concerts, Steven’s health may have once again succumbed to his busy work schedule.
Suddenly feeling dizzy, he headed to the hospital yesterday for a thorough checkup, accompanied by a female friend. Looking pale and a bit weak, Steven had to lean on objects to steady himself as he stood, though luckily he was assisted into a wheelchair later on. He later confirmed his condition with the media, saying that he is suffering from high blood pressure. To rule out anything more serious, the doctors have advised Steven to remain in the hospital overnight for further observation.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article is written by Katrine for
If he taking pills to control his high blood pressure? So slim, so young and got High Blood Pressure. Must be the pressure.
He looks young, but he’s 42.
omg I thought he was just 38. He sure look young for his age.
As for pressure, I heard that he mentioned in his book that he suffered from anxiety or panic attack, may be a cause for it. I hope he will get well soon and take good care of his health.
But looking this ridiculously age regress ‘young’? Siac promo pix taken yesterday.
WTF he’s 42 !? He looks like he’s 35!!!!
I’m 20 and I’m taking 4 kinds of meds for my disease. Steven, i feel your pain!!
So sorry to hear about Steven’s condition and hope he is getting getting proper specialist care.
don’t work so hard, steven! I don’t mind waiting for your masterpieces. take care of yourself
hope he getting better soon, he such a great actor.
Speedy recovery to him. He is definitely not a great actor.
steven ma should not overstress himself in work if he got the condition…maybe due to the heavy lifting exercise as he builds muscle and consume protien supplement..i hope steven will cut down from muscle building..his body is already nice and he does not need more more important than money
half year ago he was hospital due to rapid heart beat. OMG I think Steven must be careful. This is he second time hospitalize with the same condition
Hope he takes care of himself because heart related problems can be very dangerous.
Yup, high blood pressure can lead to strokes and heart attacks if not monitored and treated as soon as possible.
Age is no longer a factor in one’s health conditions. As long as he is taking care of himself well then it is fine. My doctor calls medicine as “longevity” pills as it is to keep you healthy and preventing one from getting worse. Though it is sad to be having such conditions but it is a fact that many people are suffering from many types of sickness at young age despite having good lifestyle, BMI, etc. Moreover being actors who leads their lifes in high pace, lacks of sleep, smoking, high caffeine, their risks are much higher. I hope Steven is fine always.
Hope he feels better and that he takes care of himself (:
Sometimes being young and slim has nothing to do with having high blood pressure or diabetes.
Sometimes certain health conditions are hereditary family illnesses. It is best foe Steven to get adequate rest, not stress himself out about anything, get moderate exercise and watch his sodium intake
That advice goes for you too. At 20, you have your whole future ahead of you. Please take care of yourself.
Hasn’t he been trying to gain weight/muscle recently? I hope that is not affecting his health..
This is bad news. It’s admirable to hear how he’s very professional but health is much more important! Hopefully he can take some time off and have plenty of rest.
Oh get well soon Steven. Take care and keep churning out great series… Love Steven!
have little to no facial emotions makes anyone look young…
Well then if that’s the case, most of tvb’s male actors must have litle to no facial emotions.
I enjoy all your dramas. You are a great Actor but health is very important so do take care!
The last thing that I’d want to hear or read is news about another great talent’s life gone. Steven’s such a versatile person and professional, whether it be in his career or personality wise. So unfortunate to see that his health is not always top, but i’m inspired by his hard-working spirit in every occasion despite his health. Wish he’ll have a speedy recovery and see improvements in his health and not just career!