Tavia Yeung and Kenneth Ma at “The Truth” Praying Ceremony
The praying ceremony for TVB series, The Truth <真相> was held yesterday. Regarding recent rumors that Tavia Yeung underwent plastic surgery, she laughed and said that the news did not make her unhappy. Since the news ultimately praised her improvement in appearance, Tavia was very happy. Reviewing past photos, Tavia felt that her hairstyle, figure, and face were all prettier than several years ago. Since Tavia will portray a lawyer in The Truth, she was intimidated by the legal jargon in the script.
Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming share a romantic relationship with Tavia in The Truth. He said teasingly, “Earlier in The Mysteries of Love <談情說案>, I kissed many actresses except Tavia. This time she can not escape! I will ask the director to add a kissing scene!”
Compiled from Singtao and the Sun
Jayne: Too bad Kenneth is only guest starring in The Truth. I would like to see him in a romantic relationship with Tavia; I think there will be good sparks!
I don’t think Kenneth and Tavia has ever paired up before. It would be refreshing to see them together. Can’t wait to see this series. I also don’t think Tavia underwent plastic surgery. She looks about the same, and I think it’s the miracle of makeup.
She has such a good attitude toward this type of news, rather than some celebs who throw tantrums!
Actually they have been paired up, sort of, in Eternal Happiness but it wasn’t an official pairing in the series.. I’m really curious to see how this pairing would turn out.. They had good chemistry in MOL and it would be a new pairing for those two…
I don’t think Tavia has done plastic surgery too.. I think she’s just learnt how to properly utilize makeup.. if you look at some of the candid photos of her without makeup, she still looks pretty much the same except maybe with a sharper face bcos she’s so much thinner now…
actually tavia was quite beautiful last time. but now she is shifting to the elegant image. regardless of whatever it is, tavia always look great
I don’t think Tavia has surgery either. Make up can do wonders. She was very beautiful in ‘Twins of Brother’ and that was before all the ‘sudden beauty’ news came up. That was because of the make up technique in the series. Nancy also look more beautiful than usual in the series.
I don’t think Tavia has surgery either. If she has one, she couldn’t look that bad. I saw her picture without makeup and she looks horrible: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b388/401/b7947bbe.jpg so I think it’s the miracle of makeup.
yeah it’s just the makeup. at least she looks really beautiful now haha.
huh kenneth is only guest-starring? so he would have a short-term relationship with tavia in the drama??
I don’t think Tavia had surgery either. There were some pictures of her when she was younger and her features (eyes, nose, lips) are the same. And of course, as she matures, I think she is looking more and more beautiful and elegant. She is my favorite actress.
Tamnhu, that’s a pretty bad photo of Tavia without make-up! She looks so much older.
Actually, Tavia did get a nose job. If you watch her in Golden Faith and look at her now, you can see her nose has gotten a bit taller and longer. I dont think make up can make a person’s nose change that much! Such a shame, I reckon she was really pretty already.
Why do your ears and nose get bigger as you age?
Woah, what a bad picture of Tavia Tamnhu! I wonder how they seem to get pix of artists without any make up on?? I thought they would never show up in public without any?? I wonder how these artists would live without make up???
I also think that Tavia did get a nose job because before her nose looked bigger, but now it looks smaller and taller.I honestly don’t think that make up can make your nose smaller at all.. Make up can do miracles for some people but not that much of a miracle…
Thanks, Kidd for that little info. I did not know that. I guess this shows that Tavia might not have gotten surgery but that she kinda ages fast?
That is quite a bad pic of Tavia that you posted Tamnhu, haha.
There are a few other times where Tavia had little to no make-up, not counting when she just started out. I think, such as a HOG function and TVB Gala rehearsal (2008):
Nowadays, Tavia tends to put too much eye make-up.
I met Tavia many times and can ensure that she did plastic surgery on her noses, cheekbone and chin. However I don’t think it makes her look better. Instead I like her old look more.
The pictures Pearl posted are not without makeup. Light makeup is more reasonable than.
I don’t know if Tavia got anything done on her face but she’s too busy to take time off for surgery. She keep filming series non stop and is busy with her job.
I agree that Tavia wears heavy make up but she’s not the only one. Myolie wears even heavier makeup especially around her eyes. I haven’t seen Myolie without heavy eye makeup for years.
I think Fala wears little makeup and still looks amazing
I have heard that many stars always make time for plastic surgery regardless of how busy they are. They also have really quick plastic overnight surgery from what I heard. Therefore, it should be no surprise if Tavia did get plastic surgery. I also like her old look more. Now she looks way too mature. She is my age but looks way older than I do.
Why do stars like to go for plastic surgery and make themselves look like everyone else?
No one appreciate imperfect beauty anymore?
