Taiwanese Actress Li Yurou Miscarried 10 Times

Motherhood did not come easy for the Taiwanese actress, who miscarried 10 times and now cares for a child with a rare disease.

Sharing her personal childbearing encounters on variety program Lady Go <單身行不行>, 49-year-old Taiwanese actress Li Yurou (李宇柔) revealed the trials she went through trying to bring a child into this world. She had miscarried 10 times and suffered a traumatic pregnancy before she becoming a mother of two children.

Went Under the Knife Without Anesthesia

Aside from the miscarriages, Yurou also suffered a traumatic high-risk pregnancy. Her family was initially overjoyed when she reached her first-trimester milestone, but the tragedy to come would leave them heartbroken. At six months, doctors told her that the fetus “slipped halfway out of her uterus.” After a medical examination, the doctor advised her to undergo an artificial abortion.

Pleading to save her baby, Yurou told the doctor, ‘You put him back, and I will be able to bring him into the world.” However, only one doctor in the hospital was willing to carry out the high-risk operation, on the condition that it had to be done without anesthesia to minimize dangers to the fetus.

Going under the knife without any anesthesia, Yurou could clearly hear the doctor’s stitches as she bore the excruciating pain, which made her entire body tremble. After the successful operation, she saw her husband kneeling and crying in the waiting area, and even consoled him, saying, “It’s okay, di di (little brother) is back.”

Husband Begs to Let Go of Baby Born with Defects

Unfortunately, Yurou’s water broke that very night. Due to the fear of infection, she had to be confined to total bed rest for two months, and even had to eat and drink while lying down. During the later stages of the pregnancy, she had only a thin layer of amniotic fluid sustaining the baby, and had to take fetal injections daily.

Despite her best efforts, Yurou developed an infection and had to undergo an emergency Cesarean section for delivery. As the baby’s lungs were not yet fully developed, it had to be sent to the neonatal intensive care unit. On the fourth day, the doctor had grave news for the couple, telling them that their baby will be visually and mentally disabled and most certainly severely handicapped if he survives.

Before she could respond, Yurou’s husband knelt down and begged her, saying, “My wife, we love him very much, but we don’t have the right to decide how a child lives his life. Do you think he wants to come into this world if he would be blind and severely handicapped? Please just let him go, alright?”

The painful decision was made and the doctors turned off the machine that was beating the baby’s back to aid his lung development. Yurou was brought to their four-day-old baby for the final farewell. Holding his tiny finger, she told him, “Mommy loves you. Mommy has been working hard–if you aren’t willing to go, I will still take care of you.” She added, “Remember Mommy’s voice, and you must come back for me.”

After this heartbreaking experience, the actress did not give up on her motherhood dream. Yurou now has two children, a daughter and an eleven-year-old son who has AADC deficiency, a rare disease of the central nervous system which leads to developmental delays and weak muscle tone.

Source: Hket

This article is written by JoyceK for JayneStars.com.


  1. Truly heartbreaking motherhood journey for her and her husband. Hope new medical development can help a little in alleviating her son’s medical condition.
    Sometimes it’s kinda unfair that those who desperately wants kids have to go through so much difficulty and there are just those who dump babies like they are thrash.

    1. @bizzybody
      Yes. This is the hardest road to motherhood/parenthoods story that i have heard so far. I’m so happy that they have two children now. These kids are so lucky to have them as parents. Hopefully their son will do better & better everyday. Best wishes to this family. Like you said it’s unfair. Some people just popped kids out like nothing, treated them like trash, abused and even killed them.

    2. @bizzybody
      I agree that those who would be great parents cannot have kids but those who neglect or abuse them are blessed to have kids. Life is so unfair… But I must say why couldn’t she adopt if she could not have kids? Adoption is a good option but then I know some just cannot love children that are not their own which is a bit sad.

  2. “Yurou now has two children, a daughter and an eleven-year-old son who has AADC deficiency, a rare disease of the central nervous system which leads to developmental delays and weak muscle tone.”

    If her body cannot handle pregnancy, ffs, why did she gambled with her children’s lives where they have a high risk to be born and live with permanent disabilities? All just for her single selfish desire to be a mother? Damn.

    1. @rika
      I know what you mean and I wonder why she could not adopt? I was reading about Ken Chu and his wife and Ken was suffering from a disease so may not be able to have kids. Therefore, they were considering adoption. I wonder why some frown at adoption? I can see why as I saw it with 2 of my late aunts. One of them was fine and openly told her kids and everyone about it. Her adopted kids loved her until her last day and were wonderful to her. My other aunt was very selfish and tried to hide it even though her adopted daughter knew already and everyone in our family knows too. I do not know why she was trying to hide from. What was her purpose of hiding? She was selfish and was afraid my cousin would not take care of her in old age is she knew she was not her biological mother. Plus, she has a son from a previous marriage too and poured all money and resources onto him while my cousin supported her. I find it sad but everyone should be honest when adopting kids. The bond that you grow when raising them is way more important than just giving birth to them and abandoning them. You know the saying, a birth mother is not as mightily and dedicated as an adopted mother that raises you.

      1. @hetieshou Precisely! Giving birth is not the only way to be experience motherhood. There are so many abandoned children who need loving families and here in this article, we see someone so terribly selfish who will do whatever it costs to give birth even though the child might end up with permanent health issues or disabilities. I mean, does she truly love her children or is she just in love with the idea that she will be known as a “noble mother” for facing so much challenges? What exactly is she trying to prove?

      2. @rika
        I totally agree and glad you bought up such good points as others would be praising her saying that she is being so selfless and sacrificing so much just to be a good mother. Honestly, if it were me, I would just adopt as it would abuse my body and most importantly hurt my children. A true mother would want their child to live a healthy and happy life. Must everyone have biological kids to be happy? Some things are just not meant to be so why force it? There are many wonderful children who need a loving home and family who will love them. Irene Wan adopted as she thought she couldn’t have a child or was afraid of childbirth. She is now happy and same with her son.

        Great question you asked, what is she trying to prove? Maybe she wants to prove that she is selfless and noble mother for enduring so much just to achieve motherhood. Another option was to get a surrogate but she did not do that too. You truly wonder..

      3. @hetieshou If I have genetic or health issues, I love my (unborn) children enough not to bring them to a world that is so unforgiving and discriminating of people with disabilities. But I guess we can never understand the mindset of people who want to be martyrs…

      4. @rika
        I totally agree and I remember one of my former friend’s mom getting an abortion because she feared that her unborn child was going to be born with deformities and disabilities as she was taking medications that affected her pregnancy. Being discriminated against is one thing, but as parents, you cannot accompany your children for life so if they were not capable of being independent then who would take care of them after you are gone? I doubt anyone would want to marry someone with disabilities. It would be a big burden.

      5. @hetieshou There are so many horror stories of disabled children being exploited or s*xually abused when their parents are no longer around. I recalled there was a case last year or something where a woman on life support was repeatedly r*ped and nobody knew until she gave birth. Anyone who knowingly and consciously give birth to children with disabilities (despite being warned by doctors) are truly cruel and irrational.

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