I guess the main reason many stars that do go for plastic surgery do it not because they wanna look perfect but because they wanna keep their looks, to look good.. i mean let’s face it, people today are so focused on external appearances that for a star to succeed and to maintain their status, they need to look good all the time, plain and simple.. not many, especially in the younger generation care about or even recognize talent when it’s staring them in the face.. they just want a pretty package and don’t care what’s on the inside.. that’s why some stars who can’t act to save their life are widely promoted and will go far while the talented but not so pretty ones get shoved into the background.. it’s sad but that’s what reality has became..
I saw people changed minds very fast loh .
Yang Yi did plastic surgery is a fact and I feel bad for her to do that . She was a good looking girl . I saw stars around her ages and she looks older than them . Sad fact . Look at her skin in her arms make me pity her more . Her skin is like Sahara .
However what make this actress big ? I don’t think her acting is very good in Tam Ching Suet On ?
But for the record, I still believe that Tavia didn’t get plastic surgery and her current looks are because of better make up skills 🙂
“However what make this actress big ?”
Her supporting role in ‘Moonlight Resonance’ which brings her a lot of praises.
I get it loh . Does it mean she is better with supporting role than leading role ar ? I watched Ka Hou Yeut Yuen , is that Moonlight Resonance you are talking about ?
Yes, Ka Hou Yuet Yuen = Moonlight Resonance.
I still believe Tavia is a great actress. Unlike many leads at the moment (cough cough Charmaine Sheh cough) she is one that has worked her way up and can actually ACT! Its just a shame she doesnt think she is pretty enough that she had to go do plastic surgery =(
^That’s a pretty funny argument. I don’t think I have ever heard that before – the one about Charmaine haven’t worked her way up. Charmaine’s first shows were Flying Fox and DIFIV which aired in 1999. That would be 11 years ago. She hardly just entered the industry and shot straight to fame.
When will Tavia fans stop blaming other actresses for Tavia’s lack of success? Tavia has demonstrated in her recent lead roles, that she is FAR from a capable and believable lead. Tavia has demonstrated that she’s a decent supporting actress, and as such she has neither been particularly under-appreciated nor underrated by TVB.
Sorry Advo, I am a Tavia’s fan and I don’t blame other actresses for Tavia’s lack of success. Of course I understand what you are saying is just a general statement.
I think Tavia works really hard and strive herself to where she is today throught her hard work and dedication. We have to admit the fact that if you do have connection in TVB or favored by TVB, opportunity will come knocking. And this is a fact that is everywhere not just in TVB. I think her hard work and dedication is slowly being recognized and thus her chance to lead many roles. I haven’t watched Beyond so I don’t know how she did in there but if you are referring to MOL and that she couldn’t lead the show, then I like to say that MOL was very poorly written. She acted based on what the script tells her. I liked her a lot in MOL but I don’t like the script at all, too many inconsistencies.
^I didn’t mean to say that ALL Tavia fans do this, but a lot of Tavia fans does seem to have this notions that Tavia has been treated unfairly and I have to disagree.
I used to think that TVB didn’t appreciate Tavia enough, but in her recent shows – both in MOL and Beyond – Tavia has shown me that she’s really not lead-material yet. I do like Tavia and I do think she’s a good actress. I did think she acted very poorly, and yes, I do agree that it was partially the script’s fault, but sorry, not entirely. Tavia’s acting was simply too over-the-top, she was way too saccharine, way too hyper, her smiles were many times very fake and strained.
I also thought Raymond acted very poorly and I’m a much bigger fan of him than of Tavia. You can blame it on the script and the director, but an actor bares some of the blame too.
Tavia is a hard-worker, and she has long been recognised as a good actress from the audience. Now that TVB is started to give her chances as well, we’ll see how well she does. But she hasn’t impressed me in her recent shows, more like disappointed me actually.
Thank you kidd . I’m not familiar with TVB series in English name . Refer to Ka Hou Yuet Yuen , I don’t like the soft drama much . I don’t have any impression in any character except the mother of the family . She is a veteran actress ? I think I saw her in very old soft dramas of three colors .
I recently watched Tam Ching Suet On and I think it’s a horrible soft drama . The drama has no depth and no lesson to learn after watching . Yang Yi and Lam Fung failed to convince me that they are a couple . I watched their old drama Da Tong years ago and it is better than Tam Ching Suet On .
True, Tavia wasn’t very impressive in MOL but there were some scenes that i liked and think she did quite nicely.. however i agree that both Tavia and Raymond did not feel like a couple.. i know the director wanted to make them polar opposites of each other but.. he just destroyed the chemistry that these two usually have onscreen.. for me, their best onscreen pairing was still in TOB..
As for Beyond, while she couldn’t command the screen at least she was more interesting in that than Sam Ho.. ugh..I found the rivalry between Michelle and Susanna to be my highlight of the show.. :P.. but i believe that Tavia has the potential to go far, she just needs to calm down, keep on improving herself and get a good script..
Many TVB series nowadays have terribly written scripts, TVB should seriously start investing in better script writers and directors rather than just pretty faces or they are gonna be in trouble soon
As for whether Tavia has had a much harder road than the others, I’m not sure as I’m quite new on the whole TVB celebrity news scene.. But I’m happy that she’s getting noticed and recognized now.. as they say, it’s not the journey that matters but the end result 🙂
However I do believe that those who enter TVB through beauty pageants do have a head start as they have a higher audience exposure and seem to land bigger roles when they step into showbiz compared to others.. but whether or not they can maintain that head start depends on their talent and work ethics too
“As for Beyond, while she couldn’t command the screen at least she was more interesting in that than Sam Ho..”
That’s not much of an achievement since Sam Ho has nothing much to do in the 1/2 half of the series.
True, but I think Sam Ho did have more screen time in the first half in the series.. Point remains.. Beyond was just badly written, the actors were either forced to act as ‘saintly’ goody two shoes, murderous psychotic baddies, helpless emperor and palace guards with too much free time on their hands.. where’s WAB when you need it..
“Sorry Advo, I am a Tavia’s fan and I don’t blame other actresses for Tavia’s lack of success. Of course I understand what you are saying is just a general statement.
I think Tavia works really hard and strive herself to where she is today throught her hard work and dedication. We have to admit the fact that if you do have connection in TVB or favored by TVB, opportunity will come knocking. And this is a fact that is everywhere not just in TVB. I think her hard work and dedication is slowly being recognized and thus her chance to lead many roles. I haven’t watched Beyond so I don’t know how she did in there but if you are referring to MOL and that she couldn’t lead the show, then I like to say that MOL was very poorly written. She acted based on what the script tells her. I liked her a lot in MOL but I don’t like the script at all, too many inconsistencies.”
I fully agree with this. MOL and Beyond have bad scripts. I believe the high ratings is because of the stars. Poor Tavia and Ray got criticized when the real culprit the bad scriptwriters gets away. Tavia and Ray did have very excellent sad scenes in MOL especially the crying part and the writers have nothing to do with that. I’ve watched MOL and there’s also numerous praises for Ray and Tavia’s sad scenes. They failed to achieve the chemistry because they are written to be polar opposites, but individually they both did well with their very expressive eyes. Tavia’s crying made me cry too and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feel sad. MOL script truly have many inconsistencies and Tavia’s role in Beyond is exaggerated by the script. I agree that although people keep saying Tavia went OTT she’s a lot better than Sam Ho who keep preaching to the screen and I have to say Charmaine just reading her scripts at that time. She’s better in CBML.
Screw TVB who failed to give good scripts for all its actors. If people keep condemning Tavia’s first time villainess role in Beyond, I have to say that Gallen Lo who is one of TVB’s greatest actor also didn’t make any impressions in Born Rich as a villain, and he got plenty of experiences. Something is wrong with TVB scripts.
In Beyond I don’t like the script for Selena Li role. Why she is a bad villain then all of sudden she just so gentle and start to practice in Budda to get the Emperor sympathy. There is no such a sudden change from arrogant to sweet especially for a Noble born lady….don’t like Charmaine’s role either…But overall I love their costumes, hair, make up and I think Tavia can play many roles…good and bad…sad and happy…
Seleni Li’s character is not a bad person. She’s just a spoiled brat. Some people turn from bad to worse when misfortune befalls them. Some learn from it and turn good. Gam Ling is the first type, Bo Yin is the second type.
Gallen didn’t by any means shine in Born Rich but he was definitely not bad. He completely stole the spotlight from Ray Lui. Tavia was plain out B.A.D in both Beyond and MOL.
Sorry, but a bad script means one thing, bad acting is something else. All the things, I mentioned regarding Tavia in MOL pertained strictly to the WAY she acted, not what she acted. The latter has to do with the script which truly did suck, but Tavia’s OTT acting just made it worse.
Ray on the other hand, was incapable of injecting just a tiny bit of life into his dead-boring character. Sure, the character was written like a complete dud but it’s the actor’s job to give his character depth.
In fact, MOL was so bad that I stopped watching after the first 13 eps and I have NEVER done that before with any of Ray’s shows! Not even Yummy Yummy!
That’s really stupid! I would say her nose job Massed Up. I like the old Tavia a lot, so pure and cute, but her “new” nose doesn’t look good with her face, she looks like 10 years older and weird now. I hope it wasn’t a surgery but it’s only a Botox. And I called that “Lam” “Wind” nose which is totally messed up.